Chapter 672

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:21:53
A+ A- Turn Off Light

9:50 PM. Near the Yasran Bridge.

The river under the bridge had dried up, and on the west side of the river was tied up an old gray tent with its curtains pulled halfway open, and there seemed to be two people in the tent talking in low voices.

Blackie glanced out toward the tent and asked Jackson, who had stepped aside, “Do you think anyone will come?”

“Thirty thousand dollars for a lead on Henrik Laurie is a good deal for them, surely they will come.” Jackson sounded certain.

Blackie said, “I just can’t figure out why those two at the hotel didn’t cooperate with the police. If they told the police what they knew, things would have gotten a lot easier.”

Jackson shrugged, “I don’t know either. But the world is supposed to be complicated. And this case involves just the most complicated handful of people.”

Black nodded, “That’s right, some people who think they’re smart like to complicate simple things.”

Jackson teased, “Why does it feel like what you’re saying is suddenly philosophical?”

“I’ve always spoken philosophically, you just didn’t listen carefully before, haha.”

“Oooh ……”

A car drove onto the Aslan Bridge, and Black and Jackson immediately perked up, their eyes looking in the direction of the bridge.

At this time a red sedan, which did not stop, quickly drove across the bridge.

Xiao Hei complained, ”It’s already ten o’clock, is that guy still coming or not? I don’t want to continue staying here to feed the mosquitoes.”

Jackson sighed, “Don’t mention the damn mosquitoes, I feel itchy all over now.”

“Oooh ……”

A black sedan drove onto the Yasran Bridge, the car wasn’t going very fast and when it reached the middle of the bridge the car stopped, the door opened and a man stepped out of the car and threw the package he was carrying off the bridge.

The man didn’t stay too long and drove off the bridge in the black sedan.

Jackson ran out of the tent and ran in the direction of the package.

Blackie hurriedly took out his walkie-talkie, “This is 1, a black sedan just drove over the Yasran Bridge, suspected suspect vehicle.”

Luke’s voice came over the intercom, “Got the money?”

“The people in the black sedan threw packages under the bridge, 2 went to check.”

“I’ll put someone on that car. If the money in the package is okay, follow the plan.”

“Understood.” Blackie finished and also walked in the direction of the package.

Jackson finished checking the package, stood up and made an OK gesture, “No problem, there’s thirty thousand dollars in the package.”

Blackie smiled, “It’s not like I was bitten by a mosquito for nothing.”

And then, the two of them left the river and got into a car parked on the side of the road, Blackie took out his cell phone and made a call, “Mrs. Lawrie, I’m an enthusiastic citizen.”

I’m glad you kept your word.

I received the money, and I’ll keep my word.

I saw a black Buick SUV with the license plate number 2-HEB-298. hope you can find your husband soon.”

Xiao Hei finished and hung up his cell phone, “Man, call it a day.”

Half an hour later.

A black sedan was parked on the side of the road with two men sitting in it, the man in the driver’s side lit a cigarette and smoked it to himself.

The man in the passenger compartment had his laptop computer in front of him and was tapping the keyboard.

After a while, the cell phone of the man in the passenger compartment rang, “Ringing ……”

“Hey, it’s Logan. Yes, I checked the license plate number you sent over, and it’s a condom.”

A woman’s voice rang out across the phone, “What do you mean? We got ripped off by him?”

“Can’t say. That car was a white Toyota sedan, not a black SUV. the other guy could have made up the license plate, or the robber could have used a set plate.”

“I know. I wasn’t expecting much originally.”

Logan asked, “Did the hijackers provide an address to deliver the ransom?”

“Not yet, keep waiting for news.”


An hour later, Logan’s cell phone rang again, “Ringing ……”

“This is Logan.”

“The robbers have sent an address requesting a ransom of two million dollars to be placed by the trash cans on the east side of Kaijin Plaza at 1:00 am. They’ll release Henrik as soon as they get the ransom.”

“By the trash cans on the east side of Kagin Plaza?”

“Yes, are you ready?”

“Sure.” Logan finished and hung up his cell phone.

The driver asked, “Where are we going?”

“Kaijin Plaza.”

The two Logan drove to Kaijin Plaza, it was not yet the appointed time, the car circled around the plaza and found no suspicious people.

Near one in the morning, the two Logan parked the car on the east side of Kaijin Plaza, Logan got out of the car, opened the trunk, and took out two black travel bags from it.

The two travel bags looked heavy and were placed by Logan next to the trash can on the east side of the plaza.

Logan looked around again and still didn’t see anyone, then he turned around and got into the car.

The black sedan left the Kaijin Plaza.

Logan sat in the passenger compartment, opened the laptop computer: “crackling” a burst of operation.

The driver asked, “Has anyone taken the money?”

“The target hasn’t moved, find a hidden place to park.” As Logan spoke, his eyes remained fixed on the computer.

After about ten minutes, Logan snapped, “The target has moved, toward the southeast of Kaijin Plaza. Follow it, if it’s too far away, we’ll lose the target.”

“Don’t worry, I’m a famous god driver, haha.”

The black sedan took off quickly and turned east at the intersection ahead.

Logan’s eyes were fixed on the computer screen, directing the car forward, “Turn right up ahead. The speed can be slower, it’s easy to be spotted if you’re too close.”

Twenty minutes later, the car drove into a neighborhood.

Logan suddenly said, “The target has stopped moving, lower the speed of the car.”

The driver turned off the lights and lowered the speed of the car, his eyes looked ahead, it was now almost two in the morning, most of the households in the neighborhood had their lights darkened, only one house had a light, “I see it, it should be that one.” The driver pointed a finger and slowly pulled over.

Logan said, “That’s right, that’s where the target is located. Get ready to move, better end the fight before they find the tracker.”

As the driver put on his body armor, he asked, “How many of them do you think there are?”

“Shouldn’t be more than four, let’s charge in from the back and make it quick.”


Soon, the two men were fully equipped with body armor, silenced pistols, smoke grenades, grenades, and shotguns.

Logan cautioned, “Don’t use that big guy if the silenced pistol can take care of the fight. I wouldn’t want to bring the LAPD in.”

The driver laughed, “Even if they come, I can get rid of them.”

“Now is not the time for you to show off your car skills.”

“Just kidding.”

After discussing their tactics, the two men catapulted into the compound of a white bungalow with closed windows and drawn curtains, with a vague light filtering through.

The two walked to the back door, which was a wooden door, Logan took out a lock picking tool and quickly opened the door.

And then Logan made a gesture, the two entered the house one after the other.

The two people entered the back door of the house, there was a light in the living room, and a voice talking was faintly heard, “Haha, this time we’re rich!”

I never dreamed of having so much money! I’m going to sleep with this money in my arms today.”

Logan quietly walked to the living room and saw two men taking the money out of their travel bags.

“Pfft.” He fired decisively, and the man with his back to him was shot straight through the head.

The other white man with long hair was also hit in the chest and let out a cry of pain, “Ah!”

Logan walked over and kicked the other man in the shoulder, pointing his gun at him, “How many accomplices do you have?”


“Where’s Henrik Lawrie?”

Logan froze, “He’s in the bedroom.”

“Pfft!” Logan put another bullet in his chest.

And then the two men began to search the room, they opened the west bedroom and found Henrik Lawley handcuffed to the foot of the bed.

Logan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, “Good evening, Mr. Governor.”

Just as Logan was about to step forward, there was a sudden voice, “LAPD!”

“Everyone in the house drop your weapons and don’t move!”

“Fuck!” cursed Logan, feeling for the rifle at his waist, then letting go.

“LAPD! Everyone listen, drop your weapons!”

Another chortle.

Logan and his companion looked at each other, both somewhat helplessly and wisely dropping their pistols and slowly raising their hands.

Logan shouted, “Don’t shoot, we’re on our own.”

Several armed officers rushed in, disarming and frisking both Logan men.

Luke stepped around the two of them and walked right up to the handcuffed man, “You’re Henrik Lawrie?”

“That’s me.”

“You police?”

“Robbery-Murder Division, Luke Lee.”

Henrik Lawley showed a look of gratitude, “Officer Lee, thank you for saving me.”

Luke uncuffed the other party and asked, “Mr. Henrik Lawrie, how many robbers are there?”


Luke nodded and said to Jackson, who was at the side, “You take Mr. Lawley out first.”

“Okay, Captain.”

After Henrik Lawley left, Luke walked over to the two Logans and asked, “Who are you guys?”

“One of our own.” Logan displayed the cuffs on his wrists, “Can you undo them?”

“I haven’t heard of any other departments taking part in the operation.”

Logan said, “We’re Homeland Security.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, “Got any ID?”

“Didn’t bring any.”

“Why don’t you bring it?”

“Operational emergency.”

“That’s no excuse, I’m going to have to ask you to go back to the station and clear this up.”

Logan protested, “Hey, you can’t do that, it’s obvious we were there first, we’re the ones who rescued Mr. Henrik Laurie. Not only did you guys come to take credit, but you want to arrest us?”

These two men didn’t even bring their IDs, there was no way to prove their identity, Luke didn’t bother to argue with him and waved his hand, “Take it back.”

Luke circled around the house, ready to go outside to talk to Henrik Laurie, as he walked to the door, his eyes fell on the door lock, inexplicably there was a sense of familiarity.

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