Chapter 594

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

A private airplane flying from Los Angeles to New York.

The passenger cabin seemed empty with only Luke in it.

He flipped through the information on Nasi Bloomberg, the mayor of New York was an influential financial tycoon and media mogul in the United States before he entered politics.

There was even a rumor at one point that Nasi Bloomberg might run for the office of President in the future.

Although it is only a rumor, but at least it shows that he is qualified for this campaign.

It was very unusual for Nasi Bloomberg to use his own private jet to pick up Luke for New York.

Luke guessed that there were two possibilities, the first possibility was that this case had been extremely influential to New York City and had taken its toll on this New York mayor.

The second possibility was that that murder might be connected to Nasi Bloomberg.

Of course, it was also possible that both scenarios existed.

Luke searched the internet for New York news and again found nothing about the murder.

Luke didn’t want to waste his energy on these pointless speculations.

And then he called Michael Jeter’s cell phone.

Michael Jeter was the Acting Team Leader of the FBI New York Office, Criminal Investigation Division.

Last time, Luke was in New York to investigate the case the two had cooperated, the relationship was not bad.

“Hi Michael, this is Luke.”

“Hello man, I heard we’re going to meet soon.” A man’s voice came from across the room, sounding a little tired.

“Yeah, I’m on a plane to New York.

You know about the suspected Bloody Mike murder?”

“Of course, I’m involved in the case.”

“Very well, Supervisor Thomas asked me to go to New York to investigate this murder case.

Can you send me the relevant information?

I don’t want to sit on the airplane for the past few hours and fret.”

“No problem, I’ll have Lois send it to you later.

Talk to you later, I’ve got work to do.”

“See you later.” Luke hung up his cell phone.

Not waiting around foolishly, Luke then contacted his father.

“Dad, I was just notified an hour ago that I’m going to New York on a case.

Right now, I’m on a plane to New York.”

Li Zhaofeng was a bit surprised and asked rhetorically, “What kind of case is it so urgent?”

“A murder case, I’m not sure about the specifics.”

“About what time will you arrive at the airport, I’ll pick you up.”

“It’s probably going to be eleven o’clock at night, you don’t have to come pick me up, the FBI New York office should arrange for someone to pick me up.”

“Okay, then I’ll clean up and make you a late night snack.”

“Dad, this case is rather urgent, and I’m not sure if I’m going to work on the case directly when I get to New York, or go home and rest.

You don’t need to prepare dinner, I’ll just eat directly on the airplane.”

“That’s good, let me know when you get off the plane, if the case is not urgent, go home and sleep first. It’s not convenient to investigate a case at night.”

“I know.” Luke chatted with his father for a few moments and hung up his cell phone.

It wasn’t long before Agent Lois from the Criminal Investigation Department contacted Luke and sent information about the case.

Victim, Grace Bloomberg.

Sex, female.

Date of birth, June 12, 1975

Height, 166cm

Cell phone number, 909 836 2526

Social Security number, 050-53-7322.

License plate number, KVU3921.

Job, director of Tavis, wife of the mayor of New York City.

Fuck, the mayor’s wife was killed. No wonder the case is so urgent and the media hasn’t heard anything.

Along with the information sent in were photos of the crime scene.

The crime site looks like it’s located in a mid-level mountainside, the deceased is not wearing clothes, the body has obvious strangulation marks on the neck, both arms were cut off, blood stained the body and the surrounding ground.

In addition, not far from the body was parked a red Porsche 911 convertible sports car, the glass of the car with blood painted a special circular symbol.

Luxury car, noblewoman, blood, severed arm, blood symbol ……

The impact of this set of images is so powerful that it’s no wonder the news didn’t broadcast the case in question.

The wife of the mayor of New York being killed in such a manner would definitely make front page headlines around the world tomorrow.

The media must have been on a news blackout.

Nasi Bloomberg is not only the mayor of New York and a financial mogul, but also a media mogul, and he is fully capable of this.

These photos of the crime scene gave Luke a further understanding of the case, but because he hadn’t been to the crime scene and hadn’t interviewed the people involved in the case, his understanding of the case was still very limited.

After browsing through all the information, Luke took out a set of blood-stained footprint photos.

This set of blood-stained footprint photos was found around the crime scene and was the main reason why Negan Thomas had asked him to come to Los Angeles to investigate the case.

He couldn’t do anything else on the plane, so he just started studying the trail photos.

Eleven o’clock at night, over New York International Airport.

A private airplane slowly landed on the tarmac.

Luke dragged his luggage off the plane and boarded a ferry under the watchful eye of the flight attendant.

A few minutes later, Luke met a white woman with curly brown hair at the departure gate.

The white woman with curly brown hair also saw Luke and waved and called out, “Hi, Counselor Lee, I’m here.”

“Hi Lois, good evening.”

Lois shrugged, “To tell you the truth, I’m not very well, sleepy and hungry.

I feel like I could swallow half a burger in one bite right now.”

“Thanks for picking me up, I’ll buy you dinner.”

“No thanks.

I just wish now that I could hurry home and get some sleep after I drop you off.”

“I’m sorry you had to pick me up so late.

I can actually take a cab home.

That way you can just go home and rest too.”

“No No No, I should be thanking you.

If I hadn’t snagged the pickup, I would have had to sleep on the office couch tonight, and that’s if I could.

I don’t think it’s likely, though. That Aamir Khan guy keeps his eyes on the couch in the break room.

As soon as I head that way, the guy’s sure to plop down on the couch in the process.”

Luke smiled, “Looks like everyone’s energized, any progress on the case?”

“No, the crime happened last night, no witnesses have been found yet, not much progress in the investigation.

That’s also the reason why you weren’t allowed to go, at twelve in the morning, all the stray dogs have gone to bed, it’s hard to launch an effective investigation.” Lois finished and winked her brown eyes again, flirting, “Of course, if you’re like them, you want to show your loyalty to some big shot.

That would be a good opportunity.”

Luke shrugged, “All victims look the same to me.

Send me home.”

Lois raised one eyebrow and her voice rose, “Counselor Lee, you’ve impressed me a bit.”

Luke smiled and didn’t say anything.

It wasn’t true that Nasi Bloomberg was a big shot, but he was the mayor of New York, not Los Angeles.

Luke’s home base was in Los Angeles, and if it had been the mayor’s wife of Los Angeles who had died, he might have had the idea of hugging his leg.

The mayor of New York, though influential, had no direct interest in him, so why should he rush up.

Besides, it would be fine if he could really embrace it, and the key wasn’t missing him.

An hour later, Lois drove to Li Zhaofeng’s house.

Luke got out of the car and waved Lois off.

The house was lit, and Luke had just dragged his luggage into the small yard when the door to the house opened.

Zhaohong Li walked out of the house and took Luke’s suitcase, “Your coworker gave you a ride home?”

“Yes, Dad.”

“Why don’t you invite him in for a seat?”

“She’s been working on a case all day and can’t wait to get home to bed.”

“Go on in, I’ve already tidied up your bedroom.” Li Zhaofeng patted Luke’s shoulder and carried his luggage to the door, then stopped again with a look of wanting to say something.

“Dad, what’s wrong?”

“There is another guest at …… home.”

Luke froze, a guest this late?

He joked, “You have a girlfriend?”

Li Zhaofeng gave a sarcastic smile and hesitated for a moment, “Actually …… the last time we met, I wanted to tell you, but I never knew how to open my mouth.

It’s a coincidence that today, it’s just right to introduce you guys to each other.” After saying this, Li Zhaofeng seemed to be relieved.

I ……

Luke hated to smack himself.

However, his face did not have a different look, “Okay.”

Seeing that Luke agreed to be so dry, Li Zhaofeng was also a few points more frank, carrying the box into the house, Luke also followed and walked in.

In the living room stood an Asian woman in her forties, medium build, short hair, not very pretty, belonging to the durable type, with a bit of intellectual temperament.

“Shu Hua, let me introduce you, this is my eldest son Luke.”

The Asian woman took the initiative to greet him, “Hello Luke, my name is Chen Shuhua.

It was quite a sudden meeting today, I didn’t scare you, did I.”

Luke smiled, “It was a bit sudden, but this is good news, I should say it’s a surprise.”

Chen Shu Hua smiled back, “You guys chat first, I cooked some chicken soup and warmed it up for you.”

Li Zhaofeng watched Chen Shuhua enter the kitchen, at this moment, his hands were sweaty, as if he had the feeling of a child doing something wrong and calling his parents.

He also did not want to let the two suddenly meet on this kind of occasion, and thought about changing to a more suitable time and place, but something caught up ……

Forget it, this current situation is also quite good, it is considered to have passed this hurdle.

Li Zhaofeng instead relaxed, “Luke, first put your luggage into the bedroom.”

Luke nodded, he also had a lot of questions in his heart, but this is not Li’s place to talk.

Dad was hiding deep enough.

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