Chapter 591

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:23
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Palisades neighborhood.

At 8:00 p.m., Luke hosted his coworkers at his house.


The crowd raised their glasses and shared a drink.

Blackie rolled his big, ooey-gooey eyes and was filled with envy, “This big yard is fantastic, it’s like a mecca for parties.”

Jackson chimed in, “That’s right, it would be perfect with a nanny and a dog.”

Luke laughed, “I’m in the process of contacting a cleaning company and will have someone clean once a week.

Also, I did consider getting a dog, I just haven’t acted on it yet and haven’t figured out what type.”

Jackson moved forward, “Captain, when it comes to cases, I’m not as good as you, but when it comes to dogs, I have more experience than you. You can ask me if you need to.”

“I will.” Luke’s villa compound covered an area of thousands of square meters, and with such a large place, there was indeed a need to raise a dog to watch over the house.

Xiao Hei spread his hands, “Come on, you guys aren’t serious, right?

We just investigated a vicious dog injury case, and you guys are actually planning to keep a dog.”

Jackson ate a piece of roast beef and put down his knife and fork, “I admit that it’s wrong for a dog to bite someone, but in this case, I think the dog owner is a bit more responsible.

If she had worn a leash and muzzle on the dog as required, this would never have happened.

We can’t be hostile to all dogs just because of this incident.

Moreover, we have investigated so many homicide cases, and the murderers are people who live around you and me.

We can’t treat everyone as bad people and stop associating with everyone just because they kill someone.

There are good and bad people, and the same goes for dogs.” Jackson concluded, “Good dogs, treat them well.

Dogs that bite, just euthanize them.

It’s a simple thing, why think about it.”

Jenny nodded and speared a piece of beef with her fork, “You’re right, there are so many traffic deaths every year, but we have to drive just the same.”

“OK, whatever, I’m not getting a dog anyway.

I don’t want my daughter to run the risk of being bitten at any time.” Blackie shook his head, “The thought of that scenario makes me feel horrible.”

The vice squad said, “Actually, this is a very simple question, pets have a certain functionality, such as companionship and house-sitting. Some families don’t need such functions, so naturally there is no need to keep a dog.

Moreover, the biggest problem in this vicious dog injury case still lies with the dog owner, Annika Carmen.

The way she handled it was not at all what a normal person would do.”

Luke raised his glass, “Guys, it’s such a nice evening, let’s talk about something else.



The crowd toasted, this time talking about Luke’s mansion.

For the origin of this mansion, everyone had some understanding, knowing that Luke was auctioning and buying the ‘stolen property’ from the FBI, for which everyone could only envy, first of all, they didn’t have the FBI’s relationship, and secondly, they couldn’t afford to keep this kind of mansion, which in turn, would be a kind of burden.

Luke didn’t invite too many people to this party, and also didn’t want it to be too high-profile.

Early the next morning.

The reward for solving the case arrived, this time the case was not too difficult, Luke only received a 60 point reward.

He made an appointment for a cleaning service today.

At eight o’clock in the morning, a janitorial car drove to Luke’s door, two janitors came down from the car, Luke explained some precautions to them, and then went out on his Harley.

Today’s weather is good, very suitable for a ride, the modified Harley domineering, attracted a lot of passers-by.

Today Daisy took the initiative to ask him out, and the meeting place was at the Topwits Gun Shooting Club.

As for why the appointment is here, Luke is also a bit puzzled, in his impression, Daisy does not seem to have a gun.

By the time Luke got to the parking lot of the Topwits Gun and Shooting Club, Daisy had already arrived and stepped out of her car.

She was wearing a gray t-shirt and blue jeans today, very figure-flattering and hottie-ish.

Luke caught his eye and smiled, “I like your outfit, and a cowboy hat would be even better.”

Daisy crossed her arms and posed, “You’re right, I should also ride another horse with a revolver on my waist.”

“That’s a good idea.” The phrase ‘horse shock’ popped into Luke’s head.

Of course, thinking about it, Luke wouldn’t dare to try it, it might just break, it’s not a joke, it’s killing him.

The two walked companionably into the Topwits Gun Shooting Club and Luke finished checking in at the front desk, “Have you ever been to a shooting club before?”

“No, this is the first time I’ve been here, I heard from my coworkers that it’s a nice place.”

“You want to learn marksmanship?”

“Yes, you are the best shot among the people I know.

Coach Luke, whether I can learn to shoot today depends on you.”

Luke pursued, “Why did you suddenly remember to practice shooting? I haven’t heard you mention it before.”

Daisy lamented, “Something happened recently that made me realize that lawyering is a dangerous profession, and I want to have more means of self-protection.”

Luke was concerned, “What happened?”

“The day before yesterday, my colleague was assaulted and badly injured.

Yesterday I went to the hospital to see him, and the diagnosis was permanent blindness in the left eye, and he, who was originally very concerned about his appearance, is now made to look like a pirate captain, which is really tragic.”

Luke asked, “Did the police catch the suspect of the beating?”

Daisy looked a little odd, “Yes, and isn’t it funny that it was a police officer who did the beating as well.”

“Your lawyer colleague got beat up by a police officer?”

Daisy teased, “That’s right, my colleague was beaten up by your colleague.”

Luke was curious, “Why was your colleague beaten up?”

“Because of a criminal prosecution case.

My colleague appeared in court to defend his client, and the police officer in charge of the arrest also came to court to testify, and was confronted by my colleague, and both sides had some tit-for-tat.

In the end, my colleague used his expertise to win the case, and the client was acquitted in court.

The officer was said to be furious.”

“Assaulted in court?”

“No, it was in the street.

The constable was drunk and happened to run into my colleague.

He felt that my colleague had embarrassed him in court, and accused my colleague in the street, and the two argued, but he couldn’t beat my colleague.

Enraged, the officer struck my colleague.”

“Too irrational.” Luke was a little sorry that a police officer had assaulted a lawyer and his career was over, “Was that case serious?”

“It was a very small burglary. It was the fact that it was a very small case, one that even I wouldn’t have given a second thought to, that triggered such serious consequences that I became even more worried and wanted to learn marksmanship.”

“I’m even more curious, can you tell me about the case?”

“Sure, nothing I can’t talk about.” Daisy organized her words and continued, “My colleague’s client took someone else’s phone and used it for a while.

The owner called the police and that officer caught my colleague’s client and arrested him for theft.”

Luke asked, “Stolen?”


“Isn’t that obvious theft? Why was he acquitted?”

“Because no one saw my colleague’s client in the act of stealing the phone.

My colleague’s client didn’t subjectively intend to steal it.

He just thought it was his cell phone and brought it in for normal use, which is unlawful possession at best.

Yet the police were charging him with theft.

The charges didn’t fit, so the judge acquitted.”

Luke shrugged, “I think what your colleague did does make the police look bad, especially the officer who went to court.

He didn’t deserve the beating he got.”

Daisy frowned slightly, “Would you have done the same if it was you?”

“Of course not.

If your colleague had used a loophole in the law to let a criminal off the hook and embarrassed me, I would have sent him to jail.

Instead of staying in the hospital, this kind of blatant assault is too stupid to be my style.”

Daisy was unimpressed, “My colleague is a lawyer, do you think he would be taken to jail for breaking the law?”

Luke laughed, “Who knows? Some people just like to know the law, and besides, he’s just a lawyer, not an enforcer or judge.”

Daisy, knowing Luke’s tactics, exclaimed, “Wow, that’s a scary thought for you, and it makes me even more determined to learn marksmanship.”

“So what are you waiting for? I’m a very tough instructor, and if you don’t learn well, I’ll be sure to spank you.” Luke waved his hand, “Come on, I’ll help you pick out a suitable pistol first.”

“OK, I’ve got a little something to look forward to.

What kind of gun are you going to pick out for me? Is it the same as the one you have?”

Luke patted his Nighthawk pistol, “It’s not a gun you can handle.”

Luke walked into the armory and selected a Glock 19, checked the pistol and magazine and handed it to her, “Try this one.”

“What kind of gun is this?”

“Glock 19, it’s a scaled down version of the Glock 17, easy to carry concealed, with a standard magazine of 15 rounds.

Good all-around performance, good for beginners.”

Daisy took the pistol and held it in her hand, “Feels pretty good.”

“It’s a bit a bit early for that, you have a lot to learn, let’s go to the range first.” Luke first led Daisy to the fixed range to practice.

Daisy had no previous shooting experience and raised her gun ready to fire.

“Hey, there’s something wrong with your posture, you could easily hurt yourself.” Luke interrupted her and corrected her shooting posture, “Spread your feet a bit apart, relax your shoulders, hold the gun with both hands, keep your body stable then aim at the target and pull the trigger.”


Under Luke’s guidance, Daisy fired her first shot, hitting the target squarely.

“I shot it!” Daisy waved her left hand, looking excited.

Luke warned in a stern tone, “Watch the muzzle and be careful of shooting yourself.”

“Okay, Coach Luke.” Daisy assumed the same position as before and fired again.


Daisy put away her pistol, looked at the target, and frowned, “Why are there no new bullet holes?”

“Off target.” Luke slapped her on her arse, “No need to wonder, this is your true caliber.

Practice hard, rookie.”

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