Chapter 657

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:21:16
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Could it be that someone was trying to deal with himself, and it was not good to do it in Los Angeles, so he lured himself to Las Vegas.

Thinking of this, Luke’s heart felt a bit more of a sense of crisis.

Since he had been a police officer, he had arrested a lot of vicious criminals, and had offended even more people.

Luke quieted his mind and carefully analyzed some more, and felt that there was a possibility, but it was not big.

Luke was yesterday morning to Las Vegas, to now has passed thirty hours, if it is really rushing to him, should be the sooner to do the better, delayed for a long time, there is a possibility that Luke found out, have a vigilance.

As it was, it would be harder to get at Luke again.

If it wasn’t against Luke, then it was that someone had deliberately transferred him from Los Angeles, in other words, someone was doing something in Los Angeles, and it was likely that this matter was related to himself in some way.

Luke felt that this possibility was a bit more likely.

Thinking of this, Luke took out his cell phone and dialed the vice squad’s number.

“Lieutenant, it’s me.”

“Luke, didn’t you go on vacation? How come you have time to call me.”

Luke didn’t answer and asked instead, “How’s the team these days?”

“Pretty good.”

“Any new cases?”

“Not yet.”

Even if there were, the case would be solved smoothly under my leadership. You don’t have to worry, have fun.”

Luke: “……”

From the vice squad’s answer, there should be no problem with work.

Could it be a private matter?

Luke dialed Linda’s number again.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Luke, why are you calling all of a sudden, did things go well out there?”

“It’s going well, how’s the house the last couple days?”

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“Nothing, just heard from my coworkers that there are gang clashes in Los Angeles these two days, try to go out as little as possible.”

“I know. I just videoed your grandpa this morning, he and Val are fine, I’ll call them later to let them know.”

“Has Fatty been in a better mood the past two days?”

“Not bad, at least he’s in the mood to go out, he just sent me a message saying he’s staying at a classmate’s house for the night.”

Luke frowned slightly, “Which classmate?”

“George, short, freckled white kid, the two of them spend a lot of time together.”

“He only messages, no phone calls?”


“When did he send the message?”

“A little over two hours now, what’s the problem?”

“No, it’s just that I have something I need to see him about, I’ll contact him myself.”

“Okay, be safe out there.”

“I know.” Luke finished and hung up his cell phone.

There was something suspicious about Little Fatty’s whereabouts.

Could it be that someone was trying to deal with Little Fatty and that’s why he got himself to Las Vegas?

Luke thought about it and felt that it was unlikely, he knew Little Fatty too well, the other party’s socialization was simple, it was impossible to cause too much trouble.

Even if he made a mistake and offended someone, with himself as his brother to help back him up, he should not have much problem, not so much that people would be so vocal about dealing with him.

Could it be that someone kidnapped Little Fatty to threaten himself?

Luke felt that this possibility was there.

If something really happened to Little Fatty, the person who sent the text message should not be him personally, and he should have been kidnapped for at least two hours.

It was reasonable that the robber should have contacted himself. Or perhaps, the target of the robbers was not himself? Besides himself, what other unstable factors were there around Little Fatty?

One person suddenly surfaced in Luke’s mind – Maggie.

As far as Luke knew, Maggie’s family moved to Los Angeles three years ago, and she had been living with her father for three years.

Some time ago Maggie’s aunt had come and recently left suddenly.

Was there any connection between the two?

Thinking of this, Luke immediately contacted Orty, Matthew and his FBI subordinates and asked them to help investigate Maggie’s information.

Luke did not hastily contact Little Fatty, if the other party was fine, then there was no need to contact him.

If Little Fatty was really controlled by someone and he took the initiative to contact him, the other party would probably be alerted.

“Ringing ……”

Just then, Luke’s cell phone rang.

Luke glanced at it, it was an unfamiliar cell phone number.

He hesitated for a moment, but still pressed the answer button, “Hello.”

“Older brother, it’s me.” The little fat man said in Chinese.

Luke hesitated slightly, “How’s the weather today?”

“Today’s weather is good, quite windy and sunny.” Little Fatty replied.

This was the slogan agreed upon by the two, proving that Little Fatty was safe.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief, “Whose cell phone number is this?”

“George’s, I’m at his house right now.”

“Why are you at George’s house all of a sudden?”

“I just wanted a change of scenery, a break.”

“Then why call me on George’s cell phone?”

Little Fatty lowered his voice, “I feel like something’s wrong with the situation ……”

“What’s not right.”

“I feel like I’m being followed.”

“How did you notice?”

“There’s a black Honda sedan parked outside George’s house, I think I’ve seen this car in our neighborhood too.”

“Are you sure it’s the same Honda?”


“What’s the license plate number?”


Luke was a little surprised at how his brother’s counter-surveillance skills could be so strong, not only did he notice being followed by a vehicle, but he could also think of making a phone call on someone else’s cell phone, he didn’t usually teach this.

“Who did you learn these things from?”

“Maggie taught me.”

“Why did she teach you this?”

“She said you’re a cop, you might have enemies, and that I should learn to protect myself.”

“What else did she teach you?”

“Maggie knows a lot of things, remember the shooting that happened at our school?

The whole school was a mess after the shots went off, and it was Maggie who ran me out of the school. She was super calm and cool.”

“Why did you and Maggie break up?”

“Can I not say?”

“It was a matter of principle or a common conflict for couples.”

“Just a little conflict, and the truth is, I didn’t even think she’d break up with me.”

“So, she probably broke up with you for the sake of breaking up.”

Chubby was silent for a moment and asked rhetorically, “You think Maggie broke up with me for other reasons.”

Luke pressed, “Do you think your being stalked had something to do with Maggie?”

“I don’t know ……,” Fatty said, as if he had guessed something, “Did Maggie get into trouble and that’s why she left L.A.?”

Luke said, “I don’t know.”

“Buddy, when are you coming back to L.A. and can you help me find Maggie? I’m worried about her.”

Luke said, “Better worry about yourself first. Later, I’ll send someone to protect you and mom, don’t worry about Maggie, I’ll investigate.”

Little Fatty anxiously said, “How can I not care? What if Maggie is in danger?”

“Listen, don’t you mess up now.

First of all, we can’t be sure if Maggie is in trouble right now, or I might have guessed wrong.

Secondly, if someone is really following you, the purpose is probably to find Maggie, and if you act recklessly, you might harm Maggie instead.

Like I said, I’ll handle Maggie’s business. All you have to do is to protect yourself and your old mom so that I have no worries, understand?”

Little Fatty was silent for a long time, “I understand, I will protect myself. You go find Maggie with all your might, don’t worry about us.”

“OK, it’s a deal.” Luke hung up his cell phone after saying that.

Little Fatty hadn’t been kidnapped, just followed, and Luke was relieved.

It was also basically certain that Luke’s transfer from Los Angeles was probably related to Maggie.

Luke guessed that Maggie should be safe now, and if Maggie was in danger, the probability was that she would ask for help from herself, which was also the reason why the other party had transferred himself away from Los Angeles.

There was also the point that if the other party had achieved their goal, there was no need to follow Little Fatty anymore.

Luke didn’t contact Maggie directly, he was waiting for a call from Orty or Matthew to see what they had found out before communicating with Maggie.

Soon, there was a reply from Matthew’s side.

Maggie was born in New York City to a divorced father and mother who remained in New York and she came to live with her father in Los Angeles.

Her father’s name was Walker Cullen, an elevator repairman with a clean record and a black SUV with license plate number 3- LRA-198 in his name.

Speaking of the black SUV, Luke suddenly remembered something.

Previously, not long after Luke moved to a new home, he invited his family to a party, when Maggie also came, in the evening, Maggie’s father was driving a black SUV, and at that time, Luke smelled a disinfectant smell on him.

This information was somewhat simple, and Luke didn’t see anything wrong with the father and daughter.

After a while, Orty called as well, and she was given much the same information.

Senior FBI Agent Armand Haynes was the last to call.

After the cell phone was connected, he said, “Minister Lee, I’ve checked out the person you asked me to check out.”

Luke asked, “Any details on her?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t find her information in the system.”

“What about her father’s information?”

“Not available either.”

Armand Haynes was silent for a moment and said, “I have a feeling that it’s likely that I don’t have enough access.”

Luke asked, “Does Minister Lynn Blois have enough clearance?”

“It likely involves other departments, so it’s best to go to the supervisor.”

“Understood.” Luke responded and continued, “Armand, I’m currently in Las Vegas, my family in Los Angeles is being followed and is likely to be in danger, I need you to send agents to protect them.

Be on the lookout for a black Honda with license plate number 6-UEB-298. I’ll let you know the details when I contact my supervisor.”

“Do we need to apprehend the trackers?”

“No need for now, just protect it covertly.”

“Okay, I’ll get on it right away.”

“Who the hell are you guys?” With this question in mind, Luke dialed the number of Ayesha Garde, the head of the FBI’s Los Angeles division.

“Hello, this is Ayesha.”

“Supervisor, this is Luke.”

“What can I do for you?”

“I’m in some trouble ……,” Luke said, giving a brief account of the situation.

“Are you in danger in Las Vegas?”

“Not at the moment.”

“I’ll give you the contact information for the FBI agents in Las Vegas in a few minutes so you can contact them directly.”


After a moment, Ayesha Garde said, “I looked up Maggie’s information.”

Her real name was Maggie Baruch.

Joined the witness protection program with her father three years ago.”

“Supervisor, what case did she join the Witness Protection Program for?”

“After they join the Witness Protection Program, all the information will be managed by the General Directorate of Judicial Police, and I can’t find out here. This is also for the safety of the witnesses.”

Luke said, “If I’m not wrong, their identities are likely to be exposed and targeted.”

Ayesha Garde said, “I’ll contact the General Directorate of the Judicial Police to see if they have a response plan on their end.”


After hanging up his cell phone, Luke couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh, he didn’t expect Maggie to have this layer of identity, but when he thought about it, it made sense, this series of events made sense instead.

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