Chapter 612

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:19
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Leonard Hogan confessed to the murder and described the motive.

But did not admit that he took the gold inside the safe.

Luke guessed there were two possibilities, the first one, Leonard Hogan had another accomplice.

After Leonard Hogan killed the man, he asked his accomplice to take the gold and remodeled his golden body to welcome His coming.

Second possibility.

After Leonard Hogan killed the man, there were others who had been to the scene and stole the gold inside the safe.

Luke looked at Leonard Hogan and tried again, “Where is the gold that Bellamy Solo hid inside the safe?”

“I told you, I’ve never even seen the gold.”

“Was anyone else present when you killed Bellam Solo?”


“When you arrived at Bellam Solo’s house, did you see any suspicious persons?”


“Did you tell anyone else about your desire to find a new body?”


Luke still didn’t see any signs of lying on his face.

After a few more inquiries, Luke and Michael left the hospital room.

Michael frowned, “Could it be that we guessed wrong and the gold wasn’t in the safe, but was hidden elsewhere by Bellamy Solo?”

Luke said, “If that’s the case, why would someone cut off Beram Solo’s finger?

The fingerprints of Belam Solo’s finger could open the safe, and regardless of whether or not there was gold inside the safe, a third person must have been at the scene.

The time would have been after the murderer, Leonard Hogan, killed the man and before the FBI arrived.

Also the gold was heavy, and the other suspect must have needed transportation to get it out of there.”

With a rough guess, Luke and Michael refreshed the case and locked down three suspect vehicles through road surveillance that matched the time.

And among these three suspect vehicles, the owner of a gray Buick was one of the followers of the Eternal Cult.

Name, Woolliam Furlan.

Sex, male.

Age, 36.

Cell phone number, 212 876 2578.

Address, 403 Cavell Apartments.

Social Security number, 050-53-7362.

Prior offense, burglary.

License plate number, KEO3948.

An adherent of the Eternal Church with a prior burglary conviction was in the vicinity of the scene during the time of the crime, and the FBI had good reason to suspect that he was an associate of Leonard Hogan.

The Carvelle Apartments.

This is an older apartment in the suburbs of New York City, the apartment is eight stories high and has two elevators, one of which is under repair.

The FBI surrounded the apartment and Luke and Michael rushed outside room 403.

“Knock knock.”

Michael knocked on the door.

There was no response.

“Thud.” Michael knocked hard on the door again.

That’s when there was some movement in the apartment.

After another moment, the door to the apartment room opened and a sleepy-eyed white man of about forty stood in the doorway.

He yawned, his mouth full of booze, and his right hand was holding the doorframe with a hangover.

“Who are you looking for?”

Michael sized up the other man, “You’re Worian Fran?”

“Who are you?” Worian Fran took a step back, showing a wary look.

Michael flashed his credentials, “FBI!”

Woliam Furlan’s body visibly shuddered, “What do you want with me?”

“Do you know Bellamy Solo?”


“What is your relationship?”


“When did you last see him?”

“On the evening of October 7th, we were partying with mutual friends.”

“What time did you meet and what time did you leave?”

“Met around eight and left at ten.”

“Did you see him again after that?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Woliam Furlan pursed his lips and asked rhetorically, “Why are you asking about Bellam Solo?”

“He’s dead.”

“My God, that’s terrible, when was he killed, did ye catch the killer?”

“No, it’s because we haven’t caught the killer that we’re looking to you for information.”

“Uh …… I’d love to help you guys, however, I had no idea before that Belam Solo was dead or what happened to Belam Solo.”

Michael asked, “Can you answer a few simple questions for us?”

Worian Fran hesitated for a moment and nodded, “You may ask.”

“Where did you last see Bellam Solo?”

“Victor’s Chapel, there were a lot of people there, not just the two of us, and they can all testify to me.”

“Have you ever been to Bellam Solo’s house?”

“No, we just share the same beliefs and we seldom associate with each other in private.”

“Did you own a Buick with license plate KEO3948?”


“Are you the one who uses this vehicle?”


“Has the automobile ever been loaned out?”


“How do you account for the fact that, according to our investigation, this car was in the vicinity of the home of Bellam Solow on the evening of October 7?”

Woliam Fran showed a nervous look and rubbed his hands together, “Could I …… be using my fake license plate?”

Michael said, “The road surveillance not only captured the license plate number, but also the driver.

It was you yourself.

So why did you kill Belam Solo?”

“I didn’t kill Bellam Solo, I could swear to God it was all a misunderstanding ……”

“Come on, it’s not even God you believe in.” Michael interrupted his defense, “We know you’re a murderer, you know it very well yourself.”

“No No No, you are mistaken, the murderer is not me.”

Michael bristled, “Every murderer I’ve caught has started out with that defense.

You obviously drove your car to the dead man’s house and refused to admit it, which tells me you’re weak-minded.

And the time you showed up near Belam Solo’s house coincided with the time Belam Solo was killed.

Why did you cut off his head?”

“I didn’t kill him, much less cut off his head, and you can’t find the real culprit, so you’ve come to plant evidence against me?” Worian Fran showed chagrin and said indignantly, “It wasn’t me who killed Bellam Solo.”

Michael tried, “Then who was it?”

Walliam Furlan was silent for a long time and uttered a name, “Leonard Hogan.”

“Why did Leonard Hogan kill Bellamy Solo?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then how do you know that Leonard Hogan killed Bellamy Solo?”

“I ……

I guessed.

If you don’t believe me, you can look up Leonard Hogan, there might be something unexpected.”

Luke laughed, “I know, you and Leonard Hogan are in cahoots, that’s why you know that Leonard Hogan was also involved in the killing of Bellamy Solo.”

Worian Fran sighed, “I am not in cahoots with Leonard Hogan, and I had no reason to kill Bellamy Solo.”

“Then how do you know that Leonard Hogan killed Bellamy Solo?”

“I guessed.”

“Guessed how? Or were you there at the time?”

Pressed by the two men, Woliam Furlan panicked a bit, “OK, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you the truth.” Woliam Furlan sighed, holding his forehead with his right hand, and said helplessly, “I …… did go to Bellam Solo s home neighborhood that night.

I wanted to consult him about some doctrinal questions and troubles.

When I drove to Bellam Solo’s house, I witnessed Leonard Hogan leaving.

Afterward, when I entered the Bellam-Solo home, I saw a headless body in the living room, and I freaked out and left.

The reason I lied just now is that I was afraid you would suspect me.

I swear, the murderer is Leonard Hogan.

You guys should be checking him out, not me.”

Luke and Michael looked at each other, of course the two of them knew that the murderer was Leonard Hogan, and that the purpose of their coming here was to investigate the whereabouts of the gold.

Luke said sarcastically, “Do you think we’re idiots? Trying to perfume us with such a lame excuse.

Killing and destroying a corpse is a felony, it’s not that easy to get away with it.”

“Whether you believe it or not, what I said is the truth, I didn’t kill anyone.” With that said, Worian Fran took a step back and grabbed the edge of the door as if trying to close it.

Michael blocked the door and flashed a search warrant, “We’re going to search your house.”

Woliam Furlan looked at the warrant and said somewhat feebly, “You’re looking at the wrong person, I really didn’t kill Bellamy Solo.”

Michael smiled, “We believe you and will soon prove your innocence.”

The FBI agents broke into the home of Woliam Furlan and began his home search.

The Worian-Fran home wasn’t very large, the house looked a little run down and the house was a mess.

Soon an FBI agent searched two backpacks from under the bed, the backpacks were heavy and when they were opened they were all replaced with brilliant gold bars.

Luke picked up a piece of gold bar and asked, “Where did these gold bars come from?”

Worian Fran’s legs went weak and he sat on his butt on the couch behind him.

Luke said, “Is this what you killed for? To grab this gold?”

In his defense, Worian Fran said, “These gold bars weren’t looted?”

Luke looked at the plastic wrapping on the outside of the gold bars, “If I’m not mistaken, Beram Solo’s fingerprints should be detected on this.”

Woliam Fran sighed, covered his forehead with his hands, and said, “I didn’t rob these gold, it was …… stolen.

Also, I really didn’t kill Beram Solo.”

Luke tried, “You and Leonard Hogan teamed up to kill Bellam Solo, he took Bellam Solo’s head, and you took Bellam Solo’s gold.”

“No, I didn’t join forces with Leonard Hogan, I didn’t even know he was going to kill Bellam Solo, it was all a coincidence.

Bellam Solo, as head of the church, had been receiving donations from the faithful, and that was a lot of money.

I was at the party that night, and Belam Solo received donations from two more people ……

I didn’t know the exact amount at the time, but judging from the thickness of the cash, it was not a large amount.

I needed money, really, really badly.

So, I followed Belam Solo and tried to steal some money from his house.

I followed Belam Solo to his home and tried to wait for him to go to sleep before stealing.

But at this time, Leonard Hogan drove to Bellam Solo’s house and he was acting weird and I heard the sound of a chainsaw …… I didn’t dare to show my face.

Later, when Leonard Hogan came out of the house with a bag in his hand and a change of clothes on him, I knew something might be wrong.

Then I sneaked into Bellamy Solo’s house to check it out, and right there in the living room I found Bellamy Solo’s body, his head was gone.

I was shocked.

I thought about calling the police, but, I really needed the money.

I found all these gold bars at Bellam Solo’s house and stole them.

If you guys need it, I can help you identify Leonard Hogan, that creep is the real murderer.”

Luke asked, “In what location at Bellam Solo’s house were the gold bars hidden?”

“The safe.”

“How did you open the safe?”

“I cut off Bellam Solo’s fingers and used his fingerprints to open the safe.”

Luke and Michael looked at each other; all the clues had matched up.

Luke guessed that it was no accident that Woliam Furlan stole the gold bars; the bastard should have long been eyeing Bellam Solo, trying to steal the donations of the faithful from him.

That night, Leonard Hogan killed Bellamy Solo, and Woliam Furlan thought it was a good opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to steal the gold and property.

The murderer was caught, the bullion was found, and the FBI’s objective was accomplished.

Luke also had the leisure to ask, “Why did you join the Eternal Cult?”

Woliam Fran froze for a moment, as if he didn’t expect Luke to ask that, and after a moment of silence, he replied, “I’m forty years old, and I’ve accomplished nothing.

I don’t have a family, I don’t have many friends, and I live a chaotic life every day.

I don’t know what the meaning of life is.

I feel like a complete failure, and it’s clear to me that this is it for me in this life, there’s no hope left.

It wasn’t that I didn’t try, but my surroundings were such that it was like I was stuck in a swamp, and the more I struggled, the faster I died.

Until one day I came into contact with the Eternal Cult.

The teachings preached by Beram Solo gave me new hope.

I have made many mistakes in my life.

If I could be born again, I would have a chance to correct my mistakes.

To start a new life, a meaningful life, instead of wanting to be like I am now ……

However, as I’ve been in contact for a long time, I’ve realized what’s going on.

Belam Solo has been using Him to solicit donations from the faithful.

The more donations, the more Belam Solo valued the other person.

Belam Solo had also asked me for donations, but I had no money at all, and the other party’s attitude had changed, and he was very cold to me.

That kind of face gave me a sense of déjà vu.

I saw through his tricks.

I thought about quitting the church, and I also thought about tearing him down in public, so that those believers could see his greedy face.

But what good would that do me?

So I chose other methods of retaliation, taking away those donations that he had swindled, the only way to make him feel the pain and teach him a lesson.

The gold was indeed stolen from his house, but I really didn’t kill anyone.”

Luke was curious, “How long have you been a member of the Eternal Cult?”

“About four or five months.”

“What do you think of the followers of the Eternal Cult?”

Woliam Furlan said disdainfully, “Just a bunch of self-deceiving wretches.

They may not be unable to see the tricks of Beram Solo’s fraud, it’s just that ……

they would rather be deceived than have the courage to face reality.”

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