Chapter 653

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:21:05
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Little Fatty sighed softly, “I kind of regret coming here, can we still change restaurants now?”

“Why? This restaurant feels pretty good.”

“I suddenly feel like I have no appetite, and I have to get beaten up after eating, it’s a bit of a loss.”

“What’s wrong with you? Val having a girlfriend is something to be happy about.”

“You’re right, if it was in the past, I would have been happy too, but now …… I’m out of love. And I know I shouldn’t be, but I can’t be happy.”

Luke patted his brother’s cheek, “The human heart is supposed to be complicated, don’t think too much about it, eat a good meal and I won’t beat you up.”

“Are you pitying me? I feel even more uncomfortable in my heart.”

Luke: “……”

Bah, what a bitch.

Fatty asks, “Should we go say hi?”

Luke asks back, “Do you think Val wants to see you now?”

Little Fatty looked over the menu as he said, “Actually, I’m a little worried about Val’s wallet, a meal here could top his weekly salary. If we go out for a long time, won’t we have to borrow from loan sharks. It’s not a long term solution.”

Luke shrugged, “And it’s not like the other guy’s paying.”

“Wouldn’t Val be on a soft diet.” The chubby guy stole another glance and shook his head again, “I’d rather believe he won the lottery than that he’s capable of that. No rich woman would like Val’s type.”

“Hey, don’t talk about your uncle like that.” Luke glared at the chubby little man, “If mom hears you, you’ll be in deep shit.”

“Speaking of mom, I think I should keep a souvenir.” Little Fatty took out his cell phone and snapped a picture and asked with a smile, “What do you think I can get from Mom for this picture?”

Luke spread his hands, “A meal of fried chicken and pizza.”

The chubby little man bristled, “That’s what I thought.”

Still, you’re good to me, old man. There isn’t a second person who would bring me to such an expensive restaurant.”

Luke pulled out his cell phone, “Can you say that again? I want to record this sentence.”

The little fat man hemmed and hawed, “Next time.”

“There is no next time.” Luke was crazy to bring him to a restaurant like this again.

Expensive was one thing, and it was weird for two men to come here.

After ordering the food, the little fat man didn’t stay idle, taking a shot with his cell phone.

Coming to eat in such an expensive restaurant, wouldn’t it be a big loss if you didn’t post a Facebook.

Soon, a plate of exquisite dishes were brought up, and the little fat man was all about taking pictures first and tasting them later.

In these two years, Luke has also eaten in many high-end restaurants, in his opinion, the dishes in high-end restaurants have three characteristics, the first is good ingredients, the second is complicated, and the third is well-presented.

What Luke values most is the ingredients.

Take a fried steak, different varieties of cattle, different parts, different practices, the flavor can be said to be worlds apart.

Luke used to think that particularly expensive beef belongs to the IQ tax, but after eating it, he realized that the meat is really good, and it doesn’t taste faggy or fishy at all, and then he will feel that the shredded meat is thick, hard and faggy if he eats ordinary beef.

Food can delight the mood, let the little fat man forget the temporary discomfort.

Both brothers had big appetites, and unlike other date guests, the two ate without a care in the world, ordering dishes equivalent to four people at other tables.

When they were almost done eating, Luke looked back at Val’s table, he was chatting happily with the female companion and didn’t seem to notice the two brothers.

Luke took a sip of his red wine, “I should go say hello.”

The chubby boy swallowed the food in his mouth, “I thought you said Val shouldn’t want to be bothered by us?”

“First, I said Val doesn’t want to see you.”

Second, we’ve eaten almost enough to give Val enough privacy to not interfere with their date. Third, you’ll see in a minute.”

The other side of the restaurant.

Val was all smiles, waving his right arm and chatting away with his female companion.

His date was a blonde with short hair, big eyes, big blue earrings, and a black dress.

A waiter approached with a bottle of red wine, “Here’s your red wine, ma’am and sir.”

Val looked at the waiter, “We didn’t ask for red wine.”

The waiter pointed to the window seat, “It’s from Mr. Lee at table 12 for you.”

Val craned his head back to find Luke waving at him, next to a chubby little man with a bad grin on his face.

Val froze for a moment before snapping back to his senses and waving back, saying to the waiter, “Red wine goes here.”

The blonde asked, “Are they your friends?”

“Those two bad boys are my nephews.”

“Do you want to go over and say hi to them?”

“No, they’re my own nephews, I’ll contact them later.”

The blonde picked up her glass and raised it to Luke’s table, “They know we’re eating at this restaurant?”

Val explained, “I didn’t tell them. Probably just happened to run into them.”

The blonde nodded and said nothing more.

On the other side, Little Fatty was shocked, “I got a good look this time, Val’s female companion is quite pretty.”

“Don’t stare at people all the time, it’s rude.”

“Was it expensive for you to give that bottle of red wine?”

“Not bad.”

Little Fatty skimmed his lips, “And Val didn’t show any indication?”

“I didn’t expect him to show anything, and that bottle of wine wasn’t a gift to him.” Luke remembered how he felt the first time he went to eat at a fine restaurant, a little rushed, a little uneasy, and very uncomfortable.

So there was no point in asking too much of Val.

Understanding family was the most important thing.

After finishing his meal, Luke took Little Fatty to leave the restaurant.

The two had just walked to the entrance of the restaurant when a waitress chased after them, “Mr. Lee, please wait.”

“Can I help you?”

The waitress carried a box in her hand and said, “This is a gift for the two of you from Ms. Julio Eaton of Table 7. Our restaurant’s special cheesecake.”

“I know this kind of cake, it’s said to be the signature dessert of this restaurant, it’s very famous, very pretty and expensive, many girls like it.” Little Fatty took the cake and asked Luke, “That Miss Julio Eaton, should be Uncle’s lady friend, should we go and thank her.”

“Some other day.” Luke added mentally, if there was still a chance to meet.

“I’ll get the car, wait here, don’t get lost.”

“Come on, I’m not a kid.” The little fat man carrying the cake in his hand, walked down the steps of the restaurant, couldn’t help but look back and forced a smile, “That’s it …… it’s time to put it down.”

“Ow ……” a cat roar sounded, and a hard line, cool black hellcat drove over.

Little Fatty put the cake in the trunk and sat in the passenger side: “Drive slower, I don’t want to send my mom a bad cake.”


Luke slowly stepped on the gas pedal, and although he tried to accelerate as slowly as possible, it still resounded with a characteristic roar of a motorcycle oil car, carrying an unspeakably violent aesthetic.

Luke handed the black key to the little fat man, “This key is for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“When you become an adult, I can lend you this car, you drive this car to the school gate, no girl will not like you.”

“I thought you were going to give this car to me?”

“No, this car is not for you, exactly at your age.”

“Then what kind of car is right for me?”

“Something with a little more space.”

“Then why don’t you get one with more space?”

Luke laughed, “I’ve got a Raptor already, and besides, I’ve got a big, cozy house.”

Fatty: “……”

“Don’t be shy, old buddy, I came from that age too.” Luke flirted, and then said with a straight face, “I know you’re sad …… but I still hope you can get out of your lost love as soon as possible.”

“I will.” Little Fatty put the key back on the armrest, “Thank you for staying with me today and taking me to a big meal. I’ll give the keys back to you for now, and I’ll borrow them from you when I can drive.”

“OK, I just want you to be happy.”

“I won’t be sad for long, after all, I still have you and Mom, Grandpa, Val, Dad, Grandpa and Grandma …… I know you all love me.”

The next afternoon was sunny and breezy.

Luke’s family welcomed a guest, a slender, sexy Latin beauty.

Orty Dean of the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

“Orty, long time no see.” Luke opened his arms and greeted him.

“Luke, congratulations on the new house, it’s beautiful.” Orty handed Luke an exquisite gift box with the Ray-Ban logo on it, “For you.”

“Thanks.” Luke opened the box, which contained a pair of exquisite sunglasses with gray alloy frames and dark green lenses, looking very high-grade and atmospheric.

“Beautiful.” Luke took out the sunglasses and tried them on, “It’s very comfortable, I like it.”

“It suits you.” Orty turned to look around the yard, “You have a beautiful new home, I love the style of the house and the big trees around the yard.”

“Come on, I’ll show you around.”

Luke led Orty on a tour of the new house, the yard, living room, kitchen, dining room, rec room, and most of the way around.

Afterward, she was taken to the yard for afternoon tea under the pergola.

Luke poured her a cup of tea, “This is Chinese green tea Mao Jian, how does it taste?”

Orty picked up the tea cup, sniffed the tea like Luke and took a sip, “The taste is very light, there is a special aroma, I like it very much.”

“Take some with you when you leave.”

“Thanks.” Olti put down the teacup and asked, “Have you been busy with work lately?”

“Same as always.”

“Want to go away for a vacation?”

Luke laughed, “Are you coming with me?”

“I’d love to, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to get out of L.A. for a while now.” Orty turned the tables and pulled a file out of his bag, “The firm has received a commission, it’s located in Las Vegas, interested?”

“What exactly is the commission?”

“The commissioner is the vice president of a hotel, two days ago, his hotel received a letter saying that a big gift would be given to the hotel on Thanksgiving Day.” Orty took out his cell phone and showed Luke a photo.

On the photo was the content of the letter, and although the language was not threatening, it was written in red paint, and there was a bloody skull at the bottom of the epistle, giving it an eerie feel.

Luke shrugged, “Could it be a prank?”

Olti said, “The hotel executives thought so at first, thinking it was a prank, but after they investigated carefully, they never found the person who delivered the letter.

The next day, a similar letter reappeared in the vice president’s office.” Ortie tweaked the screen of her cell phone with her slender fingers, revealing another letter.

The content was the same, and there was still a symbol of a blood-colored skull, only this time blood-red tears flowed from the skull’s eyes.

Olti continued, “The vice president’s office is difficult for outsiders to enter, the hotel’s senior management realized the seriousness of the problem in common, they are worried that the hotel will be attacked on Thanksgiving Day, bringing huge losses to the hotel, so they want to hire you to investigate this matter.”

“How much is the commission?”

“The upfront commission is two hundred thousand dollars, and if you can find out who wrote the threatening letter before Thanksgiving, the hotel will pay another three hundred thousand dollars.”

“And if there’s no attack on Thanksgiving Day?”

“That two hundred thousand dollars will be paid just the same.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad.”

Luke accepted the assignment, never mind making the money for the Hellcats whether or not he caught the person who wrote the threatening letter.

Speaking of Vegas, he missed it a little.

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