Chapter 611

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:17
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Leonard Hogan looked angrily at Luke and the others and replied, “He will not spare you.

You will all be punished by the Lord, haha ……”

Luke heard the other man’s reply and knew that this one was not in his right mind and was difficult to communicate with.

Two paramedics rushed over and lifted Leonard Hogan onto a stretcher.

Amir, who was on the sidelines, said, “This guy is more than deserving of a mental institution.”

Leonard Hogan struggled to sit up from the stretcher when he heard heard this, “You’re the ones who are a bunch of clowns, He won’t let you go when He finds out about your crimes.

I swear it.”

Both Leonard Hogan and the victim, Filippo Carter, were carried to the police car and the basement became quiet.

Luke looked at the filth on the floor and frowned, “I’m going up there.”

“I’ll go with him.” Amir followed.

Luke returned to the first floor and began to search through the house, there was only one house on the first floor, a study, with a simple layout, a table, a chair, and a bookcase on one side, Luke pulled a book out of the bookcase, with blood symbols imprinted on the cover.

Luke opened the book, the contents were similar to the Bible, but with slight variations, some of the teachings seemed more extreme.

Luke wasn’t too interested in any of this and opened the study without finding any other clues or items.

Amir stayed behind and studied the books in the bookcase.

Luke went up the stairs to the second floor, there were two bedrooms and a storage room, the storage room held a lot of miscellaneous items, clothes, fans, chainsaws, black bags, gloves, and so on.

Two bedrooms, one with signs of habitation, the other with a locked door.

Luke got a tool and broke the lock straight away, then entered the bedroom.

As soon as he opened the door, Luke smelled a pungent odor.

On a table were several large glass jars, three of which contained liquids, one soaking two arms, one soaking two legs, and the last jar containing the head of a white man, none other than Belam Solo, who had been killed last night.

“At last we have found you.”

Having found the mutilated bodies, it was time to convict the killer straight away.

Luke called in the forensics and forensics section to collect evidence and test the body remains.

And then, Luke met up with Michael in the first floor lobby.

Michael asked, “Any leads on the gold?”

“No.” Luke shrugged.

“Me neither.” Michael rubbed his chin and muttered, “The remains of the body are no less important than the gold, and having already found the remains of the body, it stands to reason that there’s no reason why we can’t find the gold.”

Luke speculated, “Could it be that the suspects got the gold and sent it directly to the gold store for melting?”

Michael frowned, “Those gold are highly valued, how can the suspect ensure that the gold store doesn’t embezzle the gold, after all, the gold originally came from the wrong place.”

Luke said, “Perhaps, this person who smelted the gold is trustworthy.

For example, he is also a follower of the Eternal Cult.”

Michael said, “Louise, check the people in the list of Eternal Cult followers to see if any of them are related to the gold industry.”


After Louise left, Michael asked, “Why do you think the murderer Leonard Hogan chose Filippo as his target?”

Luke had also been thinking about this question, “First of all, Filippo is a young, strong young man.

Secondly, Leonard Hogan and Filippo had seen each other, just that neither of them knew it ……

However, these are just the most basic conditions, as for the specific reasons, I’m afraid only Leonard Hogan himself knows.”

“You’re right, since Leonard Hogan has already been captured, we’ll be able to ask about it sooner or later.

The focus now is to find that gold first.” Michael squeezed his eyes.

Luke smiled, “Looking forward to your good news.”

Michael asked rhetorically, “Where are you going?”

“To bed.”

Luke ate lunch and went back to his father’s house for a good night’s sleep.

When he woke up, it was after seven in the evening.

Li Zhaofeng had already made dinner, and Luke ate his dinner meal and contacted Michael to inquire about the progress of the case.

However, the investigation of the case has not made much progress, the gold still hasn’t been found, the suspect Leonard Hogan was injured and hospitalized, and he can’t be interrogated for the time being.

The results of the forensic and forensic science department’s appraisal are also not out, everything can only wait for tomorrow.

Luke also did not go to the FBI office, watched a movie with his dad, drank a few glasses of red wine, and continued to sleep.

New York, Crito Hospital.

Michael made an appointment to meet Luke in front of the hospital.

Instead of driving, Luke took the subway and experienced what it was like to be a New York commuter.

When Luke arrived at the hospital, Michael had already arrived and was standing in the hospital lobby talking to a white female doctor in her thirties.

“This way.” Seeing Luke, Michael greeted him and introduced him, “This is Dr. Olga Kovan, also the attending physician for suspect Leonard Hogan.

This is Counselor Lee, an FBI criminal investigation specialist.”

“Hello, Dr. Kovan.”

“Good morning.” The female doctor nodded her head in greeting and said to the two, “Please follow me, Leonard Hogan’s room is on the third floor.”

As the female doctor walked ahead, Luke asked softly, “Have the identification results come back yet?”

Michael replied, “Yes, the remains of the two bodies belonged to the two female victims and the murderer’s fingerprints are all over the filled bottles, so unless his Lord has truly come down, he won’t get away with it.”

The three rode the elevator up to the third floor.

Turning to the female doctor, Luke asked, “Dr. Kirwan, how is Leonard Hogan doing?”

“His gunshot wound has mostly stabilized, but it’s best not to meet for more than an hour.

You can call me if you need me, Michael has my number.”

Luke raised an eyebrow at Michael.

Michael grinned.

“Ah…… fucking asshole, get off me and get your fucking hands off me.


I’m going to kill you.

No one can ever hurt me again ……” a hissing sound came from a ward not far away.

Luke stopped in his tracks as he heard something familiar in the voice, “Dr. Kovan, is this the victim we brought in?”

Olga Kovan sighed with her hands in her pockets, “Yes, that’s him, a poor strapping young man.”

Michael asked, “Is he badly hurt?”

“Uh ……” said Olga Kirwan after a brief pause, “The cut on his arm has been treated and stabilized.

However, he is easily shocked and becomes incontinent every time he is shocked.

The caretaker changed his bedding twice and now has him in diapers.”

Michael shook his head, “Poor guy, he was terrified by the killer.”

“You’re right, even if his wounds heal, there will be a shadow in his mind that may even stay with him for the rest of his life.

I suggest helping him find a psychiatrist.”

In the middle of the conversation, Olga Kovan led the two men outside of ward 305, “Leonard Hogan is inside.

It’s best not to get him too worked up while we talk.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of him.” Michael answered, greeted the FBI agent at the door, and pushed open the door to the hospital room.

There were two beds in the ward, the one by the window was empty, and near the direction of the door lay a white man, none other than Leonard Hogan, who had been captured yesterday.

At this time, his left side of the arms and legs are handcuffed to the hospital bed, half-squinted eyes, lips slightly moving, mouth seems to be muttering something.

Michael pulled up a chair and sat down as Luke glanced around the hospital room.

Leonard Hogan didn’t react as if he hadn’t seen the two men.

Michael pulled out a picture and put it in front of the other man, “We found these wrecks in your home, why did you kill these three men?”

Leonard Hogan glanced at Michael, “I have nothing to say to you.”

Michael said, “Your fingerprints were found on these jars containing the bodies, and even if you don’t tell us, we can convict you just the same.”

Leonard Hogan showed a flash of disdain, “Then there’s even less to say.”

Luke handcuffed himself to the cabinet across from the hospital bed and asked, “Then who do you want to talk to? The Eternal Lord?”

Something changed in Leonard Hogan’s face and he craned his head to look at Luke, “You know He exists.”

“More than you know.”

“No, no one knows His greatness better than I do.” Leonard Hogan had a look of devotion on his face.

“If that’s the case, why did you betray Him?”

Leonard Hogan glared at Luke and said in a cold voice, “I have not betrayed Him, and I never will.

Whether it is now, or in the future, I am His most loyal believer.”

Luke shook his head, “Then why did you kill Beram Solo?”

“That has nothing to do with you.”

“Not only did you kill Beram Solo, you also stole the gold used to mold a golden body for Him.

And without the golden body, He cannot come back down.

And you have to mean loyalty to Him.”

“I did not steal the gold used to reshape the golden body!

I will not do anything to harm Him.”

Luke continued to test the waters, “Have you ever opened the safe in Bellum Solo’s house?”

“I haven’t seen any safe at all.”

“Have you ever cut off one of Belam Solo’s fingers?”

“No, I did not.”

Michael shook his head and said to Luke, “This guy is obviously avoiding responsibility.”

Leonard Hogan said, “I’m not dodging responsibility.

I did kill Bellam and cut off his head.

However, I did not cut off His fingers, nor did I open the safe, nor did I take the gold that was used to remake His golden body.”

Luke stared at the pair of laws and saw no obvious signs of lying, “Why did you kill Beram Solo.”

Leonard Hogan sighed, “I …… did not want to kill Beram.

I respect Beram.

Beram is very wise and fortunate to have been guided by Him at an early age, and is the only one who has had direct communication with Him.

I envy Belam.

I wish I could also have an intimate relationship with Him and become His most loyal devotee and servant.”

Luke asked, “Did you kill Grace Bloomberg and Olenna Barker, too?”

Leonard Hogan nodded, “Yes, both of them.”

“Why did you kill them?”

“Because they deserved to die.

Grace Bloomberg squandered her husband’s wealth and enjoyed the esteem he brought her, and not only was she ungrateful, she betrayed him behind his back by fooling around with a black man.

She was a despicable woman, unworthy of the wealth she possessed.

Olenna Barker has beauty, a perfect body, and is only keen on hype, hooking up with married men who have money, and is proud of it often appearing on the news and magazine covers, she doesn’t deserve that beauty.”

Luke asked, “You chopped off Grace Bloomberg’s arms, Olenna Barker’s legs, Bellamy Solo’s head, and you wanted to chop off Filippo Carter’s torso.

Is that to reshape a new body?”

A smile appeared at the corner of Leonard Hogan’s mouth, “You’re right, I’m terminally ill and about to die soon.

But I am not willing to leave like this, I want to see His coming with my own eyes.

Therefore, I am preparing to mold a perfect body that possesses wisdom, beauty, wealth, and health.

That way, I can better serve Him.”

With that, Leonard Hogan revealed an angry look, “It’s you guys, you’re the ones who hindered my plan, and you’ll all be punished by Him.”

Michael shook his head, “You are too extreme, extremely selfish, extremely cruel, and extremely stupid.

Even if He did exist, He would despise what you did.”

“Shut up, you’re a shallow fellow who doesn’t understand what I’ve suffered.” Annoyed, Leonard Hogan loudly rebuked, “This filthy world is full of all sorts of injustices.

Greedy capital and hypocritical politicians use all sorts of excuses to start wars and raid wealth in order to protect their own interests, and they still devise a set of social rules to make people work for them.”

Leonard Hogan looked agitated, “My hometown is in South Africa.

Because of that ‘hero’ who was hounded by the western media, my country fell into chaos and collapse, my family’s farms and land were taken away, and my family was killed by those greedy blacks.

I sold what was left of my assets and came to America with endless grief.

At that moment, I lost everything ……

But I didn’t let the setback get me down, I worked hard, worked in restaurants during the day and drove a cab at night ……

I spent all my time except for sleeping and eating on my work, expecting to be able to lead a peaceful and affluent life again.

After more than ten years of hard work, I owned a house, two stores, and had hope for life again.

I very much thought I would be happy in the future ……

A year ago, I do medical checkup …… “Leonard Hogan looked sad and choked, “I have a terminal disease, and my days are numbered.

I couldn’t figure out why I had to suffer all this.


I have lived so hard, so earnestly.

But once again, God has taken away everything from me.

I can’t figure it out.”

Leonard Hogan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and a touch of reverence appeared on his face, “Later on, I got to know Belaum, and came into contact with the Eternal Cult, and realized that all of this darkness, suffering, and injustice was because of His departure, and that only when He came down once again could this life of much suffering and hardship be brought to an end, and the world could gain true fairness and justice.

Vile sinners will finally be punished.

Faithful believers will be His spokesmen.

As soon as He comes again, He will surely grant me a new birth.

It will be a new and wonderful world, and I no longer look forward to this day all the time.”

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