Chapter 661

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:21:26
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Inside the vacation home.

A black woman and a white man were sitting at the dining table drinking coffee.

These two were also agents of the Witness Protection Unit, the black woman was called Jerry, and the white man was called Tom, it was obvious that both of them were operational codes.

The white agent Tom spread his hands, his tone was a bit dissatisfied, “The witnesses have all been moved, what are we still staying here for?”

Jerry looked out the window, “The team leader’s orders are clear, let’s assist Minister Li in catching the gang of killers together.”

Tom glanced at his watch, “How long do we have to wait, two hours, three hours, or a day …… I think this waiting for the killers to come to our door is a bit silly.”

Jerry asked rhetorically, “So what’s your bright idea?”

Tom was disgruntled, “Sabina Dodd and Sidney Bourne screwed up, and now they’ve moved on after the witnesses, and they’re leaving us to pick up the pieces. Does that make sense to you?”

Jerry took a sip of his coffee and pursed his thick lips, “Why didn’t you say anything when the team leader was here?”

“The Team Leader has always been very biased in favor of Sabina, you know that, and it’s useless for me to say anything.” Tom was a little discouraged.

“Then stop complaining ……”

“Bare with me ……” The walkie-talkie on the table rang, and Luke’s voice came from it, “This is Zero, a gray Buick commercial vehicle has been spotted heading in the direction of the vacation home. All groups rush to the designated ambush site immediately and stay safe.”

Tom grimaced and turned to Jerry, “How many suspicious vehicles has this been spotted?”

“Fourth or fifth, I think.”

“That’s right, anything near the vacation home is considered a suspicious vehicle.”

Jerry opened the door to the vacation home, “Come on.”

“You’re on your own.” Tom pointed to the table, “This is my ambush site, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Suit yourself.” Jerry was a little speechless, Tom’s alertness was so poor, maybe that’s why the team leader wouldn’t let him participate in moving the witnesses.

Jerry exited the vacation home and hurried alone to the right side of the vacation home among the trees.

She hid behind a short, leafy tree and gazed in the direction of the highway.

Instead of driving all the way down the highway, the business car turned onto the path of the vacation home, and inside Jeri was a little nervous, and a little excited, that it had actually come.

There were nine agents ambushed around the vacation home, the group of killers were waiting to throw themselves into a trap.

Jerry wanted to remind Tom, but it was already a little late, Tom now out of the vacation home is likely to be found by the people in the business car, and, Tom hiding in the vacation home will not be in danger for the time being.

Jerry guessed that Luke should take action without waiting for the group of killers to enter the vacation home.

The business car parked on the side of the road, the door in the back opened, one after another people stepped out of the car, every one of them held a weapon in their hands, it was already basically certain that this group of people should be the killers who attacked the witnesses.

Jerry’s eyes were firmly fixed on this group of people, at the same time waiting for Luke’s order.

Suddenly, Jerry’s eyes widened, revealing a stunned look.

Only to see that the fifth suspect got out of the car with a rocket launcher over his shoulder and fired a rocket directly in the direction of the vacation home.

“Boom!” The sound of an explosion.

A large hole was blown open in the vacation home, the roof lifted off, fire and smoke rose up, and a scream was emitted from inside the vacation home.

“Haha, I hit it! Did you guys see that?” The assassin who fired the rocket waved his fist hard with a smug look on his face.

Jerry looked in the direction of the vacation home, she knew exactly who the screams were coming from, but she couldn’t go to the other side’s rescue right now, she could only wait for orders.

She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down, her hands gripped the rifle tightly, her teeth clenched and a murderous aura came out of her eyes.

“Leave no one alive!” The lead assassin shouted and rushed towards the vacation home with four of his men.


A gunshot rang out. Luke directly killed the driver who stayed inside the Buick commercial vehicle.

And this gunshot was likewise an order.

The ambushed agents all around opened fire, shooting wildly at the nameless killer.

“Da da ……” The sound of gunfire resounded through the entire forest, swarms of birds flew in fright, and wild beasts fled.

“Ah ah …… “The five killers let out a burst of miserable screams, and quickly lost their fighting strength, some were beaten into a sieve, while others loudly begged for mercy.

“Stop shooting! Leave them alive!” Luke gave the order again.

“Drop your weapons!”

“Hands on your head!”

The agents walked toward the five killers with their guns.

Jerry, on the other hand, made a quick dash to the vacation home.

The battle went well and ended quickly.

The only regret was that Tom, an agent from the Marshals Service Witness Protection Unit, was injured by a rocket.

Luke was also speechless that the bastard didn’t rush to the ambush site as he was told.

Luke also didn’t expect this group of killers to be so fierce that they would just use rockets.

The good news was that the ambulance arrived at the scene in time and Tom saved his life.

The boss of the killers was not seriously injured, and after a simple bandage, Luke interrogated him.

He admits that he was instructed to come to L.A. this time in order to intercept and kill Maggie’s father and daughter to prevent Maggie’s father from going to New York to testify in court.

The person who instructed him was the co-founder of the cryptocurrency trading platform company that was going to be on trial this time.

Luke successfully blocked the gang of killers, and his mission was accomplished, and the follow-up protection of Maggie’s father and daughter was handed over to the Marshals Service, after all, there are specialties in the field, and they are more experienced in protecting witnesses.

November 28th.

Today was Thanksgiving Day and a day for family reunion.

In the morning, Luke calls his family in faraway New York to greet them.

Tonight, he invites his family in Los Angeles to spend Thanksgiving together.

Thanksgiving is no less important than Christmas in the United States of America, and there is no more important food than turkey, whether it is good or not is not to be said for now, but it has to be there.

Last night, Luke put the turkey in the freezer to marinate.

He started roasting the turkey at about 12:00 p.m. The roasting time was up to four hours, and it was ready to eat at about 4:00 p.m.

During the afternoon, family members arrived and brought some food.

Linda brought her own baked cornbread, Grandpa Robert brought an Iberian ham, Uncle brought a box of homemade cranberry sauce, and Fatty carried two bottles of Coke in his arms.

This food was clearly not enough, and Luke and his family then prepared pan-seared tuna, beef stew with potatoes, apple pie, vegetable salad, and the last course was Little Chubby’s and Val’s favorite, pulled sweet potatoes.

Fruit for the meal was grapes and strawberries, and dessert was chocolate cake.

At five o’clock in the evening, the family sat around the table, and after holding hands and praying, the potluck officially began.

Robert held up a glass of red wine, “Thank God for bringing us together as a family, cheers!”


Little Fatty also poured a full glass of Coke and took a big sip.

“Can we eat now?” Val picked up a piece of pulled sweet potato, “Whoa whoa, did you guys see that? Shredded.” Val put the pulled sweet potato in her mouth with a look of enjoyment, “Oh my god, I super love the flavor.”

Not only did Val like it, everyone present chucked a piece, the Americans had a sweet tooth, and this dish was very much in line with their tastes.

The little fat man ate two pieces in a row and picked up his glass of coke again and said, “Older brother, thank you for saving Maggie.”

Luke laughed, “Jack, it’s thanks to your quick wit and reminder, think of it another way, it was you who saved Maggie.”

“Don’t flatter me, I know my own weight.” The chubby little man added, “I mean weight.”

“Haha ……” the crowd laughed.

Little Fatty, on the other hand, revealed a serious look, “Older brother, why did Maggie break up with me? I’m asking the real reason.”

Luke thought for a moment, “I think …… it’s mainly for your safety, killers not only kill witnesses, but also have the potential to harm those close to them.”

“Which means that Maggie doesn’t really want to break up with me, and as long as it’s over, we can stay together.”

“That’s a possibility.” Luke said ambiguously.

The little fat man immediately perked up and waved his fist, “I knew it, I knew it would happen.”

He stood up, “It’s a good day, we should play some music shouldn’t we? I’ll go move the stereo.”

Luke’s home stereo is placed in the living room, they are now gathering in the yard, if placed in the past, Luke may not let Little Fatty fool around, but today well …… he is happy.

The little fat man ran happily to the house.

Robert seemed to sense that Luke was hiding something and asked, “Is there any problem on Maggie’s side?”

Luke replied, “Maggie is now under the protection of the Marshal’s Office and can’t contact the outside world, and I don’t know her specific situation. However, she should be safe and will contact me if there is danger.”

Linda pressed, “Do you think Maggie will get back together with Jack?”

Knowing her son as a mother, Linda naturally knew what her youngest son was concerned about right now.

Luke was silent for a moment, “I think that might be a little hard.”

Val also put down her fork and asked, “Is it true that Maggie wants to break up with Jack?”

Luke shrugged, “I don’t know. I think Maggie is worried about involving Jack and is afraid he’s in danger.”

Linda said, “Won’t the danger be removed once Maggie’s father is identified in court?”

Luke said, “I wish that were the case, but a lot of things aren’t that simple, a lot of cases are more complicated than one might think, and some witnesses live their entire lives in the Witness Protection Program.

If, and I mean if, for security reasons, Maggie will probably still change her identity and location and start a new life. And she can no longer contact anyone she knew before.”

The crowd at the table was silent.

Linda liked Maggie too, but she didn’t want her son to be in danger either.

Val suggested, “We should have told Jack, the greater the hope the greater the disappointment, he’ll be even more miserable then.”

Robert nodded, “You’re right, why don’t you do the talking.”

Val shrugged, “I don’t know much about it either, Luke would be more appropriate.”

Just then, Fatty came out of the house, “What are you guys going to say?”

“Black Friday.”

Linda and Val said in unison.

Little Fatty laughed, “Haha, I’m looking forward to Black Friday too, where are we going shopping together tomorrow?”

Robert shook his head, “You guys can’t do that, you should tell him truthfully.”

“Tell me what?” Chubby spread his hands, his face sank when he saw that the crowd wasn’t responding, “Is it about Maggie?”

Little Fatty looked over at Luke, “What happened to Maggie?”

Luke said, “Nothing happened to Maggie, but the case involving her father is complicated and the witness protection program may last a long time. And her and her father’s identities were exposed, so they may change to new identities.”

The little fat man lowered his head, and after a long silence, he asked, “Will they leave Los Angeles?”

“It’s a possibility.”

“Can I continue to contact Maggie?”

“I’m not sure.” Luke was just giving his brother a precaution; he couldn’t say exactly what would happen.

After a while, the little fat man raised his head, his eyes red, and looked determined, “I …… am willing to wait for her. Yes, as long as we love each other, nothing can prevent us from being together.”

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