Chapter 682

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:17
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Hearing these words, a bad premonition arose in Luke’s heart.

The net in David’s mouth was definitely not a small fight, this was a firefight.

Just because of the suspect’s words, is it not a bit too reckless to besiege a gang.

But then again, if it wasn’t reckless, it wouldn’t be the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division.

Luke called out to the other party, “Wait, now is not the time to do that, we have to find out if it was someone from the Viper Gang that killed Jones.”

David responded as well, “You suspect there’s a problem here?”

Luke thought for a moment, “It’s hard to say, when I talked to Teddy Tucker, he was in a bad state of mind, full of panic, awe, and worry. It’s not like he was faking his concern for his family. I’d like to wait until he’s more stabilized before we interrogate him.”

David was silent for a moment, “So what are we going to do?”

“Don’t tell me you don’t have informants in the Viper gang.”

“Of course I do, but Jones was killed because of an informant and I’m not sure they’re trustworthy.”

Luke thought for a moment, “There’s no need to trust them completely, just have them help with the information and we can judge for ourselves if Jones’ death is related to the Viper gang.”

David nodded, “I’ll run it.”

Luke admonished, “Remember, don’t get into a firefight with the Viper Gang until we find out what’s going on. Suppose, I mean suppose Teddy Tucker lied. Then, the real culprit is most likely someone else, and the other party’s purpose is most likely to provoke the police into a firefight with the Viper Gang.”

Hearing this, David immediately calmed down, “I see, I won’t touch the Viper Gang for now. What about that Scarface? What are you going to do?”

“Send me the information on that Scarface. I will watch and investigate.”


After David left, Luke sighed softly and sat down in his chair to think.

If it was really the Viper Gang that killed Jones, then wouldn’t they just take out the informant, Teddy Tucker, and no one would know about it?

And why leave this Teddy Tucker to take the fall?

The police are not stupid, Teddy Tucker wants to take the blame alone is very difficult.

Analyzing from this angle, could it be that someone is deliberately directing the investigation towards the Viper Gang?

Luke interrogated Teddy Tucker again in the afternoon. This time Luke had details and photos of Scarface, and under Teddy Tucker’s identification, it was determined that Scarface was the real culprit who killed Jones.

Of the other three accomplices, two were Scarface’s minions in the Viper gang and the other’s identity was unknown.

This time Teddy Tucker was much more stable, and Luke didn’t see any obvious signs of lying on the other side.

Scarface as the Viper Gang boss’s inner circle, if Scarface was the real culprit, then the mastermind behind the murder of Jones was probably the Viper Gang.

“Ringing ……,” Luke’s cell phone rang, and David’s number was displayed on the screen.

“This is Luke.”

“An informant has picked up Scarface’s trail, let’s meet in the parking lot.”


Luke returned to the Heist and Murder Division office and called a few members of his team to join him.

After arriving at the parking lot, Luke got right into David’s car and asked, “How’s the situation?”

David started the car as he said, “An informant spotted Scarface in a firefight on Carisch Avenue in the western suburbs of Los Angeles.”

“Who was Scarface in a firefight with?”

“The informant isn’t exactly sure.”

Luke asked, “I don’t suppose that’s Viper Gang territory?”

“No. A lot of people making a run for Mexico would choose that direction.”

Luke said, “In the afternoon, I interrogated Teddy Tucker again, and he clearly identified Scarface this time.

Do you think Scarface is being directed by the Viper gang?”

David fell silent and sighed, “It’s hard to tell. It’s reasonable to say that Scarface, as the backbone of the Viper Gang and the heart of the Viper Gang’s boss, it’s impossible for something as big as killing Jones to have nothing to do with the gang behind it. Also, I haven’t heard that Jones had a personal vendetta against Scarface.

But strangely enough, several of the police informants in the Viper Gang hadn’t heard anything about the Viper Gang trying to kill Jones. Although these informants were not in a high position in the Viper Gang, if the Viper Gang did kill Jones, they would certainly have to guard against retaliation from the police, and there would have been some corresponding moves made within the gang. But now the Viper Gang is business as usual, there is no gathering, tense atmosphere, nor any mobilization and defense. The police will have no difficulty in sweeping the Viper Gang.”

Luke said, “Can we talk to the head of the Viper Gang? If he dares to go to the police station, he will be able to prove his innocence to some extent. If we can get his help, maybe we can find out the real reason why Scarface killed Jones.”

“You have a point, if the leader of the Viper Gang is afraid to go to the police station, that means he has a problem. At least he’s in the know.” David grunted, “If that’s the case, there’s no point in us being polite.”

Half an hour later, the two Luke’s arrived at Carisch Avenue in the western suburbs of Los Angeles.

Patrol officers had already cordoned off the scene.

Luke got out of the car, put on his badge and asked a patrolman, “What’s the situation here?”

The patrolman shrugged, “Sir, we got a call about a gunfight in the neighborhood. By the time we got here, the gunfight was over and all that was left on the ground were two bodies, a broken down car and a field of shell casings.”

Luke nodded and crossed over to the patrolman and walked into the scene of the gunfight to check it out.

From the situation of the scene, the two sides of the warring parties should be on both sides of the road, there were two bullet-riddled corpses collapsed next to the car, the blood stained the road red, and a large number of bullet holes remained on the car, so one could imagine how intense the scene was.

Luke walked to the two corpses to take a closer look, these two people are Scarface’s two minions, also involved in the murder of Jones’ murderer.

David also recognized the two bodies, “Such an easy death, cheap for these two bastards.”

Luke carefully observed the road and found that there were four streaks of blood around the area, two of which belonged to the two deceased, and the other two streaks of blood one not far away from the bodies and the other in the opposite lane.

Luke guessed that someone else should have been injured at the scene of the shooting.

David came over and said, “According to the informant’s intel, Scarface was driving a Mercedes Benz, and there was no sign of that car around, so he’s probably still alive and drove off.”

Luke said, “It’s probably the person behind it trying to silence him.”

“Wooo……” Just then, a few cars drove by in the distance, catching Luke and David’s attention.

The cars pulled up just outside the police line and a group of men of Mexican descent stepped out of the cars, all bearing the same tattoos, and walked unsuspectingly toward the scene of the gunfight.

The officers around them were immediately alert, their right hands held down on their pistols.

Ramon stepped forward and held out his left hand, signaling them to stop, “Don’t go any further, this is a crime scene, leave immediately.”

A middle-aged Mexican man wearing sunglasses walked up and pointed to his chest, “My brother is dead, shouldn’t I be here as his family?”

David walked over and looked at the Mexican man in sunglasses, “Ooooh, if it isn’t Karlo Ross, the head of the Viper gang.”

“It’s me, Lieutenant David, and I expect an accounting from you.”

David laughed, “An accounting? That’s right, my men were shot for no reason, isn’t it your LAPD that should be accountable? Where is Scarface? I want to see him.”

David shook his head, “Looks like you’re a bit outdated as a boss, you don’t know anything, why don’t you just give your position to the people below you and retire early. Maybe even save a little life.”

Karlo Ross was cold, “I don’t need you to worry about my matters yet, mind your own business, Lieutenant David.”

Luke said, “Mr. Karlo Ross, if it’s convenient, I’d like to ask you to go to the police station to talk.”

Karlo Ross looked at Luke, “Who are you?”

“My name is Lee, I’m with the Robbery and Murder Division, and I’m in charge of the investigation in this case right now.”

Karlo Ross said, “The information I have is that my brother Scarface was shot and I am a family member of the victim.”

“I understand, that’s why we need to ask you to talk to the police station and find out who tried to kill Scarface. The only way to keep him safe is to find him as soon as possible, don’t you think?” Luke was prepared to snub the other party to the police station first, and if Jones’ death was really related to the Viper gang, he could also catch the thief first.

Karlo Ross said, “Even without the police’s help, I can still find Scarface just the same.”

David laughed, “Are you afraid? Is it that when you hear the word police station, you wet your pants? Goon.”

Karlo Ross shook his head, “I’m not interested in your agitation. If you want me to go to the police station, give me a reasonable reason, otherwise, the brothers behind me won’t agree either.”

Luke stared at the other party, “Jones is dead, is that a good reason?”

Karlo Ross showed a surprised expression, “Captain Jones?”

David said coldly, “That’s right, Jones was killed by your men, that’s that Scarface.”

Karlo Ross sucked in a breath of cold air, “Wait, are you guys sure that Scarface killed Jones?”

Luke’s tone was certain, “The other suspect identified Scarface, there’s no mistaking it.”

Karlo Ross’ face immediately changed, “This has nothing to do with us, the Viper Gang, and I swear that the Viper Gang had nothing to do with Captain Jones’ death. I respect him and I respect the LAPD.”

Luke said, “Then come with us to the station and we will respect you just the same.”

“I said I had nothing to do with Jones’ death.” Karlo Ross glanced at the minions behind him and took a deliberate step back.

“All the more reason to come with us.”

The Viper Gang can only be cleared of suspicion if you actively cooperate with the police investigation.

The moment we learned that the murderer was Scarface, we already made a concession by not sweeping the Viper Gang.

As the leader of the Viper Gang, shouldn’t you also do something for the gang.” Luke glanced at his watch, “The decision is yours, I’ll give you a minute to think about it.”

Karlo Ross was sweating coldly, he knew very well what the so-called choice was, either go to war or cooperate with the police.

Suddenly, he somewhat regretted coming here.

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