Chapter 625

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Cruise ship cockpit.

The cockpit was located on the fifth floor of the cruise ship, roughly more than twenty square meters, and the internal arrangement was very simple, with an operating table, desk, cabinet, and seat.

And all of these items were now stacked at the door, blocking the cockpit hatch.

The glass in the cockpit was bulletproof, and would be difficult to break through in a short time.

There were five people in the cockpit, three living and two dead to be exact.

Blood was flowing out from two of the corpses, the air was filled with the smell of blood, and the sunlight shone on the floor reflecting a blood red color.

One of them, a man in a first mate’s uniform was driving the cruise ship, and behind him stood a gun-toting Mexican man with a sinister stare.

Not far away, a man in a second mate’s uniform sat in a chair, a submachine gun in his hand, his eyes scanning the outside of the cockpit through the window.

“Knock knock ……”

At that moment, a figure appeared outside the cockpit.

All three people in the room tensed up.

The Mexican-born hijacker held his gun against the first mate and threatened, “Drive the boat properly, don’t play tricks, if there’s really a situation, I’ll be the first to kill you.” He then turned his head to look at the second mate, the leader of the robbers, “Boss, what should we do now?”

The second mate didn’t answer and raised the gun in his hand, his eyes alertly looking out of the cockpit.

“Knock knock.” Another knock sounded outside.

Outside the cockpit stood a woman with a veil covering her head, wrapping herself tightly, revealing only a pair of blue eyes with long, slender eyelashes and eye shadow.

“It’s me.” The woman spoke, revealing a small half of her face, it was none other than Andi Dougherty, who had just been arrested by Luke.

The second mate sighed in relief, put his gun away, yanked open his desk, pushed the kitchen cabinets aside and opened the door, “What brings you here, come in and talk.”


There was a pop and the door was kicked open.

The second mate was knocked to the floor by the door.

Luke rushed inside the cockpit, raised his pistol, and shot the Chicano hijacker inside.


The gunshot rang out.

The Chicano hijacker was shot in the head before he could fight back.

Luke aimed his pistol again at the second mate on the ground and shot him in the arm.

“Ah ……” the second mate let out a scream and his pistol fell to the ground.

“FBI, freeze!” Luke kicked the gun away.

Earlier, Luke canceled the plan to forcefully attack the cockpit because he was worried that the second mate had installed a bomb on the cruise ship, and once he forced the attack and the other party detonated the bomb, the entire cruise ship with hundreds of people would be in crisis.

But he learned from Antti Dougherty that the hijackers were transporting drugs, not bombs, and the crisis was lifted.

That was why Luke asked Antti Dougherty to call open the cockpit door and he stepped in to subdue the two robbers.

These two men had also been rushed into having to hijack the cruise ship because the transportation of drugs had been exposed, and their military literacy was not strong.

The man in the first mate’s uniform raised his hands, “I’m the first mate of the cruise ship, Rory Catton, I was coerced by them, they killed the captain and the head sailor.

If I don’t do what they say, I’ll be killed too.”

The first mate and Luke had met once before, it just wasn’t the right time to be climbing the ladder in a crisis like this.

With the assistance of two of Hammadi Shaw’s bodyguards, Luke successfully took control of the cruise ship’s cockpit, handcuffed the injured second mate of the hijackers, and also frisked the first mate, who was unarmed.

The Mexican-born robber, who had been hit in the head, was out of breath.

Luke then left Hamedi Shaw’s two bodyguards in the cockpit while he took the hijacker’s second mate to the next room.

The second mate was dragged into the room unimaginatively by the arm, cursing under his breath, “Antti Dougherty, you stinking woman, how dare you betray me!

Fuck, I’m going to fuck you up!”

“Bang!” Luke closed the door to the room, “Had enough of cursing? If you’ve cursed enough, let’s have a good talk.”

The second mate looked at Luke with scarlet eyes and questioned, “Why did that bitch betray me?”

“Because she didn’t want to be locked up in prison for the rest of her life, is that reason enough?”

“What did she tell you guys?”

Luke wiggled his fingers, “Now instead of you asking me, I’m asking you.

What’s your name?”

“Gore Neville.”

“Where are those drugs?”

The corner of the second mate’s mouth twitched, “Why would I tell you?”

Luke wasn’t sure where the drugs were stashed, but they were definitely on the cruise ship and couldn’t get away, so he wasn’t in a hurry and said, “I’ve promised Andi Dougherty I’d help her turn tainted witnesses if I could help me recapture the cockpit.

If you can help me capture the hijackers who took over, you can likewise get a favorable plea deal.

Think hard about it, will you cooperate with me or spend the rest of your life in prison?”

“I don’t believe you unless, you can get the plea agreement out first.

After reading the terms of the plea agreement and signing it, maybe I’ll help you.”

Luke laughed, “There’s no time for that right now with the urgency of the situation, I can give you a verbal promise.”

Gore Neville shrugged, “Like I said, I don’t trust you.”

“You don’t seem to have gotten one thing straight, I’ve got you and Antti Dougherty, and even if those robbers who came to meet me get away, it’s no loss to me.

But this is your only chance.

I’ll give you five minutes.

If you do not give a definite answer after five minutes, I will let Antti Dougherty assist in the capture of the robbers who came to meet you.”

Gore Neville replied, “Andi Dougherty can’t do it; she doesn’t know the robbers who took the catch.

Besides, I have an appointment with the pick-up robbers to speak at regular intervals.

If I hadn’t contacted them in time, they wouldn’t have gotten anywhere near the cruise ship, and you wouldn’t have been able to catch them at all.”

Luke shook his head, “I know what you’re trying to say, but don’t make me another offer, I’ve already given you your chance.

If you don’t agree in five minutes, then I will take other actions.

Even if I can’t catch the robbers who took over, the big deal is that I’ll let the Mexican police have their headache, I don’t even care.

But you have to be prepared to wash your ass and stay in jail for the rest of your life.

I’ll pick out the most ‘comfortable’ prison for you.

Enjoy it.”

Gore Neville gritted his teeth, “Where did you come from you asshole?

I’ve been keeping an eye on the cruise ship’s radar, and no one or ship has even come close to the cruise ship, so how did you get on board?”

The other party wanted to feel out his own reality, Luke naturally would not tell him, glanced at his watch, “You still have three minutes …… two minutes ……

One minute ……”

“Wait!” Gore Neville called out to Luke who wanted to leave, holding his right arm, “I’ve lost a lot of blood, help me treat the gunshot wound first.”

Luke pulled out his walkie-talkie and said, “Get Dr. Cruise over here.”

“Roger that.”

Luke looked at Gore Neville and asked, “How many ships are in charge of the pickup and where is the pickup location?

I want to know the color, size, number of personnel and weapon configuration of the ships, the more detailed the better.”

Gore Neville sighed and slowly said, “There is only one boat, five people, they are driving a blue speedboat, and their weapons are rifles and grenades ……”

Luke returned to the cockpit after getting the information he wanted from Gore Neville.

The first mate asked, “Sir, shouldn’t we get the cruise ship back on the correct course of travel.

I heard the hijackers contacting their accomplices and someone will meet them off the coast of Mexico.

If we continue traveling, we’ll probably run into his accomplices.”

“I know, I’ve contacted the Navy SEALs and they will keep the cruise ship safe.

There’s no need to change course, continue traveling as the hijacker requested.”

Hearing the word SEALs, the first mate visibly relaxed, “I understand.”

Luke then contacted the head of the FBI and the head of the Navy SEALs by satellite phone and told them about his plan to capture the ship.

Ayesha Garde was happy to learn that Luke had regained control of the cockpit and agreed to Luke’s plan of action and gave him full responsibility for the next capture on behalf of the FBI.

The SEALs, now that they were here, were equally reluctant to return without accomplishing anything and also said they would assist Luke with the capture plan.

The cruise ship continued traveling for another hour or so, approaching the agreed upon meeting place with the robbers.

The cruise ship slowed to a stop.

Luke was in the cockpit with binoculars looking out to sea, and could already faintly see the Mexican coast.

As long as the robber’s ship is close to the cruise ship, the nearby Navy SEALs will be able to discover in time to carry out the arrest, the robbers simply do not have the opportunity to board the cruise ship, but also on the cruise ship does not constitute a threat.

Suddenly, a clamor came from outside the cockpit.

Luke barked at the first mate and then left the cockpit to check on the deck.

Because the cruise ship had stopped, some bold passengers ran to the deck to check the situation, and at this moment, they were all lying beside the ship’s side and looking down.

“Someone has fallen overboard!”

“Someone jumped into the water.”

Luke went over to the side of the boat to check it out as well, and a red life raft unfurled in the water.

Four men in orange life jackets climbed into the life raft.

To ensure that the arrest went smoothly, Luke didn’t tell the passengers on the cruise ship the details.

The passengers were likely fearful of being victimized again by the hijackers and wanted to use the life rafts to escape the Mexican coast.

However, Gore Neville had just made contact with the hijackers, and the hijackers could come to the cruise ship to pick them up at any time, so Luke couldn’t care about these people for the time being.

After waiting for about ten minutes or so, a blue speedboat appeared at sea level coming quickly towards the cruise ship.

The SEALs were ready for battle, there was no need for Luke to remind them, two black armed speedboats quickly encircled from both sides, at the same time, a black armed helicopter flew over the robber’s yacht.

“Da da da ……” the robbers raised their guns and fired.

“Boom ……” the helicopter shot down already shells, hitting the rear of the speedboat.

The speedboat was blown up, losing power, and the surviving hijackers jumped into the sea.

The SEALs’ speedboat came over and caught the hijackers without a problem, while, with Luke’s warning, the SEALs found a life raft and rescued the four passengers.

The SEALs split into two groups, and one speedboat escorted the hijackers away.

The other speedboat headed for the cruise ship and several SEALs boarded the ship with the four rescued passengers.

“Snap ……”

The passengers on deck applauded spontaneously, their faces beaming with the joy of the rescue.

Luke greeted them as well, flashing his credentials, “I’m the Deputy Director of Counterterrorism for the FBI in Los Angeles, Luke Lee.”

The first SEAL at the head stepped forward and saluted, “Secretary Lee, I’m SEAL Team Six Leader, Gadri Vega.

We spoke earlier.”

Luke nodded, “Captain Gadri Vega, you guys fought beautifully just now.”

“A small one.” Gadri Vega smiled and continued, “Sir, our group boarded the cruise ship with the exception of two people piloting the speedboat, is there anything we can do?”

Luke said, “According to the available intelligence, the hijackers on the cruise ship have already been captured or killed by me, among them, the three injured hijackers will be handed over to your custody.

In addition, it can’t be ruled out that there are still accomplices of the robbers hiding on the cruise ship, so your squad will be needed to patrol and protect them to ensure that the cruise ship returns to Los Angeles smoothly.

Any questions?”

“No, Sir.”

“Very well.”

Gadri Vega pointed to four men in orange life rafts, “Minister Lee, these four were also rescued from the life rafts, they claimed to be passengers on the cruise ship and were trying to escape on the life rafts because the cruise ship had been hijacked.” He whispered, “I’ve checked and they don’t have any weapons on them.”

Luke nodded, his eyes scrutinizing the four men, who could be passengers, but could also be accomplices of the hijackers trying to take advantage of the opportunity to escape.

Luke teased, “Gentlemen, your adventurous spirit is admirable, if it were me, I might not dare to jump straight into the sea.”

The four men laughed.

Luke was concerned, “How are you guys physically? Any injuries?”

“No, we’re fine.”

A young man said, “Sir, I remember you, you were the one who defeated the robbers in the restaurant and saved my life. I wouldn’t doubt your courage.”

Luke laughed, “Whose idea was it to use the life raft to escape?”

Three of them all looked at a white man in unison.

The man was of medium build, wore a ducktail hat, and had been quiet.

Luke asked, “What’s your name?”

The white man looked up, “Yogurt Gerard.”

“I think I’ve seen you before, can you take your hat off?”

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