Chapter 598

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Five, four, three ……”

Michael looked at his cell phone that was reading the seconds.

“Here it comes, Malek Ramsey is here.” Sheena Fasset ran over panting, her chest fluttering.

She was followed by a white man, dressed in a pink suit, wearing heavy hairspray, and dressed in grease, looking a bit tawdry.

Sheena Fasset pointed to the white man behind her and said, “Team Leader Michael Jeter, he’s the man you’re looking for, Malek Ramsey.

I’ve got the man for you.”

Michael asked, “You are Malek Ramsey?”

“Yes.” The man in the pink suit nodded and pursed his lips, “What do you want with me?”

Michael said, “According to our investigation, you’re suspected of posting terrorist statements online, and we’re taking you back for investigation.”

Malek Ramsey shook his head, “I’m not, you guys must be mistaken.”

“Do you have an account called New York Lollipop?”


“In 2020, this account posted a comment on NYU’s website ‘I will kill everyone in this school and will pull the trigger without mercy, you better pray to God you don’t meet me now.’

Last month, the account posted another message, that fat woman almost sat on me, I’m so sick of it, I’m going to bring a real gun and raid her tomorrow.

This account has also posted some horrible comments, need I list them all?”

Malek Ramsey hurriedly explained, “These …… are just my angry words, I wouldn’t do this at all.

I’m only saying this to vent my depression, if I really wanted to do this, I wouldn’t have posted it on the internet.

I’m not stupid.”

Seeing a guest approaching, Sheena Fasse hurriedly nodded with a smile and whispered to Michael Jett again, “Team Leader Jett, can we talk somewhere else? Or it’s fine if you guys just take him away.

If you guys keep on being in the club hall, it will create a very bad impact on the club.

Our members are all elegant women who will be intimidated by you guys ……”

“Know what you’re talking about? And thinking about how to do business? Uh huh?” Luke coldly grunted, “We are here to investigate the Fear of Points, you simply don’t realize the seriousness of the problem.

We can just blockade the club if we have to, understand?”

Xina Fasse questioned, “Sir, we are operating legally, I don’t understand why you are targeting our club, is there something that our club has offended you?”

“An employee of your club is suspected to be involved in a terror attack, are you planning to harbor him? Or is your club involved?” Who wouldn’t know how to wear a high hat, Luke pressed him straight to the top.

Sheena Fasset glared at Malek Ramsey and spread her hands, “I don’t know what information he has posted, but that’s his personal behavior, it has nothing to do with our club?”

Luke pressed, “Is he an employee of your company?”


“Does he have an office here?”


“Does he have a locker?”


“Can you be sure he doesn’t have dangerous weapons in his locker? Can you guarantee that those weapons won’t endanger the club’s customers or employees?

These people are not only clients and employees of the club, they are also New Yorkers.

Do we have a problem keeping them safe?”

Xena Fasset asked rhetorically, “What if you checked his locker and didn’t find a problem?”

Luke laughed, “What do you want to do?”

Xena Fasser pointed her right hand at Luke, “You FBI are going to give our club a piece of your mind.”

“I don’t like people pointing fingers at me.” Luke pushed her finger away and continued, “Since he’s an employee of the Venus Club, that means he can go anywhere in the club, and if there’s no contraband in his locker, that means he’s probably hiding somewhere else.

I will order a search of the entire club, are you satisfied?”

Xena Fasser shook her head, “You can’t do that.”

Michael pulled out a search warrant, “No, we can.”

Sheena Fasset looked angrily at Malek Ramsey, “Did you really post those dangerous comments on the internet, you stupid pig?”

Malek Ramsey stammered, looking a little put out, “I …… I was just complaining, never meant to actually do anything, I swear.”

Sheena Fasset pointed at his nose, “Stupid, you’re fired.

From now on, you have nothing to do with the club.”

“Hey, you can’t do that, you don’t have the authority to fire me, and I’m not the one you got, I want to see Mia Carioca.” As if he had grabbed a lifeline, Malek Ramsey sounded certain, “That’s right, get me in touch with Mia Carioca, she’s sure to have an idea.”

Xena Fasset poked his chest with her finger and chided in a low voice, “That’s right, when she comes, you’ll die even worse.”

“Hey, did I hear you right, you just said he’s going to die, do you want to kill him?” Michael separated the two.

Xena Farseer said, “I was just making an analogy.”

Michael chided, “Back off.

If you make any more threatening words or gestures, I will take you with me, understand?”

Without waiting for Xena Fasser to reply, Michael gave Malek Ramsey a shove, “Come on, take us to your locker room.”

Luke, on the other hand, stayed in the lobby of the first floor of the club; the FBI had alerted the guests upstairs, and from time to time people came out of the elevator and left at a brisk pace.

Sheena Fasset blushed very hard and had someone keep an eye on the first floor while she followed Michael and Malek Ramsey to the locker room.

“Woohoo ……”

A red Ferrari pulled up in front of the club and a woman in a blue wrap-around dress quickly stepped out of the car and hurriedly burst into the club.

She looked down the hall at the FBI agents and grimaced a little as she questioned, “Who are you in charge here?”

Everyone looked at Luke.

The woman looked angrily at Luke and said, “You’re Michael Jeter?”

“No, my last name is Lee, and I’m a counselor in the New York office of the FBI.

Who are you?”

“Mia Carioca.” The woman sounded a little disgruntled, “I thought you were looking for me?

I’m here.”

Luke laughed, “We may not be talking about a case, we’re here today to investigate a terrorist attack.

However, if you have time, we can also talk about another case.”

Mia Carioca said coldly, “Put away your little tricks, believe it or not I’ll call and complain against you right now?”

Luke smiled without saying anything.

The two sides were at a standstill for a few moments when Hina Fasset hurriedly ran into the hall, “Mrs. Carioca, you’re here.”

“What’s the panic? How is the situation?”

Hina Fasset leaned close to Mia and whispered, “The FBI found a pistol in Malek Ramsey’s locker.”

“Fuck, what an idiot.” Mia clenched her fists so tightly that fire seemed to be able to spew out of her eyes, then she took a deep breath, “Counselor Lee, can we talk alone?”

“Talk about what?” Luke asked indifferently, he wasn’t the one in a hurry right now anyway.

“Both cases are fine.”

“Is it with you, or your lawyer?”

“I’m not going to get a fucking lawyer involved in either case, I swear.”

“OK, then let’s go to the FBI office and talk.”

Mia made her demand, “Get your people out of the club right now, right now, one more minute of their stay will have a huge impact on the club.”

“Are you ordering me?”

Mia took a deep breath and gave in, “It’s a request.”

Luke pulled out his walkie-talkie and said in Mia’s face, “Michael, take Malek Ramsey back to the office for questioning first, and then search the club, if necessary, when the questioning is over.”

“Roger that.”

Luke hung up the intercom and made a please gesture, “Ms. Carioca, please get in the car.”

Mia gritted her teeth, “Thank you, thank you very much.”

Luke smiled, “You’re welcome.”

Mia barked a few words at Xena Fasset before getting into the FBI car.

Malek Ramsey was also escorted into the car, although this unlucky man was implicated, he did make some threatening remarks, especially the threats against New York University had a worse impact, the FBI investigating him was not unfair at all.

FBI New York Office.

Criminal Investigation Division Lounge.

Luke ushers Mia Carioca into the lounge, followed by Amir Khan, coffee pot in his left hand, laptop in his right arm.

Luke poured himself a cup of coffee and asked, “Ms. Carioca, would you like a cup?”

“No, I’m not used to cheap coffee.”

Luke took a sip of his coffee and set the cup down, “You wouldn’t say that if you’d ever had prison coffee.”

Mia looked at the fine watch on her wrist, “I have to go back to the club and apologize to my clients, I don’t want to waste time here, if you guys have any questions, you better ask them soon.”

“Do you know Grace Bloomberg?”

“Yes, she’s a friend of mine.”

“When was the last time you were in contact?”

“She called me on the evening of October 3.”

“What did she say?”

“She’d had a fight with her husband and was angry. Asked me to have a drink with her, but I was busy and couldn’t get over there to comfort her.

After that, she hung up her cell phone.

Later, when I called her again, she stopped answering.

I thought that she might be angry with me.”

“Did you see her on October 3rd?”

“No.” Mia spread her hands and asked rhetorically, “Why are you investigating her? Is she suspected of a terrorist attack as well?

If so, that’s interesting, her husband is the mayor of New York.

I can’t wait to see what all the fuss is about.”

Luke stared at the other man and said, “She’s dead.”


Dead?” Mia’s face showed a shocked look as she shouted, “How is this possible, I just saw her a few days ago.

And there’s no news on the news ……”

Luke realized that the other party’s shock was more of a disguise; she should have already known that Grace Blumberg was dead.

This meant that the FBI hadn’t found the wrong person.

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