Chapter 681

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:15
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The Mbaku neighborhood.

It was a neighborhood of Mexican descent, with an average neighborhood and a small supporting compound, but every home was planted with small, bright red peppers, and it was very much a place to live.

A black Challenger was parked on the side of the road, Luke looked out through the window, and to the right was the home of informant Teddy Tucker.

The murder of a mid-level member of the police force because of an informant could cause mistrust between the police and the informant, and the repercussions could be significant if not handled properly.

Teddy Tucker’s house was a bungalow with a small yard, separated by a white wooden fence outside, Luke took out his binoculars and observed for a while, and didn’t see any figures out.

The west side of the yard parked a black Chevrolet sedan, license plate number 3-EUS-368, is the suspect vehicle that appeared at the crime scene.

The fact that the car was at home indicated that the probability was that Teddy Tucker was also at home.

And then, Luke made an arrest plan.

Blackie was in charge of leading the arrest, and Luke brought people to guard the surrounding area.

After the setup was completed, one of the officers used a door slammer and slammed right through the door of the house.

Blacky rushed into the house with his men, “LAPD!”

“No suspects found!”

“Movement at the back door!”

“BANG!” The back door opened and a figure rushed out of the house.

“Police, freeze!”

“Hands on your head! Stay down.”

A man of Mexican descent attempted to escape through the back door, but Luke had arranged for the officers to surround him.

“Don’t shoot! I’m unarmed.” The Chicano man dropped to his knees with his hands on his head.

Jackson walked over to him, handcuffed him, frisked him, and pulled a pistol from his body.

Luke sized up the other man, “What’s your name?”

“Teddy Tucker.”

“Any idea why you’re being arrested?”

“I don’t know.”

“If you don’t know, why did you run?”

“A bunch of guys with weapons burst into my house and I didn’t know if you were real cops or fake cops, so of course I ran.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Jones, “Do you recognize him?”


Luke pointed his finger at the photo, “I’m going to give you one more chance, don’t lie.”

Teddy Tucker looked around, “I …… Can we talk alone? It’s not convenient to talk in front of so many people.”

Luke waved his hand, “Take him into the house.”

The group entered the house before Teddy Tucker whispered, “I know Jones, I’m his informant.”

This is supposed to be confidential, my identity can’t be known or I’ll be in danger. So you’d better release me quickly.”

“Jones is dead.”

Teddy Tucker questioned, “When did that happen and how come I didn’t know?”

Luke stared at the other man, “You don’t seem surprised to me.”

Teddy Tucker explained, “I just find it a little unbelievable, you can’t be lying to me.”

Luke pointed outside, “Is that black Chevy sedan yours?”


“Who is using this car?”

“It’s me.”

“Has the automobile been loaned out recently?”


“Where were you between nine and eleven o’clock on the night of January 2?”

“I was at home.”

“And the car was at home?”


“Who can give you proof of that?”

“I’m the only one who lives in the house, and I was watching TV.”

Jackson poked his head out of the bedroom, “He’s lying, there were supplies for the women and children in the house, he didn’t live alone.”

Luke pointed at Teddy Tucker, “Look at me.”

I know you were there when Jones was killed, stop covering it up with those lame excuses. Tell me, who killed Jones?”

Teddy Tucker’s demeanor changed and changed, and he sighed, “OK, now that you all know, I have nothing to hide. That’s right, I killed Jones.”

“Why did you kill Jones?”

“He forced me to.”

“What did he force you to do?”

“Forced me to act as an informant for him, to get me to help him investigate gang information. I’ve been doing this kind of work for him for years and I’m tired of it. Besides, I have a wife and kids now, I want to live a peaceful life, I don’t want to be an informant anymore.” Teddy Tucker sighed and continued, “That night, I asked him to meet me, just to talk to him.”

But he wouldn’t agree and assaulted me and threatened me.

If I did not continue to act as an informant for him to send me to jail.

I was so angry …… that I shot.”

“How many shots did you fire?”

“Four shots in all.”

“Three shots hit the chest and one missed.”

“Jones didn’t shoot?”

“No. He was overconfident and thought I wouldn’t dare do anything to him.”

“What did you do with the body after you killed Jones?”

“I stole a black Honda and loaded his body into it, intending to take it to a wasteland and bury it so no one would find his body.

But I was too nervous when I drove and drove a little fast, and then I was very unlucky to meet two patrolmen checking the car …… I was worried about being caught, so I abandoned the car and escaped.”

Luke thought about it and thought there was something wrong with his statement, “Which car did you drive to meet Jones?”

“The black Chevy sedan.”

“And who drove the black Honda that carried the body?”

Teddy Tucker was silent and after a moment replied, “I drove it there ahead of time.”

“How far in advance was that, tell me exactly?”

Teddy Tucker gave a long, somewhat feeble sigh, “I can’t remember.”

“It’s not that you can’t remember, you’re lying.”

You must have had accomplices, maybe even more than one.

If we can find you, we can find them just the same.

You should know what happens when you kill a cop, and if you want to live, you’d better be honest.”

Teddy Tucker gripped his hair hard with both hands, “I killed him, I did it alone. I’ve admitted it, what more do you want?”

Luke said, “You simply didn’t have enough reason to kill Jones.”

You say you have a family and want to live a peaceful life, and then you go and kill a cop?

Do you think we’re all stupid? And where is your family?”

Luke walked over to the TV stand and picked up the picture on it of Teddy Tucker with a Mexican woman and a little girl.

“Where are they?”

“I don’t know ……,” Teddy Tucker finally broke down and cried out, “I want to know where they are more than you do?”

Please, don’t ask. I killed Jones, I’m the murderer.”

“Look at me.” Luke made the other man look up and asked, “Is it the murderer who has your family?”

A look of horror crossed Teddy Tucker’s face, “I ……”

“Tell us the truth, what happened? As long as you’re honest, we’ll make sure your family is safe.”

“Are you telling the truth?”

“Of course.” Luke sounded certain.

“They broke into my home, kidnapped my wife and daughter, and told me to ask Jones out.”


Then they killed Jones …… They had an accident while transporting the body and tried to get me to take the fall.

Also said that if I dared to cooperate with the police, they would kill my family. As soon as I confessed to the crime, they would let my family go.”

“Who are they?”

“I don’t dare to say.”

“You really believe them, even if you do confess, they won’t let your family go just the same.”

Teddy Tucker spread his hands and said helplessly, “I don’t have a choice.”

“Now you have a choice, cooperate with the police and we free your family.”

“But I’m worried ……”

“It’s useless for you to worry, it’s not that if you want to confess to the crime, the police will be led by the nose by you, we must catch all the people involved in killing Jones.

Even if we catch you, we’ll put just as much effort into tracking down the other murderers.

If you don’t cooperate with the police, your family will only be in more danger. Moreover, the longer we drag this out, the less chance of rescue there is.”

Teddy Tucker’s face changed and changed, and after pondering for a while, he said, “Scarface, I only know someone nicknamed Scarface.”

“How many of them are there?”


“What is Scarface’s real name?”

“I don’t know, all I know is that he’s high up in the Viper gang.”

“Why are they doing this?”

“I don’t know.”

“They wouldn’t let me ask any more questions, just told me to do what they told me to do.”

I never wanted to harm Jones, I’ve always respected him …… but they have my family and I have no choice …… please you must save my family, please.”

Luke stared at Teddy Tucker, who had panic, helplessness, and fear written all over his face …… Sure enough, this case still involved gangs, and Luke felt the need to talk to David.

Luke returned to the station and called David into the Robbery and Murder Division office.

Luke asked, “Is it still going well on your end?”

“I warned the gangs around the crime scene and they promised to help with the investigation into Jones’ murder.” David asked rhetorically, “What about you? Did you find the informant, Teddy Tucker?”

“We found him, at first he said he killed Jones, but the confession didn’t add up.

It was only later that he told the truth, that a man named Scarface broke into his home with three of his men, kidnapped his family and coerced him into asking Jones to meet him. Scarface and the henchmen killed Jones.”


“It’s a nickname, and Teddy Tucker doesn’t know the other guy’s real name, but he says Scarface is high up in the Viper Gang.”

“Viper Gang?” David frowned slightly.

“That’s right, do you know anything about this gang?”

“Of course, couldn’t know better, this gang was established more than ten years ago, and the initial scale has been small.

In the last few years, it has developed a lot of momentum, often provoking other gangs and expanding its territory and henchmen.”

Jones had been hammering this gang for the past few months.

And this Scarface was the backbone of the Viper gang and a close associate of the gang leader.

If it’s really Scarface who brought someone to kill Jones, it definitely has nothing to do with the Viper Gang.” David clenched his fists and revealed an angry look, “Fuck, these damn guys are declaring war on the police!”

After David finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

Luke asked, “Where are you going?”

David said in a cold voice, “Gather the men and wipe out these assholes from the Viper Gang.”

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