Chapter 665

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:21:35
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If it was a normal disappearance or kidnapping case, at this point, as long as it was made clear that the kidnappers were vicious and that even if the ransom was paid the victim could still be killed, most of the families would choose to cooperate with the police.

However, when it comes to politics, things get complicated.

These political people are not only full of lies, but also have a lot of unseen secrets, they sometimes hide, lie, not necessarily because of the case itself, but also may be the problem involves their unseen things.

For example, before the New York mayor’s wife was killed, when Luke talked to the mayor of New York, the other party also showed signs of concealing and lying, but in the end, it was proved that he had nothing to do with his wife’s death.

Therefore, Luke did not continue to break up with the two men, even if he wanted to poke through the lies of the two men, he had to find some evidence before he could do so, and his mouth could not prove it.

Afterwards, Luke went to the rest room and reported the situation here to Reed.

Reed told him to wait for news.

This is a difficult case, involving the gubernatorial candidate is very important, Reed can not decide.

Twenty minutes later, Reed called again, asking him to take charge of the investigation into the disappearance of Henrik Laurie, and to mobilize the entire city’s police force for reinforcements if needed.

Luke gathered his thoughts and found Hans Dragoon and Mrs. Lawrie again, saying, “Mr. Hans Dragoon, Mrs. Lawrie, I just contacted the top brass of the police department, and they formally appointed me to investigate the disappearance of Mr. Henrik Lawrie.”

Mrs. Lawley and Hans Dragun looked at each other and said, “If there is anything we need to cooperate with, just say it.”

Luke nodded and stared at Mrs. Lawley and said, “If anyone contacts you about Mr. Lawley’s disappearance, whether it’s to provide clues or blackmail, let me know first.”

“We will.”

“Have you checked the surveillance?”

Hans Dragun replied, “We thought about checking the surveillance, but it was rejected by the hotel.”

“In order to get a full handle on the clues to Mr. Lawrie’s disappearance, in a few moments my colleagues will be taking statements with the campaign team. I hope you can cooperate.”

Hans Dragun said, “No problem, however, we would like to keep it as confidential as possible during the investigation. I don’t want you guys to come to the investigation one foot and have this thing on the news the next.”

Those words reminded Luke that Nami Inoue had said that their TV station had an informant at this hotel.

Luke’s first thought was to find out about this informant and prevent him from continuing to pass information to the TV station.

He then snuffed out that thought.

Before Henrik Laurie had disappeared, a TV station had placed an informant around him to keep an eye on him.

Now that Henrik Laurie was suspected to be missing, all the TV stations were staring at the hotel, and the number of informants arranged must be even more, and for Luke to completely remove these informants would surely waste a lot of time and manpower, and would probably affect the investigation of the case.

On another note, the reporters were not stupid, even without informants, they could still see some clues when they blocked the entrance of the hotel.

Luke said, “Mr. Lawrie has a high approval rating in Los Angeles and belongs to the public figures, the news has already reported about his suspected disappearance, and it’s almost impossible to hide it anymore.

Instead of fighting the reporters, we should focus more on the case.”

Hans Dragun opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

However, Mrs. Lawrie stopped him and said, “Captain Li, you have a point, you just need to focus on the case. The TV station side …… I’ll deal with it.”

“That’s best.” Luke admonished them for a few moments and then left the presidential suite.

Luke got the people from the first squadron and described the case, then set up the tasks.

Ramon took someone to give a statement to Henrik Lawrie’s campaign team.

Luke took Blackie and Jackson to investigate the hotel surveillance.

Luke found the manager of the Four Seasons Hotel and flashed his officer’s badge and said, “Hello, I’m Captain Luke Lee, Squadron Leader One of the Robbery Murder Division.”

“Hello Captain Lee, I’m Luers Mayer, the manager of the Four Seasons Hotel. A number of officers entered Mr. Henrik Lawrie’s room just now, is something going on?”

Luke swept his eyes around and said softly, “Henrik Lawley is missing.”

“When did this happen?”

“Last night.”

Luers Meier spread his hands, “That’s too bad.”

Luke said, “Manager Luers-Meier, considering Mr. Henrik Laurie’s special status, therefore, this matter must be kept secret.”

“I understand, there are quite a few supporters of Mr. Henrik Laurie gathered outside the hotel, it has already affected the hotel’s business, I don’t want more people to come. I’ll gather the hotel staff and tell them to keep their mouths shut.”

“Manager Luers Meier, I also want to ask you for a favor.”

“What is it?”

“We’d like to check the hotel’s surveillance.”

“Is there a search warrant?”

“Not at the moment, we can apply for one if you need one.”

Luers Meier thought for a moment, “No need, I’ll take you to the surveillance room.”

“Thanks.” Luke politely asked, following up, “Did Mrs. Lawrie offer to look at the hotel surveillance?”

“Yes, but he didn’t say anything about Mr. Henrik Lawley’s disappearance, so I declined.”

And then, Luke took Blackie and Jackson into the surveillance room and started to check last night’s surveillance video.

Half an hour later, Jackson made a discovery.

At 12:20 a.m., the door of the presidential suite opened and a man wearing a baseball cap walked out of the room, the man lowered his head so that he couldn’t see his face, and then he went along the corridor and entered the elevator.

The man in the baseball cap rode the elevator to the first floor lobby, and then left the hotel.

After leaving the hotel, the man in the baseball cap waited on the side of the road for a while, about a few minutes later, a white SUV car drove over, the man in the baseball cap sat in the white SUV car left.

Xiao Hei operated on the computer, zoomed in on the SUV surveillance screenshot, and found that it was a white BMW X6, license plate number 2-KMB-323.

Xiao Hei hemmed and hawed, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, “This is it.”

Same time.

Detective Bureau, Robbery and Murder Division Interrogation Room.

A white man was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, his eyes looked around and landed on the glass to his right.

He nuzzled and made a face, looking unconcerned.

“With a creak ……, the door to the interrogation room opened.

The lieutenant and Porter walked into the interrogation room.

The white man spread his hands, “Hey man, you guys are finally here, when can you let me go?”

The Vice Squad sat behind the interrogation table and smiled, “Which prison do you want to go to, tell me. I have some acquaintances in the Justice Department that might be able to help you.”

“Officer, I just threw a tomato, not a grenade, there’s no need to be so serious.”

“Kid, don’t get all playful with me, this is a serious occasion.” The lieutenant grunted and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Tommy Walsh.”

“Why did you attack Mr. Henrik Lawrie in the square yesterday morning?”

Tommy Walsh thought for a moment and replied, “He is a liar.”

“What did he cheat you of?”

“I used to work in a food processing plant, and he used to visit our factory, and he encouraged our factory to increase its production, and he said that he would help us to contact foreign customers, so that we could sell our products to Europe and Asia.”

What he said was very sincere and I took it seriously.

But it turned out that …… six months later, our factory went bankrupt because our products were stagnant. I also lost my job.”

“Is that why you hit him with tomatoes and disrupted the speech?”

“Yes. Isn’t that reason enough?”

He’s caused my factory to go out of business before.

If he becomes governor of California, he’s sure to hurt even more people. That’s why I have to stop him.”

The lieutenant pressed his arms down on the table and leaned forward, “As it turned out, your actions didn’t serve to disrupt the speech, and your partner activated the second plan. Kidnap Henrik Laurie.”

Tommy Walsh froze for a moment and muttered, “Kidnap …… Henrik Lawley?”

The lieutenant smoothly and helplessly said, “Where’s Henrik Lawley?”

“Wait.” Tommy Walsh interrupted the lieutenant, “I just threw tomatoes under the lectern, I didn’t even think about kidnapping Henrik Lawley. Besides, with all the bodyguards around him, how could I possibly kidnap him?”

“But the fact is, Henrik Lawley did get kidnapped, and it was probably your accomplice who did it.” The lieutenant stood up and walked over to the interrogation chair, “As long as you give me the name of your accomplice, I can consider giving you a favorable plea deal.”

“There must be some kind of misunderstanding here, I have no accomplices at all and I had no intention of kidnapping Henrik Lawrie. Are you guys swindling me?”

Without saying a word, the lieutenant turned on the ceiling television and played a news segment broadcasting the disappearance of Henrik Lawley.

Upon seeing the news, Tommy Walsh’s face changed and his body trembled slightly as he muttered, “How could this happen? What the hell happened?”

The lieutenant asked, “Tell me, what is your connection to the kidnapping of Henrik Lawrie?

Even if you weren’t directly involved, you should know some clues. If you tell me, I can turn you into a tainted witness.”

“I repeat, I have no accomplices, much less any involvement in the plan to kidnap Henrik Laurie. I watched the news and just found out that Henrik Laurie had been kidnapped.”

The lieutenant, however, didn’t listen to him and said to himself, “The factory where you worked closed down because of Henrik Laurie, and you must be harboring a grudge.

And there must be more than one person who had similar experiences with you, so you should be a group of people.

Now that Henrik Laurie is running for governor, it’s only natural for you people to get together and try to get back at your original ‘enemy’ You were in charge of disrupting the speech, only to be stopped by the police.

So, you guys activated the backup plan to kidnap Henrik Lawrie.”

“No no no, it’s not what you said at all.

The factory I was at was so low-paying and disorganized that I was planning to quit, if not go bankrupt.

I don’t hate Henrik Lawley at all.”

The lieutenant raised one eyebrow, “That’s even more of a problem, if you don’t hate him, why did you sabotage his speech?”

Tommy Walsh, his forehead covered in fine beads of sweat, lowered his head and didn’t answer.

Porter, who had stepped aside, said, “Or maybe it was for the money.”

I’ve heard that Henrik Lawley’s family is rich, and that may be why he and his accomplices kidnapped Henrik Lawley. How much do you intend to extort?”

“No, as I said, I didn’t kidnap Henrik Laurie.”

“Then give me a reason why you went to the square to disrupt the speech?”

“Because …… someone hired me to go.”

“What man?”

“Hans Dragoon.”

The lieutenant thought for a moment, “Henrik Laurie’s campaign manager?”

“Yes, and I was surprised when he found me.”

“Why did he do that?”

Tommy Walsh shrugged, “I don’t know, I didn’t know him before.”

He offered me five thousand dollars to go to the Plaza and disrupt the speech.

I didn’t want to agree …… but I happened to be short of money on hand, and it was another way to get money fast. So I agreed.”

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