Chapter 596

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:36
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New York, near Central Park.

A black Chevy SUV pulls up to the curb and Luke and Amir Khan step out of it.

Luke looked at a building towering into the sky next to him, “Are you sure the deceased Grace Bloomberg’s family lives here?”

Amir Khan covered his forehead with his right hand and looked upward with a look of envy, “Yes, everyone in all of New York knows that the mayor and his wife live here.”

“Sorry, I’m only half a New Yorker.” Luke shook his head, he couldn’t figure out why a rich man would want to live in such a tall apartment building, “I still prefer the architecture of Los Angeles.”

“Man, this is the Central Park Tower, next to Central Park and surrounded by the busiest part of New York.

Never doubt the vision of these rich people.” Amir Khan pointed high above, “The mansion on the top floor of the building is rumored to be over two hundred and fifty million dollars, and it’s not always possible to buy it even if you have the money.”

Luke understood the reasoning behind inches of land, but still couldn’t fathom spending two hundred and fifty million dollars and having to live on a plot of land with other people, “Well, let’s take a tour of how luxurious this mansion really is.”

Aamir Khan rubbed his hands together, “I’m looking forward to it too.

If I wasn’t investigating the case, I guess I wouldn’t even have the qualification to see the house in my life, knowing that it would take tens of millions of dollars in brokerage fees alone to purchase such a mansion.”

Hearing Amir Khan’s words, Luke’s heart is a little uncomfortable, because his villa in Los Angeles happens to be worth ten million dollars, for the top tycoons, his house is just the agency fee for people to buy real estate, and this is the gap between him and the top tycoons.

Luke changed the topic and said, “By the way, why didn’t Michael come and asked you to come instead?”

Amir Khan raised one eyebrow, “Because I’m a top FBI criminal profiler.

There are times when I can tell a lot without asking, without saying, just by looking at the other person’s attitude, demeanor, or tone of voice.

And Michael doesn’t have that ability.

The subject of our conversation was the mayor of New York, and Michael couldn’t ask questions without fear like he did with ordinary subjects of inquiry.

Otherwise, even if he catches the murderer, it will be hard for him to get another promotion.”

Luke laughed, “I asked you why Michael didn’t show up, didn’t ask you to brag about yourself.”

“I didn’t brag about myself, just told the truth.”

“Well, I hope you’re as good as you say you are.”

Amir Khan nodded at Luke, “I’ve always been awesome.”

“I think you can shut up now.” Luke was a little speechless and picked up his pace.

“Ding-dong ……”

The elevator doors opened.

The two of Luke stepped into the elevator.

Inside the elevator stood a young elevator attendant with a slight nod, “Gentlemen, may I ask what floor you’re going up to?”

Luke glanced at Amir Khan.

Amir Khan replied, “Floor 130.”

“Sir, may I ask if you have an appointment, the 130th floor is a solo elevator and I don’t have access to it.”

“Yes, we have an appointment, my name is Amir Khan.”

“One moment.” The elevator attendant picked up the phone in the elevator, dialed a number, confirmed it and pressed the button for the 130th floor.

The elevator moved upwards, quickly and steadily.

After a moment.

“Dingdong ……” the elevator doors opened.

Outside the door stood two men in black suits, their eyes scrutinizing Luke and Amir Khan.

Amir Khan flashed his credentials, “FBI, we’re here to see Mr. Nasi Bloomberg.”

One of the men in black made a gesture of invitation, “Please follow me.”

Luke and the two of them changed into slippers outside and entered the room under the guidance of the bodyguard.

The living room of the house was large, very open and the decoration was very luxurious.

The man in black said, “Both of you, please wait for a moment, Mr. Nasi Bloomberg will be here soon.”

Luke nodded and walked over to the tall floor-to-ceiling window, the view outside the window was extremely vast, not only could he see Central Park, half of New York City could be seen, quite a feeling of having a panoramic view of the mountains.

Amir Khan also walked over, said: “Know what?

This is the highest residential building in the world, from which you can overlook the most prosperous area of the whole of New York, you can also see the sea in the distance.

It makes your heart and vision wider.

This kind of feeling can’t be brought by low-rise residences.”

“Da da ……” accompanied by a sound of footsteps, a white case walked into the living room.

The man was about fifty years old, of medium build, and looked a bit tired.

“Sorry to keep you guys waiting, I just finished a video conference.”

Amir Khan greeted him and said, “Hello, Mr. Nasi Bloomberg, I’m FBI agent Amir Khan, and this is FBI criminal investigation expert Counselor Lee.”

Nasi Bloomberg sat on the sofa and pointed across, “Please have a seat, would you like something to drink?”

“No, thanks.” Luke’s home base was in Los Angeles, and this New York mayor had the least influence on him.

He directly opened the door and said, “Mr. Bloomberg, we are very sorry about your wife.

Our FBI is fully investigating the case, and we came over today to ask some questions about your wife’s situation.”

Nasi Bloomberg sighed softly, “I didn’t expect this to happen either.

After hearing the news, I felt like the sky was falling.

She is very important to me, we have been married for over ten years and have always loved each other deeply.

I almost fainted when I confirmed the news.

I was ready to go to the scene immediately …… but was stopped.” Nasi Bloomberg spread his hands and said helplessly, “If I was photographed at the scene or went to the police station, the news of my wife’s murder could not be hidden.

So, even if I want to see her again, I have to restrain myself, for the sake of New York.”

Luke felt that this was a bit of an exaggeration, Grace Bloomberg’s death might have had some impact on the peace of New York City, but if Grace Bloomberg really loved his wife dearly, he would surely still have rushed to the scene.

After all, family is the most important thing to America.

Of course, Luke had no intention to look deeper, which of these politicians’ words was not a crown, what family is the most important, in front of the interests of everything to draw a question mark.

“Mr. Bloomberg, we would like to ask some questions about your wife.”

“Yes, you guys can ask.”

“When was the last time you saw Grace Bloomberg?”

“We were at home together for dinner at seven o’clock on the evening of October 3rd.”

“Was there anything unusual about Grace Blumberg at that time?”

“Not that I could see.

But the meal wasn’t a very happy one, and we had a fight, and then she left in a huff.”

“How did she leave?”

“In her red Porsche sports car.”

“What did the two of you fight about?”

“She wanted me to go on vacation with her to Hawaii, but I had work and couldn’t get away.

She was upset and felt I didn’t value her.

I’ve been working a lot lately and I’ve been under a lot of stress, so I got into a fight.

She slammed the door and left the house.” Nasi Bloomberg sighed, took off his glasses and wiped them, “After that, I called her, but her cell phone was no longer working, I thought she was still angry, who knows ……

I regret it now ……

My work is important, but my family is more important, I should have accompanied her on the trip, maybe this kind of thing wouldn’t have happened ……”

Luke rubbed his chin, he could vaguely tell that the other man was lying, “Has your wife offended anyone recently?”

“Not that I know of, she’s a very simple person and easy to get along with, her friends love her.

I can’t think of anyone who would do something so terrible to her.”

Luke thought, still tongue-tied, “What does your wife do for a living? Have you had any problems with people at work?”

“She was a director of a company in my name, and would often get involved in charity work, all very simple jobs, and she got on well with the staff, I don’t think the two would have been connected.”

“Would her death be related to your work?”

Nasi Bloomberg pondered for a moment and shook his head, “I don’t think so.”

“Do you have any enemies then?”

“Wow …… this is a bit complicated to say.

I do have quite a few competitors, business and political ……

However, I don’t think they’d do something so low as that would not only fail to defeat me, it would make me tougher.”

Luke continued, “After Grace Bloomberg was killed, her arm was cut off by her killer, do you know why?”

“Chopped off the arm!

Fucking pervert ……,” Nasi Bloomberg said as if he had thought of something, “Bloody Mike, isn’t that his modus operandi? That creep fucked up New York a couple years ago.”

Amir Khan reminded, “Sir, five years ago, the FBI had already apprehended Red Mike, and he’s in a New York prison right now, unlikely to commit another crime.”

Luke said, “Mr. Bloomberg, we at the FBI will review the Red Mike matter.

What I want to ask now is, is there anything special about your wife’s arm?”

“My wife has beautiful fingers, and, she’s very good at playing the piano.” Nasi Bloomberg pointed to a black piano on the right side of the living room, “She plays when she’s in a good mood.

And whenever she goes to a party, the party host will ask her to perform on the piano.

She’s well known in her circles.”

Luke pursued, “So, you think Grace Bloomberg had her arms brutally chopped off by the murderer because she played the piano well?”

Nasi Blomberg spread her hands, “I don’t know.”

Luke stopped his questioning, recalling the previous conversation between the two, Nasi Bloomberg did not provide any valuable clues even though she kept answering the questions.

A very typical politician’s face.

Luke said to Amir Khan, who was on the sidelines, “Contact Michael and see if there’s any progress in the investigation on his end.”

Amir Khan froze for a moment and glanced at Nasi Bloomberg, then got up and stepped aside to make a call.

Nasi Bloomberg, on the other hand, looked at Luke.

Luke said, “Mr. Bloomberg, I’m not a politician or a rich man, and I’m not interested in what goes on in your circle.

I know that you’ve hidden some things and even lied about certain issues.

I don’t want to dig deeper or find out things I shouldn’t know.

But if we don’t find out anything, it’s likely to delay the progress of the case.

So I need a name, someone you think will help the case.”

Nasi Bloomberg stared at Luke for a long, pensive moment, “Mia Carioca.

She was a friend of my wife’s.

After our fights, she would often turn to Mia Carioca to confide in her.

Perhaps, she would know something.”

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