Chapter 631

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Suburb of Los Angeles.

It was located on the west coast of Los Angeles, with beautiful scenery and a number of vacation homes built halfway up the mountain.

A black SUV was parked outside a modern style vacation home dominated by glass.

The passenger side window was open and Luke looked out the window at the luxurious vacation home and said with some confusion, “Are you sure Buddy Kerouac is here?”

Jackson, who was driving, replied, “Yes, Buddy Kerouac has two properties in the couple’s name, one is the house at the crime scene, and the other is this vacation home, and the address is here.”

Blackie poked his head out from the back row and said with some envy, “The environment here is so beautiful, and the vacation home is great, I didn’t realize that this couple is still the invisible rich.”

The three of them stepped out of the car and walked outside the vacation home’s courtyard.

Luke looked around and didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

Jackson pressed the doorbell, “Ding dong.”

After a moment, the visual doorbell screen opened and Buddy Kerouac’s image appeared on the screen, seeing Jackson’s face, he froze for a moment before reacting, “Officer Jackson, what are you doing here? I was just at the police station this morning.”

“Mr. Buddy Kerouac, there’s been a development in your wife’s case and we need to talk to you.”

After a while, the yard gate opened and Luke’s trio walked into the yard.

The yard was planted with all sorts of flowers and plants, it wasn’t exactly neat, it looked like it hadn’t been tended to in a while.

The door to the room in the middle of the courtyard opened, Buddy Kerouac stood in the doorway, his eyes looked over at Luke’s trio, his eyebrows furrowed, “Sir, I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon.”

Luke complimented, “It’s a beautiful setting here, and the vacation home is beautiful.”

“Thank you, please come in.”

Buddy Kerouac stepped aside and gestured for Luke and the others to enter.

The room used a lot of glass building materials with excellent light transmission, and the spacious living room was very open, and sitting in the living room, one could enjoy the scenery outside.

Blackie sat on his butt on the sofa, “I like the style of this house, the view is fantastic.”


My house in the city became the scene of a crime and is still uninhabitable, so I had to move here.” Buddy Kerouac sighed, “Sorry, it’s been a long time since anyone lived here so it’s a bit of a mess.”

Jackson laughed to himself, “No No, it’s a lot cleaner than my house.”

Buddy Kerouac sat down on the couch and looked over at the three Luke’s, “Tell me about my wife’s case.”

Luke said, “We picked up some new leads this afternoon and wanted to check with you.”

Buddy Kerouac followed up, “What kind of leads?”

“Before we get to that, I’d like to ask you a question, where were you at five forty-five pm the day before yesterday?”

Buddy Kerouac frowned slightly and after a moment of silence replied, “I was in Las Vegas on business.”

“Are you sure?”


Luke stared at the other man and asked, “Do you have a VISA credit card with a tail number of 7569?”

“Uh, I think so.”

“If you can’t remember, check your credit card, I need an accurate answer, yes or no.”

Buddy Kerouac leaned back on the couch with his arms folded across his chest, “Yes, what’s wrong with that?”

“How do you explain the fact that this credit card was spent at a gas station near Los Angeles the afternoon before last, at five forty-five?”

“Uh ……” Buddy Kerouac hesitated for several moments, “I’m not really sure, I haven’t used that credit card in so long I can’t even remember where I put it.

Or maybe it’s lost.”

“Even if it was lost, without the password, the person who found it wouldn’t be able to use it.”

“My password is simple, it’s six zeros, and it’s possible the other person guessed it right.”

“Mr. Buddy Kerouac, I want you to think before you answer, our conversation now is on the record. If you lie, you are legally liable.”

Buddy Kerouac pursed his lips and sighed, looking a little agitated as he looked down.

Luke continued, “Look, while we’ve been talking, my colleagues have rushed to the gas station to verify the situation.

Even if you don’t tell the truth, the owner of the gas station isn’t going to keep your secret.

Moreover, are you sure you can evade the gas station’s surveillance?

If you can’t, then you’d better tell the truth.”

Buddy Kerouac finally couldn’t hold it together and revealed a remorseful look, “Oh my god, I’m just unlucky, I’m the number one big stupid pig under the sky, there’s no one more stupid than me.”

Blackie extended his right index finger and pointed it at his opponent, “You admit that your alibi is false and the reason you lied was to cover up the murder.”

Buddy Kerouac retorted, “I didn’t kill anyone.

I had nothing to do with the deaths of Blanche and Garian Coffey.

I admit that I lied and returned to L.A. early, but that’s all.”

Luke said, “Don’t you think your words are contradictory.

If you had nothing to do with the deaths of Garian Coffey and Blanche Kerouac, then why did you lie?”

Buddy Kerouac looked a little complicated and said helplessly, “Some things are like that, if you make one wrong step, you will keep on being wrong, and eventually that mistake will cause you to fall on your ass.

I knew about the relationship between the two of them, and it wasn’t honorable, so there was no way for me to tell the truth.

I swear, I didn’t mean to lie to you.”

Luke pressed, “From what you know, what is their relationship, state it clearly.”

Buddy Kerouac rubbed his cheeks with his hands and let out a long sigh, “I knew about my wife cheating on me with Garian Coffey.”

“When did you know?”

“It’s been awhile.”

“Think about it, exactly how long.”

“Come on, I wasn’t the one who cheated.

Why do you want me to remember these things?

If it was described clearly like a story, it wouldn’t be cheating, it would be falling in love.”

“Dude, don’t complain.

You lied, you were at the crime scene during the time of the murder, you had a major motive, that’s why.”

Buddy Kerouac slumped a bit helplessly on the couch, “So that means if I can’t explain myself away, you guys are going to treat me like a murderer?”

Luke didn’t answer, but the expression on his face said it all.

Buddy Kerouac revealed a bitter smile and sighed, “I see.” After a while, he replied, “I found out about it three months ago, and as for when they started stealing Clear.

I have no idea.”

“Did you know that Garion Coffey was at your house the night before last?”


I did go to Las Vegas on business earlier and just happened to run into him on my way back.”

“So the two of them were cheating on you while you were away on business?”

“Galian Coffey is the chairman of the company, he knows my work schedule and can even schedule me as well.

So, not only can they cheat on me while I’m on a business trip; at the same time, when they want to cheat on me, they can also send me on a business trip out of town.” Buddy Kerouac sighed, “Isn’t that sad?

Actually, I didn’t realize it until after the fact, what a devious bastard.”

“You came back from a business trip and your wife didn’t know?”

“According to the original plan, I wouldn’t have returned to Los Angeles until this morning.

There was just a change in work midway through the trip, so that’s why I returned early.

I knew about the two of them, but I didn’t think they’d actually make a date at home.

What a disgusting asshole, the chairman of a major company refusing to even pay for a hotel.”

Luke said, “You knew your wife was cheating on you, and not only did you not stop it, you deliberately avoided them and even created opportunities for them to cheat.


Buddy Kerouac rubbed his forehead and blushed a little strangely.

Blackie snickered, “Man, do you have any special hobbies? Like cuckold plots.”

“No, I’m a normal man, my wife cheating on me is a shame, that’s why I lie.”

Black pursued, “So, you killed them.”

“No, I repeat, I didn’t kill anyone.

They didn’t deserve me either.”

“And why did you acquiesce to them maintaining that relationship, if you’re a sane man and still think it’s a disgrace?”

Buddy Kerouac sighed, swept his eyes around and waved his hand, “What do you think of the vacation home?”

“It’s very nice, I like it a lot.” Blackie skimmed his thick lips, “However, I guess I won’t be able to afford it in my lifetime with my income.”

Buddy Kerouac laughed, “You’re very discerning.

Just a few months ago, I had the same idea as you, thinking that I could only live in a place like this in my dreams.

But two months ago, my dream came true.

My wife bought this vacation home.

Don’t ask me where the money came from, because I didn’t ask her either.”

Kuro’s mouth dropped open, “Wow, I see what you mean, but, it’s not a glamorous thing.”

“Yes, it’s not honorable, but it happened. No matter what I do, my wife can’t go back in time ……

Besides, my wife and I both work for Garion Coffey’s company, and we can’t afford to offend him, so I don’t have a lot of options.

It’s either fish out of water or get some ‘pathetic’ favor.” Buddy Kerouac spread out on the couch and said somewhat feebly, “I’d like to go over to Galian Coffey’s company and make a big mess ……

But what would I get out of it?

Lose my job, lose my wife, and go out on the street to steal turf from the bums ……

That’s not what a smart man does.”

Jackson stood up and pointed to the ornate furniture in the living room, “So that’s your choice, create an alibi for yourself and then kill them to get your revenge and still get this vacation home.”

“No, that’s not true.

I just happened to be returning to L.A. that day and saw the two of them at my house, I didn’t even go in and left.”

Luke had been watching the other man and saw no signs of lying, “What time was it?”

“A little after seven in the evening.”

“Where did you go after that?”

“The Hilton Hotel on Gately Street, I couldn’t be stupid enough to wait outside all the time, I’d get laughed at by the neighbors.”

“What time did you get to the hotel?”

“I didn’t look at the time, but it’s only a ten minute drive from my house to the hotel.

That’s what I can’t figure out, obviously the hotel isn’t far away, so why go to my house?

These two assholes are so disrespectful.

If they had gone to the hotel that night, maybe they wouldn’t have died.”

“Did you see any suspicious people or vehicles on your way home?”

Buddy Kerouac thought for a moment and replied, “I don’t know if I’d call it suspicious, but there was a red Tesla parked across the street from my house, and I can confirm that it wasn’t one of the neighbor’s cars; I’ve never seen one before.”

Luke drew an accent mark and followed up with, “What was the license plate number of the red Tesla?”

“I don’t know, I was just angry.”

Blackie said, “What’s the point of being angry, you should have broken in then and beat that asshole up. If it was me, I would have done that.”

Buddy Kerouac said, “So you’re not me.

You ended up in the police station.

And I stay in my comfortable vacation home.”

Luke didn’t see any signs of lying in the other man, but he did seem to be the biggest beneficiary of the murders through the previous conversation, “Can anyone prove what you’re saying for you?”

“The front desk at the Hilton can.”

“She’ll just check you in, but she won’t keep an eye on you.”

Buddy Kerouac thought for a moment and said, “There’s also a lady with long blonde hair.”

“What’s her name?”

“I forget.

But she was wearing a long blue dress with a great ass that night, and she can attest that I was at the hotel the whole time.” Buddy Kerouac gave a you-know-what look.

Blackie snickered, “You two play each other’s games, that’s why you allow your wife to cheat on you.”

Buddy Kerouac spread his hands, “She’s the one who cheated on me first, so there’s no reason for me to condescend.

Besides, I’ll be bringing other women to this vacation home for dates in the future.

I will definitely do that.”

Luke inquired, “Can you still contact the blonde woman?”

“I can give you her cell phone number and she can prove that I was at the hotel all night.

I’m innocent, I didn’t kill anyone.”

Luke thought briefly and said, “You think that your business trip was deliberately arranged by Galian Coffey to cheat on your wife.”

“I’m not sure if he arranged it or not, but it couldn’t have been easier for him, as chairman of the company, to find out my work schedule.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “If that’s the case, then it’s only right that he should have known about the change in your job midway through the program and your early return to Los Angeles.

Why did you run into another affair?”

Buddy Kerouac shrugged, “I don’t know, or maybe he wasn’t paying attention to it.

After all, according to our original work schedule, we did return to Los Angeles this morning.

It was only because there was a tour program meeting that was temporarily canceled that I was arranged to return to Los Angeles early to take charge of another job.”

“Who arranged for your early return to Los Angeles?”

“Dido Bruns, he’s the president of Coffey Travel.”

“Has he been in charge of similar work before?”

“No, I haven’t had much contact with him, and he’s rarely been directly responsible for specific work arrangements before.”

Luke made a mental note of Dido Bruns’ name and asked, “Do you think he had anything to do with Galian Coffey’s death?”

“I don’t know, but he was personally in charge of this Las Vegas tour, and he decided on the itinerary, the arrangements, the timing of the talks, including my return to Los Angeles.”

“Would it do him any good if you crashed your wife’s adulterous affair with Garian Coffey?”

Buddy Kerouac thought for a moment and shook his head, “I don’t know, I’m just a regular employee, way out of their league.”

“Where is Dido Bruns now?”

“New York.”

“When did he go to New York? What was there for?”

“He went to New York yesterday on a business trip, supposedly to talk about a tourism project, but I’m not sure of the details.”

“That means he went to New York on the day of the murder?”


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