Chapter 684

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:21
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Scarface’s voice choked as he begged for mercy, “Boss, for the sake of me following you for so many years, can you spare my life, please, please ……”

“I won’t kill you, I will hand you over to the police.”

Scarface shook his head, “No, I don’t want to go to the police, I’ll die just the same if I do.”

Karlo Ross patted his cheek, “Don’t be stupid, you’re already a dead man. It’s time to think about your family.

You’ve been with me for so many years, you should know very well what to say and what not to say. As long as you don’t talk nonsense, your family won’t die, understand?”

Scarface prayed, “Boss, don’t hand me over to the police, please, I’d rather you kill me than fall into the hands of the police.”

Karlo Ross didn’t want to hand Scarface over to the police either, because Scarface was his inner circle and the backbone of the Viper Gang, he knew too many secrets about the Viper Gang, that’s why he had to get to Scarface first, he had to gag Scarface, lest the bastard identify himself, and some of the Viper Gang’s crimes.

Secondly, he had to turn Scarface over to the police again, because it was the only way to make it clear and prove that Jones’ death had nothing to do with the Viper Gang, otherwise the Viper Gang would be just as dead.


“Police, freeze!”

“Drop your guns and put your hands up!”

Suddenly, a shout came from outside the clinic. Everyone inside the clinic was startled.

Karlo Ross snapped out of it, “Damn, those cops are following us.”

The bearded henchman asked, “Boss, what should we do?”

Karlo Ross said, “Calm down, the police’s purpose is to find Scarface, and through Scarface to find the real culprit who killed Jones, they don’t have time to deal with us for now.”

“Da da da da ……”

Just then, a gunshot came from outside.

“They’re not cops!”

“They’re fakes!”

Big Beard was also a bit confused, “Boss, what do we do now?”

“Have the brothers stand guard to make sure it’s not the police outside.” Karlo Ross finished and wiped a handful of sweat from his forehead, “I can’t hear the sirens, it’s unlikely that it’s the police.”

Scarface said in alarm, “It’s the Denara family, this used to be their family’s territory, it’s not surprising that they could find this place. They’re here to silence us, they’ll kill us all.”

“Shut up, it’s all because of you asshole!” Karlo Ross chided.

The bearded man suggested, “Boss, should we call our men and ask them to bring backup.”

“Those assholes must be drinking and playing with women, by the time they gather and rush over, we would have long been corpses.” Karlo Rose grunted, he knew very well how many pounds his men had, suddenly he seemed to remember something and fumbled around on his body for a while, it was a business card.

He dialed the number on the card, “Hello, is this Captain David? This is Karlo Ross. I found Scarface, at the Fox Clinic on Bell Street. It was the Denaras who ordered Scarface to kill Jones. Now we’re surrounded by the Denaras. They want to silence him. Please send the police in the neighborhood for backup! Be quick! Otherwise, they will definitely silence us!”

“Da da ……” Just then, the gunfire outside became even more violent.

David’s voice came from the cell phone, “How many of them are there?”

“I’m not sure of the exact number, but judging from the firepower of the other side, it shouldn’t be less than ten.”

“How many of you are there?”

“Counting me there are a total of eleven people, they attacked us in the disguise of police, at least four people have been injured, the situation is critical now.”

“Da da ……” came another burst of gunfire, accompanied by a man’s scream.

“Don’t hang up your cell phones, stay in touch and I’ll send the police over to back you up. Make sure to keep Scarface safe.”

“I know, please make sure you guys are quick!”

Near the clinic.

In a black Challenger car, David muted his cell phone and asked Luke, who was beside him, “Should we take action?”

It turned out that Luke and David did follow Karlo Ross with the aim of finding Scarface through Karlo Ross, only that before they could confiscate the net, another group of people attacked the clinic.

“Who was the group that attacked the clinic?”

“Karlo Ross said it was the Denarra family. In the old days, the Denarra family was a powerful force in L.A. They were wiped out by the police five years ago, and as far as I know Jones was the commander leading the group. The Denaras and the Viper gang are dog-eat-dog.”

Luke thought for a moment, “Then wait a little longer, consume both of them, and when Karlo Ross can’t hold out any longer, he’ll naturally call for help again.”

“You’re such a bad guy, but I like it.” David laughed, he didn’t care if these gangsters were dead or alive, it was better if they were all dead.

“Ta-da ……” The distant gunfire grew more intense.

A few minutes later, Karlo Rose called for help again, “Captain David, where are your men. My men can’t hold out much longer, and I’m wounded.

The Denaras will be storming in soon and when they do they will kill everyone in the house and Scarface will die. You will never know the truth about Jones’ murder.”

“Hang on, we’re near the clinic!” David soothed, then hung up his cell phone and asked Luke, who was beside him, “Should we move?”

Luke glanced at his watch, “My ass is numb from sitting, it’s time to get moving.”

Luke then stepped out of the car, pulled out his shotgun from the trunk of the car, and set up his mission to the heavily armed officers.

The course of action was simple.

Luke and David led the men to break in through the back door, while the vice squad led the men to guard around the clinic to prevent the suspects from taking advantage of the chaos to escape.

“Bang!” With a sound, David kicked open the back door of the clinic.

“LAPD! Everyone drop your weapons and put your hands up!”


“Let me see your hands!”

Luke stormed into the clinic, shotgun in hand, and as a gun-toting Chicano man flashed in front of him, he didn’t hesitate to fire.

“BANG!” The shotgun hit the other party, and the Chicano man flew straight out, lying on his back on the ground, a large wound appeared on his chest, dripping with blood.

Needless to say, the shotgun was really cool.

The police were well-equipped and fought steadily, pushing flat out all the way, killing all the gang members who resisted, and also capturing eight gang members.

In the midst of the chaos, the police didn’t differentiate between which gangs they were from, as long as they resisted, they shot them down, and arrested everyone else.

Karlo Rose was also handcuffed by a police officer, he had a gunshot wound in his right arm and grimaced in pain, “Captain David, I’m Karlo Rose. We were attacked by the Denara family, we are the victims and don’t deserve to be treated like this.”

David said coldly, “You said you didn’t know the whereabouts of Scarface, you’re lying, making it hard for me to believe your words anymore.”

“It’s true that I didn’t know the whereabouts of Scarface at the time, it was only after I left the police station that I got the information from my men, I just wanted to make sure the information was true or false.

I swear, everything I said is true. Scarface is right there, you can just take him.

Captain Jones’ death had nothing to do with us, the Viper gang, it was all the Denaras.”

Luke walked over to Scarface and asked, “You’re Scarface?”


“What’s your real name?”

“Sage Faust.”

“Did you kill Jones?”


Luke waved his hand, signaling the officer to take him to the police car.

Once in the police car, Luke continued to press, “Why did you kill Jones? Tell the truth, if you dare to lie, there will be serious consequences, understand?”

“Yes. It was Bobby Denara of the Denara family who told me to do it.”

“Why did you listen to him?”

“A while back, I stole a shipment from the gang and traded it privately with someone who was one of Bobby Denara’s men. He threatened me with this and told me to kill Jones. If I didn’t, I would tell the Viper gang about it, and I would definitely be punished by the gang rules. He also said that if I killed Jones, he would help me sneak into Mexico and become a high ranking member of a Mexican gang.”

“Was Bobby Denara among the men who just attacked the clinic?”

“No. The guy was bald, tall, and easily recognizable.”

“Why did he kill Jones?”

“He said he wanted to get revenge and take back the Denarra family turf that used to be there, and now the Denarra family turf is all taken over by the Viper gang.

So they told me to kill Jones to make the police think the Viper Gang did it and then do a sweep of the Viper Gang so they could take advantage of the situation and take back the territory.

But when Jones died, the police didn’t move against the Viper Gang right away, which made Bobby Denarra a little upset, thinking that it was a mistake on my part, and he blamed me for it, and we had a breakdown in our talks. So instead of helping me smuggle myself into Mexico, he was going to just take me out.”

“Did Karlo Ross have anything to do with the murder of Jones?”

“No. He didn’t have the guts to kill Jones at all, and I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been pushed to the edge. I’m willing to identify Bobby Denarra, I just hope you’ll give me a chance to live.”

After the interrogation was over, Luke and David got out of the car and David handed him a cigarette and laughed, “What a naive asshole to think about living.”

Luke asked, “Do you know Bobby Denara?”

David sighed and said, “Yes, he’s the second son of the Denara family patriarch.

The Denara family is a famous mob family in Los Angeles, very powerful, engaging in smuggling, prostitution, drug trafficking, human trafficking, organ trading, and other illegal industries, very rampant.

Five years ago, Jones led the extermination of the Denara family forces, Bobby Denara lucky escape back to Mexico, the Denara family in Los Angeles, most of the territory is occupied by the Viper gang.

Jones had also used several informants when he first eliminated the Denarra family forces, Teddy Tucker being one of them. All were targets of his revenge, and he had the power and motive to do so. He’s declaring war on the LAPD!”

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