Chapter 64

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:53:24
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The U.S. Attorney has a lot of power to decide on indictments and charge deals.

It was largely up to the prosecution to decide what to charge Dave with and whether a deal could be reached.

It would be more favorable to Dave to talk directly to the prosecutor.

The vice squad, though depressed, knew there was no way to fool Dave.

The probate case had been cleared up, but both the victim, Tony, and the murderer, Cole Baker, had used false identities, and if they could learn Tony’s true identity from Dave, it would be a big help in catching Cole Baker.

It was Susan and the prosecutor who could really decide on the charging deal.

Luke had little say in the matter and simply took a vacation break.

He wanted to ask Daisy out for a romantic date, and the place to go had already been thought of.

Now there is just one question left, does Daisy have the time.

After work, Luke is ready to go to the bar for a drink, and halfway there he gets a call from his mom asking him to come home for dinner.

Luke rode his Harley back to the Eno neighborhood.

At first, riding the Harley felt like a blast.

But after a long time, it felt just like that. It’s nice to ride it for fun once in a while, but as a means of transportation to and from work, it’s still more comfortable than a car.

Other than that, rain is a problem and very inconvenient.

When he has money, he plans to buy another car to drive.

Of course, for now it was only something to think about.

Entering the community highway, Luke slowed down his car, there were quite a few people surrounding the roadside in the distance, and it seemed that some students were fighting.

Luke swept a glance and found a familiar figure.

Two students fighting, one was a lanky white teenager, the other was a small, fat brunette.

The white teenager looked thirteen or fourteen and was close to adult height, striking a boxing stance, “You fat, stupid loser, if you come near Maggie again, I’m going to beat you up.”

The little fat brunette’s right cheek was slightly red and slightly swollen, as if he had already been punched, and his face showed a look of anger, his eyes red.

There was quite a bit of uproar from the people watching around them.

“Andrew, this fat guy is about to cry from you punching him.”

“Why are you still frozen, fight or not?”

“Jack don’t be a wimp, go on.”

The white teenager waved his hand at the little fat man and provoked, “Come on baby.”

The little fat boy was annoyed, “Andrew, you’re the trash, Maggie won’t like trash.”

“You’re dead.” The white teenager rushed up and threw another punch at the little fat boy.

The two fought to a standstill.

At first there was a bit of boxing going on, then it was just random swings and punches.

The white teenager used his physical advantage to knock the little fat man to the ground and press him down, swinging his fist down.


The fist hit the black helmet.

“Ah!” The white teenager screamed in pain.

The little fat man pushed the white teenager away in a smooth manner.

The two were in a rage and wanted to continue fighting, but they were stopped by a tall black-haired youth.

“STOP! I’ll beat up whoever is doing it.” Luke pushed the two men away.

Luke was five-foot-five and worked out regularly, his sinewy silhouette was obvious, and his strength was far from what the two half-grown boys could match.

The white teenager shouted, “This is between me and him, it’s none of your business.”

Luke laughed, “I’ll manage.”

The white teenager looked at Luke and then at Jack and laughed, “Ooooh, I see. Jack, you’re too much of a coward to fight me one-on-one, and you’re actually asking for help.”

The chubby little man retorted, “Shut up, I didn’t ask for anyone’s help.”

“I don’t want to be involved in your conflict.

But as Jack’s brother, I have the obligation to persuade the fight. You guys still want to fight, change the place next time.”

The white teenager pointed a finger at the chubby boy, “You better stay away from Maggie.”

Jack returned the middle finger, “None of your business.”

“You stupid pig!” The white teenager glared at Luke and picked up his clothes off the floor and left.

Luke scanned the people gathered around to watch the action, “What are you guys still doing here? Anyone want to fight me?”

The crowd dispersed playfully, leaving only Luke’s brothers.

Luke craned his head to look at his brother, “Are you hurt bad?”

“I’m fine.” The little fat man was a little down in the dumps.

Luke sat on the Harley, “Get up here.”

Little Fatty sighed and sat down in the back seat with his head hanging down.

Luke started the Harley and quickly returned home.

The car was parked in the yard, and the two didn’t immediately enter the house.

Luke took out a cigarette and lit it, “Why the fight?”

The little fat man rubbed his cheek and bared his teeth in pain, “That asshole harassed my girlfriend?”


“Yeah, I had to stand up for myself as a boyfriend.”

“Did he hit you last time too?”

Jack didn’t answer.

Luke didn’t ask too many questions either, adolescent tart ah.

Finished his cigarette and went inside.

“Hi, dear Ms. Linda, I’m home.” Luke walked into the living room and saw his mom cooking, “Want me to help?”

“Your brother isn’t back yet. I can’t spare a hand, so make a phone call.”

“He’s back, in front of the house.”

“Why don’t you come in? I don’t think there have been any exams lately.”

“You’d better ask him yourself.”

“You do the cooking.” Linda took off her apron and tossed it aside, “Jack, you come in.”

Luke washed his hands and proceeded to chop vegetables.

The little fat man walked in with his head down.

“Say, what did you do again?” Linda’s tone was laced with anger.

The little fat man looked up slowly.

“Whoa whoa, what did you do to your face? Why are you hurt again? Is it going to be okay.” The anger in Linda’s tone turned to concern and heartache.

“I’m fine, just got into a fight.”

“You got into another fight? Why?”

“Uh …… a classmate and I didn’t see eye to eye and got into a fight.”

“I always thought you and Luke were different ……” Linda turned to her bedroom and pulled a medicine cabinet out of the closet, “Come here, I’ll apply the medicine with you.”

As Linda applied the potion, she asked, “Why exactly?”


“Jack, I know you’ve grown up and don’t want to talk to me anymore, and if that’s the case, I’ll just have to call your dad and have him discipline you.”

Luke’s parents were divorced.

The father had been paying alimony and support and the relationship was fine.

“I’m humiliated enough as it is, and I’ll be even more humiliated if you have to call Dad over something like this.”

“You’re injured and not listening to me, your father has a right to know what’s going on with you. I have no reason to hide it from him.”

“You think I want to fight? He’s the one who provoked me, I’m already annoyed enough, can you stop adding to the trouble?” Little Fatty’s voice choked and he cried as he went up the stairs.

“Bang!” The closed the door to the room with a bang.

Linda complained, “What did you hear him say? What do you mean I should stop adding to the mess? I was being concerned about him.”

Luke sighed, “Why don’t I talk to him? After all, I came from that age.”

Linda took the knife from Luke’s hand and continued chopping vegetables, “Remember to come down before dinner.”

Luke went upstairs, “Knock knock ……”

“It’s me, open the door.”

After a while, the door opened.

Little Fatty turned around and entered the house.

Luke patted Little Fatty’s shoulder, “Mom is also concerned about you, it’s harder on her heart if you do this.”

Little Fatty rubbed his eyes, “Do you also think I shouldn’t fight?”

“It’s true that I don’t want you to fight.

But I also know that you are young and vigorous at your age, and conflicts are inevitable in school. But I don’t want my brother to be the one who gets punched in the face …… very much.”

“Think I want to? I’m the one who got punched, I’m even more disgraced. He harassed my girlfriend, what can I do?”

Luke thought for a moment, “I’ll teach you to fight.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you become strong and able to fight, he won’t dare to mess with you and things will be solved.”

“You’re really willing to teach me?”

“Of course, you have to promise me one condition as well.”

“What condition?”

“No bullying.

But if someone bullies you, hit him hard.”

Half an hour later, the family sat around the table finishing their meal.

Linda looked over at her youngest son, “Looks like you brothers had a nice chat.”

Luke shrugged, “Things have worked out.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I’m going to help Jack get in shape so no one will look for trouble.”

Linda nodded as she saw the expectant look on her youngest son’s face, “Not a bad idea, he really should exercise.”

“By the way mom, what’s the matter with finding me?”

“Actually it’s not me looking for you, it’s your grandpa.”

“What’s wrong with Grandpa?”

“He was upset when you didn’t attend Family Day recently.

Gave an ultimatum that if he doesn’t see you again, he better watch out.”

“Oh ……,” Luke was a little uncomfortable after crossing over and hadn’t been attending Family Day, “I’ve been a little busy lately, I’ll be sure to attend when it’s over. ”

“I’ll take the word for it, you’re on your own.” Linda had a look like you’re on your own.

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