Chapter 630

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:03
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Twenty minutes later.

Jackson led Buddy Kerouac, who had gone to identify the body earlier, back to the office.

Buddy Kerouac had a mournful look on his face and his eyes were bloodshot, as if he had been crying.

Luke brings him into the conference room and gestures for him to sit down.

Buddy Kerouac sat somewhat helplessly at his desk, rubbing his cheeks hard with both hands and choking, “Have you caught my wife’s murderer yet?”

“Not yet, the case is still in the investigation stage.” Luke sat across the conference table, “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“No, I just wish I had caught that murderer sooner.” Buddy Kerouac clenched his fists tightly as he spoke.

Luke nodded, “Mr. Buddy Kerouac, I can understand your feelings, we will do our best to solve the case and catch your wife’s murderer early.”

“Thanks.” Buddy Kerouac sighed and lamented, “If only …… I hadn’t traveled on business. If I had been home, this might not have happened, and I would have protected my wife from harm.”

“There are no what ifs in this world, no one wants this to happen.” Luke soothed and asked, “When did you travel?”

“October 25th.”

“Where did you go on business?”

“Las Vegas.”

“What company did you work for?”

“Coffey Travel, the company sent me over there to make contact for a travel partnership.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, “You and your wife work for the same company?”

“Uh…… Coffey Group has several companies under its umbrella, and Coffey Travel Company is just one of them.

My wife works in the head office and is the chairman’s assistant.”

“Assistant to the chairman?”


“Do you know the chairman of the company, Galian Coffey?”

“Of course, he’s the big boss of the company, how could I not know him.”

“Are you familiar with Garian Coffey?”

Buddy Kerouac shook his head, “How can that be, we are completely from two worlds, he shouldn’t even know me.

However, my wife was his assistant, I learned a lot about him from my wife, and I heard that he was a very serious man who didn’t smile.

Did he have anything to do with my wife’s death?”

“Garian Coffey was killed, too.”

“My God, that’s terrible.” Buddy Kerouac seemed to guess something: “Did …… my wife’s death have something to do with him?

Yes, my wife always had no grudges against anyone, it’s impossible for someone to kill her.”

“For the reason of your wife’s murder, we haven’t found out yet.

You are her husband, we also want to know something about her from you, which will be helpful for the investigation of the case.”

Buddy Kerouac slapped his forehead, “My mind is so messed up right now, I can’t even believe that my wife is dead right now.

It was so sudden and horrible for me.”

“When was the last time you and your wife saw each other?”

“The morning of my business trip ……” Buddy Kerouac said in a raspy voice, “I remember it well, she got up early that morning and made me tuna fish sandwiches especially for me, they were delicious.

After eating, she also sent me outside the house, I promised to bring her a gift when I came back ……

I didn’t realize that that one time actually became goodbye forever.”

“Was there anything unusual about your wife during this time?”


She has always been gentle and considerate, and it is impossible to find a better wife than her.”

“Did your wife have any enemies?”

“She was a very good person and never had a quarrel with anyone.

I can’t think of anyone who would kill her.”

“Did you keep any valuable articles in your house?”

“We do have some savings, but most of it is bought into finance.

The only things that could be considered valuable in the house were some of my wife’s jewelry, which was kept in a dresser cabinet in the bedroom.”

“What’s the approximate value of the jewelry? Are there any more unusual ones.”

Buddy Kerouac shook his head, “I can’t figure out the exact value, but it’s all ordinary jewelry, some of which I gave her and some of which she bought herself.

We don’t have much money for expensive jewelry either.”

“Have you seen any suspicious people around lately?”


“Were you aware of your wife’s death beforehand, or did you have any suspicions?”

“No No No, it was all too sudden for me.” Buddy Kerouac thoughtfully asked back, “Didn’t you say before that my wife was killed because of a robbery? Could there have been another reason?”

Luke turned the pen in his hand, robbery and murder was a certain possibility, but the problem was that the deceased Blanche Kerouac was not the only one at home at that time, and they were not sleeping at that time, and there were no particularly valuable items in the house, the motive for robbery and murder was not very sufficient.

Luke tried, “How was your wife’s relationship with Garian Coffey?”

Buddy Kerouac pursed his lips, “Not bad.

A year ago, my wife became Galian Coffey’s assistant, she worked diligently and conscientiously, Galian Coffey recognized her ability, and some time ago, also gave my wife a raise in salary.”

“Then what do you think of Galian Coffey as a person?”

“I haven’t come into direct contact with him, but I’ve heard some rumors about him, very capable, passionate about philanthropy, Coffey’s company developed and grew in his hands, overall, he’s a good boss.”

“Does he have any enemies?”

Buddy Kerouac spread his hands, “I’m not sure. He’s just a familiar stranger to me. Too distant.

The company executives should know more about him.”

Luke asked a few more questions and then escorted him out of the office.

The Vice Squad and a few team members had already read the case file and had a good understanding of the case.

The vice squad asked, “How did the conversation go? Did he provide any clues?”

Luke shook his head, “He was also surprised about his wife’s death and didn’t have a clue.

However, he revealed some information during the conversation, for example, the Coffey Travel Company that he works for, is also the property of the Coffey family.”

Xiao Hei revealed a look of pity, “This guy was also really unlucky, he went out to earn money for his boss while the boss was messing around with his wife at home.

If it was me I would have been pissed off.”

The vice squad shrugged, “What’s even more infuriating is that he was most likely on a business trip that was deliberately arranged by his boss just to free up time and space to applaud for love with his wife.

Other people have to sneak around and find opportunities for cheating, for fear of being discovered by their husbands.

And he only has the part of being arranged.”

Xiao Hei said, “This kind of thing would blow up no matter who it happened to.

If he knew that his wife was cheating on him with his boss, wouldn’t that be the best motive to kill him?”

Luke recalled the conversation between the two, “I didn’t directly poke at her wife’s relationship with Galian Coffey, but he knew that both of them were killed at the same time, and he also knew that his wife died at home, but he didn’t ask after the location where Galian Coffey was killed, which seemed to be intentionally evasive.

Also, he claimed his wife was Garian Coffey’s assistant, but in reality his wife was Garian Coffey’s secretary.”

The lieutenant said, “Although both assistants and secretaries work for their bosses, their jobs are very different. Besides, you’ve hinted before that both were killed, so if Buddy Kerouac wasn’t a particularly stupid person he should have been able to spot the difference.

Unless, of course, he knew about it before.

That means he had enough motive to commit the crime.

I think he should be investigated covertly.”

Luke nodded, “Buddy Kerouac claims that he’s been in Las Vegas on business for the last few days.

Guys, confirm his recent whereabouts.”

“Okay, Captain.”

The men split up to investigate, Luke picked up the file and continued to study the case.

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

Luke’s cell phone rang, it was a message from Reed asking him to come to the office.

With that, Luke went to Reed’s office, knocked on the door and went in to see Reed sitting on the couch talking to a white woman.

The white woman was about fifty years old, thin, with sunken cheeks, and was wearing a black dress that didn’t look flashy, but was generous and decent.

Reed introduced himself, “This is the wife of the deceased, Garian Coffey, Mrs. Grace Coffey, she came by today to find out what’s going on with the case.”

Luke nodded in greeting and sat down on the side couch.

Grace Coffey sized up Luke, “Captain Lee, I have long heard of your great name and know that you are the best detective in Los Angeles, I am counting on you for my husband’s case.”

“I will try my best to investigate.”

Grace Coffey smoothly asked, “Is there any progress in the investigation of the case? Have you found out who killed my husband?”

“I’ve just taken over the case, and I’m gathering as much information about the case and the victim as possible, and I’ve also sent people to investigate new clues, so I’m sure I’ll have news soon.”

Grace Coffey sighed, “My husband and I have been married for over thirty years and we love each other dearly.” Grace Coffey sounded sad and wiped her red eyes, “I still can’t believe that he has left me.

I beg you to catch the murderer, I can’t let my husband die in such an unexplained way.

If there is any progress in the case, be sure to let me know.”

“I will.” Luke pondered a little and said, “Mrs. Grace Coffey, I would like to ask something about your husband, it is important for the case to be solved.”

Grace Coffey rubbed her forehead, “Go ahead and ask.”

“Did your husband ever offend anyone?”

“My husband is a good man, very gentlemanly, and will not easily make enemies with people.

The only time he will have some conflict of interest with other companies is in business.

But he is a man who reports his good news and rarely takes the initiative to mention these things in order to avoid making me worry.

So, I’m not really sure ……”

Luke pressed, “Is there anything unusual about your husband lately?”


“Were you aware of your husband’s whereabouts the night he was killed?”

Grace Coffey shook her head, “He just told me he had a social engagement for the evening, and I don’t know exactly where he was going.”

“What was your husband’s relationship with the secretary who was killed with him?”

“I always thought they had a working relationship ……,” Grace Coffey blushed a little, “I know what you’re going to ask, I didn’t know anything about either of them before.” Grace Coffey sighed, “It’s not a glamorous thing, the less people know about it the better.

Captain Lee, I hope that you will not publicize my husband’s and secretary’s affairs during the investigation.

Not only is it emotionally difficult for me personally to accept, it will also have a negative impact on Coffey Corporation.”

“I will.” Luke responded.

In his opinion, the reason why Grace Coffey’s family was willing to offer a reward of one million dollars was not only because they wanted to ask him to investigate the case, but also because they were worried that the matter of Galian Coffey’s infidelity would be rumored, and they used the reward to gag the police officers working on the case.

Perhaps the money was a bit much to spend in the eyes of ordinary people.

But for the Coffey family, the impact of Garian Coffey cheating on his wife and dying at her secretary’s house was far greater than a million dollars.

After talking with Grace Coffey, Luke left the director’s office.

Recalling the conversation, Luke felt that Grace Coffey might be hiding something in the world of her husband’s cheating.

Cheating this kind of thing, once there is a second time, Galian Coffey is so old, Luke does not believe that he does not have a previous record.

And it was even more unlikely that Grace Coffey, his wife who had lived with him for decades, was unaware of it.

Inside the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division.

Several team members were gathered around talking, and when they saw Luke walk into the office, the lieutenant greeted him, “Luke, you’re back.

What did the Director want to see you about?”

Luke replied, “Inquired about the progress of the case.

What were you guys discussing?”

“Was just about to tell you.” The lieutenant pulled out a file and handed it over, “You gave a statement to Buddy Kerouac, husband of the deceased Blanche Kerouac, earlier.

He claimed he’d been in Las Vegas on business for a while and had just returned this morning.

However, we found out that he had credit card purchases at a gas station near Los Angeles the afternoon before.

He lied, and he most likely returned to Los Angeles during the time of the murder.”

Blackie said, “The fact that his alibi is false reinforces the fact that he’s suspected of the crime, and I think we should re-interview this guy.”

Jackson rubbed his chin, “Wait, I don’t think one thing makes sense.

If Buddy Kerouac traveled on business to create an irregular proof of his murder, then why did he use his own credit card to fill up his gas tank when he sneaked back to Los Angeles? That’s tantamount to actively exposing his whereabouts.”

Luke walked over to the whiteboard, wrote down Buddy Kerouac’s name, thought for a moment and said, “I think there are two possibilities, the first possibility, it wasn’t Buddy Kerouac himself who used that credit card.

The second possibility is that Buddy Kerouac was not planning to kill someone. Rather, he returned home during a business trip, inadvertently stumbled upon an adulterous relationship, and killed in the heat of passion on impulse.”

The vice squad nodded, “The probability of a homicide is high when people are prone to do irrational things once feelings are involved.

I think this is more likely.”

Luke then began to assign tasks, the vice squad took someone to the gas station to investigate and confirm if it was Buddy Kerouac himself who used the credit card.

Luke, on the other hand, took the men to track down Buddy Kerouac’s whereabouts.

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