Chapter 614

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early Morning.

Luke yawned and descended down the wooden stairs, greeting Li Zhaofeng in the kitchen, “Good morning.”

Li Zhaofeng glanced at his son, “It’s rather cold in New York, should I take you to buy a shirt?”

Luke walked into the dining room and pulled up a wooden chair and sat down, “There’s no need, I don’t get out much after work stuff, I either stay in the house or in the car. Can’t afford to freeze.”

Luke poured a glass of milk and took a sip, the cold milk in the mouth, the whole person is much more energetic, “Dad, today’s string, what do we bring something?”

Earlier, Luke planned to invite his family to have a dinner together before leaving New York, and he personally called the elders of his family.

Luke’s grandfather and uncle agreed, but his aunt cut him off and instead of letting Luke have a treat outside, he invited Luke to his house.

Luke originally thought his aunt was being polite and followed suit, but his aunt was adamant and repeated the invitation.

Under the hospitality, Luke agreed.

Luke’s aunt is called Chen Jiesheng, is a New York lawyer, usually work is busy, Luke brothers and his contact is not much.

After breakfast.

Luke brought two bottles of Maotai from home, and went to the supermarket to buy some gifts, then, father and son drove straight to the aunt’s house.

Moutai this wine do not care whether they love to drink, in the Chinese circle, gift giving is still very appropriate.

Luke’s aunt is called Li Wan, four years younger than Luke’s father, but the three siblings in the best family conditions, living in the center of New York City in a high-rise apartment.

Luke’s father and son parked the car in a nearby parking lot and walked across the street toward the apartment across the street.

The apartment had more than thirty floors and was more than twenty years old, but the apartment did not show signs of aging, instead it had more than a few moments of the era and the precipitation of the years.

Luke had heard it said more than once before that the ultimate home for high-rise buildings was the slum.

This saying might apply to most cities around the world, but New York was special.

The New York metropolitan area abounds in high-rise housing, and not only has it not fallen into a slum, but home prices and rents have risen year after year.

New York is the most prosperous city in the world and the international center of economy, finance, commerce, trade, culture and media, and rich people all over the world want to own a set of property here, which is the main reason why the price of housing remains high.

Even Luke wanted to have a high-grade apartment of his own here.

The main reason why the high-rise apartments were reduced to slums was because with the increase in the number of years of residence, the facilities of the apartments would deteriorate and require timely maintenance and repairs.

The longer you live, the higher the cost of maintenance, some tenants can not get the money, and other tenants are not willing to pay more money, the apartment lost maintenance, it will accelerate the dilapidation, the price of housing is reduced, the tenants are even more reluctant to pay for maintenance, the formation of a vicious circle, which ultimately led to the elevator can not run, the water and electricity cut off, and reduced to the slums.

On the contrary, New York is inhabited by rich people, the price of housing is also rising, the residents are willing to take money to maintain the apartment, forming a virtuous circle.

As long as the main body of the house does not collapse, the house will not look dilapidated, and the price of housing will remain firm.

Father and son took the elevator up to the fifteenth floor.

Luke could no longer remember the door number of his aunt’s house and could only follow Li Zhaofeng.

Li Zhaofeng walked to the door of 1504 and pressed the doorbell.


After a while, the door opened.

At the doorway stood an Asian man in his forties with a somewhat thin figure, who greeted him with a smile, “Big brother, Luke, you guys are here, come on in.”

This Chinese man was none other than Luke’s aunt, Chen Jiesheng.

“Hello aunt.” Luke carried his gifts into the apartment.

The hall of the apartment was open, with white tiles, floor-to-ceiling windows, and good lighting.

“Aiya, it’s not an outsider, why did you buy so many things?”

Luke laughed, “Didn’t buy much, knowing that you love to drink, I took two bottles of wine from home, and the rest is also some food.”

“Next time you come, don’t bring so many things, otherwise, I won’t open the door for you.” Chen Jiesheng took the things and greeted Li Zhaofeng and Luke as they sat on the sofa.

At this time, Luke’s uncle Li Zhaonian came out from the kitchen, “You guys are here too.”

Luke was a bit surprised, “Uncle, you came earlier than us, where is aunt and Will?”

“Your aunt is in the kitchen frying crispy meat, Will went to pick up your grandparents, I guess he’s almost there too.” Li Zhaonian glanced at his watch, “I’m going in first to do the dishes, we’ll talk later.”

Li Zhaonian snorted and went back into the kitchen to get busy.

As a professional chef, no matter who’s family was inviting guests, they would inevitably ask him to help.

Luke’s aunt, Li Wan, also came out wearing an apron and greeted him, then went back into the kitchen.

Chen Jiesheng poured two cups of tea and handed Luke a cup, “Luke, when did you come back?”

Luke took a sip of tea, “Almost a week.

The FBI asked me to assist in a homicide investigation, and now that I’m done, I have time to get together with my family.”

“I heard from your aunt that you are now a criminal investigation consultant for the FBI?”

“Yes, but the focus of the work is still in the LAPD.”

“Not bad, at a young age you can mix in both departments with ease, your future development will definitely get better and better.” After Chen Jiesheng finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something: “Recently, the news has been broadcasting about the split body murder case, where the wife of the mayor of New York and the famous model Olenna Barker were both killed.

The case had a very bad impact and spread widely, I heard that it was investigated by the FBI.

You’re involved in the investigation of this case as well?”

“Yes. After the murder of the mayor’s wife, the head of the FBI felt that the nature was more serious, so in order to solve the case in time, he brought me from Los Angeles to assist in the investigation.” The case had already been solved and many of the details were on the news, Luke did not deliberately hide it and continued, “This murderer was terminally ill, joined a church that aimed to defraud, and committed multiple murders under the brainwashing of the head of the church.”

Chen Jiesheng asked, “Has the suspect confessed?”

Luke nodded, “When we caught him, he was preparing to mutilate the fourth victim, so it can be said that he was caught red-handed.”

Chen Jiesheng pondered for a moment, “Does the murderer have any mental problems?”

Luke glanced at the other party, thinking that the other party was a lawyer, and replied, “The murderer only suffered some superficial injuries.

On the contrary, that victim was scared to death.”

“Dingdong ……”

The doorbell rang.

Chen Jiesheng walked over to open the door.

Luke’s grandfather, grandmother and Will walked in together.

Luke rushed to greet them, “Grandpa, Grandma.”

Luke’s grandmother grabbed his hand and asked affectionately, “When did you come back?”

Luke replied, “I came back two days ago, I’ve been busy with work, and today I’m finally free, so I wanted to ask everyone to have dinner with me.

When my aunt found out, he didn’t let me book a table at the restaurant and invited us to his house for a get-together.”

Grandpa Luke said, “It’s good to eat at home, it’s lively.”

Luke helped his grandparents sit on the couch.

Luke’s grandmother asked, “Didn’t you say Julia was coming back today? Where is everyone?”

Chen Jiesheng replied, “Mom, I just called Julia, she’s already gotten off the plane and is on her way back, so I guess she’s almost there.”

Grandpa Luke asked, “The last time I called, she said that her school schedule was very tight, it’s not a new year, why did she suddenly come back?”

Chen Jiesheng laughed, “Who knows, two days ago, called her mom and said she wanted to come back and give us a surprise.

I thought to myself, you want to give us a surprise, I will also arrange a surprise for you.

This is not to invite everyone over to get together.” Chen Jiesheng took out a pack of cigarettes and handed one to Luke, “The New Year was a busy time, and I didn’t show up when you two brothers came back.

This time when you came back, I as an aunt had to show.”

Luke took the cigarette and asked and answered, “Is Matt coming back today?”

Matt was Chen Jiesheng’s son.

Chen Jiesheng grunted, “Ever since that kid went to college last year, he’s been like a kite with broken strings, not to mention coming home.

If he wasn’t short of money, he wouldn’t even make a phone call.

This son was raised in vain.

It’s better to have a daughter.”

Li Zhaonian laughed: “Our family does not lack a son, just this one precious daughter, who does not rare?”

“Dingdong.” The doorbell rang.

Grandma Luke laughed, “Come on, it must be my precious granddaughter coming back, go open the door.”

Will bumpily ran over, opened the door, outside stood a young Chinese girl, it is Julia.

She was a bit surprised to see Will: “Will, why are you in my house?”

Will let aside, laughed: “This is not waiting for your surprise.”

Julia’s face changed slightly, her eyes glanced back.

Seeing her look different, Will also glanced behind her, and at once, his eyes glared.

“This is …… your friend?”

“Ah.” Julia responded noncommittally.

Grandma Luke also welcomed over, “Daughter, quickly come in ah, have arrived home, why are you still standing at the door?”

“Grandma.” Julia smiled, only the smile looked a little forced, she entered the house, and the people behind her followed.

Luke looked to the doorway as well, but ignored Julia in favor of the man behind her.

A black man, looking to be in his mid-twenties, similar in height to Luke, with a big grin, showing white teeth and a somewhat coy smile.

Grandma Luke froze, looked at the black man and asked, “Zi, who is this?”

“Ah …… grandma, this is my friend.” Julia said in Chinese.

The black man waved his hand, “Hi, nice to meet you guys.

My name is Horst Watt, I’m Julia’s boyfriend.”

Hearing this, the crowd was confused.

The room immediately went quiet.

Luke’s grandmother seemed to understand, “What did he say?”

In fact, Luke’s grandmother could understand some English, but she just didn’t know if it was because the other party was speaking too fast and she didn’t hear it, or if she couldn’t believe it.

Chen Jie Sheng’s face was a bit gloomy, questioning, “Julia, who is he?”

Julia glanced at her father, then looked at the black man next to her, bit her lip, gathered her courage and whispered, “He is my boyfriend.”

Chen Jiesheng’s forehead veins rippled, his teeth chattering with anger: “This is what you call a surprise?”

“I didn’t say it was a surprise, I just told mom that I had something to come back for a trip ……

How was I to know that you invited so many people to ……”

“You are still aggravated, you ……” Chen Jiesheng gasped, covered his forehead, his legs were soft, and his body fell to the ground.

Luke’s eyes were quick and rushed to hold him.

“Jie Sheng, what’s wrong with you?”

“Dad, don’t scare me.”

Luke hurriedly helped Chen Jiesheng onto the sofa, and vaguely heard the other party whisper, “Send me to the hospital.”

Luke took a look at the other party, he had seen a lot of seriously injured patients, in his experience, Chen Jiesheng’s situation was not serious, rather it was like he was unable to face the current situation and was eager to leave this place.

It was also right, this meal would definitely be impossible to eat.

It was embarrassing for everyone to be here, so it would be better to disperse.

Let the family work it out on their own.

“My aunt is not doing well, it’s better to send him to the hospital.”

Julia was rushed over and grabbed Chen Jiesheng’s hand, “Dad, what’s wrong with you, where are you not feeling well?

You don’t scare me!”

Chen Jiesheng closed his eyes, pursed his lips and did not answer.

Afterward, Luke and his father helped Chen Jiesheng downstairs and drove him to the hospital.

Everyone else dispersed as well.

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