Chapter 641

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Eight-thirty in the evening.

Palisades neighborhood, Luke’s house.

Luke finished cleaning up the dishes, poured a glass of red wine, and sat on the sofa in the living room to watch the TV, which was playing a Chinese food documentary.

Chinese movies and TV dramas were of average quality, but food documentaries were definitely world-class.

“Dingdong ……” the doorbell rang.

Luke put down his glass of red wine, walked to the door to check it, pressed the yard door switch, and casually opened the door to the room.

After a while, the door to the room was pushed open from the outside and Daisy, dressed in a black professional dress, walked into the room and she kissed Luke on the cheek, “Sorry I’m late.”

“Did you eat?”

“Yes, a cup of coffee, a sandwich …… I’m not sure what flavor it was, but at least it filled my stomach.” Daisy put down her backpack and changed into her slippers.

Luke poured her a glass of red wine and asked, “It’s Saturday and the law firm is still that busy?”

Daisy sat on the couch and took the glass of red wine, “The lawyer profession is so competitive, with graduates from prestigious schools coming in every year, if you don’t work hard, you’ll fall behind.

If you don’t want to be ridden by the newbies, you have to work hard.”

Luke said, “You’re still young, isn’t it too early to worry about that.”

“I’ve seen some seniors, and for various reasons, the juniors became their superiors instead, and the scene was really awkward.

Never underestimate those prestigious university graduates, every one of them is ambitious.” Daisy took a sip of her red wine and looked at Luke, “Speaking of which, what I’ve been busy with lately has something to do with you.”

Luke sat down next to her and curiously said, “What kind of relationship?”

“The chairman of the Coffey Group, Galian Coffey, was killed, and the entire group of companies is in a state of panic, and it is rumored that the one who will take over the position of chairman is likely to be Galian Coffey’s wife, Grace Coffey.

There will probably be a lot of important job changes at that time, including the partnering law firm.”

Luke recalled, “I’ve dealt with Grace Coffey, and she seems pretty stable, not like someone who would mess around.”

Daisy said, “Garian Coffey was in the chairmanship for many years, and now that he’s gone, it’s normal for there to be changes in positions within the company.

Everyone has their own tendencies, preferences in using people, Galian Coffey uses people he is used to using, Grace Coffey may not be used to it.

Moreover, Grace Coffey used to be just the chairman’s wife, her rise to the top was an accident, and her becoming the chairman of the board was something that no one else had thought of.

She used to represent only herself, but now she was representing the entire Coffey Group, even the Coffey family.

Most of the well-known law firms in Los Angeles would contact her, and there would be a noticeable change in their attitude towards her.

Even if she doesn’t want to change, there will be interests pushing her to change.”

Luke nodded, “You have a point.”

“Tell me about Grace Coffey, she’s the center of gravity for our law firm at this stage.”

Luke nodded and briefly recounted his views on Grace Coffey, she had not been in contact with Grace Coffey for a long time, but because of the investigation of the case, she had a deeper understanding of the Coffey family and company.

Daisy pursed her red lips, ”If we follow your statement, then she should have a grudge in her heart towards her husband, even if she will temporarily compromise with the people around her in order to sit on the chairmanship.

But this will also make her feel depressed, and when her position is secure, the change will only be a matter of time.”

Luke shrugged, “Maybe.”

He didn’t care about the changes at Coffey’s later.

Daisy watched Luke stare at himself and said, “Sorry, I shouldn’t be talking about work during my break.”

“That’s okay, I was just worried that you were working too hard.”

Daisy rubbed her shoulders, “I’ve been working a lot of overtime the last few days and I do get a little tired.”

“I’ve installed the latest Jacuzzi in my house, would you like to try it?”

Daisy laughed, “Is it big enough?”

Luke put his right arm around Daisy’s waist, “Sure, big enough for both of us to soak in.”

Daisy whispered in his ear, “Then what are we waiting for?”

An hour later, the bathroom was foggy.

Daisy soaked somewhat feebly in the bath, “Are you sure this electric bath is for massages?”

Luke patted her smooth spine, “It doesn’t matter what it’s for, just be comfortable.”

“I’m so tired, I hope I get a good night’s sleep tonight.” Daisy buried her body in the water and stretched.

“Do you have time tomorrow?”

“What’s up?”

“I want to ask you out to a basketball game.”

“I’m not interested in basketball games, and I can’t even fully figure out the rules.”

Luke was surprised, “Are you serious?”

“Isn’t that silly?” Daisy laughed and asked rhetorically, “Why did you suddenly remember to watch a basketball game?”

“My grandpa gave me two tickets.”

“Why don’t you ask a friend who likes basketball to go with you? It might be more fun.”

“OK,” Luke was used to it; Daisy was a party pooper, and to put it bluntly, she wouldn’t please you and didn’t want to.

Even if she knew that it would make you happy, she wouldn’t do it.

Before, Luke would have been a little disappointed, now it didn’t matter.

The basketball was put aside and the ball in front of him was played first.

The bath made waves once again.

The next day, Daisy ate lunch before leaving.

Not having gotten any rest yesterday, Luke took a lunch break in a recliner in the yard.

He was disoriented and slept for a while, but it was not a solid sleep and he always felt like something was missing.

Right, the reward.

The reward didn’t seem to come for this closed case.

Could it be that the reward was late, or because he only solved one case and abandoned the investigation of two old cases, it didn’t trigger the reward?

Can’t figure it out for a while, Luke was too lazy to look into it, anyway, he still saved a lot of function cards and points, it’s enough to use.

Lunch is not solid, Luke simply do not sleep, took out his cell phone and dialed the little fat man’s cell phone number.

Little fat man seems to really fall out of love, this time the possibility of reconciliation is unlikely, himself as a brother can not be ignored.

Soon, the cell phone is connected, the opposite side but no sound, Luke said, “Hi, Jack, what are doing?”


Luke “……”

The reply caught Luke a little off guard, it was a first.

“Great, that’s good.”

“What’s up with you? If there’s nothing, I’m going to hang up now.”

“Don’t hang up yet, my dear old brother, do you have a date tonight? If not, go to a basketball game with me.”

“I’m not interested in basketball right now.”

“Hey, don’t always lock yourself up at home, come out for a walk you’ll be in a much better mood, a lot of things you can’t think about, maybe you’ll be able to clear your mind.”

“Older brother, I know you care about me, and I appreciate it. But this won’t solve the fundamental problem. I’m going to hang up.”

“Wait, as long as you follow me to watch the game, it’s possible to solve the problem of lost love, trust me.”

“Solve it how.”

“You’ll find out if you come with me, talking about it now won’t have that effect.”

“No, I’m not going until you say so.”

Luke took a deep breath and compromised, “OK, it’s not just the players on the court, it’s the ‘Laker Girls’.

When you see so many young girls dancing hot on the court, you realize ……

It’s a big world.

Maggie is nice.

But the other girls are nice too.”

“Hey, old man, I’m not you.” Fatty sighed and just hung up his cell phone.

Luke “……”

What the hell?

What do you mean you’re not me?

What’s wrong with me?

Damn you little fat ass.

Luke resisted the urge to dial again, “Forget it, I don’t talk to lost causes.

None of you are going.

I’ll go alone.”

After two consecutive failed invitations, Luke was too lazy to invite anyone else, is it bad to watch the game alone?

Occupy a seat, empty a seat, brother is so capricious.

Staples Center Arena.

This is a modernized arena, spacious and comfortable, with more than 20,000 seats, providing fans with a good view of the game.

Luke had been in Los Angeles for so long, but it was the first time he watched an NBA game.

In the past, he put too much energy on his work, no capital, and no time to enjoy, and now it is also considered a successful career, a little bit of savings, can be a good experience of the life of rich people in the United States.

Luke bought a Coke and an order of popcorn, a very old-fashioned choice, but it had been a while since he’d had it and he kinda missed it.

He took a bite of the popcorn and it tasted pretty good.

As game time approached, the players began to enter and warm up.

Luke didn’t know many NBA stars, James was one, and he drew a cheer as soon as he took the court.

He wore a pair of blue and gray sneakers and came up with some nice long range shots.

“Hey man, is that drink on this empty seat yours?” A white man with a tattoo and a nose ring walked up next to him.

Luke looked up at the other man, “It’s my coke, what’s the problem?”

The white man with the nose ring shrugged, “No problem, it’s just that I want to sit here and take your drink.”

If it was a pretty girl, Luke wouldn’t mind giving up his seat, but this one was better off.

Luke flashed his ticket, “This is my seat.”

The man with the nose ring didn’t care, “Hey, your ass isn’t that big, one seat is plenty.”

There was a snort of laughter from his companions around him.

Luke was a little offended, “I don’t like strangers sitting next to me.”

The man with the nose ring raised his right hand, showing off his muscles, “What did you just say, I didn’t hear you.”

Luke flashed the pistol at his waist, “You’re a turnoff for a dumbass, get out of my sight right now.”

The white girl with the exploding head off to the side pulled the man with the nose ring, “Tony, there’s no need for trouble.”

The man with the nose ring said defiantly, “I have a gun too, I’m not afraid of him.”

“I didn’t say you were afraid of him.

But it’s just a seat, there’s no need for a gun.” The explosive head girl whispered, “This is either a rash man or a ruthless man, there’s no need to clash with him.”

The man with the nose ring was convinced, “Kid, you got lucky today.”

Luke laughed, “That’s what I was going to say.

Cherish your friend, she’s the one who saved you.”

The man with the nose ring was pulled away by his companion.

Luke took a sip of his coke and shook his head, “You can meet crappy people anywhere.”

On the court, James came in for a pop and drew a cheer.

It had to be said that he was still physically overmatched.

The players’ warm-up bar was over and the game was about to start.

Luke took a picture of the scene and sent it to Fatty, of course, with Coke drinking popcorn.

The main one, to piss him off.

“Get off me.”

Suddenly, there was a shout from behind him.

Luke twisted his head to look and saw a familiar figure.

Only to see a fifteen or sixteen year old white girl walking quickly forward, being pulled by the arm by a white woman in her thirties behind her.

Luke got up and walked over to the white girl, “Hi Maggie.”

“Luke, what are you doing here?” Maggie looked around as if searching for some figure.

“Jake’s been in a bad mood lately, and my grandpa gave me two tickets to the game, but he wouldn’t come, so, I came alone.” Luke looked over at the white woman next to him, “Is this your friend?”

Maggie looked at the white woman and shook her head, “No, I don’t know her.”

The white woman said helplessly, “I’m Maggie’s aunt, this child has been grumpy and cranky lately.”

“So is my brother.”

Luke smiled at the white woman and looked down at Maggie again, “I’m just up ahead, if you need help, go to me.”

Maggie asked, “Your seat is up front?”


“Can I join you?”


The white woman looked at Luke a little warily, “Maggie, I promised your father I would take you home, not leave with a stranger.”

“Luke is a friend of mine and my father knows him, and besides, he’s a cop.”

Maggie finished and went to the front seat with Luke.

Looking at Maggie by her seat, Luke felt a little magical and handed over the popcorn, “Want to try some? It tastes pretty good.”

Maggie took the popcorn, “Thanks.”

Luke was tempted to take a picture and give it to the chubby little man, but thought better of it before he blew a gasket.

Besides, he didn’t want to ask about the feelings of the two kids, it was too childish.

Soon, the game between the Lakers and the Warriors pair started, and Luke focused on the game as well.

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