Chapter 599

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke took a sip of coffee and asked, “Ms. Carioca, what do you think is the most important thing in human interaction?”

Mia Carioca froze for a moment, as if she didn’t know why Luke would ask this, and slowly uttered two words, “Respect.”

Luke nodded, “That’s right, respect is mutual, I can only respect you if you respect me.

And cheating is a sign of disrespecting the other person.

Like you’re doing right now.”

“I didn’t lie, everything I said is true.” Mia Carioca had a sincere face.

Luke continued to stare at the other party and tried, “Did you already know about Grace Bloomberg’s murder?”

Mia Carioca shook her head, “I don’t know, I just heard it from you.”

“If that’s your attitude, then there’s no point in us talking.” Luke stood up, took out his cell phone and made a call, “Hey Michael, it’s Luke.

How’s that Dread Score account coming along ……


Since he’s not cooperating and may be harboring other dangerous items, I think it’s necessary to conduct a detailed search of the Venus Club.

This will ensure the safety of every guest in the club.

You bring more people with you in case Fear Fraction still has accomplices.

Okay, we’ll meet you at the club in a few minutes.”

Luke hung up his cell phone and said to Mia Carioca, “Ma’am, let’s talk about this today, I have other cases to investigate.”

Luke didn’t deliberately lower his voice when he was on the phone, so Mia Carioca heard it clearly, where she didn’t know that Luke was threatening himself, and as long as his answer didn’t satisfy him, he would search the club in the name of arresting the Fearful Points.

Calling it a search, it was actually harassment, an act that would invade the privacy of the customers and make them feel that the club was not safe.

Moreover, the customers of Venus Club were all people with status, if they learned that the FBI came to the club to investigate the Dread Points, they would definitely feel disgusted inside and would not come back to the club to spend money in the future, so sooner or later, this club of hers would have to close down.

Mia Carioca angrily accused, “You can’t do this, what’s the difference between forcing me with such despicable means and robbers?”

Luke asked with a seemingly confused face, “Ms. Carioca, what are you talking about?”

“Please stop searching the club, this kind of behavior will bring devastation to the club’s reputation.

I don’t own this club alone, there are other people behind it that you can’t afford to mess with.”

Luke laughed, “Are you threatening me?”

“No, that’s not what I mean.”

“Then what do you mean?

Why have you been obstructing our investigation into the Dread Fraction, or are you saying that you have a relationship with the Dread Fraction and are worried that we will find evidence of cooperation between you?”

“You’re making false accusations, I don’t know anything about Dread Score at all.”

Luke said, “That’s what every Fear Score I’ve checked out has said.

Before the investigation they were innocent good citizens, in private they were all ruthless demons.” Luke stood up, “I don’t have time to bullshit you here.

Amir, escort Ms. Carioca away.”

Mia Carioca didn’t stand up, her gaze was fixed on Luke, and the look on her face changed and changed, there was fear, there was anger, but more than anything else, she was helpless, “I’m sorry, I lied just now.

Please don’t let the FBI search the club.

I’m willing to tell the truth.”

Instead of sitting back in his chair, Luke asked condescendingly, “Speak and I’ll listen.”

Seeing that Luke would leave at any moment, Mia Carioca took a deep breath, not daring to hesitate any longer, “It’s true that I’ve known about Grace’s murder for a long time.

That’s why I avoided the FBI before.”

Luke pressed, “So, you admit you had something to do with Grace Bloomberg’s death.”

“It’s a little complicated to say, and it involves some of Grace’s privacy, which is why I don’t want to talk about it.

Once I say it, it might cause Grace some distress.”

“Dead people don’t need privacy, and there is no disturbance, you can say it now.”

“Are you sure you really want to know? Sometimes even if you haven’t done anything wrong, knowing something you shouldn’t can offend someone.”

“Who are you referring to?”

Mia Carioca said meaningfully, “Although Grace is dead, her husband is still alive.”

“It seems you’re trying to use the mayor of New York to pressure me.” Luke laughed and asked rhetorically, “Do you have any idea why we’re investigating you?”

“Could it be ……” Mia Carioca seemed to have guessed something, a disheveled look appeared on her face and she sighed, “In that case, there’s no need for me to hide it anymore.

That night, Grace did call me.

Although I didn’t go to comfort her, I sent another person, and I think that person is much more …… suitable than me,” Mia Carioca wanted to say.

“What man?”

“Filippo Carter.”

“Who is he?”

“An employee of our club.”

“What’s his relationship with Grace Bloomberg?”

“Good friends, the very close kind, who not only soothes Grace’s inner loneliness, but also fills her physical emptiness.”

“Filippo Carter was Grace Bloomberg’s lover?”

“Not really, they won’t have a real relationship, it’s just a job for Filippo Carter and Grace is well aware of that.

The whole point of Filippo Carter’s existence is to make Grace happy.

To be there when she needed it.

Leave when she doesn’t need it, and there will be no ties.”

“Was the matter of having Filippo Carter comfort Grace Bloomberg initiated by Grace Bloomberg, or did you order it?”

“Grace didn’t specify, but I can guess what she was thinking.

She was just angry with her husband ……

I know very well that she can’t fight her rich and powerful husband at all, and she must be holding her anger.

This way, it can help her get back at her husband and vent her anger at the same time.”

Luke said smoothly, “Because they were going to cheat, that’s why they were looking for remote places, and that’s why they would die halfway up a mountain in the suburbs of New York?”

“I don’t know where they went, and I’m not going to ask.

And it’s not the first time they’ve been out there, they’ve had no problems before, who knew something would happen this time.” Mia Carioca sighed, revealing a self-deprecating look, “You know what? I’m the unluckiest one after this happened.

I originally had good intentions, but now I’m in trouble and it’s affecting the club’s business.”

“How long have Grace Blumberg and Filippo Carter known each other?”

“About three months now.”

“How are the two of them getting along? Has there been any conflict?”

“Absolutely not.

Our club would never allow a conflict between an employee and a customer; everything about the customer is right.

And as far as I know, the two of them are very close.

Filippo Carter is young, tall, handsome, and strong;

Grace had status, position, and wasn’t very old, but rather had the grace of a noblewoman.

They go well together, and there is harmony in that respect.” Mia Carioca stopped talking and licked her lips.

“I’m sorry, I digress.

The night of the accident, Filippo Carter called me to tell me that Grace had been murdered.

I was stunned, and it was only after carefully checking with Filippo Carter that I believed the story.”

“Tell me in detail what happened between the two of them that night?”

“I asked Filippo Carter how Grace died and he couldn’t say.

I asked repeatedly if he did it, and he said no.

And, I don’t think he had the guts to do it.

As for what exactly happened, I didn’t ask much.

The more you know about this kind of thing, the more trouble you are in.

As I am now, I’d rather Filippo Carter hadn’t told me anything.

That way I wouldn’t be implicated in this, and Venus Club’s business wouldn’t be affected.”

Luke ignored Mia Carioca’s shattered thoughts and continued, “Where is Filippo Carter now?”

“I don’t know, I gave him some time off. Told him to stay away from the club for a while, I’m worried that he’ll affect the club.” Mia Carioca said somewhat helplessly, “But I didn’t expect you guys to come to my door, I told you everything.

I hope you guys won’t make things difficult for me anymore.”

“So the role you played in this case was that of a pimp?”

Mia Carioca frowned, “I don’t like that title.

Grace prefers to call me a confidant.”

Luke teased, “As it turns out, your soulmate got her killed.”

“I had nothing to do with Grace’s death.

And I had no reason to kill her.

If there’s anyone in the world who didn’t want her dead, that person would most likely be me.

I assure you that I am more sincere than her husband in that regard.”

“And who do you think killed her?”

“I don’t know.

Really don’t know.

The water behind a big man like them is very deep, and I’m just a small player who can’t see or see through it.

All I can do is serve them well and make them happy.”

Luke stared at the other party, “If you want me to believe you, help us find out the whereabouts of Filippo Carter.”

Mia Carioca agreed painfully, “I know the address where Filippo Carter lives, you can go there to look for him. There is also his cell phone number.”

“Write it down.”

Luke took out his cell phone and dialed Michael’s number, “Man, Mia Carioca has provided a new lead.

She sent a duck to host Grace Bloomberg that night.

That duck could be a witness, if not the killer, I’m sending you the address.”

After Luke finished talking to Michael, he turned to Amir, who was on the sidelines, and said, “Locate and track Phillipo Carter’s cell phone and confirm his location as soon as possible.”

Amir picked up the slip of paper with the cell phone number on the table and stood up, “I hope it’s not too late.”

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