Chapter 593

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Turning into October, many businesses began to plan and publicize Halloween activities, and the pumpkin decorations everywhere gave Los Angeles a Halloween atmosphere already.

During this period of time, writer Romit Bull often came to Luke for a chat, and the two gradually became familiar with each other.

Luke, after some serious consideration, agreed to authorize the prototype of the novel’s characters.

The publication of the novel based on Luke would certainly add a certain amount of popularity to Luke.

This matter had both advantages and disadvantages.

On the whole, there were still more benefits.

Luke’s ability to sit in a mansion and have a fortune of tens of millions of dollars wasn’t just by virtue of his income as a police officer.

More importantly, it was the popularity he had accumulated after participating in solving some major criminal cases.

Luke is now only in Los Angeles some fame, if one day he is famous all over the United States, then these fame will also be converted into interests, just like a snowball, the bigger the bigger.

If you want to increase your popularity, just burying your head in the sand definitely won’t work, the key is to have someone to make a name for you.

Romit Buhl as a well-known deduction writer, his novel is most likely a best-selling novel, and best-selling novels will carry out a series of publicity before release, which will also indirectly make Luke famous.

At the same time, after reading the novel, readers will also be interested in Luke’s identity, and even take the initiative to learn about Luke’s deeds.

With the publicity in all aspects, Luke’s fame would grow and become synonymous with contemporary sleuths.

To put it bluntly, this was also a kind of persona.

As long as Luke could always succeed in solving cases, the divine detective’s persona could be maintained.

With a persona, it would bring heat, and benefits would follow.

Of course, these were the big cakes that Romit Bull had drawn for Luke, and although they made some sense, they were still a bit false.

So, Luke put forward some more tangible requests, for example, he didn’t want Romit Buhl’s licensing fee, but instead he wanted to get 10% of the copyright share of the new book.

A 10% copyright dividend on a best-selling novel involved no small amount of interest, and it was a long-term gain, so Romit Bull also needed to seriously consider it.

Two days later, Romit Bull agreed to Luke’s request, but he also put forward a condition.

Luke would also have to be involved in the creation of the novel, providing material and professional advice for the new novel.

Luke also agreed to the other’s conditions.

However, the two didn’t formally sign a contract either, but instead co-wrote together for a few days to see if they got along with each other’s.

Luke couldn’t write a novel, so the style, outline, plot, and pacing of the novel were still the responsibility of Romit Buhl.

Luke mainly provided some material and suggestions for details.

As for the police non-disclosure agreement, this didn’t have much impact.

Since it was a novel, there would definitely be some modifications, and it couldn’t be exactly the same as the original case.

As long as some of the cases were pinched, some modifications were made, and then reassembled, it would become more dramatic.

After a few days of cooperation between the two sides, Romit Buhl’s creative speed increased greatly, the material provided by Luke was very helpful to him, and more importantly Luke gave some advice on the details of the case.

Although they were minor suggestions, they added to the authenticity of the case, and the novel became more professional and readable.

These also happened to be what Romit Bull lacked the most.

A co-writing agreement was then formalized and the new book was tentatively titled Inspector Luke.

After signing the contract, the two men celebrated by opening a bottle of champagne.

Luke was happy, although he only had a ten percent share of the rights to the new book, it was a long term gain that could be used as his retirement money.

I don’t know if it was the Halloween at the end of the month that attracted the energy of the citizens of Los Angeles, but there had been no major criminal cases in Los Angeles in recent times, and Luke had a rare chance to relax.

At noon on Saturday, Luke was eating in a restaurant when his cell phone rang.

“Ringing ……”

Luke picked up his cell phone and looked at the cell phone number of Negan Thomas displayed on the screen.

Negan Thomas was the supervisor of the FBI’s New York office, Luke went back to New York to visit his family, and his cousin encountered some trouble, or he gave Luke the identity of a temporary criminal investigation consultant of the FBI’s New York office.

Luke also returned the favor by assisting him in solving a murder case and catching the gambling king, Zhou Tiancheng.

The villa that Luke is now living in is also Zhou Tiancheng’s stolen property, which was also purchased at a low price through Negan Thomas’s connections, and to put it mildly, Luke still has to thank him.

Luke pressed the answer button and said, “Good noon, Supervisor Thomas.”

“Luke, is this a good time to talk?”

“Yes, I’m on vacation today.”

“I need your help, can you come to New York?”

Luke was a little surprised, it was the first time Negan Thomas had contacted him since he’d returned from New York, “What can I do for you?”

“There was a homicide in New York last night, the FBI found a set of footprints at the scene, you’re an expert in footprint identification, I’d like you to participate in the investigation of this case as well.”

“What case? I can’t believe that you, the head of the FBI’s New York office, can be alarmed.”

“Have you ever heard of Bloody Mike?”

Luke thought for a moment, “No.”

“Bloody Mike is a serial killer who has committed multiple crimes in New York over several consecutive years and has over eight known victims.

There are two distinctive features of his crimes, the first is to cut off the victim’s hands, and the second is to leave a special murder symbol at the crime scene.

Because of his ferocious means of committing crimes, he made New Yorkers very frightened, and the NYPD investigated for many years, but never caught him.

The NYPD turned to the FBI for help, and the FBI got involved in the investigation of this serial murder case, finally arresting him five years ago.” Speaking of this, Negan Thomas sighed, “Last night, there was another murder case in New York, where the victim’s was killed and his hands were cut off.

The murder symbol belonging to Bloody Mike was also left next to the body.”

Luke said, “Wasn’t Red Mike arrested by the FBI?”

“That’s right, we contacted the prison as soon as we learned of the case and Red Mike is still in prison and has not escaped.

We’re not sure if it’s a copycat crime …… or if we arrested the wrong person five years ago.”

“You want me to go to New York to participate in the investigation of this murder?”

“Yes. This case is important and could very well affect the peace of the entire city of New York.”

“As you know, I’m not only the captain of the Robbery-Murder Division, but I’m also a criminal investigative consultant for the FBI’s Los Angeles office.

So, I’m going to have to talk to my supervisor to determine if I can get involved in this case.”

“Before talking to you on the phone, I had already contacted the LAPD and the FBI Los Angeles office, and they both agreed to my request.”

Luke was a little surprised, “It looks like this case is going to be more serious than I thought.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Luke thought about it, his superior had agreed, what reason did he have to refuse, and, even if it was for the sake of this mansion, Luke was not in a good position to refute Negan Thomas’s request, “I will book the fastest airfare to New York.”

“You don’t need to worry about the airfare, you just need to pack your bags and I will send someone to pick you up.”

“OK, you should know where my house is.” Luke finished and hung up his cell phone.

Although Negan Thomas said that he had already greeted his supervisors, Luke still took the initiative to contact Reed and Ayesha Garde to explain the situation.

Both of these supervisors agreed that he should go to New York to investigate the case.

Luke then briefly packed his bags.

He had just finished packing when the doorbell rang.

So soon?

Luke opened the visual phone and saw Romit Bull standing outside the door with a bottle of red wine in his hand.

Luke shook his head, lately, as long as he had time, this guy ran to him, Luke was a bit skeptical if this guy had seriously written a novel.

Luke unlocked the door and let him into the yard.

Luke opened the door to his room and dragged his bags into the yard as well.

The two met in the yard, and Romit Bull showed a curious look, “Hey man, where are you going?”

“Business trip, a trip to New York.”

Romit Buhl knows that Luke is the FBI New York office of the criminal investigation consultant, pursued: “New York happened what big case?”

Luke said perfunctorily, “Homicide.

Sorry, that’s all I can tell you.”

Romit Buhl didn’t care and put the bottle of wine on the table next to him and took out his cell phone, “Since it’s a big case, it’s definitely going to be on the news.” He took out his phone and searched, frowning, “There’s no relevant news.”

Luke said, “Maybe the police are blocking the news.”

Romit Bull shrugged, “Or maybe, the case you’re talking about isn’t big enough.”

“Whoops ……”

Just then, a helicopter appeared above the sky and slowly landed on the highway outside Luke’s house, the loud noise immediately startled the surrounding residents.

Romit Buhl opened his mouth wide and was filled with wind, slurring, “What’s the situation?”

Luke patted Romit Bull’s shoulder, “Romit, I have to go.

The red wine will be ready when I get back.”

Romit Bull watched Luke board the helicopter and looked at the helicopter going away before returning to his senses, muttering to himself, “It’s worthy of being the prototype of the protagonist of the novel I chose.

I should write this scene in a novel, it’s super cool.”

Romit Bull was more and more certain that this new novel of his would be a hit.

Luke arrived at the airport by helicopter, then took a ferry to the tarmac and was asked by airport attendants to board a private jet.

No sooner had Luke boarded the plane than the stewardess closed the door and the plane was ready to take off.

The spectacle startled Luke as well.

This was the second time he took a private airplane, the last time was by Lilith’s light.

But this time was different, he was the only passenger in the whole airplane.

Luke called the flight attendant.

The stewardess smiled and asked, “Mr. Lee, do you have any orders?”

“Who does this airplane belong to?”

“Mr. Nasi Bloomberg.”

“What is the destination?”

“New York City.

Sir, would you like a drink?”

“No, thanks.”

Luke heard something familiar about the name, googled it and raised his eyebrows, Nasi Bloomberg, financial mogul and current mayor of New York City.

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