Chapter 680

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

January 5th morning.

It had just rained lightly, and the air after the rain was filled with an earthy fragrance, and a round of rainbows could be seen faintly in the distant sky.

Luke and David drove to an isolated street, parked the car, the two stood beside the car to smoke and chat.

Blackie and Jackson were sitting in the car behind them, but neither of them got out.

Luke had just finished one of his cigarettes when he saw an old Buick drive in around the corner of the street.

The Buick slowed down and stopped not far from Luke and David.

Two black men stepped out of the car, opened the trunk, and threw two hooded men with their hands bound out of the car.

Without stopping, the two black men drove off again.

Luke walked over to the two hooded men and yanked off the hoods of the two men, a black man and an exploding black woman, both of whom had blood stains hanging from their faces, their cheeks and eyes were red and swollen, and their bodies were covered in a number of bruises.

David took the photo and compared the two men’s appearance and nodded, “Yes, it’s you two assholes.”

The exploding head female black man asked in some panic, “Who are you guys?”


Hearing Luke’s words, the black woman seemed relieved, “Sir, we were kidnapped by a group of people, thank you for arriving in time to rescue us.”

David laughed, “You thanked too soon.”

The exploding head female black man looked confused, “Sir, what does this mean?”

The black man next to her shouted, “Idiot, don’t you see? They’re in cahoots.”

Luke said to Jackson and Blackie on the side, “Take this woman away first, we need to talk to this gentleman.”


Jackson and Blackie escorted the black woman to the car in the back.

Luke took out Jones’ watch and asked, “Have you seen this watch?”

The black man shook his head, “No.”

“Wrong answer. We didn’t bring you here to hear you lie.” David raised his foot and kicked him hard in the stomach.

“Ah!” The black man screamed in pain and curled up like a big shrimp.

The black man was in cold sweat from the pain and moved his body backward, praying, “Don’t fight, what do you want to know, I’ll tell you.”

Luke continued, “What’s your name?”

“Solvay Malik.”

“Have you seen this watch?”

“Yes, I have seen it. We sold the watch two days ago to a pawnbroker.”

“Where did you get this watch?”

Solvay Malik thought for a moment, “A friend gave it to us.”

“Liar.” David raised his foot and kicked Solvay Malik in the stomach again, the latter rolled on the ground in pain, a wailing sound came out of his mouth, and begged for mercy, “Don’t hit, it’s my memory that’s wrong, I remembered it wrong.”

Luke said, “Stop lying, you’re not alone, even if you don’t say it, your accomplices will say it, understand?”

“Understood, the watch was robbed, it was robbed.”

“Robbed?” David frowned, “Where did you rob it from?”

“Early in the morning the other day, there was a white man running near Calvary Street, we saw him wearing a Rolex and robbed him.”

“How many of you were there?”

“Just the two of us.”

David pulled out a picture of Jones, “Is that him?”

Solvay Malik looked at it and nodded, “Yes, it’s him.”

“Liar, how could you two losers possibly rob him?” As if he had heard a joke, David shook his head, “Impossible, you must still be lying.”

“I’m telling the truth.”

We were armed with pistols, and although he looked a little mean, he was unarmed. We didn’t hurt him either, we just grabbed his watch.”

Luke said, “Tell us exactly when?”

Solvay Malik thought for a moment and replied, “It would have been the morning of December 28th, yes, that would have been the date.”

“Have you seen anyone else in the photo since then?”


“Where were you between nine and eleven o’clock on the night of January 2?”

Solvay Malik thought for a moment, “Drinking at the Savant Bar, both of us were there, and there were quite a few others who could testify with us.”

Luke tugged David aside, “What do you think about this?”

David was a bit annoyed, “It’s simply ridiculous, Jones has been through a lot of battles, what scenes have he not seen before, how could he be robbed by two losers.”

Luke analyzed objectively, “I know Jones is good, but Jones was running, unarmed and unsuspecting. Anyone facing an armed robber in this situation …… handing over their belongings is the best option.”

“But why didn’t he call the police ……” David said, and stopped talking, even he felt ashamed, Jones so proud of people and how could he let people know that he was robbed by two small Karami.

Luke said, “Jones probably felt ashamed too, so instead of going through the police, he went through the gang’s informants to find out where the watch was, and as soon as he found it, he could find the people who robbed him.”

I think he wanted to take revenge himself.

But Jones didn’t realize that it was his “son-in-law” who got the news first, and he was already ashamed and didn’t want anyone to know about his robbery.

At the same time, he wasn’t happy with the would-be son-in-law, which is why he became so enraged and kicked the other man out of his house.”

“That’s right, it’s more in line with his character.” David nodded, and without further ado, kicked at Solvay Malik again.

Luke stopped him, “There’s no need for that, we’ll take care of them when we get inside.”

“You’re right, I’m going to get to the bottom of these two and make sure they spend the rest of their lives in prison.”

“Ringing ……”

Just then, Luke’s cell phone suddenly rang.

“Hello, this is Luke.”

“Captain, we found the first scene where Captain Jones was killed.” Ramon’s voice came out from the cell phone.

“Send me the address.”


Luke hung up his cell phone and walked over to David, “Ramon found the place where Jones was killed.”

David froze and said, “I’ll go with you.”

Half an hour later.

Luke and the others drove to a run-down neighborhood in a remote place, far from the house where Jones lived.

David looked out the window, “It’s so remote that even stray dogs won’t come here, what’s Jones doing here at night?”

After traveling a little further, there were several police cars parked on the side of the road, and a cordon was drawn at the entrance of the alley in front of them.

Luke stepped out of the police car and looked around, there was a camera at the entrance to the alley that had been vandalized.

He turned into the alley and saw Ramon standing by a black Cadillac.

Ramon said, “Captain, we found Captain Jones’ car.”

Luke asked, “Any clues found in the car?”

“Not yet.”

Luke nodded and searched around the car and saw no obvious blood, though he did find bullet craters in the walls.

“Someone should have cleaned up the scene.”

David asked, “Then why didn’t they take Jones’ car?”

Luke thought about it, “For one thing, taking Jones’ car is a bit of a big target.”

For another, the suspect may have felt that the car thief would take the car away and wait for him to solve a big problem. It’s just a shame that the police were one step ahead of the car thief.”

Blackie patted the body, “That’s right, in two more days, the odds are that the car will show up at some used car dealership.”

Ramon said, “We investigated all the surrounding surveillance, and three cars appeared around during the time period of the crime.”

One was Captain Jones’ car.

Another was the car that transported the body.

The third was a black Chevrolet sedan, license plate number, 3-EWU-368. we investigated the owner’s identity.”

Ramon took out his laptop and clicked on the owner’s information.

Owner of the car, Teddy Tucker. Gender, male. Height, 179cm. weight, 152lbs. Eye color, blue. Hair color, brown. Date of birth, 3/15/1986. Prior convictions, theft, drug trafficking. Address, Mbaku neighborhood 304.

Luke asked, “Was it the owner of the car himself who was driving?”

Ramon shook his head, “The driver was wearing a hat, and with the darkness, it was too dark to see clearly to identify.”

Luke frowned slightly, “Why would Jones want to see someone with a prior record at night?”

David stared at the laptop screen, “Wait, I’ve seen this guy before …… That’s right, I remember, he’s Jones’ informant.”

Luke said, “That makes sense, Jones stayed up late at night and traveled to such a remote location to meet his informant.”

David frowned and said, “If he came to meet his informant, why was Jones killed?”

Luke said, “Why don’t we split up and we’ll investigate Jones’ informant, Teddy Tucker. You check with the local gangs and see if they’ve gotten any word on who tried to kill Jones.”

David said, “That’s right, Jones died here, the gangs that run the place must have heard the news, and they are also responsible. If they can’t provide some clues, don’t blame me.”

Luke said, “Don’t go too far.”

“I have my measure.” After David finished speaking, he greeted the people from the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division and drove away.

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