Chapter 638

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:23
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Ottway Films was located in a three-story office building in the suburbs.

When the two Luke’s drove up, Ottway Stone was already waiting downstairs.

He looked at Luke who stepped out of the car and said with a complicated expression, “Captain Lee, I didn’t expect us to meet so soon.” He looked around and lowered his voice, “I thought I had made myself clear.

As a matter of fact, I did tell you all that I know.”

Luke said, “Mr. Otway Stone, please don’t be nervous.

The main reason we’re here is not for you.”

“OK, let’s talk in my office.” Otway Stone’s tone was obviously relaxed and led the two Luke into the building.

This office building was built in a very grand manner, and there were a few old posters hanging on the first floor, which were supposed to be movies that Ottway Films had made before.

But these few movies Luke had not seen.

In fact, this is quite normal, the United States shoots hundreds of movies a year, and only a dozen or so of them can really be sold and remembered.

Otway Stone’s office was on the third floor, and on the way, he encountered a few employees of the movie company, who greeted Otway Stone with a noticeable amount of detachment.

Otway Stone grumbled, “I haven’t been in the company for too long, it’s time to straighten out these loose cannons.

The most important thing in a good movie company is creativity and execution, and I don’t see that in them anymore.”

Upon entering the office, Otway Stone closed the door to the room and invited both Luke to sit down, “Would you two like a drink?”

“No, thanks.

We just wanted to talk to you.”

“OK, want to talk about something?

If you still think of me as a murderer, then I advise you not to waste your time.

I still say that I have nothing to do with the Garian Coffey case.”

Luke said, “When we were investigating the murder of Galian Coffey, we found out that Galian’s father was also murdered thirty-nine years ago, and both of them died as the chairman of the Coffey Group, so we want to learn about the history of the Coffey family to see if the two cases are related.”

“The history of the Coffey family?” Otway Stone frowned slightly.

“That’s right.”

“Then you’re talking to the wrong person, I only met Galian a few years ago and don’t know anything about his family’s history, so why don’t you go ask Galian’s wife?”

Luke asked, “I have a question, if you don’t know the history of the Coffey family, how are you going to make a documentary on the Coffey family?”

Otway Stone smiled, “I see.” Otway Stone picked up the landline on the table and said, “Jessica, send the information for filming the Coffey family documentary to my office, hurry up.”

After hanging up the phone, Otway Stone turned to Luke and said, “Captain Lee, that’s all I can do to help you.”

“Thank you very much.” Luke politely asked, “When are you going to shoot the documentary?”

“Three days later, I will organize a kick-off ceremony here.”

“So soon?”

“A documentary is nothing difficult for me, oh yeah, those materials about the Coffey family, you can read them, but you can’t take them away.

We’ll need to use it before the official shooting as well.”


Otway Stone lowered his voice, “And won’t mention it to anyone else.”

“Of course.”

“Knock knock ……”

After a while, a knock sounded outside.

“Come in.”

A short-haired black woman walked into the office and placed a pile of papers on the desk, “Mr. Otway Stone, here’s the information you asked for.”

“Is it all here?”


This information has been prepared for three months.”

Otway Stone skimmed his lips, “By the way, you prepare the invitations for the opening ceremony, which is scheduled for three days later.”

Jessica was a bit surprised, “Isn’t that too fast? The casting for the documentary hasn’t been finalized yet.”

Otway Stone shook his head, “This is not something you should consider, do your job.”

Jessica shrugged, “I see, any other orders?”

“Close the door.”

Jessica left the office and closed the door.

Otway Stone waved his hand a little disgruntled, “I haven’t been here in too long, these people have forgotten my style of doing things.

We need to get used to each other again.” Otway Stone patted the file in front of him, “Gentlemen, this is the information you asked for on the Coffey family, I hope it’s useful to you.”

“Does this include the script for the documentary?”

“Yes, that book at the top is the initial script, I’ve already read it this morning and I can say it’s mediocre, with changes to be made at a later stage.

Although I don’t have much hope for the documentary, what needs to be done, still needs to be done.”

Luke nodded, “Mr. Stone, our reading the materials here may affect your work, can you give us another office?”

“Any requests?”

“It’s good that no one is disturbed.”

Otway Stone thought for a moment, “Next door to me is the rest room, you guys can go there to check the information, and you can call me anytime if there’s anything.”

“Thanks.” Luke and Blackie took the information and went to the lounge next door.

When they entered the lounge, Blacky put a pile of information on the table, “This guy gives me the feeling that he’s not professional at all, it’s like he’s rushing through a project, it looks like the Coffey family’s documentary is going to be messed up.”

Luke said, “Don’t worry about him, do our own work.”

Blackie picked up the script that was sitting on the top shelf of the materials, “Want to see this?”

Luke hesitated slightly, “No, reading the script directly will give people a preconceived notion.

It’s better to read the information first.”

“Suit yourself.” Black shrugged and read it to himself.

Luke also picked up the other documents on the table and flipped through them.

These materials spanned a wide range, from the founding of the Coffey Company in 1960 to the present day, including the development history of the Coffey Company and the family for sixty years, which mainly documented the gradual growth of the family and the company under the leadership of the father and son of Burnett Coffey, and at the same time, also documented the impact of the changing times on the culture, economy, and politics of Los Angeles.

Luke felt that the information was a bit fake, and at the same time, maintained a skeptical attitude towards the authenticity of some events and the angle of description.

“Damn, the scriptwriter of this documentary is an asshole, completely turning black and white upside down.” Blackie threw the script onto the table and directly exploded.

Luke asked, “What’s wrong with it?”

Blacky picked up the script and rummaged through it, “Here.

This script intentionally smears people in order to glorify the Coffey family, there’s no truth to it at all.”

Luke picked up the script and didn’t directly look at the page Blacky was pointing to, but instead read from the first page.

The documentary began in 1954, when Burnett Coffey, the founder of the Coffey Group, was still a young man in his mid-twenties, and had run away from home after falling out with his parents due to a conflict of ideas.

After that, he met his wife and started his first business with her support and encouragement, only that it was not successful.

However, his efforts were recognized by his family and he started his second business with the support of his parents and founded Coffey.

Burnett Coffey also married his wife and soon after, gave birth to his first son, Galian Coffey.

The Coffey Company grew in size under the management of Burnett Coffey and became a well-known business in Los Angeles.

The Coffey family in the documentary is absolutely positive, with each family member being friendly and positive towards each other, and for the sake of the integrity of the story, it was inevitable to include some supporting characters, most of whom are portrayed in a negative light.

For example, one of Burnett Coffey’s black female secretary, because of the family’s poverty by Burnett Coffey’s care, but she misunderstood the goodwill, and to Burnett Coffey had a good feeling, the initiative to throw themselves into the arms of, but Burnett Coffey deeply in love with his wife, not to be moved.

The black secretary is not willing to give up, using a variety of means to seduce Burnett Coffey, Burnett not only not be seduced, but told his wife, and, the black secretary out of the post.

The black female secretary was infuriated and left Coffey’s company angrily.

An ordinary person might have laughed at this plot, but Luke instantly associated it with Michael Kamara’s sister.

Michael Camara’s sister was supposed to be the prototype of this black female secretary, who was only thirty-two years old when she died, and it was while worshipping her that Burnett Coffey was killed with a crossbow.

According to Michael Kamara’s wife’s description, Michael Kamara’s sister did have an illicit relationship with Burnett Coffey, but it was forced by Burnett Coffey, and Michael Kamara’s sister had no choice but to accept the relationship because she had to support her family.

Later, because Burnett Coffey’s wife found out about Burnett’s relationship with Sister Michael Kamara, she threw Sister Michael Kamara out of the company and went on a rampage to discredit her.

This incident also indirectly led to Sister Michael Kamara’s suicide.

Luke put down the script and said, “Different people describing the same thing will always have different perspectives and conclusions.”

Blackie said, “That’s right, if Michael Kamala saw this script, he would definitely jump up from his wheelchair in anger.

The man who indirectly killed his sister actually became a gentleman, while his sister was portrayed as a bad woman who destroys other people’s families.

Even I find it very infuriating and unacceptable.”

Luke said, “If even you find it unacceptable, then wouldn’t Michael Kamala’s family be even angrier.”

Blacky was thoughtful, “So, you still suspect Michael Kamala is the murderer, but he has a cerebral thrombosis and even walking is a problem.”

Luke said, “Whether Michael Kamara is the murderer or not is uncertain for now.

Hypothetically, the killer killed Burnett Coffey thirty-nine years ago because of the death of Michael Kamara’s sister.

Thirty-nine years later, Garian Coffey was going to make a family documentary and once again denigrated and scandalized Michael Camara’s sister, angering the murderer.

The killer then had a reason to kill again after thirty-nine years.”

Listening intently, Black frowned, “Wait, I’m going to interrupt you for a second.

Although, Burnett and Galian Coffey were father and son, other than that, no other common clues were found between the two cases.

On the contrary, the fingerprints found at the scene of Galian Coffey’s murder case were the same as the fingerprints of the suspected subject of the Silver Cross case forty years ago, and judging from the evidence, the two cases were more like the work of the same murderer.

To be honest, these three cases put together make me a little confused ……”

Luke stood up and took a few steps, “Let me tell you a story.

Forty years ago, a black youth and a Chinese youth met at a mutual aid society ……”

Blackie interjected, “What mutual aid society?”

Luke signaled Blackie not to interrupt, “I don’t know, such as sobriety, insomnia, depression, etc., none of these are important, what is important is that they met.

Both youths were particularly distressed by the loss of their closest relatives, which gave them something in common to talk about their respective experiences.

Among other things, the black youth’s sister was forced to have sex by her boss and had to maintain the relationship in order to support her family, which was eventually discovered by the boss’s wife and indirectly led to the suicide of the black youth’s sister.

The boss’s wife also went around denigrating the black man’s sister. The black youth was very angry, and he felt that it was the boss and his wife who had killed his sister, and he wanted to take revenge.

The Chinese youth had a similar experience. His mother was run over and killed by a white youth, but for various reasons, the law did not sanction the perpetrator, which made him very angry, and he wanted to avenge his mother’s death.

But he also knows that once his boss is killed, the police will definitely suspect him.

That’s why the two youths exchanged murder targets, so that even if the police investigated, the two would have an alibi and clear their suspicions.”

Xiao Hei snapped his fingers, “Swapping killings.

This kind of killing method has been staged many times in movies and TV dramas, it is not considered to be that smart.”

Luke said, “It’s true for nowadays, it’s easy to find out what the two cases and murderers have in common with the help of technology.

But that was forty years ago, and the two killers were smart enough to space the two cases by months.

Even more coincidentally, one case was handled by the LAPD and the other was investigated by the FBI, and in those days when information wasn’t readily available, it was investigated as two separate cases altogether.

The fact that the two murderers were not connected to the deceased also made it more and more difficult to solve the case, which eventually turned into an unsolved case.”

Luke paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and continued, “Forty years later, the boss’s son is going to make a family documentary, perhaps under his mother’s influence, and he once again vilifies and scandalizes the boss’s black secretary.

And he wants to publicize her more widely as a movie or television drama.

The black man who is no longer young knows about this and inspires a repressed anger to kill again.”

Black summarized, “That explains why the fingerprints found at the scene of the murder of Garian Coffey were the same as those of the suspected subject in the Silver Cross case.”

Luke said, “That’s just speculation on my part, but it does make sense in theory.”

“If Michael Kamara is the killer, wouldn’t he be faking it?”

Luke thought for a moment, “I don’t feel like he’s faking an illness.”

“If he did get sick and had trouble getting out of the house, how did he know that Garian Coffey was going to make a documentary to discredit his sister?

And how did he kill Garian Coffey?”

“That’s kind of two questions, I’ll answer your first shot first.

Remember the black female assistant who just gave us the information?”

“Sure. Is there a problem?”

“I’ve seen her.”


“You’ve seen her picture too, to be exact.”

Blacky recalled carefully and his eyes widened, “The photo in the living room of Michael Kamala’s house, she is Michael Kamala’s daughter!

It’s not right, why would Michael Kamala’s daughter be in the Coffey family’s company?”

Luke said, “To be precise, she was working at Ottaway Films, it’s just a pity that the movie company was not doing well, so Ottaway Stone sold some of the shares of the movie company to the Coffey Group.”

Michael Kamala, Michael’s wife, Michael’s daughter?

Black subconsciously asked, “Who exactly is the murderer?”

Luke shook his head, “No matter who it is, we don’t have enough evidence to cite the murderer now.”

“Do you have any good ideas?”

“Keep an eye on Michael Kamara’s family, as long as the documentary on the Coffey family continues, they won’t sit still.”

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