Chapter 603

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:59
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“Haha ……”

Mike laughed, “I didn’t realize I had a follower in prison, this damn society, it’s crazy.”

Amir said, “This follower is well aware of your modus operandi, methods and blood symbols, and is likely someone you are familiar with.

We’d like you to give us some clues about it.”

Mike thought for a moment and said, “Your FBI and police people are also well aware of my modus operandi, and it’s not unlikely that you’ve leaked information.”

Amir “……”

Luke said, “That’s an area we at the FBI will line up on our own.

The purpose of our visit today is to hopefully get some leads from you.”

Mike was silent for a moment, “I’m afraid I’m going to have to disappoint you, I don’t have anyone like that around me.”

Luke shook his head, “That’s not a correct answer.”

Mike spread his hands, “But it’s true.

If you don’t believe it, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Luke asked a few more questions, but Mac was very perfunctory and didn’t offer any valuable clues.

The time for talking was up and Mac was taken away by the prison guards.

Amir said, “I have a feeling this guy is hiding something.”

Luke nodded and also found that Mike was showing signs of lying, he most likely knew some clues, but if he wouldn’t talk, it would be hard to pry his mouth open in a short period of time.

Mike was carrying a dozen lives on his back and was a felon, never leaving prison in his lifetime, and it would be hard for the FBI to make an offer that would satisfy him.

Of course, the FBI wants to clean him up, it is not without a way, but how effective it can be, and how long it will take to see results, it is hard to say.

To put it bluntly, this guy was a dead pig in a poke, but the case couldn’t afford to wait.

Instead of wasting time on him, it would be better to find a more suitable way to investigate.

Since Grace Blumberg’s killer was probably a follower of Mike’s, there should have been a connection between the two.

Luke found the head of the prison and asked for Mack’s visitation and correspondence records.

Mack refuses to say that they can screen for suspects on their own.

The two men return to the FBI’s Criminal Investigations Division and begin to sift through the visitation monitors and communication records.

Luke was buried in his case when the office door burst open.

Supervisor Negan Thomas sauntered into the office and asked to the crowd, “How’s it going? Did you get a lead on the killer?”

Michael said, “We’ve located the suspect vehicle driven by the suspected killer and are tracking it.

Luke and Amir went to the prison to meet with Red Mike, and are lining up suspicious people who have been in contact with Mike.”

Negan Thomas, still frowning tightly, sighed, “Good work, but not enough.”

Luke sensed that he looked a little grave and pressed, “Supervisor Thomas, is something wrong?”

Negan Thomas didn’t say anything and directly turned on the suspension TV, which happened to be broadcasting the New York news.

[Hello everyone, welcome to the New York Times, I’m reporter Teo Wald.

I’ve just obtained a breaking news, on the night of October 3rd, there was a homicide in Moster’s Hill, the victim is a woman who may have been assaulted before she was born.

The scene is said to have been so gruesome that both of the victim’s arms were severed …… It was horrific.

As for the identity of the victim it is likely that she is the wife of the mayor of New York ……]

Negan Thomas turned off the TV and spread his hands, “What do you guys think?”

Michael grimaced and replied, “Obviously, someone leaked the information and the situation is not favorable to us.”

Lois clasped her hands to her chest and asked, “Can we find out who leaked the information?”

Amir shook his head, “It’s hard, the police have also been to the scene and are aware of the crime scene, they don’t know any less than we do even though they are not in charge of investigating the case.”

Negan Thomas said, “You don’t need to worry about the leakage of information, I will deal with this matter, and I will also explain on the mayor’s side.

But the investigation of the case has to be accelerated before it can be done, I don’t want the FBI to be led around by the killer all the time like it was five years ago, and one Bloody Mike is enough.

I’ll get you guys extra manpower.”

Negan Thomas finished and left the office without waiting for the crowd to reply.

Amir said, “Although the reporter hasn’t brought up Bloody Mike for the time being, with the increase in leaked clues, there will definitely be people who will link the death of the mayor’s wife to Bloody Mike.

Five years ago, Bloody Hand Mike killed a dozen people in a row and brought a huge panic to the citizens of New York.

If there is another rumor related to him, coupled with the fact that the victim was the mayor’s wife ……

I don’t dare to think about how much of a stir it will cause when the time comes …… we’ll be under a lot of pressure.”

Louise said, “I’ve been thinking, the modus operandi of the Moist Hill murders is very similar, if not identical, to that of Bloody Mike, is it possible that the same murderer did it.”

Amir denied, “No way, I just saw Red Mike at the prison this afternoon, there’s no way he could have gotten out and committed the crime.”

Lois shrugged, “I mean, is it possible that the wrong person was arrested back then?

Michael was just a cover-up, the real killer was someone else.”

Michael covered his head, “No way, I was involved in the capture of Bloody Mike.

We found the murder weapon at Bloody Mike’s house with the blood of the deceased and his fingerprints on it.

Also, we recovered the victim’s arm from his home.

This evidence is enough to convict him.

Also, his explanation of the crime during the interrogation matched the scene.”

Luke guessed, “Is it possible that the one who committed the crime back then wasn’t a single person, and that Bloody Mike had an accomplice.

It’s just that this accomplice was hidden more deeply, and Bloody Mike didn’t betray each other.

After five years, for some reason, this accomplice committed the crime again.”

Amir said, “If that’s the case, Bloody Mike must know more than what he said today.

Even, he might have guessed the identity of the murderer.”

Michael’s tone was a little low, “Give me some time and I’ll find a way to get the bastard to talk.”

Luke laughed, “Then we’ll split up the investigation and see who makes progress faster.”

Michael said with great confidence, “It has to be me.”

At nine in the evening, Luke returned to his father’s house.

Li Zhaofeng was busy in the kitchen, “Back just in time, the meal is ready.”

Luke smelled the aroma of the meal, his stomach was already starving, he simply washed up and returned to the dining room to eat, “Auntie Chen isn’t here?”

“She went back to Fire Island, it’s more than an hour’s drive from here, it’s very beautiful over there, there are quite a lot of delicious food, when she left she also asked me to invite you over there as a guest on her behalf.”

Luke smiled, “Sounds good, but only when I have time.”

“I know, you’re a busy man.” Li Zhaoyong sized a bowl of rice and put it in front of Luke.

Smelling the aroma of the rice, Luke’s stomach was already rumbling with hunger.

The rice on the table was sumptuous, there were white burnt prawns, a platter of donkey meat and donkey plate sausage, stir-fried big chili peppers, and stir-fried silver ears with carrots.

Luke picked up the rice bowl and took a big bite.

Li Zhaofeng was not very hungry and started peeling the prawns and putting the meat into the dipping sauce, “I saw on the news today that the mayor’s wife seems to have been killed, is it true?”

Luke ate half a bowl of rice, padded his stomach, and wasn’t that hungry, said, “It’s true, I came to New York to investigate this case.”

Luke didn’t deliberately hide it, because sooner or later, this information would be on the news, as long as it doesn’t reveal the key information of the case.

Sometimes, family members inquired about the case most likely out of curiosity, and if they didn’t say a single word, it would instead seem insensitive.

Li Zhaofeng finished peeling the shrimp and wiped his hands with a paper towel, “I saw on the news that the mayor’s wife died a horrible death, the scene was especially bloody, even her arms were chopped off.”

Luke nodded, “There is such a thing.”

Li Zhaofeng lamented, “I often see this mayor’s wife on the news, very scenic, wanting money and power, I never thought it would end up like this.”

Luke said, “This case does have a relatively large impact, before the FBI has been blocking the news, I did not expect that it was still found out by the reporters.”

“Investigating this case must be very stressful, eat more.” Li Zhaofeng pushed the donkey meat platter in front of Luke.

“The top does keep a pretty tight eye on it.” Luke chucked a piece of donkey meat and a piece of donkey plate sausage and ate it with rice, it smelled great.

Luke’s mouth was rather picky, other meats were often eaten and not too rare, but he preferred donkey meat.

The next morning.

More than eight o’clock in the morning, Luke arrived at the FBI Criminal Investigation Department.

Michael put on his jacket and was about to go out, “Luke, you’re here just in time, I’m going to go to the prison to talk to Bloody Mike.

Do you want to come along?”

Luke shook his head, “The guy is going to talk, and he already did yesterday.”

“That only means your tactics don’t work.” Michael let out a laugh and left the office with a couple of agents.

Luke met up with Amir and the two continued to study the information brought back from the prison.

During the five years that Michael sat in prison, there were as many as dozens of people who had corresponded with him, and although Luke didn’t know the content of the letters, he was able to find out the identity of the senders, so that he could determine their identities and investigate their information and background.

After some research, Luke and Amir lined up a suspicious person.

Tangie Bruns.

He was male fitting the killer’s profile.

He had corresponded with Mac for five years, from shortly after Mac’s incarceration.

In addition, he had a record of visiting Mac.

To top it all off, Luke found out that Tangie Bruns also had a black Lexus sedan, which was probably the suspect vehicle that showed up at the crime scene.

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