Chapter 639

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:25
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Three days later.

Ottway Film Company.

Early in the morning, the employees came a little earlier than usual to prepare the documentary opening ceremony site in advance.

A makeshift podium was set up downstairs of the movie company, with a red carpet laid out on it, the perimeter was decorated with bouquets of flowers, and a poster of the Coffey Group was erected next to it.

Wearing a black suit, Otway Stone strides up to the podium, he looks around, looking at everything around him with a critical eye.

“Where did this red carpet come from, why is it so old?”

“These flowers are too monochromatic, get a few more bouquets of different colors.”

“Where’s the microphone? Where is the microphone? Is there any audition?

All the programs must be ready for the opening ceremony to begin as soon as Mrs. Grace Coffey arrives.” Otway Stone pointed a short distance away, “Are the reporters here? Get them all to the east side in a minute and stay put.

Where’s Jessica? Why haven’t I seen her.

What? She took the day off.

Fuck, does she even want to work anymore.

Tell her not to come in the future.”

A white man in his thirties ran over, “Director, Mrs. Coffey has arrived.”

Otway Stone clapped his hands, “Everyone buck up and check one last time.

Let the guests and reporters visiting the opening ceremony enter.

I’ll go greet Mrs. Coffey.”

Otway Stone headed in the direction of the doorway and was only halfway there when he saw the crowd flanking a stylishly dressed white woman walking in.

Ottway Stone rushed to greet her and smiled, “Mrs. Coffey, I’m glad you could attend today’s opening ceremony.”

“The opening ceremony of the Coffey family documentary, of course I’m coming.” Mrs. Coffey looked around, “When will the opening ceremony start?”

“It’ll be ready soon, I’ll take you to the lounge to sit for a while.”

“No, get ready as soon as you can.

I have a tight schedule today, and I have to attend the board meeting of the Coffey Group later.”

“I’ll go and rush it again.” After Otway Stone finished speaking, he left in a hurry, his shouts once again resounding in the courtyard.

A few minutes later, reporters and guests visiting the opening ceremony entered the venue, and the opening ceremony officially began.

Otway Stone stepped up to the podium, took the microphone and said, “Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the opening ceremony of the Coffey family documentary.

This is an exciting, record-worthy moment for what will be a great documentary with a chance at the Oscars ……”

Otway Stone used hyperbole to render a bit of language before pointing to Mrs. Coffey on the stage, “And now let’s have Ms. Grace Coffey of the Coffey Group come on stage.”

Otway Stone himself walked over to the podium and invited Mrs. Coffey to the podium.

Mrs. Coffey took the microphone and revealed a faint smile, “Thank you, Director Ottway Stone.

And thank you all for coming to the opening ceremony of the Coffey Family documentary, on behalf of the Coffey Family, I thank you all.” Mrs. Coffey revealed a touch of sadness, her eyes reddening, “I think everyone should have heard about my husband.

I’m so sad and miss him so much ……

The reason why I asked director Otway Stone to make this documentary himself is also to honor my husband ……”

Mrs. Mrs. Coffey’s touching speech captured the attention of the guests on stage.

On this occasion, there was an elderly black man in a wheelchair in the west corner of the stage, his left hand somewhat unnaturally curled up, his right hand controlling the motorized wheelchair slowly approaching the podium.

Perhaps out of sympathy, people around him made way for him.

When the wheelchair reached the front row of the podium, the old black man stood up, pulled out a black pistol from his waist, and aimed it at Mrs. Coffey in the ring and pulled the trigger.

“Bang!” The gunshot rang out, and the entire initiation ceremony was a mess.

“Ah ……”

“There’s a gunman!”

“Protect Mrs. Coffey.”

“Help me.”

“Get down!”


Just as the older black man rose to fire, Blackie rushed from the back side, grabbed his arm, and lifted it upward.

The bullet flew over Mrs. Coffey’s head, causing Mrs. Coffey to shriek in terror and lie on the ground trembling.

And the old black man was overpowered by the officers swooping around him.

“LAPD, don’t move.”

“You’re under arrest!”

Luke then also walked up to the podium and picked up the microphone from the ground, “Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t panic, we’ve caught the shooter and everyone is safe.

Everyone should not run around, either stay where you are or leave the area in an orderly fashion.

The more you panic, the more likely you are to get hurt.

I’ll repeat, we’ve got the shooter and the place is safe.”

Luke’s pacification had worked, the panicked crowd stopped and looked at the podium in unison, a few reporters quickly recognized Luke, knowing that this was a famous Los Angeles police detective, not only did they not run away anymore, but instead, they took a burst of shots at him with their cameras and camera equipment.

More officers arrived at the scene and the scene was completely under control, while the old black man was escorted to the police car.

Luke walked over to Mrs. Coffey, “Ma’am, I hope the gunshots didn’t scare you earlier.”

“Gosh, as much as I hate to admit it, I was indeed startled, but now that I think about it, it was quite exciting.

Thank you, Captain Lee, you guys saved me.” Mrs. Coffey showed her gratitude.

Luke said, “I’ll pass on the thanks for you.”

Mrs. Coffey asked back, “Captain Lee, why are you guys here? Did you already know that someone was trying to kill me?”

“No, while we were investigating the case of your husband’s murder, we found a suspect subject.

I speculated that he might sabotage this opening ceremony, but I didn’t expect his target to be you.” Luke wouldn’t have admitted it even if he had expected it.

“You mean the old black man who just shot me is the one who killed my husband.”

“I wasn’t sure before, but now it looks like it would be him.”

“Why did he kill my husband? And why did he kill me? I don’t even know him.”

Luke mused for a moment, “Technically, it’s true that you and your husband hadn’t offended him, but he had some grudge against your husband’s father.

He feels that your husband’s father killed his sister.”

“Oh my God, is he crazy?

My husband’s father has been dead for almost forty years, what kind of grudge could have lasted that long.

Hell, what does it have to do with me.

I wasn’t even married into the Coffey family when my husband’s father died.

Why does he want revenge even on me?”

“Because he feels that you and your husband are complicit in the denigration and vilification of his sister.”

“I’m even more confused.” Mrs. Coffey shook her head, her heart palpitating, “That scene just now scared me, I never want anything like that to happen again, can you tell me what I did to offend him?”

“You can, but before that, I also have a small question.”

“Go ahead and ask.”

“Why did Dido Bruns, the president of Coffey Travel, suddenly go to New York?”

“I don’t know, I only just took over the Coffey Group and a lot of things haven’t been straightened out yet.

However, I think it should be because of work.”

“I thought he was trying to avoid police questioning.”

Mrs. Coffey’s eyes flickered and she bowed her head, “I don’t understand what you mean.”

Luke continued to persuade, “We’ve already caught your husband’s killer, there’s no need for you to hide anymore.”

Mrs. Coffey still did not respond.

Luke continued, “Buddy Kerouac’s business trip ended early and he came home just in time to crash your husband’s adulterous affair with his wife.

However, instead of breaking into the house, he gave them the room and went to the hotel himself.”

Mrs. Coffey finally relented and cursed, “Damn coward!

He is simply not a man.

No wonder his wife is screwing around.”

Luke asked again, “Ma’am, can you tell me about Dido Bruns?”

Mrs. Coffey took a deep breath, “You guessed it.

I found out about the husband cheating on his secretary, and I also found out that the secretary’s husband works for Coffey Travel.

So, I asked Dido Bruns, the president of Coffey Tours, to help me get Buddy Kerouac’s business trip ended early.

My intention was for him to crash the adulterous affair between his wife and my husband and make a big scene.

That way, my husband would be separated from his secretary.

And I would be able to take a breath of fresh air.

Who knows ……

Instead, the next day I heard the news that my husband had been killed.

I was terrified, I thought …… “Mrs. Coffey put her hand on her forehead, “Although I hated my husband for cheating on me, I still had feelings for him.

I never wanted to get him killed, even if it was unintentional and indirect.

Now I’m relieved to hear that you’ve caught the real murderer.

Can you tell me why this murderer wanted to kill me along with him?

I can’t think of where I offended him.”

Luke reminded, “The Coffey family documentary.”

Mrs. Coffey, a smart person who had also read the script for the documentary, guessed, “The black female secretary of my husband’s father?”

“Yes, that would be the shooter’s sister.” Luke briefly described the shooter’s identity and what happened to his sister.

Mrs. Coffey sighed, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know the inside story and the script was finalized by my husband earlier.

If, I had known what happened to that poor woman, I would not have smeared her in the script.”

Luke didn’t answer, he didn’t believe that the other party could be so nice if he hadn’t just been shot at.

After calming the commotion at the movie studio, Luke returned to the detective bureau.

Inside the interrogation room of the robbery and murder division.

Luke walked into the interrogation room with a pile of information, opposite the interrogation chair sat the old black man who shot Michael Kamara.

Luke looked at the other side: “Mr. Michael Kamara, technically, this isn’t the first time we’ve met.”

Blackie on the side teased, “Your acting was so good that you almost fooled us, but unfortunately, your shooting skills were poor.”

Michael Kamala looked up at Blackie, “If you hadn’t come out of nowhere, I would have shot her.”

Luke smoothly asked, “Why did you shoot Mrs. Coffey?”

“If you can catch me, you should know why, and why do you need to go through all the trouble.”

“I’m a police officer, I can’t convict people based on my own speculations and subjective consciousness.

So, it’s better for you to explain the reason yourself.”

Michael Kamara shook his head, “I have nothing to say.

Didn’t you all see it?”

The other party’s unwillingness to cooperate was also expected by Luke, “What do you have to say about that documentary on the Coffey family?”

Michael Kamala glared at Luke and still didn’t answer.

Luke said, “If you are willing to cooperate with the police investigation, I will also try to persuade Mrs. Coffey not to make another documentary on the Coffey family.”

Michael Kamala asked, “She’ll listen to you?”

“I have my ways.”

“How do I know you’re not cheating on me?”

Luke spread his hands, “What’s to be gained by deceiving you?

Even if you don’t cooperate with the investigation, everyone at the opening ceremony saw you shoot the gun, and if I’m not mistaken, that gun would have been the one that killed Galian Coffey and his secretary.

Also, your fingerprints were left at the scene of the crime, it won’t be hard to convict you.”

Michael Kamara let out a long sigh, “You’re right, I killed Garian Coffey and his secretary too.”

“Why did you kill them?”

“You should already know what happened to my sister.

I’ll never forget her lonely death, her cold body.

Now after forty years, the Coffey family still refuses to let her go, and is still denigrating and vilifying her.

I can’t accept this.

I’m not afraid of death, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to face her after I die.

She is like my mother, if someone insulted your mother like that, what would you do?” Michael Kamara sneered, “This father and son are just like each other, when I saw Garian Coffey go to the secretary’s house to fool around.

I knew I was right to kill him, he didn’t die unjustly.”

“What happened to your illness?”

“Three years ago, I did have a cerebral thrombosis, which was severe at first.

My wife has been patiently taking care of it, rehabbing me every day and letting me exercise in the yard for three years without a day’s interruption.

Under my wife’s care, I’ve been able to walk, not exactly ambidextrous, but I have no problem pulling the trigger.”

“Did Jessica tell you about the Coffey family documentary?”

“We only mentioned it inadvertently over dinner, she didn’t know I was going to kill anyone, and I was the one who was setting her up the whole time.

I also deliberately sidetracked her from the opening ceremony today, I did everything alone.”

“What about the murder of Burnett Coffey thirty-nine years ago?”

“I had nothing to do with it.”

“What about the Silver Cross case?”

Michael Kamala frowned slightly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“Do you know Wang Shaokang?”

Michael Kamala clasped his hands on his chest and bowed his head, “No.”

“You want to protect him?”

Michael Kamala slowly raised his head, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t know any Wang Shaokang.

I admit that I killed Galian Coffey and his secretary, isn’t that enough?”

Luke continued, “We found your fingerprints at the scene of the Silver Cross case.”

“So what? Even if my fingerprints did exist, it would only prove that I had been there, it wouldn’t prove that I was the murderer.

Besides, it’s been so long since it happened that I’ve long forgotten about it.”

Luke looked at the other party for a long time and got up, “OK, let’s talk about this for today.”

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