Chapter 609

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:12
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Michael said, “According to your analysis, the deceased was a very intelligent person in the killer’s mind.

And the suspects of these three serial murders are most likely followers of the Eternal Church.

Then, the person who can be treated as having great wisdom by the other party might be the head of the church, Bellam Solo.”

Luke frowned, “In the past, I also investigated a headless case where the murderer chopped off the victim’s head in order to make it impossible for the police to distinguish the identity of the deceased.

Could this be one of the murderer’s purposes.”

Lois pointed to the picture on the wall, “But this is Bellamy Solo’s house, it’s not hard to guess that he is the deceased as it’s highly probable.”

Luke continued, “What if the killer is trying to mislead us into thinking that Bellam Solo is dead.”

Amir rubbed his chin, “That’s an interesting assumption you’re making.”

Lois asked, “Why did Belam Solo do that?”

Luke said, “Bellam Solo made up a lie to trick the faithful out of a lot of money, and that lie would have been caught on Halloween, and he would have probably run away with the money before Halloween.

The FBI wouldn’t want a dead man, and once he faked his death, the escape plan worked.”

Michael nodded, that was indeed a possibility, “I’ll contact the forensic team and forensics and have them carefully identify the dead man.”

Michael went aside to make the call and the others split up to investigate.

The other agents had already searched the entire house and found no sign of any other suspicious persons.

Luke began to search the house carefully, looking for clues to the suspect.

First, Luke started searching from the living room, the body was located in the middle of the living room, the body was lying on the floor, the hands and feet were bound, the sofa of the house was shifted, although there were no obvious signs of fighting found.

There was a bedroom on the first floor of the house, which showed obvious signs of having been rummaged through, however, there were not many items in this bedroom and Luke found no valuable clues.

Luke then went up the stairs to the second floor, which had three rooms, two of which were bedrooms and a study.

Both bedrooms had traces of being rummaged through, it was obvious that the murderer was not just out to kill, but also had other purposes, either seeking money or looking for a certain item.

Luke entered the study again and searched, there were not many items or furniture in the study, only the desk, chair, bookcase and two potted plants, which were green and growing well.

The bookcase is about two meters high, the width is about one meter four, the cabinet door is open, there is only a large safe.

The cabinet door of the safe was also open, and there were no signs of prying on the side of the cabinet.

The style of the safe is very new, with a key, fingerprint, password three ways to open the lock, the safe has a total of four layers up and down, the first layer of the left side of the left side of some information, the rest of the three layers are empty.

Even if ordinary people buy a safe, it is also a small safe, Bellamy Solo bought such a large safe can not just be used to put information, should also store other valuables, and those items may have been taken away by the murderer.

Luke picked up the information in the safe to check, there were blood symbols at the top of the information, and the content underneath included the teachings of the Eternal Religion, the amount of donations, events, and a list of believers.

The information on this list of believers was very detailed, with photos, jobs, home addresses, and cell phone numbers.

Previously, because Donji Bruns was hiding a body in his home and was taken away by the FBI for questioning, he was a believer in the Eternal Church, and knew some other believers, but didn’t know much about their identity information.

And from the known clues, the murderer is likely to be a follower of the Eternal Cult, and with this list, the FBI can make a lineup.

Luke finished his search and went downstairs with the list of believers, and saw that people from the forensic team and forensic section had already arrived at the scene.

Luke wasn’t familiar with them and didn’t exchange too many pleasantries.

He walked out of the house and saw that Michael was leading a search of the black Lexus with the car’s doors and trunk open.

Luke walked over and asked, “Anything?”

Michael pointed to the trunk and said, “We found a blood reaction.

And the car’s license plate nut shows signs of being screwed on, someone may have removed the plate recently, matching the characteristics of the suspect vehicle.”

After saying that, Michael got someone from the forensics section and asked them to collect blood samples from the car for DNA comparison with the two previous victims.

Six o’clock in the morning.

It was already light.

Occasionally, morning joggers would pass by in the neighborhood, and when they saw the FBI car and the cordon pulled up, they would inevitably stop and watch.

At this time, Louise would take the initiative to go up and strike up a conversation, asking them if they heard any unusual noises last night or saw any suspicious people.

At the same time, the medical examiner’s side had also completed the preliminary identification and called Luke and the others into the house living room.

The forensic pathologist in charge of the autopsy this time was a white man, medium build, looked to be around forty years old, with somewhat gray hair and wearing a black-rimmed glasses.

He pointed at the body and said, “The victim is a male, killed between twelve and three in the morning.

The cause of death was cutting off the carotid artery and bleeding to death.

In addition to the fatal wound, two other wounds were found on his body.”

The coroner turned the body upside down and pointed to the victim’s right hand, “The victim’s right index finger was severed, it was cut after death, no severed finger was found at the scene, the murderer most likely took it away.”

He pointed to the victim’s back again, “The victim has an electrical shock injury at this location, the time of injury is similar to the time of death.”

Michael summarized, “That means the victim was electrocuted from behind, fainted and then killed, severing his fingers.”

The coroner nodded, “That’s a strong possibility.”

“What about the murder weapon?”

“Judging by the cut wounds it should be a sawtooth type tool.”

Amir said, “There were no traces of electric shocks found on the two previous victims, which means the murderer is constantly learning and evolving.

However, why did the killer cut off one of the victim’s fingers.”

Luke replied, “I found a safe in the study on the second floor, which can be unlocked with fingerprints.

The door of the safe was open and only a few documents were found.

I suspect that there are other valuables in the safe, which should have been taken away by the murderer.”

Amir thought for a moment, “How big is the safe?”

“One meter high and about eighty centimeters wide.”

Amir looked at Belam Solo’s corpse and said thoughtfully, “According to Tangie Bruns’ previous statement, Belam Solo exchanged all the money he swindled from the believers for gold bullion, and this safe was most likely used to hide the gold bullion.

Now it seems that the murderer is not only trying to kill people, but also to take away those gold bars.”

Michael frowned slightly, “The murderer has already committed three crimes, the first two cases were killing rich people, but the murderer didn’t touch their belongings.

Why is it that this time it took the gold bars?”

Amir replied, “To us, gold bars represent wealth, but in the eyes of those believers, gold bars are used to remake the golden body.

It is highly likely that the murderer was also a believer.

His purpose in taking away the gold bars was most likely to remake His golden body for Him to welcome His coming on Halloween.”

Michael nodded, “That makes sense.

Trying to melt down a large amount of gold is not an easy task, and the killer would likely have gotten a professional gold store to build it.

I think that could be a direction for the investigation as well.”

Amir stroked his chin, “Speaking of investigation direction, I have another idea.

If my speculation is correct, the murderer will kill another person, and the one that was cut off should be the torso, which represents strength.

Since we already know the characteristics of the murderer’s next target, is it possible to find the victim in advance to protect it, and at the same time set it up in advance and wait for the murderer to fall.”

Lois shrugged, “That’s a good idea, but we’d have to know who represents strong in the killer’s mind.”

Michael blurted out, “Tom Brady, at six-foot-three and 102 pounds, the tough guy of tough guys.

As far as I know, he was in New York recently.”

“Come on, if it was Tom Brady twenty years ago it would be close, he’s old now.” Amir rolled his eyes and gave a name, “Milovan Ibe.

Born in 1995, two meters three, 160 kilograms, New York District Champion of the Hercules competition.

Covered in fat-packed muscles, I think he could beat a lion to death.”

Lois looked over at Luke, “What do you think?”

Luke pointed to himself.

Lois “……”

Michael laughed, “Are you serious?”

Amir muttered, “Narcissist.”

“What’s the problem? I’m already strong.” Luke waved his right arm, flashing his biceps, “Everyone defines strong differently, there’s no standardization or way to define this.

Besides, the murderer most likely didn’t know about Hercules as you guys call him.

And the target he chose may not be known to you guys either.

So, this direction of investigation is only theoretically valid, there are too many uncertainties.”

Amir asked rhetorically, “Then what’s your best idea?”

Luke took out the list of believers, “There are a total of seventy-six people on this list of believers, which records the details and photos of each person.

According to our speculation, the murderer should be one of these seventy-six people.

We can use the method of elimination to narrow down the murderer.

For example, in the first murder case, the murderer happened to be seen by Grace Blumberg’s lover, Filippo Carter, after he killed Grace Blumberg.

According to the clues he provided, the murderer should be a male.

And there are thirty-two males on this list, which narrows it down by a large margin.”

Luke paused and continued, “Moreover, I hypothesize that the murderer is most likely suffering from some kind of major disease and his days are numbered, which is why he chose to reselect a perfect body.

This condition would make the target of suspicion even clearer.”

Lois asked, “How do you know that the murderer is likely to be suffering from some sort of major illness, and is it possible that he is looking for a body for someone he ‘loved’ dearly?”

Luke said, “I don’t think that’s very likely.

Like Tangie Bruns, his wife died of an illness, but he kept her body anyway.

He hoped that he could bring his wife back to life after He descended, and he felt that He could not only bring her back to life, but also cure her illness.

Moreover, Tangie Bruns loved his wife dearly, and if he chose to use someone else’s body, then his wife would no longer be the same wife even if she was resurrected.

That’s why I guess the murderer probably had problems of his own and wanted to find a perfect corpse to be reborn.”

Amir nodded, “I agree with this speculation.

And, in addition to the above characteristics, we have an eyewitness in Filippo Carter.

He saw the killer from a distance when Grace Blumberg was killed, and we can assist him in identifying it and narrowing it down further.”

Lois glanced at her watch, “I’ll contact him.”

Lois took her cell phone and stepped aside to make the call.

After a while, Lois came over with a grimace, “Guys, can’t reach Filippo Carter.

The first call I made, he didn’t answer.

The second time I called, the phone was off.

What’s the deal with this guy?”

Amir replied, “Could it be that this guy is hiding something, got another call from the FBI, thinks we found out about the problem, and is getting ready to run.”

Michael said, “There’s also the possibility that the killer is trying to silence him.”

Luke said, “Could it be that you guys are complicating things and this guy just wants to simply sleep around.”

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