Chapter 602

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning.

FBI Criminal Investigation Department.

Luke walked into the office yawning, it was twelve o’clock when he finished his interrogation last night, and he came home to rest after one in the morning.

Seeing Luke arrive, Michael greeted the crowd for a meeting.

“Amir, what do you say about the interrogation last night?”

Amir scratched his messy hair, “Last night, we found Filippo Carter at a client’s house at the Venus Club.

He admitted to meeting the victim on the night of October 3rd and having sex with him.

But he denies any involvement in the victim’s death.

In addition, he claimed to have met the victim’s murderer.

According to the clues he provided, the murderer is male, wore a mask when he committed the murder, and drove a black sedan forehead, the brand of the car is most likely Lexus.”

Michael stroked his chin, “We checked the surveillance video near the crime scene, but no black Lexus sedan was found before or after the time period of the murder.”

Luke, who was from out of town and didn’t know much about Moist Mountain, asked, “The crime scene is located on a mountainside, is the terrain around it complicated? Are there several switchbacks and is each one monitored?”

Michael replied, “That’s the problem, this mountain is not high, but the terrain is complex and there are quite a few switchbacks.

Two of the main roads are monitored, but some of the smaller forks are not.

It’s really difficult to check.”

Michael’s words changed, “Do you guys think it’s possible for Filippo Carter to lie, and could he be the real killer?”

Luke also thought about this possibility and shook his head, “I don’t see him lying, this is not very likely.”

Amir nodded, “I also don’t feel like he’s lying.

Moreover, this case is very similar to the case of Bloody Mike.

Both the modus operandi and the special symbols left at the scene or the masks worn by the suspects are similar to the serial murders five years ago.

The killer of Grace Bloomberg’s dead victims must be connected to Red Mike in some way.

I want to go to the prison and talk to Red Mike.”

Luke said, “Good idea, might be a new direction for the investigation.”

Michael spread his hands, “OK, then you guys go ahead and I’ll take care of tracking down the black Lexus.”

Rikers Island Prison.

Nestled on an island between Queens and the Bronx, the prison covered a large area with many cells, and was able to house about ten thousand suspects.

Shortly after Grace Bloomberg’s murder, the FBI had contacted the prison side with the idea of meeting with Red Mike.

After communicating with the head of the prison, Luke and Amir arrived at the prison in the afternoon.

Luke also met the legendary Red Mike.

Bloody Hand Mike was not tall, estimated to be only one meter seven or so, with a slim figure and a moustache, although he was wearing a prison uniform, he looked very civilized, and did not look like a vicious criminal from the outside.

The most conspicuous part of him was those hands, unlike the rough fingers of ordinary men, his hands were thin, long, and beautiful, and his nails were carefully trimmed.

Bloody Mike also surveyed Luke and Amir, a faint smile floating on his face, “I haven’t seen a stranger in a long time, can you talk to me about what’s going on out there?”

Luke didn’t ask about anything directly related to the case and asked smoothly, “What do you want to know?”

“In the last two years, are there any newly famous piano masters?”

This question really put Luke in a difficult position, he hadn’t paid attention to similar news at all, and twisted his head to look at Amir on the side.

Amir also shrugged, “I’m afraid I have to disappoint you, we don’t really know much about the piano world.

However, if you need it, the next time we meet, I can bring you a few piano magazines.”


That’s exactly what I need.”

If he didn’t know the other party’s identity, Luke would have a hard time believing that this was the serial killer who carried a dozen lives on his back.

“Why did you kill in the first place?”

“I’ve already made it clear when I was caught.”

Luke smiled, “I wanted to hear it from you in person.

Besides, I don’t think we have anything else in common.”

Mike pulled out his ears, “Is there any benefit to me for cooperating with your investigation?”

“What other benefits do you want?”

“I want freedom.” Mike finished and smiled to himself, “I know it can’t be.

However, I would like to see a piano performance, preferably playing something by Beethoven.”

Luke laughed, “What delusion makes you think you’re qualified to make a deal with us?

Look, we can give you some favors, but we give them to you.

If you think you can blackmail the FBI with this, you’re sadly mistaken.”

Mike held up his hands, “I surrender, I know you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve to use against me, bunch of scumbags.” Mike twisted his right hand and gave a middle finger.

Luke repeated his previous question, “Why did you kill in the first place?”

Mike recalled, “I was a pianist, and the piano was all I had, it was my life.

I had deft hands that could play beautiful music, and I could have been a piano virtuoso.

However, a car accident caused me to injure my left hand.” Mike rolled up the sleeve of his left arm, and there was indeed a scar on his arm, “After treatment in the hospital, the wound on my arm recovered.

But the nerves in my arm were damaged and my fingers wouldn’t listen to the command.

I could no longer play beautiful melodies on the piano.

I was in a daze and in a lot of pain. I went to many hospitals for treatment, but I still couldn’t completely heal the nerve injury in my left hand.

When I played the piano, my fingers shook.

At that moment I felt like an invalid.

I envied and was jealous of those who had a pair of healthy, beautiful and dexterous hands.

As time passed, this feeling not only did not diminish, but gradually deepened.

Finally, there was a time when I couldn’t restrain my impulse and killed someone, and that was also the first time I killed someone.

I still remember to this day, she was a beautiful female with a pair of hands that were perfect for playing the piano.

I killed her.

Cut off her hands.” Speaking of which, Mike sighed, “Unfortunately, it was the first time I had ever done such a thing, and I had no experience at all, nor did I know how to preserve those beautiful hands.

Those hands eventually broke.

After this, it was as if I had found a way to become happy and fulfilled, and for that reason, I learned how I could preserve human arms.

After that, I started hunting people who had beautiful hands, and after that, kept their hands for myself.

Until I was caught by your FBI.” Mike sighed, “I hate it here, not only is there no freedom here, but, the hands in here are ugly, very ugly.”

Luke asked, “I’ve seen your kill list, most of the people who died at your hands were women, and mostly noblewomen and rich millennials, was wealth a requirement for your choices as well?”

“No No No, I don’t care about wealth at all, I only care about the perfection of my prey’s hands.

However, from my experience, the percentage of women from rich families who have beautiful hands is far higher than ordinary people, not only are they innately well endowed, they also know how to take care of them better.”

Luke flashed the photo of the circular bloodstain symbol, “Why do you leave this mark at the scene every time you kill someone, is there any special significance?”

Mike looked at the bloodstained character, a little obsessed, and traced it with his hand on the table, a circle with a triangle inside it, and two S symbols joined together inside the triangle.

But looking at the characters Luke recognized them all, but connecting them together was beyond him.

The corner of Mike’s mouth curled into a smile, “I miss this symbol, I created this symbol myself, it doesn’t really mean anything.”

Luke stared at the other man, “I don’t like it when people lie to me.”

Mike grunted, “I’m not lying, if you don’t trust me, you can send me back to my cell.”

Luke made a note in his book and pulled out a picture of Grace Bloomberg, “Do you recognize her?”

Mike took the picture, “She has nice hands, I think I’ve seen those hands before.” His gaze shifted upward to stare at Grace Blumberg’s features, “Yeah, I think I’ve seen her before, but can’t remember.”

Luke reminded, “Her name is Grace Blumberg.”

“Grace ……,” Mike repeated, snapping his fingers, “That’s right, that’s her, Mrs. Mayor of New York. I really didn’t expect that asshole husband of hers to be re-elected mayor of New York.”

“Have you met her?”

“At a party and she gave a piano performance.”

“Would you have picked her as a case target?”

Mike looked at the photo, “No.”

“Why? Fear of her mayor’s husband?”

“Haha ……” Mike laughed, “If I was afraid, I wouldn’t be in here.

Her hands are pretty and well kept, but they’re not perfect and not worth my time.”

Luke pressed, “Do you think she plays good piano music?”

“It’s pretty good for an amateur pianist, but ……” Mike didn’t continue, but Luke could already see a hint of disdain on his face.

“Why do you guys want me anyway?”

Luke pointed to the photo, “This woman was killed.”


“A couple days ago.”

Mike shrugged, “What does that have to do with me? I’ve been locked up for a couple years now.”

“She died and had her arms cut off.”

Mike was unimpressed, “America, especially a big city like New York, is never short of perverts.”

“The murder scene also left your usual blood symbols.”

Mike raised an eyebrow, “The exact same symbol I used to leave?”


Mike smiled, “That’s kind of interesting.”

“Let me get right to the point, we’re here to investigate this case, and we’re hoping you’ll be able to shed some light on the killer.”

Mike asked rhetorically, “You guys think the killer has something to do with me?”

Amir said, “We know your file very well, and there are so many similarities between these two cases that it can’t be a coincidence.

My guess is that this murderer is probably a fan, admirer or follower of yours.

Also, he has likely contacted you recently.”

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