Chapter 626

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:19:53
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Yogurt Gerard slowly removed his hat, revealing a head of gray curly hair.

According to Luke’s understanding, the gunman who attacked Hammadi Shaw on the ninth floor of the cruise ship was a white man with a medium build and gray curly hair, and Yogurt Gerard’s appearance conditions matched perfectly.

According to the description of Hammadi Shaw’s bodyguard, the gunman was hit by a bullet in his left arm.

Luke grabbed his opponent’s left arm.

“Bare ……” Yogurt Gerard sucked in a mouthful of cool air, clenched his teeth tightly, and violently retracted his arm.

In just a split second, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Luke asked, “Are you hurt?”

Yogurt Gerard took a step back and replied, “Yes, I accidentally hurt my arm when I jumped from the cruise ship into the sea just now.”

Luke nodded, “I happen to know how to treat trauma, roll up your sleeve and I’ll bandage it for you.”

“Thanks, no, I can get a cruise ship doctor to treat it.”

Luke held his right hand down on his gun, “I order you to roll up the sleeve on your left arm.”

Several of the SEALs also saw the anomaly and held their guns on alert at Yog Gerard.

Yogurt Gerard’s face was stony, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, facing Luke and the well-trained Navy SEALs, he had no resistance at all, and slowly rolled up the sleeve of his shirt.

A bandage was wrapped around the top of his arm, and there was red blood seeping out vaguely.

Luke said, “If it was an injury from just jumping into the ocean, there’s no way you would have had time to bandage it.

Honestly, how did you hurt your arm?”

“I …… accidentally fell and hurt it.”

“If it was a fall, why did you lie about it?”

Yogurt Gerard was silent.

Luke said to a few Navy SEALs, “Arrest him first, I suspect that he is also an accomplice of the Fear of Dividing and that’s why he wanted to use the life raft to escape to the Mexican coast.”

The remaining three passengers who had jumped into the sea with Yogurt Gerard showed signs of panic.

One of them defended, “I swear I had nothing to do with the terrorist and didn’t even know him before. I thought the cruise ship was still being hijacked by the terrorists, that’s why I listened to his bullshit and used the life raft to escape.”

“Me too, I didn’t even know him before, I just met him on the deck.

If I had known that he was Dread Score, I definitely wouldn’t have left with him.”

Luke pacified the three people, while noting down their identity information.

At this time, there were more and more passengers on the deck, and the scene was somewhat chaotic.

Luke climbed to the second floor of the cruise ship and took out a loudspeaker and shouted, “Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet.

I know you have a lot of questions in your minds, I will briefly introduce the situation on the cruise ship.

First of all, let’s do a self-introduction, my name is Luke Lee, I’m the Deputy Director of FBI Los Angeles Counterterrorism Department.

A number of passengers have just met me in the cruise ship cafeteria.

In the moment of crisis, several brave friends stepped forward and risked great danger to join me in defeating the robbers, their courage and dedication is admirable.”

“Pah-pah ……,” Luke led the applause.

The passengers on the cruise ship followed suit and applauded along with him.

The applause fell.

Luke continued, “Now that the hijackers on the cruise ship have been apprehended and the SEALs have routed their accomplices, everyone is safe.

The cruise ship will also turn right around and return to Los Angeles.

It won’t make any difference except that it will be a day later than scheduled.

The ship’s security will also be taken over by the FBI and the SEALs, so no one will have to worry about security anymore.

That’s all I have to say, so everyone can enjoy the rest of the ride.”

At that moment, a round of applause and cheers resounded on the deck once again.

The name Luke Lee was also memorized by the crowd.

Not far away, Inoue Naomi took a cell phone and captured the complete scene.

She had been immersed in excitement, the hijacking of a luxury cruise ship with hundreds of passengers was definitely a big incident that shocked the world.

As someone who had experienced it firsthand, she had obtained firsthand information, and if she could broadcast this news in a timely manner, not only would she be able to turn the tables, it would also make her a little famous in the industry, and she could even consider publishing a book.

With fame comes profit.

It was an irresistible temptation for a trainee reporter.

Luke left the deck and found Hamedi Shaw and his bodyguard and asked them to identify Yogi Gerard.

Hamedi Shaw and the bodyguard confirm that Yogurt Gerard is the very robber who attacked them.

Luke then took Yoger-Gerard into a closed room for interrogation.

Luke asked, “What’s your name?”

“I told you.”

“I asked for your real name?”

“That is my real identity.”

“Why did you attack Hammadi Shaw on the ninth floor of the cruise ship?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t attack anyone?”

“The victim has just identified you.”

“I swear, that must have been a mistake on his part.”

“OK,” Luke questioned, “Then tell me how you hurt your arm. Don’t give me any more lame excuses.

I can confirm that what you have on your arm is a gunshot wound, not a supposed fall.”

Yogurt Gerard looked down at his wound, “I was shot by a hijacker on the cruise ship.”

“What did the hijacker look like?”

“I didn’t get a good look.”

“Was the robber a man or a woman? Where did they attack you?”

“It would have been a male, on the sixth floor of the cruise ship.”

“And have you ever been on the ninth floor of a cruise ship?”


“You’re sure.”



We found some dripping blood in the stairwell on the ninth floor of the cruise ship, and based on the scene, we’re assuming that it’s probably blood from the robber’s injuries.

It will be interesting to see if the blood matches your DNA.

Besides, if we at the FBI are willing, we can run your identity through the mud, and there’s no chance you’ll get away with it.

You know this very well yourself, so why don’t you face reality?”

“I don’t know what you call reality?

But I know very well what I should say and what I shouldn’t say, otherwise I wouldn’t have waited for the moment in court and would have died in prison for no reason.”

Yogurt Gerard’s words, it was obvious that he was saying that there was a mastermind behind this matter, Luke said, “If you are willing to cooperate with our FBI, we will naturally protect you.

Yogurt Gerard shook his head: ”I don’t trust you, much less the FBI.

But I know them well enough to know that if I cooperate with you, they will definitely kill me.”

“Even if you don’t want to cooperate with us, we can just as easily find out what happened through your identity.

They will likewise think that you betrayed them.

At that time, without the protection of the FBI, you will only die faster and more miserably.”

Yogurt Gerard was dissatisfied, “Are you threatening me?”

“No, I’m just being honest. Working with me is your only chance to live.

It’s you who should be anxious, not me.” Luke got up and left the room where the interrogation was taking place.

Luke contacted the FBI’s Los Angeles division to debrief the situation here and, at the same time, have them investigate the hijacker’s downline in Los Angeles and Yogurt Gerard’s background.

Luke was now the de facto person in charge of the cruise ship and had a lot to deal with, and by the time he was done, it was ten o’clock at night.

He returned to his room on the ninth floor and saw Naomi Inoue waiting at the door of his room.

Luke shrugged his shoulders, his voice a little tired, “Good evening beautiful, I hope you’re not looking for me to talk about work.”

“Sorry, I’m here to talk to you about work, and it’s very important.”

“So says everyone.” Luke sighed softly and opened the door to his room and walked in.

Luke pulled a bottle of red wine out of the liquor cabinet and poured himself a glass first, asking, “Would you like a glass?”

“No, I need to stay awake so I can work better.”

Luke took a sip of the red wine and sat on the couch, “Go ahead, I’ll listen.”

Naomi Inoue also sat on the couch and said, “When the cruise ship docked off the coast of Mexico, I got a signal on my cell phone.

I contacted the station’s news director about the cruise ship being hijacked.

If I’m right, it should be on the news by now.”

Luke nodded, there were too many passengers on the cruise ship, even if Naomi Inoue didn’t contact the TV station, others would have spread the news through various channels.

“Congratulations, you’re about to be promoted.” Luke raised his glass in a gesture.

Nami Inoue took a seat towards Luke’s side and said with an excited face, “Luke, you should know.

This ship hijacking incident is a big news, if it is broadcasted, it will not only benefit me, but you as well.

I hope to discuss this with you and release a news that will benefit both sides, what do you think?”

If it was in the past, Luke might have thought about keeping a low profile, but now his state of mind was a little different again.

In the past, as long as one could solve a case and accumulate credits, one could be promoted, but now as the position gradually became higher, the rules of the game had become a bit different.

In the upper-middle level positions of the Robbery and Murder Division, there was one carrot and one pit, and it was no longer difficult to gain actual benefits from diligently solving cases.

Therefore, Luke turned to start valuing fame, as long as the fame is big enough, the benefits will also come uninvited, this is a shortcut.

Luke said, “Didn’t you already tell the TV station about the news of the cruise ship hijacking? What else do you need me to do?”

“That’s far from enough, I hope to give you an exclusive interview, you are the actual person in charge of this terrorist attack, it was you who saved the passengers of the cruise ship from the hijackers.

The effect would be sensational if you were interviewed on television.

I will portray you as a hero who saved America.”

Luke thought about it, if he was interviewed as the actual person in charge of the terrorist attack, it would indeed cause quite a stir, and Luke’s fame would be taken to the next level.

From the perspective of the TV station and Naomi Inoue, this was no problem.

But for Luke himself, this was not the best scenario; giving an interview was tantamount to bragging about himself, and even if everything he said was the truth, it would still seem like overkill.

The best praise should be heard from someone else.

Luke asked, “Did you get footage of me catching the robbers at the restaurant?”

“Of course, don’t question my expertise.”

“Did you film that speech I gave on the deck?”

“Yes, you made a good speech, you might consider running for mayor of Los Angeles in a couple years.”

Luke said, “It’s better to use real footage for news material than to brag about myself.

Besides, you could interview some of the cruise passengers and I don’t think they’d begrudge me the praise.

It’s going to be better than if I were to be interviewed myself.”

Nami Inoue thought for a moment, “You’re right, that’s not a bad angle for a news story.”

In fact, Inoue Nami still preferred to give Luke an exclusive interview, being able to interview the news subject was also a reflection of the reporter’s ability.

However, she knew very well who between the two was the one doing the talking.

“Now there’s another problem, the cruise ship has left the coast and sailed deeper into the ocean and the cell phones have lost their signal again.

I have no way of contacting the station until the communication glitch is fixed.”

Luke was unimpressed, “Do your interview and leave the rest to me.”

Naomi Inoue smiled, “No problem, I’ll pick a handsome picture of you for the cover, and trust me, the ladies of Los Angeles will be enamored with you.”

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