Chapter 621

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:41
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“Knock knock ……”

A knock sounded outside.

Luke slowly opened his eyes and glanced at his watch, “Who’s out there?”

“Counselor Lee, I’m Mr. Hamedi Shaw’s bodyguard, Cassius Harder.”

Luke stepped out of bed and began to get dressed.

Last night, after ten o’clock, Hammady Shaw approached him again to talk about things.

At the time, Hammady Shaw was red in the face, full of alcohol, and obviously a little tipsy.

He dragged Luke to talk about the plan to acquire the port of Los Angeles, and also asked Luke to help him plan and strategize on how to ensure the security and smooth transition of the port after acquiring it.

For the sake of the exorbitant consulting fees, Luke talked to him for over an hour.

If Hamedi Shaw could really acquire the port and hire Luke as the port’s security consultant, it would be considered a long-term gain.

Luke briefly shuffled and opened the door to his room, “Is something wrong?”

“Counselor Lee, something’s not right, the cell phone network hasn’t been working since this morning.”

“What did the cruise staff say?”

“They said that there was a malfunction in the cruise ship’s communication equipment and it’s being overhauled.”

“Where is Hamedi Shaw?”

“Went to the cafeteria for dinner.”

“Why did you let him go out if you knew there might be an anomaly?”

“I stopped him, but he had an appointment with Mr. Julian Ron.

In his words, he didn’t want to let his good friend down because of some minor mishap.”

“What a stubborn fellow.” Luke grabbed his jacket that was hanging above the closet, “Let’s go to the restaurant.”

The two passed through the hallway and took the elevator down to the first floor.

It was obvious to Luke that something was different about the cruise ship today.

Three or five passengers were gathered whispering and others were pointing up into the sky.

Luke stopped and looked at the sky, frowning, “No, how come the sun is in this direction of the ship, this is not the route to Los Angeles.”

Damn, what went wrong?

Luke was also a bit confused for a while, if it was an assassination targeting Hamedi Shaw, was it necessary to make such a big fuss?

Wouldn’t it have been easier to just take him out.

The entire cruise ship only had the buffet restaurant serving breakfast.

The restaurant on the third floor was only open at noon.

That’s why there are many guests in the buffet restaurant in the morning.

Hamedi Shaw and Julian Ron were sitting at the dining table, eating and chatting at the same time.

It seemed that he had reached some sort of tacit understanding with Julian Ron, and Hamedi Shaw appeared to be exceptionally happy today.

Antti Dougherty was wearing a purple slim-fitting dress, her plump figure outlining an S-shaped curve.

Naomi Inoue also walked into the restaurant, wearing a white jacket and blue jeans, her slim waist, full hips, and long, slender legs showed off her figure.

Nami Inoue took off her jacket and placed it on a chair, also picking out her food with a dinner plate.

Just then, a noise came from the back kitchen.

“Bang!” A gunshot rang out, completely shattering the peace of the cruise ship.

Several chefs ran out of the back kitchen in a panic, and they were followed by two men wearing hoods and holding pistols.

“Bang Bang!”

The man with the black hood raised his pistol and fired two shots at the roof.

“Ah ……”

A scream rang out around them, and the passengers were scared out of their wits.

Some people fell on the floor, some people hid under the tables, and some people ran in the direction of the door.

However, before the guests could run to the door.

“Thud!” The door of the restaurant was kicked open, and two more people wearing hoods and holding pistols walked in.

“Bang bang” two shots.

The man who first ran to the door of the restaurant was shot once in the chest and once in the stomach, and fell to the ground, blood pouring out, wailing sounds coming out of his mouth.

“Ah ……”

There was another scream, and those who tried to escape from the restaurant’s entrance were scared back again, rolling and crawling back into the restaurant.

A tall robber stood at the very front of the restaurant and smiled, “Good morning, distinguished ladies and gentlemen.

It is an honor to see you all here.

You may call me Chameleon.

I apologize for interrupting your meal, I need you to do me some small favors.

As long as you cooperate honestly, you can still dine happily tomorrow morning.

What do you think?”

Hamedi Shaw hid behind the table, peeking out at several of the robbers, his left hand holding onto the table leg, his arm unable to stifle a slight tremor.

Not far behind him, there were two bodyguards crouching, but since neither of them were armed, it didn’t give him much security.

At this moment, he felt very helpless and somewhat regretted not listening to Luke.

What scared him even more was that these people were probably here to kill him.

The robber who called himself Chameleon swept his gaze around, ”Since no one has any objections, we have so happily decided.

All of you, hand over the belongings you have on you, report your room number, and tell the combination to the safe.

If anyone dares to lie.” Chameleon pointed at the man collapsed in a pool of blood at the entrance of the restaurant, “He is what you will all end up with.

Numbers 1 and 2 are on guard duty.

Baldy get started.”

The robber known as Baldy removed the backpack he was wearing, unzipped it, and pointed it at an Asian man, “Hey man, that’s a nice gold watch you’re holding, it’s mine now.”

He took out the book and pen from the backpack again and threw it to the Asian man, “Write down your room number and safe code, if you dare to write a fake one, I guarantee you’ll die a horrible death.”

After saying that, the robber codenamed Baldy looked at the surrounding passengers again, “All of you assholes be smart and don’t waste my time.

Wasting my time is wasting your lives. I’ll gladly go and send you all to God.”

The Asian man wrote down the room number and safe combination and handed the book back to the robber, Baldy.

“Good boy, haha.”

The robber baldy hemmed and hawed, pointing to Andi Dougherty, who was sitting on her knees at the table, and glanced over her body, his eyes landing on her chest, “Dear lady, I like this necklace of yours.”

Andi Dougherty covered the necklace in her neck, “No, my boyfriend gave it to me and I won’t let anyone take it away from me.”

“Wrong answer.” The robber, Baldy, held a pistol to Andi Dougherty’s forehead, “Which one is your boyfriend?”

On the sidelines, Julian Ron, his teeth chattering in fear, rushed to say, “Give him the necklace, dear.

To me, you are the most important.

I’ll buy you a new necklace later, I swear.”

Andi Dougherty sighed and reluctantly put her hand behind her neck, ready to untie the necklace.

The robber, Baldy, was a bit impatient, and grabbed the necklace, yanking it from Andi Dougherty’s neck, and scratched at her chest, a look of greed in his eyes.

“Are you hiding something else on your body, take off your clothes, quickly.”

Andi Dougherty sat on her butt in shock, her body moving back.

Julian Ron hurriedly begged for mercy, “Please don’t do this to my girlfriend, he didn’t hide anything, I’ll give you all the belongings on my body.”

Julian Ron hurriedly put his watch, ring, and gold lighter in his bag.

The robber chameleon urged, “Don’t waste your time, baldy, do the right thing first.

You want to see her undress, bring it back to the room and watch later, haha.”

Robber Baldy grinned back and put a pen in Andi Dougherty’s collar, “Hey baby, write down your room number.”

He then set his sights on Hammadi Shaw, who was not far away, “Asshole, you’re up.”

Hamedi Shaw breathed a sigh of dark relief and put all of his belongings into his backpack.

Seeing that the robbers left and didn’t give themselves a hard time, Hamedi Shaw revealed an easy smile, not here to kill me.

At this time, Inoue Naomi, who was hiding in the corner of the restaurant, had some fear on her pretty face, and there was also a hint of excitement.

That’s right.

Robbing a luxury cruise ship was definitely a powerful and big news, and she had already secretly turned on her cell phone’s video function and captured the scene just now.

As long as she could get off the ship alive, she believed that she could definitely become an official reporter this time.

Sure enough, how could there be no big news with Luke?

By the way, where is Luke now? What would he do? Can he take on four robbers by himself?

Nami Inoue couldn’t help but be a little worried.

“Snap!” came the sound.

“Damn bastard, why are you dawdling, bring out the stuff.” As time passed, the robber baldy became more and more impatient, beating the passengers with his hands at the slightest dissatisfaction.

The passengers didn’t dare to resist even though there were many of them, and could only cower and beg for mercy.

“Bam!” A crunching sound.

The glass of the cafeteria was shattered, and glass slag spilled all over the place.

The passengers let out another burst of screams.

“Quiet!” The robber, Baldy, chortled.

The other three robbers who were in charge of guarding the area also looked at the smashed glass in unison.

At the same time, a man in a suit flashed out from the back kitchen, holding a sharp knife in his hand, and directly stabbed the robbers standing next to the back kitchen door on guard.

“Uh!” The robber screamed miserably, his right hand trembled and his finger pressed the trigger, “Bang!”

However, the bullet was inaccurate and just shot on the floor.

The sound of the gunshot attracted the other three robbers.

“Bang Bang ……” The three robbers quickly fired in the direction of the restaurant.

The man in the suit hurriedly dodged the shots and retreated back to the back kitchen.

As the gunshots rang out, the restaurant once again let out a scream and was once again in disarray.

The robber standing near the entrance of the restaurant, however, suddenly fell to the ground amidst the gunshots, a bloody hole opening up in the back of his head.

“Bang!” The door of the diner was kicked open once again, and Luke rushed into the diner.

It turned out that when Luke came to the restaurant to look for Ahmadi Shaw, he noticed the abnormality inside the restaurant, but instead of rushing to do something, he got two of Ahmadi Shaw’s bodyguards to play match, so that they could help him draw fire.

One bodyguard first cracked the restaurant’s glass to attract the robbers’ attention, and the other bodyguard took the opportunity to kill the bodyguards near the back kitchen, again attracting the robbers’ attention.

Luke then shot the robbers at the entrance of the restaurant, so that there were still two robbers left inside the restaurant.

The two robbers also found Luke who entered the restaurant with a gun and raised their guns to shoot at Luke.

At this time, a person suddenly rushed out from the crowd, grabbed the right arm of the robber, Baldy, and started to snatch the gun in his hand, “Quickly help, or everyone will die.”

The surrounding passengers were a little hesitant, wanting to help and a little scared.

The bodyguard beside Hamedi Shaw saw the opportunity, picked up the table knife on the floor and plunged it directly into the robber baldy’s thigh.

“Ah!” The robber baldy screamed miserably and was held down on the ground by the combined efforts of the two men.

The other passengers also reacted and directly pounced on the fallen robber baldy, punching and kicking him for a while.

The last standing hijacker, Chameleon, was also scared and panicked, shooting at Luke.

Undaunted, Luke used a precision card, “Bang!”

Just one shot hit the robber’s head, the Nighthawk 1911 was extremely powerful and directly shattered the robber’s head.

Blood splattered onto the surrounding passengers.

There was another burst of terrified screams.

But in an instant, three robbers were taken out and one was subdued.

Seeing this scene, Inoue Naomi was so excited that she wanted to run up and kiss Luke.

Not only was she saved, but she also used her cell phone to capture the full scene of the rescue of the passengers, which was definitely a big news, a news that made the whole country explode with vigor.

She was about to be famous.

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