Chapter 617

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

October 17th, nine o’clock in the morning.

A black Maybach drove up to the entrance of Li Zhaofeng’s house.

Luke dragged his luggage out of the house, the driver put his luggage into the trunk, Luke sat in the back of the car and waved goodbye to his father.

The black Maybach slowly left under the watchful eye of Li Zhaofeng.

Luke twisted his head to look at Hamedi Shaw sitting next to him, “Mr. Shaw, are you going to drive this car to Los Angeles?”

Hamedi Shaw lit a cigar and handed it to Luke, “Counselor Li, there may be some changes to the travel plans this time.”

Luke took a drag on the cigar and slowly asked, “What do you mean?”

Hamedi Shaw took out another cigar and cut the top, “I’m going to take a cruise to Los Angeles.”

Luke exhaled a puff of smoke, “Are you kidding?”

“No, I’m serious.”

“Why didn’t you let me know ahead of time?”

“My thought before was to get to L.A. as soon as possible, driving would have been a better time saver.

However, the directors of my company were skeptical about acquiring the marina and advised me to think carefully before doing so.

According to my understanding, there is a New York to Los Angeles cruise line that starts from the Atlantic Ocean, stops at several important ports in the U.S., sails into the Caribbean Sea, passes through the Panama Canal, and later enters the Pacific Ocean before finally arriving at the L.A. terminal, and I would like to take a field trip to check out the sailing routes and important ports.

This will help me make a precise judgment on the acquisition plan.”

“How long will this sea voyage trip take?”

“Eight days.”

Luke said, “A cruise is going to be a much longer and more unpredictable trip than driving.

Once a cruise ship enters the ocean it becomes an island.

If, for example, the person who wants to kill you also boards the cruise ship, there is not even a chance to escape, but only to fight to the death with the other party, and the risk will be even greater.”

Hamedi Shaw said, “Once we start the pier acquisition program, our company will have to invest billions of dollars, I think it’s totally worth it to take this risk.

Moreover, the trip to Los Angeles by cruise ship is completely confidential, only you, me and the bodyguard know about it.

Just relax, I’m sure it’ll be a relaxing ride compared to driving.”

“You should have told me earlier.”

“I swear, I literally just decided yesterday.”


I thought you didn’t trust me enough to tell me the real route for fear I’d spill the beans.”

“How could I, you’re Negan’s friend, which is my friend, and I would never lie to a friend.”

Luke didn’t believe his bullshit, Hamedi Shaw had known that he couldn’t fly, surely he would have researched other routes to Los Angeles, how could it have been an impromptu decision.

Then again, it was true that the two had no basis of trust when they first met, and Luke hadn’t given a clear answer at the time, so it was understandable to have reservations from Hamedi Shaw’s point of view.

But Luke also had his own attitude about securing his own interests.

Luke sighed, “For the past two days, I’ve been working on a route to drive to Los Angeles, and now it seems that I can no longer use it.”

Hamedi Shaw said, “If everything goes well in Los Angeles, I will definitely acquire the docks in Los Angeles, and I will often run in both places in the future, so I should be able to use it next time.”

Luke continued, “Since we’ve decided to change routes temporarily, shouldn’t our consultant contract be changed as well.”

“Change how?”

Luke said bluntly, “Taking a cruise to Los Angeles makes the trip farther, longer, and riskier.

Two hundred thousand dollars for a consultant is far from enough, and I’m asking for it to go up to four hundred thousand dollars.

If you don’t think it’s appropriate, we’ll terminate the cooperation now, and I’ll keep the previous conversation confidential.”

Hamedi Shaw took a hard drag on his cigar, “I changed my route temporarily, and you changed your consulting fee, very reasonable.

However, I don’t want anything like this to happen again.”

“That’s what I’m trying to say.” Luke was only in a cooperative relationship with him, not one of his men, and increasing the consultant fee was also expressing his attitude.

After the negotiation, Luke began to ask about the cruise ship’s traveling route and the ports it passed through.

Although the possibility of intercepting the ship halfway was unlikely, it was still necessary to take precautions, and after receiving this money, he had to do things accordingly.

Half an hour later, the car drove to New York Tuckers harbor.

A white cruise ship appeared in front of Luke, about one hundred and fifty-six meters in length, nine stories high, with large blue letters ‘Silver Cloud’ printed on the side of the cruise ship.

For this trip, in addition to Luke, the security advisor, Hamedi Shaw also brought four bodyguards along.

At this time, there were already passengers passing through the security checkpoints and boarding the cruise ship one after another.

A line of people surrounded Hammadi Shaw in the center, lined up security check.

There was also a loudspeaker playing at the security checkpoint to circulate the announcement, ”Welcome, all passengers, to this cruise ship.

This cruise belongs to the US East route, which starts from New York, crosses the Panama Canal, and terminates in Los Angeles.

The duration of the trip is eight days and seven nights.

In order to ensure the safety of all passengers, please go through the security check in order.

All dangerous goods and weapons are prohibited to be brought on board the cruise ship.

Thank you for your cooperation.’

Luke frowned and turned to Hamedi Shaw and asked, “Do we have to hand over our weapons as well?”

Hamedi Shaw pointed to the side of the cruise ship, “There is security on the cruise ship.”

Luke looked up and saw two loaded security guards standing at the bow and stern of the cruise ship, “Putting your safety in other people’s hands, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Hamedi Shaw said, “This cruise ship is tightly regulated, and in decades at sea, I’ve never heard of a major nautical accident.

Moreover, even if the people who want to kill me get on the cruise ship, they will likewise be unable to carry weapons, and the danger will be greatly reduced.

Not to mention the fact that the cruise ship has security guards to maintain order.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Do you have a way to get on a cruise ship with a pistol?”

“No,” Hamedi Shaw shrugged.

Soon it was Luke’s turn and the others’ turn for a security check.

One of them took a security wand and tested it around Luke’s circumference, making a ticking noise, “Do you have a weapon on you, sir?”

Luke lifted his jacket and flashed his sidearm, “Yes.”

“I’m sorry, our company has a rule that all passengers are not allowed to carry weapons on board the cruise ship.”

“So you’re asking me to throw my pistol overboard?”

“Customized model Nighthawk 1911, it’s a good gun, it would be a shame to throw it into the sea.” The security guard saw the model of the gun at a glance, “I suggest that you can separate the gun from the ammunition and check it in your suitcase.

When the trip is over, you can just retrieve your suitcase, it’s the easiest way.

Alternatively, the weapons could be given to the cruise ship’s management for escrow.”

Neither of these options was very appealing to Luke, “Who is the person in charge of you? I’d like to talk to him.”

“If it’s a matter of carrying a weapon, I don’t think that’s necessary and it’s useless to talk to anyone.”

Luke flashed his FBI credentials, “I didn’t hear what you just said. Can you say it again?”

The security guard froze for a moment when he saw the FBI ID, “Please wait, I need to report to my superiors.”

“Thanks.” Luke turned to Hamedi Shaw, “You guys go wait for me on the cruise ship.”

“See you in a bit.” Hamedi Shaw smiled, if Luke could carry a gun on the cruise ship, he would have an extra layer of protection as well.

The security guard made some contact on his walkie-talkie and then asked Luke to wait in his office on the pier.

Soon, a white man with a large beard walked into the office and greeted Luke, “Hello, I’m the Silver Cloud’s first officer, Rory Catton.”

“Hello, First Officer Catton, I’m FBI Counselor Luke Lee.” Luke flashed his officer’s license.

“Sir, I hear you’re trying to bring weapons aboard?”


“But our company has a clear rule that all passengers are not allowed to bring weapons on board the cruise ship.”

Luke said, “I respect your company’s rules, but what is the reason for the customized rules?”

“To ensure the safety of the cruise passengers.”

“What about passengers in danger when they are not armed?”

“We have security guards on our cruise ships to ensure the safety of every passenger and to stop things that infringe on their interests and safety in a timely manner.”

Luke said, “Very well, the purpose of your cruise ship is the same as our FBI.

I carry a weapon for my own safety and that of the cruise passengers as well.”

Rory Catton showed a difficult look, “If every passenger asked to carry a weapon, the order of the cruise ship would be very chaotic.”

Luke once again flashed his FBI credentials, “I’m not just a passenger, I’m also a law enforcement officer, and I’m requesting to carry a handgun on the cruise ship.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”

“Then contact someone who can make the call, I’m not here to cause trouble and I don’t want to embarrass you.

If something does happen to the cruise ship, I’ll stand with the security guards and keep the cruise ship safe and in order.

Besides, I’m only one man and one gun, so I won’t do any harm to the cruise ship. What do you think?”

Rory Catton thought for a moment, “One moment, please.”

Rory Catton stepped aside and took out his cell phone to make a call.

When he came back again, he said, “Sir, what kind of weapon do you want to carry on the cruise?”

Luke flashed his sidearm, “1911.”

“No other weapons?”

“Yes, I’m just carrying for defense, not to rob a cruise ship.”

“Can I see your credentials again?”

Luke handed him his FBI credentials.

“Sir, may I ask if this cruise you’re taking is business or personal?”

Luke scanned his eyes around and lowered his voice, “I think it’s better if you don’t know.”

Rory Catton frowned slightly, “Is there anything we can assist you with?”

“Not at the moment.”

Rory Catton handed Luke his credentials back, “You may carry your pistol on the cruise, but please don’t tell anyone else or be seen by anyone else to avoid unnecessary trouble.”


I don’t mean to break your cruise ship’s rules, it’s just that I’m not used to not having a weapon around me because of my profession.”

Afterwards, Rory Catton personally led Luke to board the cruise ship, and the security guard in charge of the security check did not search Luke again.

“Sir, have a nice trip.” After boarding the cruise ship, Rory Carton greeted Luke and left.

Seeing Luke boarding the cruise ship, Hamedi Shaw walked over with two bodyguards and asked with a smile, “Counselor Li, did it go well?”

Luke lifted his shirt and let Hamedi Shaw see his sidearm.

Hamedi Shaw gave a thumbs up, “Good job, we have a few more points of security.”

Luke shook his head, “On the contrary, you need to be more careful. It’s best not to leave the room without something going on.”


“If I can bring a gun on a cruise, so can the others.”

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