Chapter 6

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:50:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

[Issued to the host through proper channels. (Depending on the actual situation)]

Luke was a police officer, earning a dead wage, and had no other channels to come up with money.

Eight thousand dollars is not a small amount, have to think of a way to get money.


The five scratchers Luke bought are still unused, so it’s a good time to use them.

Luke took out the scratchers and one dollar coins.

Fruit scratching lottery winning rules are very simple, there will be fruit under the coating, if the fruit has a line is the same, you can get the back amount of dollars.

Luke scratched the coating, bananas, apples, grapes, watermelons, oranges, fruit variety is very rich.

The second scratch didn’t hit.

The third one didn’t hit.

The fourth one didn’t hit.

Luke is a little depressed, there is still one last scratch off left, did he guess wrong, this kind of cash does not work?

Start scratching the fifth one.

Bananas, bananas, bananas, with 8,000 dollars written on the back.


Luke waved his fist hard.

He was excited not just about getting eight thousand dollars.

What was more important was the ‘Sleuth System’s’ ability to continuously create gold.

Friday, 7.58pm.

Detective Bureau.

Luke entered the office in high spirits, “Good morning.”

His back was straight and his voice was a few points louder.

Money was man guts applied everywhere regardless of borders.

David rubbed the top of his shiny head, “It’s morning for you, for us it’s just getting off work, filling a cup of coffee and continuing the case.

Oh buy kahuna, is it too late for me to change careers?”

Luke placed a plastic bag on the table, “Good work everyone, I brought you breakfast, it’s free.”


David looked at Luke in amazement, “You kid is getting more and more out of shape, sure you don’t need to go to the hospital?”

David’s character is cranky and reckless, and he is not popular in the ‘Robbery and Murder Division’, although he often fights with Luke and sarcasm to each other, and the two of them are in turn relatively close to each other.

Simply put, they are the detrimental friends of things.

Luke shrugged, “If you want to lose weight, I won’t force it, your stomach is catching up to a pregnant woman.”

“I’ll have a hot dog and a nonfat vanilla latte.” Vince wasn’t going to be polite and smiled at Luke, “Boy, I’m kind of starting to like you.”

“You’ll make a habit of it.” Luke finished, knocking on the captain’s office door.

“Captain, breakfast.”

The door opened and Susan came out of it, her eyes were a little dark, so I guess she hadn’t slept all night either.

Susan took a cup of milk tea, “Thanks, I’ll savor it.”

Everyone knew that Luke was buying people’s hearts.

But people spend real money, belonging to the open conspiracy.

Luke picked up a box of hand-cut fries and ate the fries while asking David, who was wolfing down his food, “Any progress on the interrogation?”

David took a sip of his Coke and swallowed, “You actually took it upon yourself to care about the case? That’s rare.”

“I’m the one who arrested the man, I have the right and obligation to know the status of the suspect’s investigation.”

Although the ‘Divine Detective System’ didn’t give a clear hint, through last night’s events Luke roughly figured out the system’s rules, solving a case or catching a suspect would earn him a chance to draw a prize.

Every time he draws a prize, he has a chance to get a thousand dollars.

How could Luke not be impressed by the bright future of money?

“No need for you to remind me, the whole detective bureau knows.” David found a transcript from the cluttered pile of papers and handed it to Luke.

“The suspect admitted to last night’s robbery, but disavowed any connection to the two previous ‘taser robberies’.

According to him, he saw the news about the Taser robberies and improvised a copycat attempt to pin the crime on the other guy.”

Luke thought of the possibility that both suspects used Tasers, but the details of the crime were significantly different, and pressed, “What about motive?”

“The suspect’s name is Tim, no proper occupation, alcoholic, not very well off financially, looking to make some quick cash.”

Luke recalled last night’s arrest and that Tim did smell heavily of alcohol, confirming, “Does he have an alibi for the two previous ‘taser robberies’ that took place?”

Marcus yawned, “I confirmed it overnight. He was at his girlfriend’s house exercising at the time of the second Taser robbery.

His girlfriend was actually an African-American girl with a very toned body.” Marcus gestured with his hands, “I can’t imagine why I would look at a scumbag like that ……”

Susan interrupted Marcus, “I’ll say it again and for the last time, no one is allowed to give news interviews without my permission in the future, I don’t want any more copycat cases like this to happen, understand?”

“YES, Madame.”

Susan continued, “Although the cases are not directly related, the suspects both used Tasers to commit the crimes. Detective Ramon, describe the guns used by the suspects.”

Ramon Boca was of Mexican descent and was proficient with a variety of firearms.

Unlike Luke, David, and Marcus, he was calm and unsmiling, fitting the image of a reliable police officer in the minds of the Los Angeles public.

Ramon put down the burrito in his hand and wiped his mouth with a paper towel, “The suspect used a Taser manufactured by the Taser Company, the X26-C model.

The X26-C model can fire two wires with extreme explosive power. According to the manufacturer, this model of Taser is capable of knocking down a person with bad intentions from 15 meters away.

The target is rendered powerless within 10 to 30 seconds after being hit.”

Luke recalled for a moment, “But from what I observed, the Taser used by the suspect was more powerful than that, and the victim was knocked down and unconscious for at least a few minutes, and less conscious afterward.”

“That’s right, that’s the problem, the taser used by the suspect was modified, the original X26-C model fires 50,000 volts of shock voltage while the gun used by the suspect was up to 100,000 volts.

Modified Tasers are more dangerous, longer unconsciousness and more lethal.” Ramon paused, picking up a photo from the table, and

“What has also been modified are the magazines, the standard magazines made by Taser eject over forty small colorful pieces of shredded paper with the gun’s serial number on them when used, the magazines used by the suspects do not.”

“Colorado, that’s what I was going to say.” Lieutenant Vinson snapped his fingers and continued.

“There was likewise no confetti found at the scene of the two previous ‘Taser Robberies’; the victims were unconscious for several minutes, and it was clearly more powerful than a regular Taser.

This suggests that the suspects may have used modified Tasers as well.

The modified tasers used by the two suspects may have been purchased from the same place even if they are not directly related.

According to last night’s suspect, he bought his gun at Jovi’s Gun Shop.”

Susan instructed, “Ramon, Marcus, you two go check out that gun store.”

Lieutenant Vince walked over and suggested in a whisper, “I suggest David and Luke investigate, they are the most efficient.”

“I know, but they’re also the most likely to get into trouble, can you guarantee they won’t?”

Lieutenant Vince bristled, “Couldn’t care less. It’s Friday, and the suspects may be at it again.”

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