Chapter 686

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

January 25th.

Today was the day to give Jones his send-off.

In the morning, Luke and the others put on full police uniforms and escorted Jones’ hearse to the cemetery.

In front of the convoy, two rows of police motorcycles were in front of the road, followed by hundreds of police cars in a loud and powerful manner.

The convoy drove down Mississippi Street, where a large number of police cars were parked on the right side of the highway, flashing their lights and sirens, as if they were saying a final goodbye to Jones.

The motorcade passed Vernon Square, whose billboards were lit up with the Stars and Stripes, and the officers stood in a line.


“Swish,” the officers raised their right hands in unison and saluted.

On this day, most of the gangs wisely stopped their illegal activities, not daring to touch the sensitive nerves of the police.

Jones had been killed by gangsters in retaliation, and if any gangsters dared to cause trouble today, they would be provoking the entire LAPD.

Bobby Denara’s downfall had already set an example to them, that officers who killed their eyes had to be more ruthless and vicious than gang members.

Upon arriving at the cemetery, Jones’ is laid to rest in the grave, and Luke and the others send flowers to bid him a final farewell.

At Jones’ grave, Luke saw Jones’ ex-wife, his daughter, and his daughter’s boyfriend, Larry McCain.

David walked up to Jones’ daughter, Mia Oliver, “Jones was a good man, and all of us are sorry and miss him. He loved you very much, he just …… wasn’t very good at expressing it.”

Mia Oliver’s eyes were red and her voice choked, “I know ……”

David looked aside again at Larry McCain, “What brings you here?”

Larry McCain put his arm around Mia Oliver’s shoulders, “I came to accompany Mia, she’s sad and I didn’t want to leave her alone to face it alone. Also, I wanted to see Mr. Oliver off.”

David stared at the other man, “Kid, I know you’re in a gang, and maybe that’s why Jones doesn’t like you. If you want to be with Mia, you better stay away from gangs.”

Larry McCain nodded, “Dir, I’ll take your advice seriously.”

David looked at Mia Oliver again, “Although your father is dead, we colleagues are still alive, your father took care of us when he was alive and we respected him. If you have any trouble or difficulties in the future, you can always come to us at the Detective Bureau. You know my cell phone number, uh-huh.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Good. If anyone bullies you, call me anytime.”

“I will.” Mia Oliver gave a grateful look, “Thanks.”

Not far away, the vice squad stood beside Luke and lamented, “In fact, compared to lying in a hospital bed and dying, I’d prefer to die in a battle, at least, I can leave this world in style.”

Luke shrugged, “Lieutenant, this topic is a bit early for me.”

The lieutenant bristled, “That’s right, you can’t understand the feeling yet.”

Luke said, “I thought you wouldn’t be here today.”

“It’s true that I don’t like these occasions. However, Jones and I have known each other for many years and are considered old friends, so I always have to come to see him off.” The lieutenant finished and sighed softly, not sure what came to mind.

Luke looked to the west side of the cemetery, there was a tall woman who caught her eye, the woman was wearing a long black dress and a black veil, it was hard to see her appearance, but she had a shapely figure and an elegant temperament.

The lieutenant followed Luke’s gaze and said, “You noticed that woman too?”

When Jones was buried, she was there quietly looking over the grave, but never went over to lay flowers. In my experience, she’s a woman with a story.”

Luke said lightly, “Jones is divorced.”

“So what? Like anyone hasn’t been divorced.” The lieutenant said in disbelief.

In the middle of the conversation, the woman with the black veil on her head turned to leave after a deep look in the direction of the cemetery.

Blackie also noticed the other party and came over to ask, “Who is that woman?”

The lieutenant offered, “You can ask yourself if you’re curious.”

Blacky shrugged, “I just have a feeling there’s something unusual about her ……”

Luke interrupted the two’s wild speculations, “Let’s go, we have work to do this afternoon.”

Downtown Los Angeles.

Blue House Cafe.

A stylish and domineering modified Harley drove over and parked next to the cafe, immediately attracting the attention of many people.

Luke took off his helmet and walked towards the Blue House Cafe.

This cafe was elegantly decorated and had a tranquil atmosphere, suitable for spending a leisurely afternoon here.

Luke did not enter the cafe inside, but sat outside, at this time, the sun was setting and the breeze was blowing, sitting leisurely on the street and drinking coffee was also a kind of enjoyment.

Luke looked at the menu and ordered two cups of coffee, a dessert, and a sandwich recommended by the clerk.

The sandwiches were the first to be served, Luke used a table knife to cut a corner, tasted a bite, the flavor was not bad.


A voice came from not far away.

Luke looked up, it was Olty, a female detective wearing a long blue dress and walking slowly with model steps.

Olty took off her gray sunglasses and sat down opposite Luke, glancing at the watch on her wrist, “Fortunately, I’m not late.”

Luke laughed, “It’s me who’s early, I’m not used to making beautiful women wait, I ordered you a cup of hand-ground coffee.”

“Thanks, I haven’t been here for coffee in a long time and I kinda miss it.” Orty’s eyes scanned the surroundings, “I like the atmosphere here, restful and relaxed, sitting here seems as if any worries have disappeared.”

Luke laughed, “Who wouldn’t like that?”

One day when I retire, maybe I’ll open a similar cafe. Have a cup of coffee, find someone to chat with, and live a leisurely life.”

The café waiter came over and placed two cups of coffee and snacks on the table, “Both of you, please enjoy your meal.”

“Thanks.” Luke handed him a tip.

“Thank you sir.” The waitress smiled faintly while leaving.

Luke picked up his coffee cup and took a sip, nodding, “Hmm, I like the flavor, it’s pure.”

Ortie also tasted a sip and pursed her red lips, “It’s still the original flavor. Even if you buy the best coffee machine and coffee beans at home, it’s hard to make a café flavor.”

Luke laughed, “I thought you preferred black coffee.”

Orty put down his coffee cup and picked up a cookie and laughed, “Trust me, no one would like to drink that stuff if they weren’t trying to stay in shape.”

Luke smiled, “What’s the reason for asking me out today?”

Orty ate the cookie and clapped his hands together, “Two things, one I wanted to ask you out for coffee and the second is that I have a commissioned mission and wanted to see if you were interested.”

“I’d be glad to meet you for coffee, but forget about the commissioned mission, I’ve been feeling a little tired lately and would like to take some time off.” Luke had been feeling a little tired since he had investigated the case of Jones’ murder, and the tiredness wasn’t physical, it was more like mental.

“Since we’re all here, why don’t we hear about the commission, which is very lucrative.”

Luke shrugged, “Well, I also want to see if you can impress me.”

Olty took out a document and said, “The commissioner is an Indian man whose daughter is studying in Los Angeles, and two days ago, he lost contact with his daughter. He’s worried about his daughter’s safety, so he’s entrusted us to find his daughter.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Why didn’t you call the police?”

“He has already called the police and the police side has made a registration, but he is worried that the police may not be able to find his daughter.

Therefore, he is willing to pay a commission of two hundred thousand dollars in the hope that the firm can help him find his daughter as soon as possible.”

Luke ate a piece of snack, “Honestly, I’m not really interested.”

“Are you not satisfied with the commission amount?”

Luke shook his head, “It’s not the money.”

It’s just simply that I’m a little tired and want to give myself a vacation.

Just like today, having a cup of coffee and chatting with a friend is quite good. Isn’t the purpose of making money to enjoy life?”

Olti smiled, “You’re right, so let’s not talk about commissions or work today. Just chatting and drinking a cup of coffee.”

The two of them drank coffee and chatted, watching the shadows slowly lengthen on the street, serenely enjoying the sunset.

The evening of February 5th, the Mezique Bar.


A large number of police officers gathered at the bar.

Deputy Chief Reed sat at the bar, sidled up, pressed his hand to the crowd, and said, “Guys, I have an announcement to make.”

The eyes of the crowd looked over.

Reed cleared his throat, “As you all know, we lost Jones a little over a month ago, he was a good man and a good cop.” Reed raised his glass, “To Jones!”

“To Jones!”

The others raised their glasses as well.

Reed clenched his fist, “The good news is that we caught Jones’ killer and avenged Jones’ death so that he can rest in peace. As long as we stand together, we will fear no threat.”

The crowd around them nodded their heads.

Reed continued, “The Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division is one of the most important departments of the Detective Bureau, and the position of captain cannot remain vacant, so after careful consideration by the top management of the police department, it has been decided to appoint David as the acting captain of Squadron 1 of the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division.

David, congratulations. You come and say a few words to everyone.”

“Thank you Chief Reed.” David smiled, looking a little nervous, looked at the crowd and said, “And thanks to everyone, I’ll do a good job in the work of the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division, kicking the ass of those gangs that dare to bare their teeth, and letting them know whose turf Los Angeles is.

Uh, I’d like to say …… tonight I’m buying, I’m paying for all the drinks, so everyone drink heartily.”


“Haha, David atmosphere.”

“Congratulations Captain David.”

“Thank you Captain!”

“To Captain David!”

The crowd cheered, no amount of long speeches would be more affordable than this.

On the west side of the bar, the men of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division sat in a circle.

The Vice Squadron looked at David in the crowd and grimaced, “What a lucky guy, if I had been the one to go to the Gang and Narcotics Control Division in the first place ……”

Blackie said, “Vice Squad, there are no ifs in this world. David didn’t apply to go on his own, it was Captain Jones who looked up to him and specifically asked the Captain for someone.”

Luke laughed, “Vice Squad, don’t be ridiculous. Might as well have a few more drinks with that time.”

The lieutenant nodded, “Indeed we should have more drinks, it’s rare for that David guy to treat us.”

Luke seemed to remember something, “David said he wanted to treat us to dinner tomorrow and asked me to set a time.”

Blackie laughed, “What’s to eat? We’ve done him such a big favor, don’t try to just dismiss us.”

The lieutenant nodded his head and said with a serious face, “That’s right, we do need to give him a good slaughter.”

Luke put down his glass, “By the way, I have one more thing to say. I’m going to take a leave of absence in a couple of days, about a week or so, and I’m going to leave the team’s business to the Vice Squad.”

The lieutenant shrugged, “Why are you taking another vacation?”

Luke laughed, “Because it’s going to be Chinese New Year soon, it’s the biggest festival of the year among the Chinese, and it’s also a day for family reunion. I want to take a vacation and spend time with my family.”

It was rare for the vice team to not raise a finger, “Family is most important. You go on vacation and leave the team matters to me.”

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