Chapter 63

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:53:21
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The U.S. police department has complex and diverse functions, in addition to Homeland Security, FBI, DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), and CIA.

Each city’s police department and size also varies, many cities for financial reasons is no drug squad, this aspect of the work directly by the DEA is responsible for.

Los Angeles is a big city with money, and the police department has a specialized narcotics team.

An hour later, the L.A. Narcotics Squad arrived at Logan Salwood’s house.

Luke made a brief handover with them.

There were two advantages to handing the case over to the Narcotics Squad instead of the DEA, one was the ease of handover, and the other was that the Bureau would pay out a bonus.

Luke would also be able to make an extra amount of extra money.

Looking forward to next month’s paycheck.

The team returned one by one and Susan called a meeting.

In the conference room.

Susan sat in the main seat, scanned a word of the crowd, and her eyes fell on Luke, “Just now Captain Jones of the narcotics team called to express his gratitude, Luke, good job.”

The lieutenant chimed in, “You’ve really been doing a great job lately, you’ve got my style from back in the day.”

Luke laughed, the old man was so bad at compliments, he didn’t want to spend half his life as just a lieutenant.

Susan said, “OK, let’s talk about the probate case next.

Lieutenant, you summarize the case.”

The vice team flipped open the notebook and scanned it, “This case is not really complicated, it’s just that the order of the perpetrators is a bit misplaced.

We initially learned about this case on March 3rd when Daisy was robbed. At that time, the suspect intentionally mimicked a Taser robbery in order not to attract the attention of the police.

It was only after that that Luke realized there was a camera at Daisy’s house that he realized the case wasn’t innocent, which led to the investigation of Lawn’s attack.

Another investigation into Lawn’s assault leads to the discovery of Tony’s body.

After that Caroline disappears.

Lawn escaped.

This is the process of investigating the case, but not the order in which the crimes were committed.”

The vice squad took a sip of coffee and continued, “I haven’t been out of the office, but I’ve been summarizing the information from all sides and have figured out the case.

According to the confession of the suspect, Tim, the person behind the case is named Cole Baker, and Matthew checked it out, it’s a false identity. The only information about him is a sketchy portrait.

According to my speculation, the murderer, Cole, and the victims, Tony and Lawn, have known each other for a long time, and many years ago they obtained a windfall.

It included an oil painting by the Impressionist master Schilder Hassan.

The cases related to the probate case were caused by this oil painting.”

Marcus wondered, “Was the oil painting expensive?”

The lieutenant laughed, “Bill Gates has an oil painting by Schilde Hassan in his house, don’t you think?”

Marcus’ eyes widened, “Even buy Karma’s, I like it!”

“You’re not the only one who likes it, Cole Baker likes it too.” The lieutenant continued, “I surmise that these three split the spoils back in the day, and the painting is probably in the hands of Tony and Lawn.

Cole first kidnapped Tony in order to get the painting, but when the painting wasn’t in Tony’s possession, he attacked Lawn.

Lawon told Cole about the warehouse where the painting was kept.

Cole rushed to the warehouse with Tim and Tony, however, no oil painting was found in the warehouse and Cole killed Tony in a rage.

Cole wanted to keep looking for the oil painting, but Lawan had fallen into a coma, so he tried to check Lawan’s will for clues to the painting.

According to Tim, Cole was also injured when he killed Tony, so he ordered Tim to grab the will from Daisy.

However, Tim is captured by Luke.

Cole recovers from his injuries and breaks into Daisy’s house to install a camera, which is once again discovered by Luke and the police get involved in the investigation.

As evidenced by the fact that Lawon escaped, the wealth they acquired back then may not be clean.

Lawn is not only afraid of Cole, but equally afraid of the police.”

Marcus said, “So the whole case has nothing to do with Lawn’s children?”

The lieutenant nodded, “From the looks of things, the children did do what Lawn told them to do.”

Susan placed a sketch portrait on the projector, “OK, a warrant has been filed for the suspect, Cole Baker, and here is his portrait.”

Marcus asked, “What about Lawn?”

Susan said, “The suspects in the probate case are Cole Baker and Tim.

Lawn was the victim, he was just out of police protection, it doesn’t make him guilty.

His previous experience is just speculation on the part of the vice squad and there is no evidence that he committed a crime.”

Susan continued, “Marcus, is there any way to find Cole Baker?”

“If he’s in L.A., I can try, if he’s out of town, there’s nothing I can do.”

The lieutenant said, “Actually, I do have an idea, I might be able to get a lead on Cole Baker ……”

The following morning.

Robbery-Murder Division interrogation room.

Attorney Dave was brought into the interrogation room.

The vice squad and Marcus were in charge of the interrogation.

The rest of the team stayed in the observation room.

Dave also returned to the team and pointed behind the glass, “Don’t you think there’s something strange about this combination?”

Luke laughed, “Dave likes Marcus.”

Dave looked at the lieutenant and Marcus and then at the walls around them, “Is Officer Luke here? I still prefer him.”

“Hey, hey, look over here.” Marcus tapped the table, “What do you think this place is?”

“I’ve already confessed, what more do you guys want?” Dave glared at the lieutenant, “Is the only way you’ll let me off the hook is if I admit to killing Steven?”

The Vice Squad smoothly asked, “So you admit that Steven was killed by you.”

“No, I’ve told you a hundred times, the kid ran off to Mexico for a quickie.”

The lieutenant asked back, “You’ve been caught and his warrant dropped, why don’t you come back?”

“It’s Mexico, anything can happen there, maybe he fell in love with Mexican women and settled down over there, Mexican beauties are notoriously passionate.

Of course, the Mexican gangs are not to be messed with, carrying forty thousand dollars to hang around in Mexico …… I’ve been praying to God that he will come back safely.”

“Dave, put away your crocodile tears, they’re disgusting.” The lieutenant waved his hand, “I didn’t come over here today to talk to you about Steven, but Tony.”

Dave sighed, “It’s Tony again?”

“Tony did get killed.”

“Nothing to do with me.”

Marcus stood up and handed Dave a couple of photos, “Don’t get scared and piss your pants.”

Dave took the photos and examined them, his face became more and more ugly, banging hard on the interrogation chair, “FUCK! FUCK……”

“STOP! What are you so excited about?”

“Who killed Tony?”

“What’s your relationship with Tony?”

Dave took a deep, calming breath, “Friend.”

The vice team instantly said, “Since we are friends, we would like to ask you some clues to catch Tony’s murderer early.”

Without answering, Dave asked, “When did Tony die?”

“Hey, we should be the ones to ask you now, OK?” the vice squad seized the initiative and asked again, “Who is Tony Weir’s real identity?”

Dave was silent for a long moment, “SORRY, I’m not going to tell you.”

The lieutenant dropped the pen in his hand and leaned back in his chair, “If you don’t cooperate, Tony’s killer will go free, is that how you treat your friends?”

“I’m willing to cooperate, but not with you.”

“Hmph.” The lieutenant grunted, “Who do you want to talk to?”

“The prosecutor.”

The vice squad’s face grimaced, “Look, you talk to me first, and if the clues you provide are valuable, I’ll help you apply for a reduced sentence.”

Dave snorted, “I’m a lawyer.”

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