Chapter 59

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:53:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Tim was accounted for and the case was progressing.

Luke was in a good mood today and bought a pizza and a fried chicken to go home to see his mom and brother.

Linda couldn’t help but sigh when she saw the pizza and fried chicken, “You don’t think he’s fat enough? It’s turning into a ball.”

“Once in a while, it’s okay to eat less.” Luke waved his hand and greeted his brother to come over and eat.

The little fat man had long been unable to resist gagging, opened the lid, took out a chicken drumstick, took a big bite and ate it with a crunchy aroma and a look of fondness.

Linda took out a piece of pizza and ate it, not having to cook dinner, she was happy to relax.

Luke opened a bottle of cold beer, a bite of fried chicken and a sip of beer, perfect.

Linda looked at her oldest son, “Where were you last night?”

“On a mission.”

“Come on, am I that gullible?”

“I’m telling the truth, I was on a witness protection mission, can’t tell you much about the specifics, came back to pick up a couple of clothes and have to leave in a few minutes.”

“You’re moving?”

“NoNo, I’m just going on a mission, I’ll be back to stay when this case is over.”

Linda shrugged, “I don’t care if you live there or not, as long as your luggage is at home, you have to pay the rent.”

“Mom, it’s a shame you’re not in business.”

“I’d love to go out on business, who raised you two assholes?” Linda had just finished talking about her eldest son, then looked at the little fat man on the side: “Hey, you’ve already eaten two fried chicken legs, you can only have one more at most.”

Little Fatty chewed the meat in his mouth and slurred, “Mom, chicken is protein, it’s not fattening.”

“You’re talking about boiled chicken and what you’re eating now is a fried chicken leg, don’t steal the concept. If you dare to eat the fourth chicken leg, you’ll be …… this month.”

“I know …… pocket money will be gone.” Little Fatty interrupted Linda and asked with some dissatisfaction, “Can I eat pizza?”

“Only one slice.”

Little Fatty rolled his eyes, “You’re such a kind and good mom.”

“Uh huh, thanks for the compliment.”

Luke put down his beer glass and looked at Little Fatty, noticing a bruise on his face, “Jack, what’s that bruise on your face?”

Little Fatty rubbed his face, not thinking, “I got into a fight with someone yesterday and accidentally bruised it.”

Luke was concerned, “You got your ass kicked?”

“No, a pretty fair fight, one on one, and I beat him up a lot harder.” The little fat man waved his fist, “His eyes were all swollen from me, he cried worse than a girl.”

Luke clinked glasses with his brother, “Good job.”

Linda said, “That’s how you raised your brother, fighting is not a good thing.”

“Mom, boys can’t be too honest, they are easily bullied.” Luke patted his brother’s shoulder, “Remember to tell me if someone comes after you.”

The little fat man boasted, “Come on, I’m the Bruce Lee of the new century.”

Luke laughed, “Bruce Lee isn’t as fat as you.”

The three of them ate and chatted, Luke enjoyed the atmosphere.

There was a feeling of ‘home’.

For a traveler this feeling was precious.

“Ringing ……”

Early in the morning, a cell phone ringing woke Luke up.

Luke touched his cell phone from beside his pillow and squinted at it, it was only just after seven in the morning.


“Luke, don’t tell me you’re not up yet.” David’s voice came from the phone.

Luke yawned, “What’s up?”

“Just got a call from Ome Hospital, Lawn is missing.”

“Missing? I thought he hadn’t woken up yet? Why is he suddenly missing?”

“It’s not clear whether it’s a disappearance or a kidnapping. Let’s meet up at Ome Hospital in half an hour.”

“FUCK, this case is a real mixed bag.” Luke hung up his cell phone and tossed it aside.

Took another three minute reprieve in bed before getting up.

After washing up, he said hello to Daisy and drove straight to the hospital in his Harley.

Luke ran into David downstairs, and the two rushed outside Lawn’s hospital room together.

A black patrolman sat there with an anxious face, a simple-looking man who looked much more reliable than Marcus.

Luke flashed his badge, “I’m Detective Luke, in charge of investigating Lawn’s case, what’s your name?”

“My name is Roland, I was in charge of the watch last night, and in the morning the nurse checked in and found Lawn missing.”

“Did you leave the door of the ward last night?”

“Yes, at about 3:00 a.m. I vaguely heard a gunshot and went to check down the stairs, but didn’t find anything unusual and was gone for about ten minutes or so.”

“Did you look at Lawn at that time?”

“I looked through the glass and he was still asleep.

But the nurse checked this morning and found a dummy in the hospital bed.

SORRY, I screwed up.” Roland gave a guilty look.

“Who’s been visiting Lawn for the past two days?”

“Two daughters, Sophia and Emma.”

“Who was the last to come?”

“The oldest daughter, Sophia, she came back every day and stayed longer.”

“What about Brooke, the stepson?”

“Hasn’t been here the last two days.”

Luke nodded and turned into Lawn’s hospital room.

The ward hadn’t changed much from last time, except that the bed had been turned into a dummy head.

Luke walked over to check the window, it was unlocked from the inside, if he had escaped through the window, there was no way to lock it after he left.

David examined the dummy on the bed, “The hair is the same color as Lawn’s, it should have been premeditated, Lawn didn’t escape alone.

Either he was assisted or kidnapped.”

“Cluck ……” the door pushed open from outside.

Dean Cook walked in, “Inspector David, Detective Luke, have you found Lawn?”

“You’re just in time, we were just about to ask you for information.” Luke didn’t waste any time and asked directly, “How is Lawn’s condition now? Is it dangerous to leave the hospital?”

“It has basically stabilized, his problem is mainly in his brain, a short period of time off the medication won’t have too much effect, if it’s longer it may affect recovery.”

“Has he awakened?”


“Did the nurse on duty see anything unusual last night?”


“When was Lawn last seen?”

“Nurse check-in at ten o’clock last night.”

Failing to ask for valuable clues, Luke switched gears, “We’re going to check the surveillance.”

“No problem, I’ll take you to the surveillance room.” Cook agreed painfully.

A comatose patient was kidnapped in the hospital?

The hospital was definitely responsible.

If Lawn had an accident, the hospital would definitely have to pay a large amount of compensation, and he would have made it to the top as the dean.

Soon, Luke and David came to the surveillance room.

Luke checked the corridor surveillance and David checked the elevator surveillance.

Luke’s focus was on the time period between two-thirty and three-thirty in the morning.

The hallway surveillance video played until ten minutes past three when Roland, a black patrolman, left.

A nurse then pushed a wheelchair into Lawn’s hospital room and came out with Lawn already in the wheelchair.

Lawn had his head hanging down and did not appear to be waking up.

The suspect wearing a blue nurse’s uniform was wearing a mask and a blue cap on her head, and it was difficult to see what she looked like; she was likely a female based on her size.

The female suspect pushed her wheelchair into the elevator.

Luke and David checked the surveillance video together, this video is closer and clearer, the exposed skin looks like white.

The female suspect exits the elevator with her wheelchair.

Luke and the two of them changed to the other surveillance video again.

The video shifted to the hospital courtyard, where the female suspect took off her nurse’s uniform, covered Lawn’s hospital gown with a man’s coat, pushed her wheelchair out of the hospital, and disappeared into the night ……

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