Chapter 624

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:48
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Learning that Hamedi Shaw had been attacked, Luke immediately rushed to support him with two of Hamedi Shaw’s bodyguards.

Luke took the elevator and the two bodyguards climbed the stairs to surround the gunman who shot Hammadi Shaw.

“Dingdong ……”

Luke took the elevator down to the ninth floor, the hallway left bullet marks and blood, but there was no sign of the gunman.

Luke pulled out his walkie-talkie and asked, “Hamedi, I’m on the ninth floor, what’s the situation?”

Hamedi Shaw replied, “A few minutes ago, the gunman stopped shooting, we have been hiding in the room and did not go out to check, I guess the gunman should have escaped.”

At that moment, footsteps sounded in the stairwell, and two of Hamedi Shaw’s bodyguards arrived.

Luke said on the intercom, “Open the door to the room, we’re going in.”

“Cackle ……” came the door.

The door to room 906 opened.

The black bodyguard looked out and then stepped aside.

Luke looked at him and saw that he had been shot in the back and asked, “Are you hurt?”

“The other guy was using a Glock 19, and I was wearing body armor, so it wasn’t a big problem.

But Matos is hurt.”

Luke walked into the room and saw that Hamedi Shaw was holding a towel over the bodyguard Matos’ leg.

Hamedi Shaw looked up and breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank God you’re finally here.

Matos was shot in the shoulder and leg and had to be treated quickly.”

Luke turned to the bodyguard who had just come in, “Contact Martin, the black chef, and ask him to help find the cruise ship doctor.”

Luke checked the bodyguard Matos for injuries, no arteries had been injured, it was not a fatal wound.

Turning to Hamedi Shaw, Luke asked, “Did you get a good look at the shooter?”

“Yes. The shooter was wearing a black jacket, medium build, curly gray hair, and was supposed to be white.”

Luke pressed, “Was the shooter injured?”

Matos, the bodyguard, said, “I hit him in the arm.”

Luke nodded and said soothingly, “Although I didn’t block him just now, he won’t get away.

We’ll be sure to catch him when we settle the matter of the robbers.”

Hamedi Shaw revealed a look of gratitude, “Luke, thank you for the gun.

Without that gun you gave us, I guess all three of us would have died.”

Luke nodded, “Do you know where Julian Ron is?”

Hamedi Shaw shrugged, “We split up after we left the diner, I’m guessing he’s in his room.”

“You guys close the door to your room and I’ll go talk to Julian Ron.”

Hamedi Shaw was a little confused, “What do you want to talk to him about?”

Luke didn’t answer and shook the walkie-talkie in his hand, “Contact me if you need anything.”

Luke left room 906 and stood in the corridor, looking around and noticing nothing out of the ordinary, then walked to the door of room 902 and knocked on it.

There was no response from the room.

“Mr. Ron, this is Luke, please open the door.”

After a moment, the door opened and Julian Ron looked down the hallway and asked, “Was there a shootout in the hallway earlier?”

“Let’s talk inside.” Luke walked right into the room, which contained, in addition to Julian Ron, his girlfriend, Andi Dougherty.

Julian Ron pressed, “What just happened?”

“A gunman attacked Hamedi.”

“Did you catch the attacker?”


“Was Hamedi hurt?”

“No injuries, he’s safe now.”

Andi Dougherty came over as well and asked, “Was Hamedi’s attacker the one who hijacked the cruise ship?”

Luke shook his head, “It’s unclear at this point.”

Julian Ron frowned and asked, “Luke, what do you want with us?”

“I’m investigating the cruise ship hijackers and wanted to get some information from you guys.”

“Learn about what?” Julian Ron spread his hands and laughed, “I’m a shareholder of this cruise ship, you wouldn’t think I would have anything to do with the hijackers, would you?”

“I’m not saying that you guys are related to the hijackers, it’s just that, I suspect that the hijackers may have smuggled some contraband into the cruise ship at the Mexican port of Cancun, where you guys happened to board the cruise ship.

I’m wondering if you guys noticed anything unusual at the time?”

Julian Ron shook his head, “I didn’t notice anything.”

Luke looked at Andi Dougherty again, “What about you?”

Andi Dougherty shrugged, “That I know even less about.”

Luke stares at Andi Dougherty, “You look a little nervous and sweaty.”

Andi Dougherty took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from her forehead, “The gunshots just now scared me, we were out traveling and didn’t expect to be in danger.”

Julian Ron wrapped his arm around Antti Dougherty’s shoulder and comforted, “Don’t be afraid dear, I will protect you.”

Luke stared at the two, vaguely feeling that there was something wrong with Andi Dougherty.

“Ms. Dougherty, the hijackers smuggled some contraband to the cruise ship in the Mexican port of Cancun said that it is likely to be related to the safety of the entire cruise ship passengers.

If you know some inside information, I hope you can tell me.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, how could I possibly have anything to do with the hijackers.” Andi Dougherty grabbed Julian Ron’s arm, “Honey, I’ve been with you the whole time, you can testify for me.”

“That’s right, we’ve been together the whole time, there’s no way she had anything to do with the robbers.” Julian Ron sounded certain.

“I hope I’m wrong in my investigation, too, but, Miss Dougherty, why did you lie?”

“I’m not lying.”

“You’re still lying.”

Andi Dougherty sounded disgruntled and questioned, “What proof do you have that I lied?”

“I am the Deputy Director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, and considering the critical situation on the cruise ship right now, in order to protect the cruise passengers from the terrorists.

I can use some extraordinary means ……” Luke’s hand pressed down on the butt of his gun.

Antti Dougherty flinched back behind Julian Ron and protested, “I’m innocent, you’re making a completely false accusation.”

Luke turned his gaze to Julian Ron, “Did you know about the hijackers bringing contraband onto the cruise ship?”

“No idea.

I’m a shareholder in the cruise ship, how could I hijack my own ship?”

“And do you know why Andi Dougherty lied?”

Julian Ron craned his head to look at Andi Dougherty and moved to the side, separating himself from her.

Andi Dougherty shook her head, “Honey, don’t believe him.”

Julian Ron said, “Andi, we’ve spent so much time together. I can sense you’re not in the right state right now, what’s going on?”

“There’s nothing wrong.

I’m just freaked out by what just happened in the restaurant and the gunshots in the hallway, it was horrible.

I’m a woman and I need someone to protect me.” Andi looked at Julian Ron with pity.

Julian Ron, also a little confused, looked at Andi and then at Luke.

Luke said, “Mr. Julian Ron, what luggage is Andi carrying, and is there any possibility of prohibited items?”

Julian Ron sighed, “I don’t know, she packed her own luggage, I never cared for such things.

Besides, our belongings don’t need to go through security.”

Luke steeply understood, ordinary people going on a cruise ship luggage is subject to security checks, but because Julian Ron is a shareholder of the cruise line, he used his privilege not to need to go through security checks, the robbers were probably using Andi to bring contraband on board the cruise ship.

Luke pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Antti, “I suspect you’re involved with the cruise ship hijackers, please assist in the investigation with your hands up.”

“No No No, I’m innocent.” Andi defended.

“Get down on your knees immediately and put your hands over your head.” Luke scolded sternly.

Andi shook her head while kneeling on the ground according to Luke’s words, while her eyes stared prayerfully at Julian Ron on the side, “Honey, I’m innocent.”

Luke walked over to Andi and cuffed her hands.

“It’s useless if you don’t admit it, the SEALs have surrounded the cruise ship, there’s no way you can get away.

Your only chance now is to assist me in capturing the rest of the hijackers.”

Andi lowered her head and didn’t respond.

Luke then began searching her luggage and found walkie-talkies, satellite phones, and a small handgun underneath the suitcase containing her clothes.

Upon seeing these items, Julian Ron collapsed straight onto the couch, thoroughly believing Luke’s words, he turned to Andi and questioned, “Why did you do this? Why did you help outsiders hijack the cruise ship?”

Andi was silent for a long time and said in a cold voice, “For the money.”

“Money?” Julian Ron revealed an incredulous look, “Why didn’t you tell me if you lacked money?

I could have given you money.

Instead you helped the hijackers hijack our company’s cruise ship, how much can they pay you?”

“More than you can give.”

Julian Ron was still having trouble understanding, “Did I treat you badly? Your clothes, jewelry, purses, and cosmetics are all of the highest quality.

Just any one of those things can top an ordinary person’s salary for a year.

The last thing I need is money, and you betray me because of it?”

“You’re right, the gifts you gave me were indeed expensive, but so what? You’re just dressing up your girlfriend for your own face.

With a different girlfriend, you would have done the same.

You haven’t really thought about me.

If we break up someday, I’ll have nothing.”

Julian Ron spread his hands with a sincere face, “If you need money, I’ll give it to you.”

“Hypocrisy.” Andi gave a mocking smile, “You know what?

I went shopping a while ago and met your ex-girlfriend in a luxury store.

She was selling the purse you gave her.

When she left, I learned from the store clerk that it wasn’t the first time she had sold something.

Ever since you dumped her, she’s been making ends meet by selling the gifts you gave her.

I don’t want to be like her.”

“Andi, you’re not like her, you’re different to me.”

Andi laughed to herself, “I don’t see the difference.

Since I’ve been with you, I’ve had the best food and clothing, and I’ve never enjoyed that in all my life.

But other than that, I don’t have any assets, as long as I leave you, I still have nothing.

But I know very well that I can’t go back to the past, can’t live the poor life I used to have.”

Julian Ron said, “As long as you are by my side, you can always live like this. I’ll make you happy and joyful all the time.”

“That’s right, as long as I’m by your side ……

But what if one day you don’t like me anymore?” Andi sat down on the floor and sighed softly, “That makes me insecure.

I don’t want to always look at your mood and rely on your handouts, I want to have my own money.

Even without you, I can live the life I want to live.”

Julian Ron showed an angry look, “So you took advantage of my privilege of not needing security to bring contraband on the cruise, you betrayed my trust.”

“I was just thinking about my future.”

Luke interrupted the conversation between the two and questioned Antti, “What contraband did you help the hijackers carry?”

Andi looked at Luke, “What’s in it for me to tell you?”

“If you help me catch the rest of the robbers, I can turn you into a tainted witness.”

Andi took a deep breath and said breathlessly, “Cocaine.”

“You were carrying drugs?”


“Any bombs?”


“You were using the Silver Cloud cruise ship to transport drugs to Los Angeles?”


“How much drugs?”

“Five hundred pounds.”

Luke did a rough calculation that the cocaine was worth nearly fifty million dollars once it got to Los Angeles, so it was no wonder she was desperate: “How many times has this been smuggling drugs?”

“The first time.”

“If your purpose was to transport drugs, why did you make a big deal out of hijacking a cruise ship?”

Andi sighed, “My luggage was housed in the cruise ship’s warehouse and those stupid pigs were discovered by a security guard while they were dividing up the drugs.

Although they shot and killed the guard, the guard signaled over the intercom before he died.

The captain of the ship will definitely send other people to check it out. There is no way to hide the killing of the security guard, and once the captain of the cruise ship calls the police, the transportation of the drugs will be discovered.

So, we decided to change the plan temporarily by holding the cruise ship hostage, pretending to rob and kidnap the passengers to cover up the real purpose of drug smuggling.

Then, hijack the cruise ship and drive to the vicinity of the Mexican coast, where it will be met by speedboats.

They will use the passengers as hostages and transport the looted property back to Mexico along with the drugs to make up for this smuggling failure.

That way my identity won’t be exposed.”

Luke stared at the other man, seeing no obvious signs of lying.

Previously, Luke had felt that there were some implausible aspects of this cruise ship hijacking case, which made sense after listening to Antti’s explanation.

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