Chapter 586

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:10
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Henrik Cartman angrily corrected, “The murderer, the murderer of my wife!”

Luke shook his head, “From the clues we’ve found out so far, he’s not Hedda Cartman’s murderer.

And, it’s not a love interest as you might think.”

Henrik Cartman questioned, “What do you mean by that? What exactly was the relationship between that Mirko guy and my wife?”

Luke spread his hands, “I’m sorry, but we have confidentiality regulations.

I won’t tell anyone about your privacy, and likewise, I won’t tell you about anyone else’s.”

“OK, then I’ll ask him myself and have your men let me go.”

Luke waved his hand, signaling Jackson to release him, and advised, “Mr. Cartman, as an adult, I suggest you calm down.

Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”

“I’m not breaking any laws, at least not yet.” Henrik Cartman rubbed his sorely scratched arm and rushed toward Mirko Moss’s house, shouting, “Asshole, I know you’re home.

If you’re a man, get your ass out here!”

After a while, Mirko Moss walks out of the house with a sad look on his face and looks angrily at Henrik Cartman, “You’re that garbage man who only beats his wife?” Mirko Moss then looks at Luke and the others, “Sir, why don’t you guys take this domestic violence guy into custody?”

Henrik Cartman pointed his finger at Mirko Moss, “Fuck, you little white boy who only seduces other people’s wives, and you dare to be arrogant in front of me, I’ll let you die a horrible death, I swear.”

The two of them had a lot of gunpowder and Luke, worried about an accident, brought his men over as well.

Mirko Moss was annoyed, “Are you crazy? How dare you throw dirt on your own wife.

Hedda and I aren’t even in the kind of relationship you think we are.”

“Then tell me yourself, what exactly is your relationship? And what’s the unseemly secret?”

“Don’t point your finger at me!” Mirko Moss pushed Henrik Cartman’s hand away and took a deep breath, “Hedda is my real mother?”

Henrik Cartman laughed in exasperation and stared at Mirko Moss, who was a little taller than himself, “What? Are you out of your mind? How could Hedda have a son your age?”

Mirko Moss questioned, “You think you know her well?

No, you know nothing.

All you do is blame her and have no idea how much pressure she was under.

You’re the one who killed her.

You’re the murderer!”

“Jesus!” Henrik Cartman still didn’t want to believe it, but Mirko Moss did look a bit like his wife, scratched his hair hard and looked at Luke aside, “Captain Lee, is this guy telling the truth?”

Luke didn’t answer, seeing that the situation had eased up a bit, and said to Blackie, “Detective Marcus, you stay and handle this.

Porter, get the car.”

“YES, Sir.”

Since he had already found out about these two people, Luke didn’t want to continue to stay here and delay, seeing that it was already dark, he might as well go back and get a good night’s sleep.

“Captain, don’t worry, I’m here.” Blacky responded with a smile, he enjoyed dealing with this kind of ethical gossip.

Of course, whether or not it could be handled well was another matter.

The following morning.

After going to work, Luke first went to the forensics office.

After he returned to the office, he first chatted with Matthew for a while, and then called the crowd to a meeting.

Luke scanned the crowd in his gaze and finally landed on Blackie, “Marcus, how are that father and son getting along?”

Blacky froze for a moment, as if confused by the question, before responding and laughing, “You’re right, in theory they do have a father-son relationship.

Both of them felt that it was the other who had killed Haida Cartman, and there was a lot of gunpowder, and if it wasn’t for me stopping them in time, these two were definitely going to make a move.

However, after some patient persuasion on my part, the two men eventually shook hands and made peace.”

“Shake hands and make peace? Are you sure?” Luke was a little less convinced.

Blackie smiled sarcastically, “Although they still look at each other a bit unfavorably, Henrik Cartman has accepted that Mirko Moss is his wife’s illegitimate son, so at least he won’t make another move.”

“Well done.” Luke nodded, there was some credibility to that, and he turned the tables, “Anyone else have any new developments in the investigation?”

The lieutenant said, “The wife of the mentally ill man posing as an arsonist is in the process of posting bail, and will likely be released today.

If you want to talk to him again, you’d better do it before it’s too late.”

“Forget it, no point in wasting time on him.” Luke picked up a file from his desk and walked over to the projector, “I just went to the coroner’s office and they identified the other guy by the dental information on Victim #3.”

Name, Arian Osborn.

Gender, male

Height, 174cm

Weight, 150 lbs.

Eye color, blue

Hair color, brown

Date of birth, March 16, 1974

Cell phone number, 909 836 2453

Luke looked over at Matthew behind the computer screen, “Any other leads on Arian Osborn?”

Matthew frowned, “There’s very little official information on him and, well, it hasn’t been updated in a long time.

I can’t find any records of his employment or tax payments in recent years, and both of his parents are dead.

There’s a sister who lives in Ohio, whether or not there’s any contact I’m not sure.

That’s all there is at the moment.”

The lieutenant gathered his hair with a comb out of habit, “Victim #3 was killed by smoke, and from the manner of his death, he was most likely affected by the ripples of the fire, and not directly connected to the killer.

In fact, I’m more interested in knowing the identity of Victim No. 2, Victim No. 2 was killed before his death, and the murderer’s direct reason for arson was most likely to destroy his body, and the one with the most investigative value among the three deceased in the arson case.”

Black reminded, “Victim #1, Hedda Cartman, was also killed and then her body incinerated.”

The lieutenant grunted, “I’m not senile enough to need your reminder.

Victim #1 was killed several days earlier than the fire, her body must have been disposed of, and many clues have disappeared with time, making it difficult to investigate now.

And Victim #2 was killed just before the fire, and may have left more clues.”

Blackie thought about it and shook his head, “The murderer set the fire just to destroy the evidence, even the body was turned into charcoal, what clues could be left behind?”

Luke interrupted the two and said, “Since we’ve already found out the identity of the deceased #3, let’s start with his peripheral relationships ……”

“Knock knock ……”

Just then, a knock came from outside.

“Come in.”

“Cluck ……”

The door to the office opened and a black man in his fifties or sixties walked in, his clothes were a little old and he looked at the people in the office with a formal expression, “Hi, my name is Semir Peek, I’d like to ask is this the Robbery and Murder Division?”

Luke asked, “What can I do for you?”

“I heard you guys were investigating the Mogaro Forest Park fire.”

“Yes, please come in and talk.” Luke greeted the black man as he sat down and asked, “Mr. Semir Peek, do you have any leads on the Mogaro Forest Park fire case?”

“Uh …… I don’t know if there’s a connection, but after the fire, two friends I knew went missing.”

Luke pressed, “What were your friends’ names?”

“One’s name is Arian Osborne and one’s name is Teddy Collin.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, the Arian Osborne that Semir Peek was talking about was the same person they had just found out was dead #3.

Luke asked, “How did you know that the disappearance of two of your friends was related to the fire at Mogaro Forest Park, were you guys there at the time?”

“Yes, we both lived in Mogaro Forest Park and that fire destroyed my home as well.”

Luke shrugged, “But as far as I know, that fire didn’t burn down the homes near Mogaro Forest Park.”

“It was my tent.

That’s right, all three of us are homeless, in fact it’s not just the three of us, there are a lot of homeless vagrants living in Mogaro Forest Park.

That fire burned down our tents, but luckily we survived, except that neither Arian Osborne nor Teddy Colin were ever seen again.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Arian Osborn, “Do you recognize him?”

“Yes, he’s Arian Osborn.

How did you get a picture of him, is …… he dead.”

Luke didn’t hide it, “That’s right, he was one of the victims of the Mogaro Forest Park fire case.”

Semir Pik showed a sad look, his right hand covered his forehead, “Poor guy, I should have thought of it, there are relics left by his mother in the tent, he would definitely go to put out the fire.”

Luke pressed, “Was there anything unusual about Arian Osborn before the fire?”

Semir Peek thought about it and shook his head, “No, his daily hobby was to drink and sleep, he was completely killed by that fire.

It’s a pity that I wasn’t by his side at the time, otherwise, I would have dragged him to escape at the first opportunity.”

Semir Peek’s description was similar to what the police knew, and Arian Osborne, victim #3, belonged to the smoke asphyxiation, and most likely did not escape in time after the fire.

Luke focused on Teddy Collin, the other missing friend from Semir Peek’s mouth, “Mr. Semir Peek, can you describe Teddy Collin’s condition?”

“What description?”

“Like physical characteristics?”

Semir Peek recalled, “He was a white man, a little taller than me, probably about five-foot-eight, and younger than me, probably in his forties.

He was wearing dark jeans the day he disappeared and a pair of black leather shoes.

That’s all I can remember.”

Luke took notes, and although the characteristics described by Semir Peek were not detailed, they largely matched those of Victim #2, whose true identity was most likely Teddy Collin, as he had described him.

As of now, the identities of the three deceased are basically confirmed, and the police can also conduct an in-depth investigation into the peripheral relationships and connections of the three.

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