Chapter 674

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:21:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

This case involved a serious political incident that Luke definitely couldn’t handle, and after leaving the interrogation room, he went to the deputy director’s office at the first opportunity.

Meanwhile, inside the office of the Robbery and Murder Division’s First Squadron, the people were also discussing the case.

“A double?” Black frowned and pursued, “That means we saved the wrong person, where is the real Henrik Laurie?”

Jackson explained, “No, we didn’t save the wrong person, the real Henrik Laurie didn’t come to LA at all, during this time he was in New York for an operation. the one who gave the speech at the Plaza on December 10th was the double, Farrek Burr, that’s why he made up his own story in this kidnapping case, wanting to make a profit from Henrik Laurie’s team.”

The lieutenant laughed, “A lot of politicians have stunt doubles, nothing surprising.”

Jenny said, “When I questioned Mrs. Lawley earlier, I thought something was wrong when the couple lived in different bedrooms. Now it all makes sense.”

Blackie said, “That’s why he’s looking for call girls.”

The lieutenant shook his head, “I think the reason why he would look for a call girl is not only because of physical reasons, but more importantly, to find a plausible reason for being kidnapped.

Finding the call girl, and then having the call girl drive him to the bar is all part of him making up his own kidnapping case. It would make the whole kidnapping seem more plausible.”

The lieutenant thought for a moment and then asked, “What was the relationship between Farrek Burr and the deceased Will Stout?”

Jackson said, “They were friends, and Farrek Burr was recognized by the other man.”

The lieutenant smiled, took a comb and gathered his thinning white hair and laughed, “I see, Will Stott did extort money from Mrs. Lawley, but it had nothing to do with the kidnapping of Henrik Lawley.

It should be the real identity of Farrek Burr as a condition of blackmail, if the money is not paid, the news that Farrek Burr is a double will be announced. And that’s how the killing was incurred.”

Blackie said, “In other words, those two Secret Service men didn’t just come to rescue Farek Burr, they also came to do the dirty work.”

The Vice Squad grunted, “Isn’t the point of the Secret Service’s establishment to do dirty work? I’m not surprised at all.”

“LOL ……”

Luke pushed his way into the office and looked at the crowd and asked, “Guys, have you figured out where we’re going to celebrate tonight?”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “Isn’t it a little early to be celebrating.”

What are you going to do about this case, which involves the California campaign and will become a major political event once the double comes to light?

And those two Secret Service guys, they weren’t just on a mission, they silenced Will Stout to hide the double.”

Luke said, “The people who were kidnapped, we’ve rescued them, the case has been cleared up, and those who should be arrested have been caught.”

“We have accomplished our mission and fulfilled our responsibilities. I have already reported the situation to Reed. As for how to wrap up …… that’s a matter for the top brass of the police department. All we have to do is to keep it a secret for now. Can we do that?”

“Of course.” Everyone nodded their heads, all clear on the importance of this matter.


Palisades neighborhood, Luke’s house.

Luke was sitting on a recliner in the yard, a glass of red wine in his hand, taking a sip from time to time.

Flowers and trees were planted in the yard, and as the breeze blew, one could vaguely smell the scent of grass and trees.

“Oooh ……” just at this moment, a red sedan drove outside the courtyard, the doorbell at the entrance of the courtyard rang.

Luke walked to the yard door and saw a familiar silhouette, Ortidian.

Luke opened the far door and smiled, “Good evening, Ms. Detective.”

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“Did you run into anything on the way?” This afternoon, Orty had asked to meet Luke, and she was ten minutes later than the appointed time.

“It’s about the commission, I got an accurate answer before I came over to see you.”

“Don’t stand in the doorway, let’s have a drink and talk.”

The two walked out into the courtyard and Luke invited Orty to sit down and poured her a glass of red wine.

Orty clinked glasses with Luke, took a sip of the wine and praised, “Good wine. You really know how to enjoy yourself, lying in a beautifully landscaped yard drinking high-grade red wine, it’s really enviable.”

“That’s because you haven’t seen me suffer, a while ago, I was almost taken out by someone in Las Vegas.” Luke meant it.

Orty put down his glass, “That’s what I’m here for.”

The Las Vegas hotel commission was an oversight on our part, and I apologize on behalf of the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

In addition, to show our sincerity, the two hundred thousand dollars commission fee for that mission will be given to you in full, and the detective agency will no longer charge thirty percent agency fee.”

Luke nodded and didn’t say anything else, the commissioner of that mission was originally coming at him, and the Pinkerton Detective Agency was just being utilized.

Moreover, Luke was able to recognize the other party’s trickery, and Olty contributed from it.

Olty leaned forward and looked at Luke, “I came over today with another commissioned task.”

“I’ve been a bit tired lately and I want to take a break.”

“The commission for this mission is generous, are you sure you don’t want to hear about it?”

“How generous?”

“A million dollars.”

Luke smiled, “It is indeed very exciting, however, the more generous the commission means the more dangerous the mission, doesn’t it?”

Olty swept his gaze around and said, “For others it might be, but for you it was easy.”

“OK, you’ve managed to pique my interest, tell me about it.”

“Are you investigating the kidnapping of Henrik Laurie?”


“This commission is related to that case.”

Luke looked at Orty and used a direct detection card and found no surveillance or listening devices on her before saying, “Orty, as we’ve talked about before, it’s best if the commission doesn’t involve my work.”

“I know, but this commissioned mission is simple, it just requires that you and your men not reveal the case to the public.”

“You mean about Henrik Laurie’s use of a double?”


“Who is the client?”

“A supporter of Henrik Laurie.”

Luke thought for a moment, “This matter is complicated and involves a lot of people. How the case will ultimately be handled still needs to be decided by the police department’s senior management.”

“The client said that you don’t need to worry about the police department’s top management, you just need to take care of your own men.”

Luke stroked his chin, “There are quite a few people involved in investigating this case, isn’t a million dollars commission fee too little?”

“How much do you think is appropriate?”

“At least three million dollars.”

“I’ll talk to the client.”

“Better hurry then, one more minute is one more minute of leakage.”

Orty got up and said, “You’re right, I’ll contact the client now, and at the latest, I’ll give you news in the morning.”

Luke dropped her off at the entrance to the compound and watched the car leave.

Luke had also given careful consideration to this case, which was likely to involve a serious political incident that was beyond his control.

Henrik Laurie’s team would definitely negotiate with the police department’s top brass, or even make some private deals, and from what Orty had just said, the two sides might have already made a deal.

The next step was to gag the frontline police officers.

The only people who really knew about the Henrik Lawrie double incident were the members of the First Squadron, which was also the reason why Orty would be looking for him.

All Luke could do now was try to get some benefits for himself and his men, and frankly ask for more hush money.

The next night.

Luke was having a party at his house, and the only people attending the party were the men of the 1st Squadron.

A long table was set with fruit, vegetable salad, pizza, apple pie, and French fries, and on the grill next to it were moistly oiled grilled meats and seafood.


The crowd clinked glasses.

Blackie took a sip of his beer and looked out over the tranquil compound with an envious look on his face, “Luke, your house is so perfect for a party.”

Luke smiled, “Glad you like it.”

“Here’s the roast.” Ramon brought the roast over.

Luke picked up a skewer of beef and took a bite, praising it, “The meat is tender and flavorful.”

The lieutenant peeled a grilled shrimp and asked, “Luke, what did you talk about today when you spent so much time in Reed’s office?”

Luke took a sip of his beer and said, “That’s exactly what I was going to say, considering the complexity of the Farrek Burr case, the police department has decided to turn the case over to the Secret Service for follow-up.”

Black frowned, “On what grounds? This case was clearly solved by us, why should we give them the credit.”

The vice squad grunted, “Credits can sometimes turn into hot potatoes, I’ve long thought of this possibility.”

The question now was what we were going to get out of it.

Like Marcus said, we solved this case, we can’t go without a little representation.”

Luke said, “As you all know, I opened a detective agency some time ago.”

Occasionally, I have some commissioned tasks, and I’m a bit busy on my own.

Therefore, I would like to hire you all to come to my detective agency as part-time workers, without delaying normal work.

How about ten thousand dollars per month per person, and a one year contract to start with?”

Luke offered the Pinkerton Detective Agency a three million dollar employment fee, and the client agreed.

But this three million dollars was not Luke’s alone, first of all, Pinkerton Detective Agency had to deduct thirty percent of the agency fee, and Luke only had 2.1 million dollars in his hand, and this money was in addition to his own, and there was also the hush money for the members of the first squadron.

Luke couldn’t possibly eat alone.

The Vice Squadron smiled, “A part-time job at $120,000 a year sounds pretty good, I can’t think of a reason to turn it down.”

Black grinned wide, showing his white teeth, “I can put the purchase of a new house on the agenda.”

Potter raised his glass in a gesture, “Thanks Captain, I’ve been wanting a new car for a long time.”

Jackson was a little embarrassed, “Would it be a problem for us to do that?”

The lieutenant grunted, “The higher ups in the department have decided to turn the case over to the Secret Service, what could go wrong? All you have to do is keep your mouth shut and keep this case a secret.”

Luke chimed in, “Don’t worry, everything is compliant. Pinkerton Detective Agency doesn’t get their agency fees for nothing, the money will turn out clean in Luke’s hands and there won’t be any hidden problems.”

Matthew rubbed his hands together, “I want a top of the line computer!”

Jenny raised her glass, “Looks like we’re celebrating tonight.”


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