Chapter 637

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Ten minutes later, Anthony’s men delivered a dossier.

Luke directly took the dossier and viewed it, the dossier recorded the exact time of Burnett Coffey’s murder on March 14, 1984, thirty-nine years from today.

The place of the murder was located in the Yateley Cemetery.

According to the dossier, at 6:00 p.m. on March 14, Burnett Coffey entered the cemetery, and because of the delay in coming out, the driver entered the cemetery to check on him, and found Burnett lying on the ground, with a crossbow arrow stuck in his back, and blood staining his clothes and the ground around him, and then the driver found the office of the cemetery to make a phone call to the police.

This account is simple in description, but Luke sees a few problems.

The first was the location of the victim’s death, the cemetery.

Similar to Burnett Coffey’s identity should have a bodyguard, want to kill him is not easy, choose in the cemetery to commit the crime should be prepared.

This can also be seen from the tools of the crime, the power and convenience of the crossbow is not as good as a pistol, but the advantage is that the sound is small, not easy to be detected, the murderer is easy to abscond after the crime.

There is another point Burnett Coffey alone at six o’clock in the evening into the cemetery is also a bit suspicious, why he wants to enter the cemetery alone; and generally go to worship the dead will not choose the evening six o’clock this time period, Burnett Coffey is very likely to avoid people’s ears.

Luke continued to read the dossier, the owner of the cemetery that Burnett visited was called Grace Kamara, a black woman, date of birth 1950, date of death 1982, March 14th.

Grace Kamara also had the status of being Burnett Coffey’s secretary.

For a boss to make a special trip to pay his respects two years after the death of his own secretary speaks volumes about the unusual relationship between the two.

It may be that like father, like son, Burnett Coffey died next to his secretary’s grave: thirty-nine years later, his son died in his secretary’s home, passing on not only the family business, but perhaps the same preferences.

According to the records of the dossier, the FBI, after some investigation, found two suspects, Dolly French and Michael Camara.

One of them, Dolly French, had business dealings with the Coffey Group, and his company was eventually acquired by the Coffey Group due to mismanagement.

During the acquisition process, Burnett Coffey and Dolly French had some conflicts, Dolly French thought that Burnett Coffey used improper means to deliberately lower the acquisition price, and even claimed that the reason why the company’s capital chain broke was that Burnett Coffey had united with the bank to set him up, and repeatedly threatened to take revenge on Burnett.

However, after Luke had read Dory French’s information, he thought that the suspicion that he would commit the crime again was very small, because Dory French was already fifty years old back then, and was now a ninety-year-old man.

The suspect, Michael Kamara, was the brother of Burnett Coffey’s black female secretary.

The black female secretary was determined to have committed suicide and was only thirty-two years old at the time of her death, and according to the FBI file, since the black female secretary committed suicide, her brother, Michael Kamara, had gone to the Coffey Group several times to cause trouble, threatening that it was Burnett Coffey who had killed his sister.

As recalled by Burnett Coffey’s bodyguard, Michael Kamara had also attacked Burnett once, injuring Burnett’s shoulder, but instead of calling the police, Burnett told his bodyguard to let him go.

After Burnett’s murder, the FBI also investigated Michael Kamara, but the other party had an alibi and no time of commission.

After the case, the FBI also visited and investigated in many places around the cemetery, but because few people went to the cemetery at that time of the day, they did not find any relevant clues from witnesses, which was the reason why the case was never solved.

After reading the dossier, Luke compared this case with the Silver Cross case and the murder of Galian Coffey, and felt that the three cases were somehow related.

There were only a few months between the time of the murder in this case and the Silver Cross case.

Secondly, Burnett and Garian Coffey were father and son, both were chairman of the Coffey Group at the time of their murders, and both had been closely involved with their secretaries.

Previously, Luke had gone into detail about the murder of Galian Coffey with the Silver Cross case.

However, the knowledge of Burnett’s murder case was limited to the dossier, and this case had already passed thirty-nine years ago, so if he wanted to know more clues about the case, he could only visit the case handlers and people involved in the case back then.

However, the FBI agents responsible for investigating this case have all retired, and those who can find out their contact information are either on sick leave or have passed away.

Luke directed his understanding to the people involved in the case, and after some investigation, found the address of the black female secretary’s brother.

Calico neighborhood, 305.

A black SUV drove into the neighborhood and parked in front of a house with gray walls and white windows.

The door of the SUV opens and Luke steps out of the vehicle and surveys the neighborhood.

Black walked up to the front of the house and looked around, “I like this neighborhood, it’s kind of great in a black neighborhood.”

“That’s right, I hope Michael Kamala hasn’t sold the house.” Luke gestured for Blackie to call the door, the same skin color still had some advantages.

Blacky walked to the front door of the compound and pressed the visual doorbell.

A few moments later a black woman with gray hair appeared on the video, “What can I do for you sir?”

“Hello ma’am, is this the home of Michael Kamara?”

“That’s right, what can I do for you?”

Blackie replied, “We are the police and would like to find out something about Michael Kamara.”

The black woman was surprised, “What kind of information?”

“We are investigating a homicide and would like to ask for his assistance in the investigation.”

“Huh, a homicide? You guys aren’t kidding.”

“No, ma’am, I’m very serious about this. Is Michael Kamara at home?”

“Of course, he can’t go anywhere.”

“Can you let us in?”

“OK, I’d like to see how serious you are too.”

With that the door opened and Luke and Black stepped into the yard.

The door to the room opened and a well-built black woman stood in the doorway, “Are you guys really cops?”

Luke flashed his badge, “Yes ma’am.

What is your relationship to Michael Kamara?”

“I’m his wife.”

“We would like to speak with Mr. Michael Kamara.”

The black woman sighed, “I would like him to talk to you as well, but I’m afraid that would be a bit difficult.”

Black smiled, “Ma’am, we won’t take too long.”

The black woman bristled, “Follow me.”

The black woman led the two into the house, the living room was a bit of a mess, there were wheelchairs by the wall and a smell of disinfectant, Luke instinctively raised his guard.

The black woman walked through the living room and led the two of them outside the bedroom on the inside and opened the bedroom door, “Honey, you have a friend here to see you.”

Luke probed and looked into the bedroom, the room was a little dim, there was a faint stench, an old black man was sitting on the edge of the bed, with a bib hanging on his chest, his eyes were dull, his head was slightly bowed, not reacting to the outside world’s sound, the corners of his mouth were a little crooked, and his left hand was curled up in a somewhat unnatural way.

Black frowned, “Whoa, he’s Michael Kamara?”


“What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s been a heavy drinker for years, got a cerebral thrombosis three years ago, and then this.

He hasn’t been out of the house for a long time and has trouble talking and walking, which is why I was surprised when you guys said you were looking for him to find out what’s going on.” The black woman stepped forward and wiped Michael Kamala’s drool with her bib before closing the door to the room and ushering both Luke’s into the living room.

“Would you two officers like something to drink?”

“No, thanks.”

“I understand.” The black woman shrugged, “In the past, the neighbors loved to come to our house as guests, but since my husband got sick, they won’t even drink a cup of coffee, not to mention dinner.”

Blackie said with a sincere face, “Ma’am, we’re just afraid of causing you trouble, after all, not everyone welcomes the police at their door.”

“OK, tell us why you are here.

My husband has hardly left the house since he got sick, what can you guys find out about his case?”

“The case of Burnett Coffey’s murder in the cemetery thirty-nine years ago.”

The black woman said helplessly, “Not to mention that my husband is in this condition, he wouldn’t want to talk to you guys about this case even if he wasn’t sick.”

Luke said, “Ma’am, after Burnett Coffey was killed back then, because your husband had a conflict with him, he was also investigated as a suspect, and now we are re-investigating this case, also because we want to clear your husband’s name.”

The black woman looked toward the bedroom, “Does it matter if he’s innocent or not when he’s already like this?”

Luke stood up and walked over to the TV cabinet with two photos on it, the left photo looked like a family photo of Michael Kamara, he was in the center in a wheelchair, his wife was standing at his side and a young man and woman were standing behind him, the time was written at the bottom of the photo as July 2021.

The other was an old photo with a man and a woman, like Michael Kamara when he was younger.

Luke picked up the old photo and asked, “Is this a picture of Mr. Michael Kamara and his sister?”

“Yes, it’s the most precious thing my husband had.

He didn’t like to have his picture taken when he was younger, and this is the only picture he has left of him with his sister.”

“Were your husband and his sister close?”

“My husband’s father left shortly after he was born, and his mother died of a drug overdose when he was eight years old.

After that, he was raised by his sister alone, and they were very close.

His sister also gave us the down payment on our wedding house.

She’s really nice.” The black woman sighed, “Her death was a huge regret for us.

My husband didn’t get over his grief until many years had passed.”

Black pursued, “I read the FBI investigation and it states that your husband’s sister committed suicide.”

“Shit, those guys were totally covering for Burnett Coffey.

My husband’s sister was forced to die by Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Coffey, they are the murderers!”

“What do you mean by forced to die?”

The black woman shook her head and sighed, “I don’t want to talk about it anymore after all these years.”

Luke said, “Ma’am, whether you are willing to mention this matter or not, we have to investigate.

If you don’t want to mention it, then we can only look for people from the Coffey family to find out.

So, I’d still prefer you to say it yourself.”

“Nothing good will come out of those rich people’s mouths.” The black woman took a deep breath and continued, “My husband’s sister was Burnett Coffey’s secretary, and the workplace in those days was not friendly to black women.

Burnett Coffey took advantage of that and forced her into a relationship.

My husband’s sister needed the job to support her family and had to settle for less to keep her job.

Until Burnett Coffey’s wife found out about it ……”

The black woman pinched her forehead and continued, “Burnett Coffey’s wife went to the company and made a scene, falsely accusing my husband’s sister of seducing Burnett Coffey, bullying her in front of everyone in the company, and kicking her out of the company.

This incident hit my husband’s sister so hard that she couldn’t hold her head up in front of her family and neighbors ……

Subsequently, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Coffey also used all sorts of ways to discredit my husband’s sister and bring her into disrepute, causing my husband’s sister to have mental problems and become suicidal.

The Coffey family is simply evil.”

The black woman stood up, “I really don’t want to reminisce about this sad past.

Both gentlemen, you should leave.”

“Ma’am, I’m sorry for bringing up your sad story.

I would like to say that I can understand your helplessness.” Black soothed, pursed his thick lips, and followed Luke out of the house.

Xiao Hei sat in the cab and said to Luke on the side, “This is why I don’t like rich people, under the corrosion of money, they gradually lose their humanity.

Especially in that era of cannibalism, those rich people don’t care about the lives of black people at all, not to mention honor.”

Luke patted his shoulder, “Man, calm down, we’re on a case.”

“I know.” Black took a deep breath, “I just don’t think we should toss these innocent people for the Coffey family.

Both generations of the chairman of the Coffey family have been killed, and both their deaths were related to the secretary, could there be an internal dispute within their family in between.

External hatreds rarely last thirty-nine years, but internal conflicts are always there.”

“You’re right, but the Coffey family won’t easily tell us even if they have a problem.” Luke said, suddenly thinking of something, took out his cell phone and dialed Otway Stone’s number, “Hey, it’s Luke.

Is the documentary on the Coffey family still going well?”

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