Chapter 584

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:05
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Luke pressed, “How is your relationship as a couple?”

“We’ve been married for five years and have always loved each other.” Henrik Cartman’s face looked a little unnatural.

“Has she come into contact with anyone suspicious in recent times?”

Henrik Cartman was silent for a moment, licked his lips, and bowed his head, “I don’t know. She’s a career woman with her own circle of business.”

Luke rubbed his thumb with the index finger of his right hand; in his experience, it seemed that Henrik Cartman was hiding something.

Or perhaps, the couple’s relationship was not as good as he made it out to be.

“What does your wife do for a living?”

“She is an elementary school teacher.”

“Has she encountered any problems at work recently?”

“Not that I know of.”

Luke tried, “Do you and your wife usually communicate much?”

“We talk about things at work or in life when we have dinner together.”

“Do you think it’s possible your wife committed suicide?”

“No, I don’t think so, she was an independent woman and a very strong person.

There’s no reason to sneak off to the park and kill herself.”

Luke pressed, “Do you have any suspects for your wife’s murderer?”

Henrik Cartman thought for a moment and sighed, “I don’t know, I can’t think of anyone who would do something so cruel.

My wife was a good person, she treated her neighbors kindly, donated to charity every year, and was a good person.”

Luke stared at the other man, turning the pen in his hand out of habit.

“Knock knock ……”

Just then, a knock came from outside.

“Come in.”

“Cluck ……”

The door opened and the lieutenant stood in the doorway.

“Captain, please come out for a moment.”

Luke got up and exited the lounge, closing the door behind him and asking, “Lieutenant, what’s up?”

“Phew ……” the lieutenant sighed softly, “I wanted to let you know that the interrogation of the man who claimed to be the arson suspect, Volod Russell, is over.

I contacted the psychiatric agency …… “The lieutenant pointed to his head, “That guy does have a problem with his brain.

He has a severe arsonist fetish and gets excited at the mere sight of a flame.

The bigger the flame, the higher the excitement.

According to the expert’s speculation, this guy was extremely excited after seeing the fire in Forest Park and fantasized that he had lit the fire himself, which would give him a strong sense of accomplishment.”

Luke pondered briefly and asked, “That means he wasn’t subjectively lying, but was deceived by his own fantasies.”

The lieutenant nodded, “That’s right.

So, there is no question of topping the crime, he most likely doesn’t even know the real arsonist, it’s entirely the idiot who is imagining things on his own.”

“I see.” It occurred to Luke that that was probably why he didn’t see that Volodya Russell was lying, because the other man didn’t think he was lying.

What a creep.

The lieutenant pointed to the break room, “Is the investigation going well?”

“It’s going okay.”

“I hope what I just heard was helpful.” The lieutenant dropped the sentence and turned to leave.

“Of course, the news is so timely.” Luke opened the door and returned to the lounge once more.

He sat down across from Henrik Cartman, his face a little grave, “Mr. Cartman, my colleague has just found out some interesting clues.”

“What clues, are they related to my wife’s death?”

“Yes.” Luke rubbed his nose, “We checked your wife’s phone records and found that she contacted an attorney, a professional divorce attorney, on the day she was murdered.”

“Oh my god ……” Henrik Cartman scratched his hand hard through his hair and opened his mouth to speak, “I …… ”

Looking at Henrik Cartman does not speak, Luke continued, “Perhaps, your relationship as a couple, is not as good as you think ……

Has she ever mentioned divorce to you?”

Henrik Cartman’s tone was certain, “No, never.”

“Then why would she contact a divorce attorney?” Luke teased, “You’re not trying to tell me that she was simply looking for someone to have afternoon tea with, are you?”

“Uh ……” Henrik Cartman said after a long silence, “Look, we did have some problems that happened between us, but I think it’s something that can be worked out, it’s not quite to the point of divorce. ”

Luke shrugged, “Obviously, your wife doesn’t think so.”

“I’m not sure what she thinks now, but I’ve never wanted a divorce.”

Luke tried, “Which one of you two earns more?”

“What do you mean by that?” Henrik Cartman jolted to his feet, disgruntled, “I was the first one to call the police when my wife disappeared, are you doubting me?”

Jackson added, “As a matter of fact, your wife disappeared on the night of August 24th, and you called the police the next morning.

If I were you, I would have called the police that night.”

“Jesus! You guys think I’m a murderer?” Henrik Cartman gave an angry look and clenched his fists, “Do I need to get a lawyer now? Yes, I think it would be more appropriate to have a lawyer talk to you.”

Luke pressed his hand downward, “Mr. Cartman, please don’t get excited. We’re just taking a statement as required.

As long as you inform us of the true situation, there won’t be any problems.

For example, what went wrong with your couple?”

Henrik Cartman pinched his forehead, “My …… wife does have some abnormalities recently, always secretive, as if she has something to hide from me.

One night, I heard her secretly making a phone call in the yard, she has never been like this before, we couples never hide each other.

That was when I became suspicious of her ……

I followed her once and saw her on a date with a guy, they were acting very intimate ……

I knew that she was cheating on me.”

Luke pressed, “Did you know the man?”

Henrik Cartman shook his head, “The man was wearing a hat and was a little far away, I didn’t get a good look.”

Jackson frowned, “Since you suspected your wife of cheating on you, didn’t you step in and confront her then?”

“Before I was thirty, I probably would have done that.

But I’m thirty-five now, past the age of impulsiveness.

I knew very well that I wouldn’t have been of any help even if I had shown up at that time.” Henrik Cartman showed a helpless look, “I love Haida, and I want to know how far they’ve progressed and if there’s any chance of redemption.

So, I’m going to keep stalking and then decide if I want to salvage the relationship.

But unfortunately, I don’t have the talent for stalking, and when Haida found out, she acted furious.

Even a little hysterical.

We had a big fight, and this time I didn’t restrain myself.

I asked loudly about the identity of the man and her relationship with him, and she refused to say ……

and in turn accused me that I should not have followed him secretly, saying that my behavior was very horrible.”

Henrik Cartman rubbed his face with his hands, “I didn’t control myself and hit her.

Later …… we both calmed down.

She promised not to call the police, but to let me give her some time and would give me an explanation.” Henrik Cartman shrugged, “However, before I could wait for her so-called explanation, she disappeared.

Since the two of us were arguing at the time, I wasn’t sure if she was avoiding me on purpose.

That’s why it wasn’t reported missing right away.

That’s how it happened.”

Luke asked, “Why are you hiding this?”

Henrik Cartman revealed a bitter smile, “I’ve watched a lot of movies and TV dramas, and I know that once I tell you guys truthfully.

You guys will definitely treat me as a key suspect.

I don’t want to be treated that way.”

Jackson said, “You will make the police miss out on a lot of valuable information if you do that, and you might even let the real culprit who killed your wife go free.”

Henrik Cartman glared at Jackson, “If she cared about me, she wouldn’t be fooling around with another man without telling me.

If she didn’t care about me, why should I care about her.

I’m the real victim in this, have you ever thought about how I feel?”

Luke asked, “Where were you last night when the fire broke out?”

“I was at home.”

“Can anyone attest to that?”

“I live alone now.” Henrik Cartman sneered and looked at Luke and Jackson, “Sure enough, you still suspect me.”

Luke denied, “No, I’m not doubting you, but I’m trying to prove your innocence.

And that requires exactly the cooperation of yourself.

Look at me.

I’ll ask again.

Do you have a suspect for your wife’s death?”

“Yes, the man who was fooling around with my wife.” Henrik Katman looked a little complicated and slowly said, “Although, my wife went behind my …… back, but with my understanding of her, she should not divorce me.

And it is impossible for me to accept that she continues to fool around with other men.

So, the odds are that she will separate from that man.

That man, enraged, will probably kill her.

I think you should look into that man.”

“Do you know the identity of that man?”

“No. Hedda has become very careful since she realized I was following her.”

“What do you know about the man?”


I’ve heard Hedda refer to each other as such on the phone.”

“Anything else?”

“He’s medium-sized and rather thin, that’s all I know.”

Luke jotted down in his notebook, “Mr. Cartman, we’ll find your wife’s killer as soon as we can.

In the meantime, there may be some more questioning about your wife, so it’s best if you don’t leave Los Angeles for a while.”

Henrik Cartman stood up, glanced at Luke and Jackson, and left the lounge with an expressionless face.

Luke instructed Jackson, who was on the sidelines, “Investigate Hedda Cartman’s communication records and find this guy named Mirko.”

Jackson froze as if he understood something, “So there wasn’t any divorce lawyer? You were just snubbing him.”

Luke shrugged, “Who knows, maybe there really is a lawyer in the communication logs, or maybe you guys weren’t careful enough with your back-tuning.

Be more serious this time.”

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