Chapter 622

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:44
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In an instant, the three robbers in the restaurant were killed.

There was also a robber codenamed Baldy who was subdued by the crowd.

This bastard had just committed a public outrage by searching for his belongings and was beaten up.

The restaurant was still in chaos, and Luke stepped forward to maintain order, “FBI, the robbers have been killed, and everyone is out of danger for now.”

Although the words were said so, Luke’s eyes were still alert to the surrounding, these robbers must have accomplices, those accomplices might be hiding in other parts of the cruise ship, or they might be hiding in a corner of the restaurant, or even disguised as victims of the restaurant.

Luke had to be careful.

“Hey, that’s almost enough, are you guys going to shoot him?” Luke signaled Hamedi Shaw’s bodyguard to bring the beaten robber out of the crowd, it would be a pain in the ass to actually be beaten to death in front of him.

Hamedi Shaw settled down and looked over at Luke, “What the hell happened?”

Julian Ron was still a bit stunned as he hugged his girlfriend beside him, “Who are they? Why are they robbing the cruise ship?”

Luke looked at the two men and didn’t want to pay any attention to them, as he was also confused right now.

Luke finished calming the crowd and lifted the hoods of the four robbers, “Who has seen these robbers?”

Seeing that no one answered, Luke continued, “I’m here on vacation on a cruise ship, just like all of you.

I didn’t see any robbers until I was on my way to the restaurant, no more than you guys know.

I suspect they should have accomplices.

So, I need your assistance in figuring out what’s going on right now as soon as possible.

It’s helping me, and likewise helping yourselves.”

Luke put the bodies of the three robbers together and yanked the one that was still alive.

The crowd boldly walked up to view the bodies.

One of the passengers pointed to the robber who had been shot at the entrance to the restaurant and said, “I think I’ve seen him before …… He’s a security guard for the cruise ship.”

“That’s right, it rings a bell for me too.”

This was the same as what Luke had guessed, the cruise ship most likely had a mole, otherwise it would be impossible to get on the cruise ship silently and hijack the passengers.

Luke called over a few chefs and asked them to assist in the identification.

According to the identification of several chefs, two of them were cruise ship security guards, and the other two also worked on the cruise ship, just not sure of their specific positions.

Luke put away the weapons of the four robbers, two rifles and two pistols.

Luke looked at the crowd in the dining room, “The robbers should still have accomplices, they might commit another robbery, I need some help.

The next operation will be more dangerous, it’s best if you are a good shot or have specialized military training.”

The crowd looked at me, I looked at you, none of them volunteered to come forward.

This was a luxury cruise ship, the passengers of the cruise ship were all rich people, and retired soldiers and police officers couldn’t afford the cost of the ticket.

Of course, it doesn’t exclude the rich people who are afraid of death.

In the end, it was two of Hamedi Shaw’s bodyguards who came forward, and Luke handed them two rifles.

A black cook took off his hat, “I can shoot, I’d like to help you, give me a gun.”

Luke looked at him, the black cook was in his mid-twenties, short and stocky.

“What’s your name?”


“How long have you been working on the cruise ship.”

“Almost two years.”

“Any specialized military training?”

The black chef shook his head.

There had just been a gunfight, the hijackers should have known that there was something going on here, and the next fight would be more dangerous, and Luke didn’t want to use someone who didn’t have any real combat experience.

But no one else in the restaurant took the initiative to step forward again, and Luke was really short of manpower, handing a pistol to the black chef.

Luke looked at the others, “Who has a satellite phone?”

A white man said, “I do.”

“Good, it’s now commandeered by the FBI.”

“Feel free to take it and use it, catch those fucking assholes early.” The white man handed Luke the satellite phone.

Luke said, “Now everyone return to their rooms, lock the doors and windows, protect yourself, and go.”

Quickly, the crowd ran out of the restaurant.

Luke handed the one remaining pistol to Hamedi Shaw, “Watch yourself, I can’t care about you right now.”

Hamedi Shaw smiled and took the pistol, “With this guy, I’m much more solid in my heart.”

And then, Hamedi Shaw also left the restaurant under the escort of two bodyguards.

Nami Inoue walked over, “Luke, what are you going to do now?”

“First get in touch with the outside world and figure out what’s going on with the cruise ship right now.”

“If you need me for anything, just ask.”

“I will.” Luke looked at the other man with intent, “Go back to your room, now is not the time to be running around.”

“OK, waiting for your good news.” Inoue Naomi finished and left the restaurant, not sure if she had listened or not.

Luke pulled out his satellite phone and contacted Ayesha Garde, the head of the FBI’s Los Angeles office.

The ship was closer to Los Angeles, and the destination was also Los Angeles, and more crucially, Luke had wider connections in Los Angeles.

After a while, the satellite phone connected and an old woman’s voice rang out, “Luke, what can I do for you?”

“Supervisor, I’m currently on a cruise ship called the Silver Cloud, traveling on a route from New York to Los Angeles.

I have noticed that the cruise ship has suddenly turned and traveled in a different direction, interrupting the communication signal.

Moreover, four hijackers appeared on the cruise ship and hijacked the passengers in the restaurant, and I just subdued the four hijackers.

Do you know anything about this cruise ship?”

“Do you know the identity of the hijackers?”

“The four robbers should all be cruise ship staff, and I suspect there are accomplices.”

“Good job.

I’ll contact you later, stay safe.” Ayesha Garde hung up the phone.

Luke said to his three helpers, “Guys, we need to change to a safer place, we can’t stay here.”

The black chef said, “Come with me, I know a suitable place.”

“Do you know where there is a map of the cruise ship?”

“No need, I’ve worked on cruise ships for two years, there’s no place I don’t know.” Confident, the black chef led the trio out of the dining room and to the kitchen pantry.

The pantry was large and held a lot of ingredients, and outsiders rarely came here except for those in the back kitchen.

Luke told the three helpers to wait outside while he interrogated the robber named Baldy in the storage room’s cubicle.

The robber, Baldy, had mostly superficial wounds on his body, except for a dinner knife stab wound on his leg, which was not shallow and made him grimace in pain at the slightest movement.

“I’ve been bleeding on my leg, can you bandage it for me?” Robber Baldy prayed.

“Sure, but you’ll have to answer a few questions before then.”

Robber Baldy looked down at his wound, “Go ahead and ask.”

“What is your name?”

“Goddard Barajas.”

“How many accomplices do you have in total?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? Or you don’t want to say?”

“I’m a security guard for the cruise ship, and I was paid off by them a while ago.

They don’t trust me yet and haven’t told me a lot of things.

I didn’t know about the hijacking of the cruise ship until early this morning either.”

“Who paid you off?”

“The cruise ship’s second mate.

I was completely duped by him, and if I had known I was going to do something so dangerous, I never would have agreed.”

“Didn’t you just have fun robbing passengers?”

“I needed the money ……

He didn’t even tell me the exact plan of action before the cruise ship traveled, and I was lied to.

He also threatened to take me out first if I didn’t follow orders.”

Luke didn’t fully believe him and cuffed his hands, “Where’s the second mate?”

“He should be in the cockpit.”

“As far as you know, how many people were involved in this hijacking of the cruise ship?”

“I’ve only seen five, and one went to the cockpit with the second mate, they’re holding the captain hostage.”

“What is the destination of the cruise ship?”

“Near Mexican waters.”

“Tell us your exact plan?”

“Rob the passengers of their belongings, then, drive the cruise ship back to the waters off Mexico, where it will be met.

Then escape to Mexico with the belongings.”

Luke thought for a moment, he felt that this plan made some sense.

First of all, the cruise ship before the way to the Mexican port of Cancun, if the robbers robbed, ready to escape to Mexico, why not do it in front of the port of Cancun, so that it can be directly in the nearby waters to land in Mexico.

Secondly, six people would like to hijack the entire cruise ship, but also split out four people to rob the property, the manpower is certainly not enough, which means that more than six people should be involved in this action.

Although the people who take the cruise ship are rich people, but they will not carry too much property on their bodies, if the number of hijackers is higher, we can’t share much if we share the profits.

Luke suspected that they should have another purpose for hijacking the cruise ship.

“You’re lying.”

“I’m not lying, that’s what the second mate told me.

If I’m wrong, then he’s lying to me.

I swear to God, that’s really all I know.”

“What kind of weapons did they have?”

“Two semi-automatic rifles.”

“What’s the plan of action for the next step?”

“The second mate and the others take control of the bridge, we loot as much property as we can, then the cruise ship travels off the coast of Mexico to meet up with the speedboat that’s coming to meet us, pick a couple of rich people to kidnap and take another big chunk of money to Mexico.

I didn’t know about this plan until just before the operation ……

I thought about refusing, but by then it was too late.

If I hadn’t agreed, they would have been the first to kill me.”

“Buzz.” The satellite phone rang.

Luke pressed the answer button, “This is Luke.”

“It’s me.” Ayesha Garde’s voice came out of the satellite phone, “What’s the situation now?”

“I left the restaurant and am interrogating a living robber.

According to him, the purpose of the hijackers was to rob and kidnap some people and escape to the waters off Mexico where they would be met.

He claimed to be a newcomer and didn’t know much.”

Ayesha Garde said, “The cruise line did receive an alert from the cruise ship around 4 a.m. this morning.

Half an hour later, the cruise ship sailed off its intended trajectory and turned around.

The cruise line attempted to contact the cruise ship’s bridge and received a threatening phone call from the hijackers.

The hijackers ordered the cruise line not to call the police and to drive the passengers and crew into the ocean if they saw a suspicious vessel approaching the cruise ship.

The latest news I’ve received is that Navy SEALs are already on their way to the vicinity of the cruise ship.

What are you going to do?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Supervisor, what are your plans? I can cooperate with the SEAL operation.”

“How many hijackers are there?”

“This hijacker I captured said there were two other hijackers in the cockpit.

But according to my speculation, the hijackers should have other accomplices, they just don’t know their identities yet, and that’s the biggest hidden danger.”

Ayesha Garde was silent for a moment, “Is there any certainty of recapturing the cruise ship’s cockpit?”

“I’m not sure about the cockpit yet, but I can try.”

“From where we are now, the cruise ship is not far from the Mexican coast, and the hijacker’s companions will be rushing to meet them at any time, and the situation may be more complicated then.

Therefore, we must recapture the cruise ship’s cockpit as soon as possible, so that the cruise ship can return to its normal trajectory.

That way we can seize the initiative.

And considering the safety of the hostages, the Navy SEALs can’t get close to the cruise ship, so this operation still has to be completed by you.”

“I know.”

“Listen, this operation involves the safety of hundreds of passengers and cruise ship employees, it must be handled carefully.

I’m now officially appointing you as the Deputy Director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Department, in charge of this counterterrorism operation, and the Navy SEALs will cooperate with you.”


Luke was a bit surprised, this was a promotion?

Before, although he was an advisor to the FBI, the position of advisor had no real power and could only provide advice and experience.

But the FBI Counterterrorism Deputy Director was different, having actual investigative and commanding powers, and this department had a lot of power and could act cheaply.

Luke’s flexibility and autonomy in doing things would be greatly increased.

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