Chapter 618

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Silver Cloud Cruise Ship.

Luke lived in room 908 of the cruise ship, the house area was about forty to fifty square meters, divided into living room, living area, balcony and toilet, there was also a small bar in the living room with all kinds of drinks.

Luke put down his luggage, opened the sliding door and walked into the balcony, outside is the endless sea, here the view is very good, lying on the bed can enjoy the sea view.

Suddenly, a voice rang in Luke’s brain, [Congratulations to the host, successfully solved the murder and split body case, rewarded 120 points].

Luke, as the FBI’s criminal investigation consultant, just assisted the New York FBI to catch the murderer, and did not participate in the closing procedures behind the case, it is estimated that the case is now completely closed, and the reward is only issued.

Luke checked the Divine Detective System, the previous reserve points had 230, plus the current 120 points, there are 350 points.

The reason why, there were so many reserve points was because Luke didn’t make up for the used up function cards after he received his reward last time.

Subsequently, Luke exchanged an Appraisal Card, a Bullet Avoidance Card, an Accuracy Card, and a Detection Card, spending a total of 90 points.

In this way, several commonly used function cards had four in reserve.

After Luke organized his room, he went to the next room, room 906, which was much larger and was a suite with a total of two rooms.

Hamedi Shaw sat on the living room couch and asked with a smile, “How does it feel?”

Luke said, “The environment is good.

Not sure about the security though.”

“Don’t worry, my room will have two bodyguards on night duty and the other two resting.” Hamedi Shaw glanced at his watch, “It’s almost noon, let’s go around the deck and get some more food on the way.”

Luke said, “I suggest you stay in your room, you can have your meals brought in.”

“Come on, you’re being too careful.

I know it’s right to be careful, but we’re safe now.” Hamedi Shaw explained, “I didn’t tell anyone about the purchase of the cruise tickets earlier.

Tickets for the ship stopped selling last night.

Even if someone did follow us, they wouldn’t be able to board the ship and would have to watch us leave on the cruise ship.”

He wasn’t afraid of himself, so Luke didn’t bother to persuade him much.

Luke, Hamedi Shaw and two bodyguards left the room.

There was a waiter standing at the corner of the corridor, Luke walked over and asked, “Is this floor full?”

“No, there are still two rooms available.”

“Can these ship tickets be sold temporarily?”

“Sir, do you mean tickets to board the ship in New York?”


“Then, unfortunately, the New York ticketing system stopped selling them last night.”

Hamedi Shaw spread his hands and smiled.

Luke continued, “From what you’re saying, tickets are still available elsewhere?”

“Yes sir, this journey goes through four ports, all of which are ticketable for boarding.”

“When do we get to the next port?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

Luke took out a ten dollar bill and handed it to him.

“Thank you, sir.” The waiter smiled, “If you need a guide, I can be of service.”

“No, let’s turn around on our own.” Luke walked away thoughtfully.

If according to Hamedi Shaw, no one else knew about taking the cruise, then it was indeed safe for the time being, because even if there was really someone following Hamedi Shaw, they couldn’t follow him to board the ship.

Of course, do not rule out the other party to relations, spend money to use other ways to board the ship, but the problem is that the cruise will soon depart, leaving the other party to operate in too short a period of time.

However, this was not absolutely safe.

According to the waiter, there were also passengers boarding the ship at the way ports.

If someone really wanted to kill Hamedi Shaw, they could buy a ticket for the next port in advance and still have a chance to board the ship.

The time to reach the next port was tomorrow morning, which meant that it was relatively safe until tomorrow morning.

With that figured out, Luke also relaxed and took the elevator to the cruise ship deck.


The whistle sounded and the cruise ship began to move slowly away from the shore.

Luke stood on the deck and looked out over the crowd on the dock as if trying to memorize their features.

Hamedi Shaw glanced around the deck and returned to Luke, “Let’s go eat.

The doctor said I need to lose weight, I only had an apple and a cup of coffee this morning and now I’m starving.”

Hamedi Shaw called out to a waiter, “Where’s the restaurant?”

“Sir, there’s a cafeteria on the second floor, and you can order food on the third floor.”

Hamedi Shaw took out twenty dollars and handed it over.

“Thank you sir, have a nice day.”

Hamedi Shaw said, “I can’t wait to order in, let’s go to the buffet and order in again for the evening.”

The group of four went up to the second floor.

The buffet was already open and guests were picking out their food with their trays.

One bodyguard took the table and another followed Hamedi Shaw.

Luke also took a dinner plate to select food, he first turned around and chose some of his favorite food, but the amount of food was small.

After tasting them, he could have some more if he thought any of them tasted good, so that he wouldn’t waste any and he could also taste a few more kinds of food.

Luke was also keeping an eye on the restaurant’s guests as he picked out his food, and didn’t notice any suspicious people.

Afterward, Luke sat down with his food across from Hamedi Shaw, who looked like she was starving and took a big bite of her pizza.

Luke began to deal with the polenta on his plate.

Hamedi Shaw finished the food on his plate and turned around and loaded up some more.

This time, he didn’t gobble it down like he had before, and while he ate, he chatted with Luke.

“Luke, can I call you that?”

“Sure, that’s what my friends call me.”

“I know you’re a very famous detective in Los Angeles, can you tell me about the most bizarre case you’ve solved?”

Luke laughed, “Trust me, you won’t like it, viewings aren’t novels or TV shows, boring as hell.”

Hamedi Shaw shrugged, “So have you ever protected anyone before?”

“No, in fact I’ve taken more liberties with catching murderers.”

Hamedi Shaw “……”

Are you cursing me?

Luke took a sip of his orange juice and asked, “Have you ever been in the harbor business before?”


“Why did you take over the harbor business if you knew it was complicated, troublesome, and might even pose some dangers?”

Hamedi Shaw lifted his collar, revealing scars on his shoulders, “Man, I wasn’t born into a wealthy family, much less have a family or father to lean on.

It hasn’t been a smooth journey for me, and how can I not take risks when I want to break out of my current class?”

Luke didn’t speak again, how could he not?

Luke had some savings now, but at best, he was only considered a relatively affluent middle class, not really rich.

After dinner, Luke went around the cruise ship and learned about it from all sides.

This cruise ship belongs to the luxury cruise ship, unlike those ordinary cruise ships that often have thousands of passengers, this cruise ship only has three hundred passengers, while the service staff is nearly two hundred people, the privacy of the cruise ship is extremely good, so you can leisurely enjoy the vacation life.

The cruise ship has bars, casinos, swimming pools, movie theaters, and all kinds of entertainment consumption.

Especially the guests who live on the ninth and eighth floors are either rich or noble.

Luke finished cruising the cruise ship and didn’t find anything unusual.

According to his speculation, this place should be safe before arriving at the next port tomorrow morning.

So he also took this time to relax and unwind, and in the afternoon, had a spa massage on the cruise ship.

The person who gave him a massage was a young black girl, her hands were not small, and her technique was good, and after the massage and then soaking in a hot bath, his body was permeable.

In the evening, Luke went to the restaurant on the third floor.

Compared to the buffet restaurant on the second floor, the environment on the third floor was a bit cleaner.

There was French, Italian, Turkish, Japanese, and Chinese food.

Luke went to the Italian restaurant, even though he was just one person, he had to eat something good.

Luke found a seat by the window, outside the window was the sea, only close to the cruise ship there were lights, it was dark in the distance.

A waiter brought the menu and handed it to Luke, “Sir, are you alone?”

“Yes.” Luke took the menu and ordered a few of his favorite dishes and a bottle of red wine.

Just then, a blonde white woman with elegant temperament walked over to Luke’s table, “Mr. Lee, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Luke looked up at the other party and immediately recognized that it was Lilith’s sister, Penny Finn, whom he had met once before at the Baggs Club.

The relationship between the two sisters was not very good, and Penny seemed to have the intention of pulling Luke’s strings, purchasing one of Luke’s sketch portraits for fifty thousand dollars.

Reaching out, their sisters’ feud, Luke did not want to get more involved.

Luke stood up and smiled, ”Ms. Finn, I’m glad to see you here. I wonder if I have the honor to ask you to have dinner with me?”

“You are truly a gentleman.” Penny sat down across from Luke.

A waitress brought the menu and handed it to Penny.

As she read the menu, she asked, “Are you traveling alone?”

“No, came with a friend, how about you?”

“I came with my husband.

He and his friend went for Japanese food, which I’m not a big fan of.

Last time, my husband saw your sketch portrait and liked it, and said he wanted to meet you, the great painter.”

Luke smiled, “I’m glad your husband doesn’t think I’m a liar.”

Penny smiled back and asked, “Have you been staying in New York lately?”


“Then you must know about the New York Murder and Splitting case, that poor mayor’s wife was a good person, I just met her a while ago.”

Luke didn’t know how the other party defined the word good person, but judging from the fact that that lady was applauding for love with a black man behind her husband’s back, Luke would have a hard time feeling sympathetic towards her.

“I’m here in New York to assist the FBI in their investigation of this case.”

“My God, you’re the one who solved the murder of the mayor’s wife!” Penny was a bit surprised at first, then relieved, “That’s right, you’re the most famous detective in Los Angeles, and you happened to be in New York during this time, so I thought it was a bit of a coincidence.

Can you tell me about this case? Why was the mayor’s wife killed? I heard that her arms were cut off and that she died with no clothes on? Was she violated?”

At this point, Penny was devoid of her usual elegance, and was no different from the usual woman who loved to gossip.

Elegance was only for strangers, and the big melon of the mayor’s wife of New York was enough to show her in her original form.

“Sorry, I signed a non-disclosure agreement.” Luke perfunctorily said, the mayor’s wife is dead, but the mayor is still alive, never mind the relationship between the two in life, after death, they are definitely a model couple, and they can’t afford to be gossiped about.

“She was a good friend of mine, I just want to know more about her.” Penny was obviously a little lost.

The waiter brought the trays and started serving the food, which was exquisitely done and tasted good.

Penny picked up her wine glass and clinked it with Luke, “Thank you for dinner.”

“My pleasure.” Luke took a sip as well.

Penny directed her glass, “Have you been busy with work lately?”

“Not too bad, what’s up?”

“Some time ago, I obtained a treasure map, but I have no experience in treasure hunting, I want to ask you to go treasure hunting with me, are you interested?”

Luke looked at the other party with a smile.

“Wow, I know what you’re thinking, thinking that I’m following Lilith’s example, with low-end tactics. But that’s not really the case, I’m not a clown who only imitates others, nor do I care to do so.”

Luke didn’t say anything, just looked at the other man with his glass of wine.

Penny continued, “When Lilith came back from her treasure hunt, Grandfather was happy about it.

At first, we just thought that Grandfather was an old child, like seeing a favorite toy.

Later, I thought about it carefully, and maybe that’s not the case.

Treasure hunting is just the surface.

What’s important is the spirit of adventure, which is the ancestral motto of the Finn family.

Grandfather’s fundamental purpose was not to see us lose our spirit of adventure and enterprise and become family assholes who only know how to have fun.

Can you understand what I mean?”

“You mean that it’s not that you want to learn from Lilith and invite favor, but that your grandfather wants the family members to learn from Lilith and make treasure hunting adventures the family’s rite of passage.”

“You’re right, although grandfather didn’t say it explicitly, I can feel him pushing for it.

I want to go and organize a treasure hunting adventure.

Lilith was just a mistake, I was the first one to respond to Grandfather’s decision.” Penny looked at Luke and spoke in a solemn tone, “Luke, besides my husband, you are the second person who knows about this.

I am sincerely inviting you to join me.”

“Penny, thank you for your trust.

But I’m afraid I’m not in a position to join you in this adventure.”

Penny seemed to have not expected Luke to refuse so dryly, “Don’t you want to learn more about my treasure hunting plan? That’s a huge fortune.”



“I’m an enforcer, not an adventurer!”

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