Chapter 685

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:24
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The police interrogated several of the Denarra family gangsters separately. Their confessions were basically the same, it was Bobby Denara who instructed them to come and silence Scarface, and if Karlo Ross was here, to kill them together as well.

The police also questioned them about Bobby Denara’s hiding place.

Luke and David thought about it and felt that after the failure of this extermination operation, Bobby Denara might escape back to Mexico when he got the news, so they decided to carry out the arrest of Bobby Denara overnight.

Twelve o’clock in the morning.

Outside of Los Angeles, Horton Estates.

Luke stood on the distant heights, looking through binoculars at the hacienda not far away. Although it was already midnight, the estate was brightly lit, and people were coming in and out of the estate house from time to time, as if they were carrying things to their cars.

David came over and said, ”Our guess is good, the people of the Denara family are preparing to run away. If we wait until morning, we probably won’t even catch a hair.”

Luke yawned and said, “There shouldn’t be less than ten people in the manor.”

David waved his hand to drive away the mosquitoes around him, “The SWAT team is already here, there are nearly forty people on our side, none of them will be able to run.”

Luke asked, “What do you have in mind?”

David said in a deep voice, “While they are not yet alert, launch a direct attack on the manor, we have more people and stronger firepower, a round of attack can cripple them.”

Luke thought for a moment and said, “A surprise attack while they are unprepared can indeed take care of most of the suspects, but there will still be some hiding in the manor house.

We’re not familiar with the situation inside, and we don’t know if there are any shelters, the attack will not be favorable to us, and it may result in casualties among the officers.”

David shrugged, “What’s your solution?”

“Aren’t they going to run?”

Then we’ll wait for them to leave the manor and intercept them halfway. At that time, they have no cover and the only way is to surrender.”

David nodded, “OK, you’re the Boss, listen to you.”

Inside the Horton Manor.

A man of Mexican descent with a cigar in his mouth walked out from the villa and shouted to the men around him who were moving things around, “All of you move faster, whoever dawdles will be left behind to watch the door.”

The man was none other than Bobby Denara, whom Luke and the others were apprehending.

A man of Mexican descent with long hair came over, “Boss, the stuff is pretty much loaded and your car is out.”

“How many cars in all?”

“Five cars.” The long-haired man made a gesture of invitation, “Boss, your car is over here.”

As he spoke, the long-haired man led Bobby Denara to a black Maibat and attentively opened the door.

Bobby DeNara hesitated and exhaled a smoke ring, “You take this car.”

After saying that, Bobby Denara turned away and the long-haired man froze, and under his astonished gaze, Bobby Denara got into the penultimate pickup truck in the fleet.

Bobby Denara poked his head out of the window and pointed to a large, fat man and said, “You, come sit with me.”

A few minutes later, the doors to the estate opened and five cars pulled out of the property.

The first was a Dodge Warhorse, the second was a Mercedes Maibat, the third was a Cadillac, and the fourth and fifth cars were pickup trucks.

It was late at night.

The five vehicles traveled along the road, which was flanked by thick woods and surrounded by a quiet silence except for the sound of the cars moving.

Bobby De Nara sat in the back of the pickup truck, secretly relieved, and at the same time some depressed, people are escaped, but return to Los Angeles plan is terminated early.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but curse, “A bunch of losers, can’t even do this little thing right. Might as well raise a bunch of dogs.”

Suddenly, the car stopped. Bobby Denara’s body lurched forward, almost touching the seat in front of him, “Idiot, how the fuck did you drive?”

“Boss, the car in front of us suddenly stopped.”

“Zip ……” the walkie-talkie in Bobby Denara’s hand went off.

“Boss, the police have set up a roadblock ahead and told us to get out of the car and check.” The voice of his men came from the intercom.

Bobby De Nara was shocked in his heart, his eye brows raised, “Charge through the roadblock, if they dare to intercept, directly shoot.”

“Boss, the roadblock is too tight, it’s impossible to rush through ……,” the man on the intercom had not yet finished speaking when a loudspeaker sounded outside the car.

“We are the LAPD, everyone listen, get out of the car immediately to be inspected. I repeat, everyone drop your weapons, open your doors and get out of your vehicles for inspection”

“Fuck, you fucking POLICE!” said Bobby Denara, slamming hard on the front seat.

“Boss, what do we do now?”

Bobby Denara looked out, there were dark woods everywhere, it was impossible to see anyone, how was this going to play out?

“Reverse, reverse immediately!”

Subsequently, under Bobbi Denara’s command, the convoy began to reverse, preparing to withdraw from the rear.


Suddenly, a sudden gunshot broke the tranquility of the woods.

Bobbi Denara was startled and hurriedly asked, “Who fired the shot, was it one of our men? Or the police?”

However, no one waited for an answer.

“Da da ……” a dense burst of gunfire rang out from outside the car. It was like a torrential rain poured down on Bobby Denara’s convoy.

At once, a miserable scream rang out. The entire forest was filled with nothing but gunfire and screams.

A few minutes later, Luke’s voice rang out over the loudspeaker, “Everyone stop shooting! Stop shooting!”

As the words fell, the gunfire stopped, while the five cars on the road had been shot to a general pulp.

Blackie let out a long breath and said with some excitement, “Whew, it’s been a long time since I’ve had such a good fight.”

Jenny shrugged, “You guys are having a blast, it’s time for the forensics and forensics guys to have a hard time.”

Luke stepped out of the woods, the otherwise smooth roadside was pockmarked with potholes and the air was filled with gunpowder and the faint smell of blood.

The closer he got to the car, the heavier the smell of blood became.

Luke shouted, “Search the car and see if there are any survivors.”

Luke walked straight to the side of the Maybach and opened the door, a strong smell of blood came to his nose, inside sat three people whose bodies had all been pierced by bullets and were too dead to be seen.

Luke looked at the man in the backseat and frowned slightly, although the man had gunshot wounds on his face and head, his appearance was not very clear to see, but he could still recognize the other party should not be Bobby Denara.

“Captain, there’s a live one over here.” A shout came from the back of the convoy.

Luke whipped his head around and looked at the pickup truck that was fourth in line in the convoy.

He stepped into the pickup and saw that the two men in the front of the pickup were dead.

There were also two people sitting in the back row, one of them was a wide-bodied fat man pressed on top of the other man, most of the bullets were taken by this wide-bodied fat man, the man underneath him was able to survive, even so, the man underneath him was shot several times and was seriously injured.

Luke smiled, the man who survived was actually Bobby Denara, “Man, you’re lucky to be alive”

Bobby Denara spat blood at his mouth and spoke with difficulty, “Fuck! You hypocritical, despicable bastards, you didn’t even give us a chance to surrender.”

“Vile? You used an informant, tricked Jones out and murdered him, and planted evidence on the Viper Gang, aren’t you despicable?”

Bobby Denara said angrily, “Jones, the informant, and the Viper Gang all deserved to die, I’m avenging the dead people of the Denara family!”

“Since you dare to do it, you have to bear the appropriate consequences. In the future, the forces of the Denara family can never appear in Los Angeles.” Luke finished speaking and turned around to leave.

Bobby Denara cursed loudly, “Bastard, I’m hurt, stop my bleeding ……Fuck! You bastards, can’t you see that I’m dying?”

Luke ignored him, stopping his bleeding and bringing him back to life for what? Seek revenge on himself?

Don’t be stupid, not a single person here would want him to leave alive.

Blackie walked over and said, “Captain, we’ve recovered a large amount of drugs and cash in these cars.”

Luke smiled, “Looks like this month’s bonus is in order.”

The operation was clean, but the scene was not easy to clean up, Luke had the roads on both sides blocked off, and the forensic and technical teams rushed to the scene, trying to restore traffic before dawn.

David came over with two cups of coffee and handed one to Luke, “Take a break.”

Luke took the coffee, took a sip, and asked, “How do you feel?”

“Much more comfortable, after Jones was killed, the entire Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division was holding its breath, and now it’s finally relieved.” David raised his coffee cup and clinked it with Luke, “Thanks, man, it’s thanks to you that it went so smoothly this time.”

Luke said, “No need to thank me, you get the credit for catching Jones’ killer.”

David shrugged, “No kidding, if I had my way, I would have just gone ahead and swept up the Viper gang …… Things would have probably turned out differently.”

“Don’t delve into those details, you’re the head honors for avenging Jones this time. I’m not the only one who says so, the entire First Squadron thinks so as well.”

David froze for a moment, “You mean ……”

Luke laughed, “That’s right, I’ve discussed this with them before, we are supposed to be a family.

Even if you are transferred to the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division, this will not change. However, as compensation, you have to buy everyone a drink.”

David was a bit touched and his eyes reddened, “Thank everyone for me.”

No, I’ll say thank you to them personally.

It means a lot to me.” David gave Luke a hug, “I’m most grateful to you, my partner.”

Lieutenant and captain may seem to be inserted only one rank, but many people never cross that threshold in their lives.

“Don’t be a meathead, when you become a captain, don’t forget to treat me.” Luke had solved many big cases and wasn’t short of credit, but David was a different story.

With Jones killed, the captain’s position was vacant, and David was in line for promotion as a vice-captain.

This time, the capture of Jones’ murderer was an opportunity; this case had been led by Luke, and now that he was willing to give David the top credit, David’s chances of being promoted to captain would be greatly increased.

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