Chapter 642

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Linda’s house.

Almost at the same time.

Little Fatty turned on the TV and started watching the NBA live.

There was also fried chicken and coke on the table in front of him.

If it was before, Linda probably wouldn’t have let him eat these, but Little Fatty in his lost love didn’t care.

“Who says you can only watch the game when you go to the scene, I can do it just as well here.” Little Fatty grunted and opened the Coke bottle and poured it into a glass with ice.

He took a big gulp of the coke and took a bite of the chicken leg, cool.

With the addition of food, the pain of lost love was alleviated by a few points.

Suddenly, the TV camera panned and he saw two familiar figures.

Jack rubbed his eyes with his fat hand, ”I must have blurred my eyes, my mind is filled with her.

I’m such a ridiculous fool.

Wait, it’s normal to fantasize about Maggie, but why is there my idiot brother?”

“Miso!” Little Fatty jolted to his feet, “Maggie, Maggie went to check out the ball game.”

Little Fatty’s face was full of remorse, with a suffocating feeling of missing out on a lottery jackpot.


November 16th.

Robbery and Murder Division, 1st Squadron Office.

In the morning, Blackie carried a cup of coffee and wandered around the office like a street skater.

“Porter, Ramon, why are you both wearing black jackets, making it look like a couple’s outfit.”

“Jackson, can I borrow a lighter?”

“Don’t even think about it.” Jackson refused dryly.

“Why? It’s just a lighter.”

Jackson scorned, “Yeah, a lighter really isn’t much, but I’ve lost track of how many you’ve borrowed and haven’t returned it once.”

“Hey, we’re all coworkers, there’s no need to be catty.” Black shrugged and sat down at the table addressing the crowd, “I recently found a great restaurant, how about a get together tonight?”

After the case of Galian Coffey’s murder was solved, Squadrons 1 and 2 received a generous reward, and the team was now well-funded.

The vice squadron bristled, “Come on, I’m not interested in the restaurant you recommended.

That Indian restaurant you found last time was made like shit.”

Blackie looked innocent, “Isn’t all Indian food like that? But it tastes pretty good, doesn’t it?”

The lieutenant grunted, “I don’t remember any other flavor besides curry.”

“I’m looking for a Mexican restaurant this time, and I promise, this time it will taste great.” Blackie swore.

Ramon, who was cleaning his pistol, looked up, “I don’t think I need your help introducing a Mexican restaurant, no chance of trashing the whole Mexican cuisine.”

“Is that what you guys think of me, huh?” Blackie sounded a little disgruntled.

The lieutenant suggested, “Man, I’d shut up if I were you and read the paperwork on the table carefully.”

Blacky muttered, “Your advice isn’t much better than Indian food.”

The lieutenant glared, “I didn’t hear you, what are you talking about?”

Just as the atmosphere was getting a little tense, the office door pushed open from the outside and Luke walked in, “Guys, what’s all the buzz about.”

Blackie said, “Nothing, it’s boring.”

“I’ll find you guys something to do then.” Luke glanced at his watch, “Got a new case, meet downstairs in five minutes.”

“YES, Sir.”

“I’d rather work on a case than deal with you boring bastards.” Black rolled his eyes and caught up with Luke and asked, “Captain, what case?”

“A body was found near Marshall Street.”

Half an hour later, Luke led his team to Marshall Street.

The alleyway entrance on the east side of Marshall Street was cordoned off, with several police cars parked around it, and John, the old rookie, stood outside the cordon as well, and saw Luke leading his team over and greeted him, “Hey, Luke.”

“Man, good to see you.” Luke shook the other man’s hand.

“Same here.

It would have been nice for a change, though.” John lamented.

“Tell us about the scene.”

John nodded and led Luke into the scene, “We got a 911 call from a cleaner claiming that he found a body while cleaning the garbage.

We then rushed over to check it out and sure enough, we saw a female body in the trash.

She wasn’t very old …… most likely still a child.” John let out a sigh, “Even though I’ve seen my fair share of corpses, this scenario still makes it hard.”

Luke patted him on the shoulder, “I understand.

You’ll be fine out here, we’ll take it from here.”

Black stepped forward and muttered in a low voice, “Feels like the dude’s about to cry.”

Jackson said, “You’re exaggerating, you shouldn’t flirt with a kind man.”

Blackie skimmed his thick lips, “I’m a very kind person too, but you guys never realized it.”

The lieutenant laughed, “Don’t be so petty, we’re in the ‘love flirting’ category.”

Luke walked over to the trash can and saw a pair of pale calves and feet exposed, and there was a faint stench in the air, and it was impossible to tell if it was trash, or the smell of a corpse.

Luke looked towards the trash can, the body was supposed to be dumped in the trash can with its hips down, its head tilted upwards without a trace of blood, a pair of big blue eyes staring at the sky in death, its hair spread out, and there was no clothing or items on its body that could prove its identity.

In Luke’s experience, the girl was not very old, most likely underage.

The body hasn’t obviously decayed, the time of death shouldn’t be more than 24 hours, in addition, dumping the body in such an obvious way, the time of dumping the body won’t be too long, most likely last night.

Luke’s eyes scanned around, the location here was a bit remote, and no cameras were found: ”Ramon, you take people around to see if there is any surveillance.

Porter, you take someone to walk around and ask if you saw any suspicious people last night.”

“Okay, Captain.”

The forensics and tech teams arrived as well, and Luke turned the scene over to them.

The First Squadron gathered together.

Jenny looked sad, “She’s just a kid ……

I’m going to check for missing persons.”

Luke nodded and said to Blackie, who was on the sidelines, “Get the person who reported the case and let’s talk to him.”

“No problem.”

After the vice squad watched the two leave, they said, “There are no items on the deceased, and there are no suspected items of the deceased around, which means that the murderer intentionally discarded the body and the deceased’s items separately.

Let’s transfer a police dog here, maybe we can track down some clues.”

“Good idea, do as you say.”

It wasn’t long before Blackie approached with a white man in a blue janitor’s uniform.

Luke sized up the other man and asked, “What’s the name, man?”


“You’re the one who found the body?”

“That’s right.

I’m in charge of garbage pickup in this area.

I drove over in my garbage truck like I always do, and then I saw two legs in the trash can, and originally thought it was someone who had lost their inflatable wife.

But when I got closer, it was a real corpse, and that was a bad feeling.”

“Did you recognize the deceased?”


“What time was it when you found the body?”

“About eight o’clock.”

“Was there anyone else there?”


“Were any of the items around the body moved?”

“No. I don’t want any trouble.

I assure you there were no items on that body.”

“Do people often discard inflatable figures in this neighborhood?”

Tommy thought for a moment, “Occasionally, I’ve come across them two or three times.”

“Thanks, Tommy.” Luke handed the other man a business card, “If you remember any leads, contact me.”

“I will.”

Half an hour later, the medical examiner Sheila came over with a heavy face and said, “I finished the preliminary autopsy.

The deceased is a female, to be exact it should be a girl, between fifteen and seventeen years old.

White, one meter six seven in height, time of death should be between nine and twelve last night.

She showed signs of having been bound while alive, and should have suffocated to death as a result of an object blocking her mouth and nose.

In addition, there are lacerations on the underside of her body, which should have been violated after death.”

Luke asked, “Can we identify the specific object that caused her death?”

“Not yet, it will require a closer examination of the residue in her mouth and nasal passages when we return to the station and we may be able to find something.”

“Did the killer leave any DNA?”

“Not yet, need to return to the police station and scrutinize it.”

“OK, I’ll be in touch later.”

Black shook his head and sighed, “To actually do this to a minor, the murderer is definitely a pervert.”

Luke said, “The murderer’s style of operation indeed doesn’t look like a first time offender, check to see if there are any inmates with similar priors who have been released from prison recently.”

The vice squad said, “Leave it to me, I’ve been wanting to clean up these assholes for a long time.”

“Woof woof ……”

A bark came from not far away.

Luke twisted his head to look as a dog trainer walked over with a police dog on a leash.

It was a bloodhound, with long big ears and thick neck, black and yellow fur, looking naive.

The dog trainer greeted, “Captain Lee, what can we do for you?”

Luke said, “We found a body, but we didn’t find the body’s belongings, and we speculate that the murderer may have thrown the deceased’s belongings elsewhere.

Hopefully the police dogs can help with the recovery.”

“Is there an olfactory source?”

“Would the hair of the deceased be okay?”

The dog trainer thought for a moment, “We can try.”

Luke found the coroner, Sheila, and cut some of the dead man’s hair and gave it to the dog trainer.

The dog trainer brought the hair to the police dog’s nose and let him sniff it, then at a command, the bloodhound took off running with little stomping steps.

In order to avoid interfering with the dog’s work, the police officer would open the road in front, but even so, it attracted many passers-by to stop and watch.

Luke followed the hound with the constable.

The police dog had been searching along the roadside, running a few steps, stopping to sniff around the smell.

The sidewalks on both sides of the road were lined with homeless tents, red, green, blue, and all sorts.

In order to avoid the noisy odor to interfere with the police dog, the dog trainer has to take out the smell source from time to time to let the police dog re-sniff the odor.

After another while, the police dog’s steps slowed down and stopped outside a green tent, letting out a bark, “Woof woof ……”

The dog trainer called out to Luke behind him, “Captain Lee, there’s something here.”

Luke walked over to the green tent and asked, “Hey, is anyone in the tent?”

There was no response.

Blacky laughed, “You can’t do that, watch me.” Blacky walked a little farther away and called out, “Anyone want a free beer? If you want to, hurry over and claim it.”

As the words fell, the green tent in front of Luke opened and a white man with messy hair and a beard shouted, “Where’s the beer? I’ll claim it.”

He froze when he saw Luke and his group, “You guys don’t look like ‘philanthropists’ giving away free beer.”

With that, the man retreated back into the tent.

Luke said, “Good morning, sir.”

“Not a good one at all, I’ve been asleep for less than three hours and you guys woke me up, or by deception.

If you guys are really doing me a favor, stay away from my tent.”

“Sir, there’s something I want to ask you.”

“Sure enough, I guessed there was nothing good.”

Black walked out of the convenience store with a lift of beer in his hand, “How can it be nothing good, as long as you answer the question, all this beer is yours.”

“You mean it?” The hobo gulped as he emerged from the tent again.

Black unwrapped a lift of beer and tossed him a can, “I never lie.”

The vagabond took the beer, opened the lid, and took a hard gulp, “For the love of beer, you guys ask.”

“What’s your name?”

“Boga Jay.

Yes, that should be the name, but I haven’t heard anyone call me that in a long time.”

Luke pulled out a picture of the dead woman, “Did you recognize her?”

Boga Jay took the picture, “Very pretty girl, just looks a little haggard and bleary-eyed ……”

“She’s dead.”

Boga Jay hurriedly handed the photo back to Luke, “I’ve never seen her.”

Luke gazed inside the tent, “She also lost some items, I wonder if you’ve seen them?”

Boga Jay shook his head and blocked the tent doorway with his body, “I don’t have what you’re looking for here, you’ve come to the wrong place.”

“You like wearing lace pajamas?”

“No, women wear those things, I like to sleep naked.”

Luke pointed to the corner of the tent, “So that nightgown isn’t yours.”

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