Chapter 651

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:20:55
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, Interrogation Room One.

Blackie walked to the door and turned around, “Hey, rookie, watch my eyes and don’t screw up.”

Jackson rolled his eyes, that’s exactly what I was going to say, bugger.

The two walked into the interrogation room one after the other.

There were three people sitting in the room, suspect Sharon Frank and her parents.

Black sat in the main seat of the interrogation room and looked across the room at the three and said in a very formal tone, “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Frank, I’m Detective Marcus Burnett and I’m in charge of today’s interrogation.”

Mrs. Frank said, “My daughter has already admitted …… that it was the accident that caused Ellie Bergman’s death, so why is there an inquest?”

“That would be a question for Sharon Frank.”

Sharon Frank looked haggard, “I’ve already told you all I know, and even if I don’t know, those two bikers should have told you. I don’t know what you want to ask?”

“Tell me about the deceased’s assault.”

“I don’t know, you guys should go arrest the people who violated her.”

Blackie said, “We already have, because it was you who violated her.”

Mrs. Frank questioned, “Inspector, are you kidding? Sharon is a girl, how could she possibly assault her victim.”

“She can and did. Mrs. Frank taunted, “You guys are out of your minds to put such a ridiculous charge on my daughter. Can’t you guys move your legs to catch the real rapist?”

Blackie looked over at Sharon Frank, “Sharon Frank, are you going to say something, or should I?”

“I don’t know what to say.” Sharon Frank gulped and shrugged it off, “Marissa Hocking and Lacey Wayne dropped the body, you should ask them both.”

“Looks like it’s time to help you remember.” Black twisted his head and gave Jackson a wink.

Jackson pulled a cucumber from a nearby bag.

Blackie took the cucumber and asked, “Does it ring a bell now?”

Sharon Frank’s face became tense and she clenched her fists involuntarily.

Mrs. Frank shouted, “You want to convict my daughter with a cucumber?”

“Oh, I forgot again, it has a partner.” Blackie gave Jackson the eye again.

Jackson was a little speechless, can’t you just get it yourself?

He handed the bag directly to Blacky.

Blacky took a box of condoms out of the bag and placed them with the cucumber, “This will do.”

Mrs. Frank shook her head and reprimanded, “You pervert, Sharon is still underage.”

Black retorted, “It’s not me that’s perverted, it’s your daughter. This is the tool she uses to violate the dead.”

Mr. and Mrs. Frank looked at their daughter in unison.

Sharon Frank, on the other hand, lowered her head, not daring to meet their eyes.

At once, the entire interrogation room fell silent.

“Ahem ……,” Blackie coughed softly, “Can we talk now?”

Mr. Frank sighed softly and asked after him, “What evidence do you have that my daughter did it?”

“The surveillance clearly captured what she did, would you like to see it?” Xiao Hei played a clever trick here, he did not say it was the convenience store’s surveillance, but hoped that the other party would mistakenly think that the scene of the crime was captured.

In the past, if her parents had been present Sharon Frank might have felt at ease, but at this point, she just felt unusually embarrassed, and couldn’t wait to get out of the room, and her mind was a mess.

Mrs. Frank remained incredulous: “Sharon, why did you do it?”

Sharon Frank’s head went even lower, still not responding.

Blackie said, “Obviously, Sharon Frank has a great deal of resentment towards the deceased, that’s why she would do such a thing to the dead body.

This also indirectly shows that she has the motive to commit the crime. The victim’s death was not an accident, but a premeditated murder on her part.”

“NO, I didn’t premeditate the murder, it was an accident.” Sharon Frank immediately retorted.

“Then why did you violate her body?”

Sharon Frank bit her lip, “I …… just wanted to interfere with the police investigation and make you think that the murderer was male.”

Hearing this answer, Black was a little elated and a little depressed, depressed that the vice squad guessed right, elated that Sharon Frank confessed to the crime.

The police only had footage of Sharon Frank purchasing cucumbers and condoms, they didn’t capture the process of her committing the assault, and by admitting it herself, she was able to save herself a lot of trouble.

With this confession, the case of the teenage girl who dumped her body can also be closed.

Seven o’clock in the evening.

Zebra’s Restaurant.

It’s a well-known old Mexican restaurant.

The case was successfully solved, and the Robbery and Murder Division’s First Squadron was about to get together here for dinner.

Blacky had been yelling for Mexican food for a long time, but he didn’t find this restaurant, but Ramon chose it.

Ramon took a sip of champagne and asked, “Guys, how do you feel about the flavor?”

Jackson said, “It’s great.”

Luke nodded, “I like the pancakes.”

Jenny said, “The meatloaf has an odd, smoky flavor.”

Blackie said, “The rest of it is okay, I just feel like the salsa is a little spicy.”

The lieutenant grunted, “If you don’t like chili, don’t choose Mexican food.”

Ramon simply ignored Blackie’s comment, “I’m glad you guys liked it, this restaurant may not be the best, but it’s definitely the most authentic in the neighborhood, and I was worried that you guys wouldn’t be used to it.”

Jenny said, “I’m not a fan of the modified version of the food, more interested in experiencing some authentic specialties, this is great.”

The lieutenant said, “It is indeed very nice here, but some of the local dishes really need to be improved, otherwise, you will find it hard to swallow.”

“Like what? What foods cast a shadow over you, Lieutenant?”

The lieutenant thought for a moment, “When I was young, I went on vacation out of town, I can’t remember exactly where, but there was one dish that stuck with me.

The dish looked like a salad, but when you looked closely the white inside wasn’t a sauce, it was white worms, eggs to be exact. Then we ended our vacation early.”

Matthew said, “I’ve also had a dark dish called fresh cheese. It involves putting the larvae of flies into the cheese, which is fermented by rotting the cheese through the larvae’s digestive action. It is also said that some of the more tenacious maggots can live in the human gut for a long time.”

Jenny spread her hands, “OK, you guys win and managed to ruin my dinner.”

The lieutenant laughed, “Don’t worry, we’ll go to the bar for a drink later and forget about it.”

Blackie said, “You guys go ahead, I’m done for the day.”

The lieutenant asked back, “Why? Did the sun hit the west?”

Blacky looked at his watch, “I have a family meeting to attend when I get back later.”

“Sounds like it’s serious, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing really, our daughter is getting older now and we want to get a bigger house so she can grow up in a better environment.”

Luke said, “Rent, or buy?”

“Buy a house.”

Jackson said with some envy, “Congratulations.”

The lieutenant was a little surprised, “Where did you get the money to buy a house?”

“My previous savings, my wife’s savings before she got married, and my mom’s savings, plus the $40,000 reward from Mrs. Coffey after the last bust.

If that money can buy the right house, buy it, if not, rent one in a better setting.”

Jenny asked, “Does your mother still live with you after the house change?”

“We live together very cordially, why not? When we’re off, my wife and I can still go out and have a little time for two.” Xiao Hei finished and looked at the crowd, “Guys, this is my first time buying a house, do you have any suggestions? Tomorrow, who has the time to accompany me to look at houses?”

Jackson said, “I’ve never bought a house either, so I’m even less experienced.”

Porter said, “I promised to accompany the kids to the playground tomorrow. I think the neighborhood is more total than the house itself.”

The lieutenant laughed, “I like the house, you won’t like it.”

Ramon said, “Jenny, Matthew and I have to work, so my advice to you is to look at a few more houses and don’t rush into a decision.”

Blacky looked at Luke again.

Luke said, “Tomorrow, I’m going to buy a new car, so I can’t accompany you to look at houses.”

Blackie was a little surprised, “Are you not satisfied with that Raptor pickup?”

“Satisfied, but I want to buy another car with a different purpose.”

Blackie lamented, “OK, rich bachelors are enviable.”

The potluck ended.

Luke walked behind and patted Blackie’s shoulder, “Man, remember to let me know if you need to use money.”

Blackie froze for a moment and grinned his thick lips, “Thanks, if I need it, I will.”

At eight o’clock in the morning, Luke was lying on his bed in a daze when a familiar voice suddenly rang in his head.

[Dingdong ……Congratulations to the host, successfully solved the mischievous murder case, rewarded 60 points.]

Luke checked the Divine Detective System and originally had 230 points, plus 60 points, it was 290 points.

This time to investigate the case, Luke used an appraisal card and used 20 points to make up another appraisal card.

Luke didn’t stay in bed today, he had a lot of things to do today.

Buy a new car.

Buying a car wasn’t something Luke did on a whim, but something he had thought about for a long time.

The Raptor pickup truck was really good, but there were some occasions when driving a pickup truck was not very suitable.

On another note, he had more than one million and one hundred thousand dollars in savings in his hand, plus the reward from the Coffey family was nearly one million and two hundred thousand dollars.

There was no pressure to buy a car.

It was also considered a reward for his hard work during this period of time.

He wanted to take someone with him to buy a car, but his coworkers all had their own things to do, and after thinking about it, he called Val.

“Hi dear uncle, good morning.”

Val yawned and said, “Not a good one at all, I managed to take a day off to sleep in and you woke me up again. You have five seconds, if the topic doesn’t impress me, hang up.”

“Whoa …… why are you suddenly giving me a different feeling, did something happen?”

“Four, three ……”

“At noon, I’ll buy you dinner.”

“Why? That’s not like my great nephew.”

“I’m buying a car and I want you to come with me.”

“Buy a car?” Val sat up from the bed, “Don’t you have a car?”

“Buy another one.”

“What kind of car do you want?”

“A Dodge Challenger.”

“Muscle car?”

“That’s right, wanna come with me?”

“Honestly, I’d love to, what tough guy wouldn’t like a muscle car? However, I have a very important appointment today ……”

“Male or female?”

“Mind your own business, brat.” Val hung up his cell phone straight away.

“Whoops ……”

Luke froze for a while, did I get the wrong number? How come it doesn’t seem like the Val I know anymore?

Never mind, I’ll go by myself. I’m going to buy the best one and piss him off.

Luke washed up and made himself a nice breakfast.

Sliced bread, loose fried eggs, ham, cabbage, a glass of milk, and a small plate of blueberries.

After breakfast, Luke got ready to go out.

Since he had no one to accompany him, he had to take a cab.

He had just exited the courtyard when he saw a chubby figure sitting over.

“Jack, why are you here?” Luke was a bit surprised at first, then he thought of something: “Did Val tell you?”

“What Val?” The little fat man shrugged, “I’m not interested in him right now.”

“Then what are you doing here?”

“Luke, I need your help with something very important.”

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