Chapter 676

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

January 2nd.

Eleven o’clock at night.

Kazka Street, Lawson’s Convenience Store.

A patrol car pulls up to the curb, the passenger door opens, and John, dressed in a police uniform, steps out of the car.

He ran a few steps in place and did a few deep squats; people get uncomfortable sitting for long periods of time in middle age.

A police officer also came down from the cab, a young Mexican-American police officer, and also walked over to John, moving his body in a similar fashion.

John looked at the Chicano officer and then at the police car and asked, “Rookie, aren’t you forgetting something?”

When the word rookie was uttered, John had mixed feelings, some resistance, and some excitement.

The reason for the resistance is that other people used to call themselves rookies, but now they are qualified to call others rookies, that’s right, he changed a rookie partner and became the training officer of the other side, this kind of feeling …… is really fucking cool.

“Sir, what is the matter you are referring to?”

“You didn’t lock the car.”

“But the two of us were right next to the police car ……”

John said, “According to the rules of the police department, after two officers get out of the car at the same time, the driver has to lock the police car in time to prevent accidents.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” The Mexican-born police officer casually locked the car door.

Seeing the other party’s face full of disbelief, John said, “Juan, I’m not intentionally picking faults, but this is important.”

“Previously, a police officer I know forgot to lock his car door while on duty, and the suspect then took the opportunity to drive away from the police car, hitting and injuring a passerby.

The police department paid a hefty settlement for that, and that officer was suspended. The bottom line is that this kind of low-level mistake is humiliating, understand?”

“Yes, I understand.” Juan’s attitude took a few moments of seriousness.

“Good.” Johnson smiled and asked, “Would you like some coffee?”

Juan shook his head, “No, thanks.”

“But …… I’d like some.”

Juan then responded, “Oh yeah, I’ll get it, do I need to add sugar”

“Just add it normally.” John looked at his teammate’s figure and grimaced, “What a …… not very resourceful kid.”

After a while, Juan walked out with two cups of coffee and handed one to John, “Sir, yours.”

“Thanks.” John sat down on the plastic seat in front of the store and took a sip of his coffee, “You know what? When I first came to the police department, I used to help the training officer stand in line for food so I could learn more and get a higher rating. It’s kinda funny now that I think about it.”

Juan asked, “Did it work?”

John shrugged, “At least it didn’t hurt.”

“Sir, how old were you when you started as a cop?”

John put down his coffee cup and asked rhetorically, “Are you trying to say I’m old?”

“No, I’m just curious …… why you suddenly want to be a cop?”

“You’re not the only one who’s curious, a lot of people would be, I used to be a building contractor, it wasn’t very big and business wasn’t very good.

Once, I went to a bank to do business and happened to come across a group of thugs robbing the bank. One of the thugs pushed down a pregnant woman, I stood out to protect the pregnant woman, and the thug pointed a gun at my head …… That was the closest I’ve ever been to death …… Later on, I had the idea of becoming a police officer.”

Juan nodded, “Sir, I can see that you are a very righteous person.”

“Rookie, you still have a lot to learn. Work hard, I also came from this step ……,” John said in the tone of a man who had been there.

Juan yawned and asked, “Sir, can you tell me some tips for staying up late? Forget about drinking coffee, it doesn’t really work for me.”

John laughed, “That’s because you drink too much.”

Actually, I wasn’t used to working night shifts at first, and it’s hard to feel like the days and nights are reversed.

The more this time, the more you have to relax your mind, in fact, the night in Los Angeles is also very beautiful, without the hustle and bustle of the daytime, it’s like a sleeping beauty ……”

Speaking of which, a black Honda sedan drove violently past the front.

John got up from his chair, “This street is the speed limit and that car was obviously speeding. Time to get to work, rookie.”

“Yes, Sir,” Juan dropped his coffee, hit the car’s unlock button, and jogged over to the driver’s side.

“No, you go to the passenger side, I’ll drive.” John got in the driver’s seat, started the car, and sprinted off with a kick of the gas.

Flashing his lights and siren, he signaled the car in front of him to stop.

The black Honda sedan didn’t stop, instead it drove faster.

“I bet there’s definitely something wrong with that car in front of us.” John sounded certain.

Juan picked up his walkie-talkie and called the main desk for backup.

Suddenly, the Honda in front of them swerved violently to the right and drove into the alley on the right, which was so narrow that it could only accommodate one car to pass through.

The Honda drove a short distance into the alley, and then stopped straight away as a figure pushed open the driver’s door and ran into the shadows of the alley.

John ran out of the car and raised his pistol and pointed it at the fleeing figure, “LAPD, freeze!”

However, the figure didn’t stop and turned around and turned into the alley on the right.

Worried that there were still accomplices in the car, John held the flashlight in his left hand and the gun in his right hand, and checked the black Honda in front of him first; there was no one else in the car.

Juan said a little nervously from the sidelines, “The driver ran away, do we still have to chase after him?”

John glanced at the dark alley and shook his head, “Call for backup, it’s hard to find each other with just the two of us.”

“Okay.” Juan returned to the police car, calling for backup and reporting his location.

John, on the other hand, opened the car door and searched the inside of the black Honda, the driver didn’t hesitate to abandon the car and run away, indicating that the other party was definitely in trouble.

John inhaled his nose, vaguely smelled a smell of blood, he used his flashlight to shine into the back of the car, and did not see blood, nor did he see any prohibited items.

He flipped the car’s trunk switch, walked to the back of the car, and lifted the trunk lid, a strong smell of blood rushed into his nostrils, a white man was lying in the trunk …………1 the morning of January 3rd. Robbery and Murder Division Office.

The crowd had just returned from vacation, and there were still a few moments of this festive feeling of joy and excitement.

Blackie asked, “Guys, how was your Christmas?”

The lieutenant said, “I went to the town of Witos, that town is beautiful and very Christmassy, it was a memorable vacation.”

Jenny said, “I’ve heard of that town, I’ve heard that many couples go there for vacation, it’s very romantic.”

Blackie laughed, “Ooooh, Lieutenant, which ex-wife did you go with? I didn’t realize you still had a romantic heart.”

“No which ex-wife, it was a lady I just met last year, she’s very elegant and caring, we share a lot of common interests.”

Black froze for a moment, “You have a new girlfriend?”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “What’s the problem?”

Blackie bristled, “In the past, you guys always said I was a womanizer, now you know who the real womanizer is.”

The vice squad said, “I’m different from you, you were irresponsibly messy back then. But I’m different, I’m serious about every lady, I’ll take responsibility and marry them too.”

Black was unimpressed, “That’s why you still have to work now.”

The lieutenant grunted, “I’m happy to.”

Jackson was a little curious, “Lieutenant, will you ever get married again?”

The lieutenant asked back, “Why not?”

Ramon, who had always been a man of few words, couldn’t help but say, “You’re a true warrior!”

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with complicated gazes, the vice squad was also a bit embarrassed and said, “Luke, why haven’t you come today?” Without waiting for others to answer, he continued, “If I’m not wrong, the odds are that he’s late again.”

Outside the deputy director’s office.

“Knock, knock ……” Luke knocked on the office door.

“Come in.”

Luke pushed the door and walked in, seeing not only a serious looking Reed, but also a sad looking David.

Luke raised an eyebrow, “David, why are you here too?”

David looked at Reed with a sullen face and didn’t answer.

“I know.” As if guessing something, Luke said, “Chief, is David in trouble? If he wants to go back to the Robbery and Murder Division, he’s always welcome in our First Squadron.”

“It’s not David.” Still looking serious, Reed pointed to the chair next to him, “Sit down and talk.”

Luke, sensing something serious was going on, asked, “What happened?”

Reed sighed, “Jones is dead.”

Luke froze for a moment before responding, “Captain Jones?”

Reed said, “Yes, it’s been identified, Jones was killed last night.”

The office was silent for a moment before Luke asked, “How did Captain Jones die?”

“Last night, the patrol stopped a speeding car, the driver abandoned the car and fled, and the patrol found Jones’ body in the trunk. Jones was identified this morning.”

Luke looked at David and then at Reed, “You want Squadron One to investigate this case?”

Reed nodded, his tone firm, “Jones’ killer must be caught, and the entire detective bureau, no, the entire LAPD will cooperate with your operation.”

“I understand, Jones was not only my colleague, but also my friend. We will definitely catch the murderer.” Luke balked, he was duty bound in this situation.

David said, “We, the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division, will also be involved in the investigation.”

Reed didn’t answer immediately and looked at Luke, “What do you think?”

“Yes, but we can’t mess around, all actions are under my command.”

Jones was the captain of the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division, Luke might investigate privately even if he didn’t agree to their participation in the investigation. It was better to agree to the investigation rather than let them fool around.

“No problem.” David believed in Luke’s ability to investigate cases and was not repulsed.

Reed was also worried about the people from the Gangster and Narcotics Control Division messing around, but now that he had Luke watching over him, he was instead relieved and said, “Jones is our colleague and our partner.”

Whoever killed him was provoking the entire LAPD.

Jones’ death had to be accounted for. No matter what the cost, the murderer must be brought to justice.”

“Yes, Sir!”

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