Chapter 633

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:11
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“What promise?”

“Before transferring the shares I clearly proposed that when my financial situation improves, I can buy back some shares of the movie company on a priority basis every year.

He agreed to that as well.

The second promise was that at least three movies would be made within two years, and I would be involved in the entire production and distribution of the movies.

But now a year has passed and only one small-budget action movie has been made, with the remaining two out of reach, and he’s spending the studio’s otherwise modest resources on a documentary on the Coffey family.

FUCK, what idiot would enjoy watching that about their family, and would he make a movie about the real history of the Coffey family’s beginnings?

I know it’s not going to happen if I think about it with my ass.

So there’s no way this family documentary is going to make a profit.

The movie company can’t make a profit, so I won’t have the funds to buy back the shares, and this guy is trying to take away my movie company in this despicable way.”

Luke said after a little contemplation, “You think that Galian Coffey wants to take away your movie company?”


“Why would he do that?”

“Of course, he is optimistic about the potential strength of Ottaway Films, a company that will surely bring in huge revenues as long as it is run by professionals who put their hearts and minds into it.”

“How many shares do you still have in Ottaway Films?”

“Less than forty percent.”

“So you want the movie company to make money so you can buy back the movie company shares with company dividends?”


Luke stared at the other man, “That makes some sense to me.”

Otway Stone spread his hands, “What do you mean?”

“According to what you just said, the reason why Galian Coffey acquired the shares of Ottway Films was because he thought the movie company could make money.

If the company doesn’t make money, what is his purpose in acquiring the movie company?

If the company was making money, never mind the timing, you could have bought back the shares with dividends.

Why are you in a hurry to force him to make a movie again?”

Ottway Stone froze and said helplessly, “Look, things are more complicated than expected, as I said before I lost money on my investment, that’s why I sold my shares in the movie company to pay off my debts.

Even so the debt is still not paid off, I need the dividends from the movie company to pay off the debt.

If the movie company fails to make a profit, forced by the debt, I will have to continue to sell shares of the movie company, and at that point I will lose Otway Films completely.

This is my life’s work ……”

“That’s why you took a gun and went to negotiate with Galian Coffey in an attempt to force him to make the movie you thought would turn a profit as soon as possible, thus paying off your foreign debt.”

“That’s right, that was indeed my idea and what we agreed upon in the first place, and besides, I’ll say it again, it wasn’t a real gun I took, it was a shooting prop.

We had our differences, but I would never kill anyone, and there was no need to.”

“But the fact is, he did die.”

“I swear to God, that had nothing to do with me.

I have nothing to gain from his death.

It’s not just the Coffey Group that’s in disarray right now, but the situation at Otway Films is a mess.

I don’t even know who to go to for communication about the studio, and plans to shoot the movie are even further out of reach.

This is not what I expected to see.”

Chen Klin’s tone was stern, “You terrorized the deceased, had a clear motive for the crime, and followed the deceased to the scene of the crime.

I find it hard to believe that you had nothing to do with Garian Coffey’s death.”

“The fact that I took the initiative to come to the police station to assist you in your investigation already proves my sincerity, if you still don’t believe me, then show me the evidence.” Otway Stone glanced at his watch, “I’ve said what I need to say, I’m leaving.

If you guys have anything else, contact my lawyer directly.”

“Mr. Stone, please wait.” Luke called out to the other man, “I have one more question for you.”

“What kind of question?”

“Do you know about Coffey Travel?”

“Yes, a subsidiary of the Coffey Group.

Last year, my family and I went out on vacation through this company.”

“Do you know the president of this company?”

Otway Stone thought for a moment, “Dido Bruns.

I met him at a party at Coffey’s, a very talkative man.”

“How’s his relationship with Garian Coffey?”

“Looked pretty good.”

“Does Dido Bruns stand to gain anything if Garian Coffey dies?”

“I don’t know, I’m not familiar with the inner workings of the Coffey group.” Otway Stone hesitated slightly and said, “But I heard some anecdotes at the party.”

“What anecdotes?”

“Supposedly, Dido Bruns got to be president of Coffey Tours because of his wife’s connections.”

Luke guessed, “Dido Bruns wife is having an affair with Galian Coffey?”

“No. Dido Bruns’ wife is very sociable and often organizes parties and knows many upper class noblewomen.

Dido Bruns’ wife and Garion Coffey’s wife are very close girlfriends.

Many people say that the reason Dido Bruns was able to become the president of Coffey Travel was because he took the path of Galian Coffey’s wife.”

“Grace Coffey.”

“Yes, she’s a very fine woman and very capable.” As if something occurred to Otway Stone, “You remind me.

Now that Otway Stone is gone and the Coffey Group is in disarray, I should talk to her about Otway Films.”

Luke followed up, “Does Grace Coffey have a position at the Coffey Group?”

“Of course, she was the lead director of the Coffey Group, and now that Garian Coffey is dead, she’s most likely to act as chairman.”

Luke tried, “So, after Galian Coffey dies, his wife Grace Coffey will most likely take control of the Coffey Group.”

Otway Stone shrugged, “The Coffey Group of Companies is the property of the Coffey family, so what’s the problem?”

Luke had met Grace Coffey and talked to the other party, at that time, he only thought it was an elegant noblewoman, now it seems that this woman is not simple.

One of the two victims was her husband, and the other was her husband’s lover.

She already had a motive for the crime.

Secondly, the deceased Blanche Kerouac’s husband, Buddy Kerouac, who came back from a business trip and crashed the adulterous affair, this also has her shadow.

According to Buddy Kerouac, he came home early because of a job change, and the person who arranged for his return to Los Angeles was none other than Dido Bruns, the president of Coffey Travel.

And Dido Bruns’ wife was very close to Grace Coffey, and he was only able to become president of Coffey Travel because of Grace Coffey’s connections.

So was it Grace Coffey who was deliberately arranging for Buddy Kerouac’s temporary return home to crash the adulterous affair.

Luke felt that this speculation was somewhat possible, and that Grace Coffey had enough motive and ability to do so.

Half an hour later, the questioning was over.

Luke and Chanclin considered it and did not detain Ottway Stone.

After sending Ottway Stone out of the Second Squadron, Chen Klin returned to the conference room with two cups of coffee.

Luke took the coffee, “Thank you.”

Chen Kling took a sip of his coffee, “I always feel like this guy isn’t telling the truth.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, “Regretting letting him go.”

“That’s not true.” Chanclin glanced out the window and lowered his voice, “I sent two of my team members to follow him.”

Luke smiled, “Be careful.”

“They’re all veterans, they’ll be fine.” Chen Kling pulled a chair and sat down, “By the way, what’s wrong with Dido Bruns, the president of Coffey Travel you just mentioned?”

Luke described the relationship between Dido Bruns and several people involved in the case.

Chen Kelin smashed his mouth after hearing this, “If your speculation holds true, then Grace Coffey is most likely the one manipulating behind the scenes.

When she found out that her husband was cheating on her with his secretary, she thought of taking revenge on the two of them, but she was afraid that the police would find out about her, so she wanted to make Buddy Kerouac, the secretary’s husband, a scapegoat.

Buddy Kerouac works for Coffey Travel, and the president of Coffey Travel is very close to her, so she can use this relationship to arrange Buddy Kerouac’s work schedule so that he can return to Los Angeles early and crash his wife’s cheating affair with Garion Coffey.

It’s just a pity that Buddy Kerouac is a rather wimpy person, even after discovering that his wife was cheating on him with Garion Coffey, he didn’t make a public statement, but instead, he ran away in disgrace.”

Chen Kelin paused for a moment and added, “If all of this was arranged by Grace Coffey behind the scenes, would she have also arranged for other hands, such as sending someone to watch over Buddy Kerouac’s home nearby. Buddy Kerouac didn’t do the killing, and this person in charge of surveillance personally killed and framed Buddy Kerouac.”

Luke spread his hands, “These are all just speculations, there is no evidence at the moment.”

Chen Kelin suggested, “We can first talk to Dido Bruns, the president of Coffey Travel, and we should be able to get some clues from him.”

Luke replied, “That guy left Los Angeles yesterday on a business trip.

And, even if we find him, he can claim that it was a normal work schedule and that he knew nothing about Garian Coffey cheating on his wife.”

“The sudden departure from Los Angeles is more proof that he’s weak-minded, indicating that our assumptions were correct and that he’s in trouble.

Grace Coffey should also have a problem, and may even be the real culprit behind killing Garian Coffey.”

Luke stroked his chin, “I thought about it carefully, and I think Grace Coffey might have set up Buddy Kerouac to crash the adulterous affair, trying to get him to make a big scene and force the husband to break up with his secretary.

But it shouldn’t be so bad that she would find someone to kill her husband just because he cheated on her.”

Chen Klin laughed, “Why? These rich people look elegant, but it doesn’t mean that their modesty is as high as it should be.”

Luke said, “It’s precisely because I don’t believe in the modesty of these people that I think Grace Coffey wouldn’t kill someone because of her husband’s cheating.

For rich people, cheating on their husbands and taking lovers is not a big deal.

Who doesn’t have a few mistresses in secret for those rich people who seem to be serious and talk about their families all the time.

It’s too normal.

A lot of clues have Grace Coffey related, and I also think she is suspicious, but if it is just cheating …… should not be enough to kill.

Unless, there are other irreconcilable conflicts between them.”

Chen Kling nodded, “Should we contact Grace Coffey?”

Luke said, “This woman is rich and powerful, has a good relationship with the police hierarchy, and probably has a team of lawyers behind her.

Either there is sufficient evidence or there are other reasons, otherwise, don’t easily alarm the other party.”

Although Chen Kelin was a little reluctant, he also knew that what Luke said was the truth, and could only nod helplessly.

“Knock knock ……”

The door to the conference room rang, and a police officer pushed open the door to the room, “Captain, Mary from the technical team is here.”

Luke put down his coffee cup and went out of the conference room with Chen Kelin.

Mary said, “Luke, you’re here too, I don’t have to make an extra trip.”

Luke smiled, “I hope it’s good news.”

“That depends on who it’s for.” Mary turned the tables and said, “We took multiple biological samples from the crime scene, and one of the fingerprints found was compared and linked to a murder from forty years ago.”

“Forty years ago?”

“That’s right, and it’s safe to assume it’s the same person’s fingerprint.”

“Do we know the identity of this person?”

Mary shook her head, “He was one of the suspects in that murder case forty years ago, but the police have not been able to find out the exact identity of the owner of the fingerprints.”

Chen Kelin frowned, “An unsolved case from forty years ago?”

Mary nodded, “It’s likely that the murderer committed the crime again.”

“Thank you, this clue is important.”

“I’ll leave the rest to your investigation, I’ll get busy.” Mary left a copy of the information and left the Second Squadron.

Luke picked up the information and checked it, finding a record related to a forty year old unsolved case, the Silver Cross case.

Chen Kelin shrugged, “Forty year old cases, with the passage of time there will inevitably be missing omissions, thinking about it makes one’s head spin.”

Luke then used his authority to go to the archive room to retrieve the Silver Cross case file.

Luke flipped through the aged dossier and gradually understood this old year-old unsolved case, at the same time, he also saw a familiar name among the case officers, Vincent Sith.

Vice squad?

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