Chapter 607

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:08
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“The red symbol on the book cover is exactly the same as the blood symbol left by the murderer at the crime scene.

I’ve investigated the information on bloodstain symbols before, but I’ve never been able to find a similar pattern.

There must be a special significance to the fact that the murderer of both the Bloody Mike crime and and the two new murders left this symbol at the scene.

Perhaps, if we unlock the secret of this symbol, we can know the real motive of the murderer’s killing.” Amir’s tone was certain, “There must be something wrong with this Tangie Bruns.

Just with this book, our night exploration just makes sense.”

Amir took out his cell phone and took a picture of the contents of that book.

Luke said, “Stop filming for now, let’s continue the search.”

Amir said, “I’m worried that Tangie Bruns will come home and realize something and destroy the book.”

“I have a feeling he won’t make it back.” Luke dropped the comment and continued to search the room.

Luke searched up the stairs to the second floor and pushed open the door to the master bedroom, the moonlight from the translucent window could vaguely make out the layout of the house.

The house does not have too much decoration, only the bed, closet, dresser, curtains, of which the bed and curtains are red, the moonlight sprinkled on the bed looks a little weird.

Luke frowned slightly, feeling that the pungent odor was a little stronger in this room.

He turned on his flashlight and began to search carefully inside the bedroom, on the wall above the bed was a drawing with special circular symbols drawn on the top of it, identical to the symbols of the blood left at the crime scene, and on the bottom of the drawing was a figure, male or female could not be made out, kneeling in reverence to the symbols.

To the left of the bedroom was a frosted sliding glass door, looking at the layout it was either a checkroom or a bathroom.

Luke faintly heard a ‘buzzing’ sound.

He pulled open the sliding door and smelled an even stronger pungent odor, the light of the flashlight shone into the cubicle, which was unadorned, neither a bathroom nor a checkroom, but held a rectangular cabinet.

The cabinet was surrounded by tin and the topmost part was glass, two meters long, one meter wide and about one meter high, more like a weird coffin.

Luke walked closer and shone his flashlight into the glass at the top of the cabinet and saw a figure lying inside, he pressed his right hand on his pistol and with his left hand he shone the flashlight into the figure’s face, it was a woman with a pale face, sparse hair, tightly closed features and soaked in liquid.

Sparing Luke’s guts, he had a few chills when he saw such a bizarre scene.

He felt that this woman is somewhat familiar, boldly check carefully, it is the woman in the photo in the living room of Tangji Bruns’ house, only this woman has less blood color, and her body is more thin.

This woman lying in the glass coffin should have been dead for a long time, and that familiar pungent smell should be embalming fluid.

“Luke ……”

At that moment, Amir’s voice rang outside.

He also walked into the bedroom and asked, “Did you find anything over here?”

Luke pointed to the glass coffin in front of him.

Amir walked over to check it out as well and was taken aback, “Fuck! I can’t believe I’m hiding a dead guy in my bedroom, what a creep.”

He took a deep breath, settled down, and probed again to check, “This woman seems a little familiar?”

Luke said, “It’s Tangie Bruns’ wife.”

“What! His wife!” Amir was surprised, “The information shows that his wife died five years ago ……

This body has been kept for five years ……

What does he want to do?”

“I’m afraid only he himself knows.”

Half an hour later.

A white Toyota pulls into the front of Donji Bruns’ garage.

The driver’s door opened and Tangie Bruns stepped down from the driver’s side.

Just then, two cars drove over not far away, and Luke and the others stepped down from the cars and entered the yard of Tangie Bruns’ house.

Tangie Bruns glared at Luke and the others, “What do you want?”

Luke said, “Mr. Tangie Bruns, we are investigating two murders and would like your assistance in the investigation.”

“Sorry, I don’t have the time.” Tangie Bruns refused dryly.

Luke flashed the arrest warrant and glanced at the little girl who had just gotten down from the Toyota, “I think you’d better cooperate, otherwise, we can only make an arrest.”

“What gives you the right to arrest me?”

Luke didn’t answer and pointed at the house, “We still have to search your house.”

Tangie Bruns was anxious, “I don’t agree.

If you dare to break into my house, I will have my lawyers sue you.”

Luke flashed the warrant again, “Take a good look.”

“You are not allowed to break into my house, not even with a search warrant ……,” Tangie Bruns showed an angry look and stopped the FBI agents who wanted to enter the house and search it.

Luke cocked his head, “Get him.”

“You guys get off me, get off me.

You idiots, you’re not allowed in my house ……,” Tangie Bruns looked a little frantic and hysterical.

Two agents held him down, handcuffed him, and took him away.

The little girl, slim and somewhat frightened, took a few steps back and covered her mouth with both hands.

With a warrant this time, the agents could search the house in name only, Luke didn’t go back in, he had searched the house before and found all the evidence he needed to find, but the garage was empty and the black Lexus wasn’t found.

Soon, an agent found the woman’s body in the bedroom ……

With some detailed searching, the FBI also found more clues.

Tangie Bruns was also escorted back to the FBI for interrogation.

FBI New York office, interrogation room.

Tangie Bruns was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, his eyes were red and his face was fierce as he stared at Luke and Amir.

Amir was a little bit furious by his stare and picked up his coffee cup to take a sip.

Luke, on the other hand, looked at the information in his hand, which showed that Tangie Bruns wife had died five years ago due to illness.

Luke put down the information and asked, “Any idea why you were arrested?”

Tangie Bruns replied, “Can you return my wife’s body? Please.”

Luke smoothly asked, “Why did you hide your wife’s body in your bedroom?”

Tangie Bruns stared blankly, “I couldn’t let her go and wanted her to stay and be with us all the time.”

“How old is your daughter?”

“Eight years old.”

“Letting an eight year old child face a corpse all day, do you think she can grow up healthy and happy?”

Tangie Bruns looked at Luke angrily, “To you that’s a cold corpse.

But to me it’s a favorite woman, the mother of my daughter.

We’re not afraid, we love her, she’ll always be our family.

We all want her to stay around.”

Amir said, “If you loved her, all the more reason to bury her sensibly.

Love can stay in the heart forever, not in such a cruel way.”

Tangie Bruns shook her head and sneered, “You guys don’t know anything about real love.”

Luke asked back, “And what do you think love is? To kill in the name of love?”

Tangie Bruns sighed softly, “I didn’t kill anyone, my wife got sick and died ……”

Luke stares at the other man and tries, “I’m not referring to your wife, but the murder of Grace Bloomberg and Olenna Barker.”

Tangie Bruns shook her head, “You’ve got the wrong people, I had nothing to do with their deaths.”

“That’s what every suspect we arrested said at first, but it turns out that most of them were murderers.” .

Tangie Bruns said coldly, “So, you guys catch murderers by probability?”

Luke took out a photo of the blood symbol at the crime scene, “Do you recognize this symbol?”

Tangie Bruns glanced at it and hurriedly lowered her head.

Luke continued, “This symbol was painted on the crime scene by the murderer with the blood of the deceased after the murder, and it is exactly the same as the symbol on the photo hanging above the bed in your bedroom.

What is the significance of this symbol and why are you kneeling to it?”

Tangie Bruns looked at the symbol on the photo with a somewhat strange look of devotion and anxiety on her face.

“At the time of the crime, the killer was driving a black Lexus sedan, and you happen to have a black Lexus in your name, where is the car?”

Tangie Bruns looked over at Luke and remained silent.

Luke tapped his finger on the photo, “The blood symbols, the vanishing car, the body in the bedroom ……

All of these clues point to you.

Even if you refuse to talk, the FBI will take an investigation against you.

Your wife’s body will also be brought back to the FBI and I will request a new autopsy on the body.

Your daughter will be placed in child welfare custody ……”

Tangie Bruns clenched her fists and showed a mournful look, “Please don’t do this, don’t break up our family, please.”

Luke spread his hands, “You’re a suspect in a homicide case, we’re just following procedure.”

“I didn’t have anything to do with those two murders …… just trying to save my wife’s life.”

Luke frowned slightly, his wife had been dead for five years, if she hadn’t been soaked in embalming fluid, she would probably have turned into a pile of white bones, how could she be saved?

“Where were you between nine and twelve on the night of October 3rd?”

“I was at home.”

“Who can prove it?”

“My daughter.”

“Where were you between eleven p.m. and two a.m. on October 6th?”

“With my wife.”

Luke made a note in his book, “Your alibi is incomplete.”

Tangie Bruns sighed, “I don’t have any reason to kill anyone, it’s just …… that you’ve misunderstood me.”

“Then explain your misunderstanding.”

“I don’t know how to explain, where to start ……”

“You just said you want to save your wife, how?” Amir was curious about this question as well.

Tangie Bruns put her hands together and looked up at the sky with a devout look, “The nations are in endless strife, the kings have rejected justice, darkness covers the earth, and gloom covers the peoples.

The Eternal Lord is about to revive and wake up from that darkness; He will remake His golden body and His love will once again shine on the earth.

Kings will see your righteousness, and His glory will appear to shine upon you.

Remove your sins and bring you a new rebirth.

You shall be called by a new name, by the mouth of the LORD Himself.”

Seeing the other party’s godly appearance, Luke guessed seven to eight, the probability that this one was fooled by the godly man: “What do you believe in?”


We also call it the holy religion.”

“What does this bloodstain pattern mean?”

“It’s the symbol of the sect.”

“You kept your wife’s body to bring her back to life through this.”

“Yes.” Tangie Bruns remained pious.

“Where is that black Lexus?”

Tangie Bruns’ cheeks twitched slightly, and she was silent again.

“As I said before, the murderer’s transportation is a black Lexus, and you want to prove your innocence.

It’s up to you to assist the police in locating the whereabouts of that vehicle.”

Tangie Bruns hesitated for a while and sighed, “I donated that car to the Holy Church.”

Luke asked, “Who was in charge?”

“Bellam Solo.”

“Why did you give him the car?”

“I didn’t give it to him, but I donated it to Him to remake His golden body so that He could come back down and grant my wife a rebirth.”

“How much did you donate in total?”

“I hadn’t worked for a long time and didn’t have much savings, just over forty thousand dollars.

I knew that wasn’t nearly enough, so I donated the unused Lexus.

That’s the way to represent my sincerity, my devotional prayers to Him.

I just want my wife back and for the family to be reunited ……”

Amir teased, “If your so-called Him had to come down on tens of thousands of dollars and grant your wife a rebirth, the rich and famous in America would have been immortalized a long time ago and wouldn’t have had to seek medical attention.”

“That’s different, they’re not pious enough, they have unclean money, He won’t accept it.”

Amir shrugged, “Then have you ever thought that this is all a scam by Bairam Solo just to get your donations.”

“No, that money wasn’t for Him.”

“Then what was it for?”

“I’ve already made it clear that He reawakened and needed to remake His golden body before He could come down to earth.

We pooled our money just to buy gold to mold an equal scale golden body.”


“Yes, believers in eternity.”

“How many of you are there in total?”

“I don’t know the exact number, it varies every time I go, at least a couple dozen.”

“Bloody Mike too?”

“Yes, he joined early like me, and we’ve kept in touch to discuss the teachings as well.

He was very religious and never revealed it to the public even when he was taken to prison.”

“You joined to resurrect your wife?

And what did Bloody Mike join for?”

“Mike’s hand was injured in an accident, and the injury was so severe that he couldn’t heal it after seeing many doctors and spending a lot of money, and couldn’t continue his piano career anymore.

For a good pianist, this was a fatal blow.

He was in despair and panic, and he felt that he had nothing to look forward to in life.

In a sense, he was dead.

He wanted to get a perfect pair of hands so that He would grant a rebirth and continue his piano career.”

“He killed so many people and cut off the arms of the dead just to obtain a perfect pair of arms?”

“That was his original intention, but then he got a little out of control ……,” sighed Tangie Bruns, “I’ve talked to him about this, and he feels too distant from Him, and there’s still a long way to go before he’s reborn ……

Instead, killing and new arms bring him new fulfillment.

But not me, He will come soon and my wife can be born again.”

“When will He come?”


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