Chapter 688

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

February 9th, early morning.

Early in the morning Luke received a New Year’s greeting text message and phone call, the first person was quite a bit surprising to him, Chen Kelin from the second squadron.

However, thinking back, it is also normal, the old Chen is also Chinese, surely also have to celebrate the Spring Festival.

In the morning, Luke received some friends’ New Year wishes one after another, which made Luke’s heart a little touched, knowing that most of these friends do not celebrate the Chinese New Year, and may not even know that there is this festival before, and they may be based on Luke’s friend who only went to understand the Chinese New Year.

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang and he picked it up to see that it was Lilith Finn’s number.

“Hey, it’s Luke.”

“Happy New Year!” Lilith greeted in somewhat rusty Chinese.

Luke smiled, “Happy New Year! Are you in LA?”

“No, I’m in New York, did you come to New York?”

“How did you know I was in New York?”

“Last time I had a drink, someone told me he’d be in New York for Chinese New Year, I didn’t realize he’d forgotten himself.”

Luke laughed, “I remember, I did say that, and I think you said you would prepare a Spring Festival gift for me, right?”

Lilith hummed, “Since you’ve forgotten, the gift is naturally gone.”

“To apologize, how about I treat you to dinner?”

“Didn’t you say you want to spend time with your family in the Spring Festival?”

“Is this the way to show my sincerity?”

“OK, I’ll give you that chance, see you tomorrow.” Lilith finished and hung up her cell phone.

Luke cried and laughed a little, Lilith hung up too fast, didn’t even give him a chance to react, tomorrow is the second day of the second year, Luke wasn’t sure if he had the time.

Forget it, take a step and see what happens.

Luke father and son three yesterday slept late, today also got up late, after packing up are more than ten o’clock in the morning, which drove to Luke’s grandfather’s house.

Today is the Spring Festival.

After the family met, they greeted each other and congratulated the New Year.

The meal at noon was a bit simpler, but equally sumptuous. It consisted mainly of steamed bowls and dumplings. There are more than a dozen different kinds of steamed bowls, both meat and vegetarian. The dumplings also had two types of fillings, sanshin and beef and scallion.

This meal may not be much in China, but in New York it was definitely considered high profile.

Luke had eaten in many restaurants in Los Angeles, but he couldn’t eat such an authentic steamed bowl, and he was braced for this meal.

After lunch, some of the old man’s spirit is not good, sleepy, back to the bedroom to rest.

The old lady is still in good spirits, but also open up the crowd to play mahjong.

This is also regarded as a necessary entertainment program for the New Year’s festivities.

Soon, the mahjong table was set up, Luke also played a few games, his hand is not bad, and even sat two bankers.

On the contrary, the little fat man did not have a game of Hu, yelling to change the position again.

Luke simply do not play, will give him his own seat, not to mention the little fat man changed to Luke’s seat, the first hand on the Hu.

Sometimes it really is that evil.

Luke yawned, half lying on the sofa to rest, watching his family playing mahjong not far away, feeling also quite interesting.

Will came over with two bottles of beer and handed one to Luke, “Brother, how many days will you guys be back this time?”

“I took a week’s vacation, so I’ll stay over here in New York for five days.” Luke took a sip of his beer and asked, “By the way, when is the aunt’s family coming?”

“In previous years, they’ve come on the second day of the month, but this year …… I don’t think they’ll be able to come.”


“Before, aunt also said that the second day of the year to come, then Julia said that the university program is tight, this year will not come back to celebrate the New Year, aunt and aunt went to the city where Julia went to school to accompany her to celebrate the New Year.”

University programs are tight, lying ghost ah.

Luke looked at Will lustfully and asked, “Did Julia break up with that black guy?”

“Who knows, it’s a taboo subject now.” Will gave a you-know-what expression.

Luke nodded, since his aunt’s family wasn’t coming tomorrow, he would be able to make his appointment.

“I heard from my aunt that you attended bounty hunter training?”

“I was going to tell you in person.” Will shrugged, “Did they ask you to talk me into changing my profession?”

Luke laughed, “What made you want to become a bounty hunter?”

“A friend of mine’s father was a bounty hunter, so he took after his father and joined the bounty hunter training, and he asked me if I wanted to come along.

I went online to learn about bounty hunters, and I thought that the industry was quite challenging, and I could also add some real-world experience, so I signed up for it, and my friend even got me a discounted rate.”

Luke said, “So, you joined the bounty hunter training just out of interest, and haven’t all finished deciding to join the industry.”

“Uh …… I don’t know what to say.

You should know that Chinese people belong to the disadvantaged group in the United States, giving people a feeling that they are very good at bullying, and I have had similar experiences. So, I hope I can become strong and more confident to face other races openly. Whether I become a police officer or a bounty hunter, I will be trained in firearms and fighting skills, which will make me feel more powerful and confident to live in this land.

I do want to become a bounty hunter, for one thing, I want to earn money, and for another, I feel that this experience will make me stronger, and I can be able to protect my family like a real man with the ability to protect my family, instead of being bullied by gangs and not even being able to fight back like I was before.”

Luke patted his shoulder, “I don’t know much about the bounty hunter industry, and I don’t know if I should advise you to leave it. But uncle and aunt are worried about your safety.”

“I know, I will protect myself.”

“It’s good that you have your own ideas, if you need any help, you can contact me.”

“Thanks, I will.”


Luke lifted his beer bottle and clinked glasses with the other man.


After finishing dinner, Luke’s family of three only drove away.

While driving, Li Zhaofeng asked his two sons, “Did you have fun today?”

Little Fatty laughed, “Of course, happy times always go by fast, however, the only regret is that there were no firecrackers this year.”

Li Zhaofeng said, “Last year, a friend of mine set off a cannon in his yard, and the neighbors in the community thought someone was shooting, so they called 911.

When the police came, they questioned my friend and left him with an impressive Chinese New Year. So we didn’t buy firecrackers this year either.”

Little Fatty shrugged his shoulders in understanding.

Li Zhaofeng asked, “Where do you guys want to go tomorrow?”

Before Luke could say anything, Little Fatty said, “Will asked me to go out tomorrow.”

“That’s quite good, you young people have more contact.” Li Zhaofeng nodded and looked at Luke who was on the side, “Are you going too?”

Luke said, “No, my friend in New York knows I’m here and wants to invite me for dinner.”

“OK, then you guys go out and have fun, remember to come back for dinner tonight, I’ll make you some good food.”

Little Fatty pursued, “Still fried noodles?”

Li Zhaofeng laughed, “I also learned a new dish, trust me, it will be delicious.”

The next morning.

Luke was eating breakfast when he received a call from Lilith, saying that she would send a car to pick up Luke later.

Luke wasn’t very familiar with New York, and it was always good to have a car to pick him up.

Around nine in the morning, a pink Rolls Royce parked outside Lilith’s house.

As soon as Luke opened the door, he saw this tawdry luxury car, it was difficult to drive this kind of car on the road and try to keep a low profile.

Little Fatty also followed out, envy written all over his face, “Brother, I suddenly don’t want to go out with Will, can I go out with you?”

“It’s not a good habit to break an appointment, say hi to Will for me.” Luke finished and walked towards the pink Rolls Royce.

The driver ran out of the car and opened the door for Luke, who got into the back of the car and disappeared at the end of the road under the envious gaze of the little fat man.

Luke sized up Lilith who was sitting on the side, she was wearing a khaki colored threadbare jacket and black jeans, although she didn’t show any flesh, her plump upper body and straight long legs with shapely curves were very eye-catching.

Luke laughed, “I like your jeans, they’re sexy.”

Lilith asked back, “Is there anything about me that isn’t sexy?”

“That’s to be seen to be believed.” Luke snickered, “So, are we going to a hotel now”

“Going to a hotel in the morning, are you crazy or am I.” Lilith hummed softly, “Didn’t you say you were going to buy me dinner?”

Luke glanced at his watch, “Are you sure you want to eat at this time? You’re picking me up this early, so you should have another program.”

“Hehe …… is worthy of being a big detective, I really can’t hide it from you.

I’m not like some forgetful people, when I say I’m going to give you a gift, I will definitely do so.

I purposely set aside a day today to be your guide and take you on a nice day out in New York.”

Luke teased, “Where to? To see the Statue of Liberty? Or to Wall Street?”

“You’ll find out in a minute.”

Luke didn’t ask many more questions, sitting in the limo was a treat in itself, “Got any wine?”

“You’re asking for quite a bit.” Lilith glanced at him and took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, poured it into two glasses and handed Luke a glass.

Luke picked up his glass and clinked it with Lilith, “Thanks.”

He took a sip and nodded, “Good wine. When did you come to New York?”

“Came last week, had some business to take care of over here.”

The two of them sipped their red wine while making small talk.

After about ten minutes, the car drove into a vintage style street and drove into a manor-like courtyard.

New York estates were not normally expensive, and Luke couldn’t help but ask, “What are we doing here?”

“To show you a private painting exhibition.”

Luke looked at the exquisite flower gardens on the side of the road and asked, “A painting exhibition in an estate?”

“Yes. It will be a little quieter and have a better atmosphere.”

Luke responded and asked, “Are you trying to bring me to experience the life of New York’s high society?”

Lilith tilted her head, “It’s not about high society, it’s just the lifestyle of some rich people. Are you ready?”

“Sure, I’m looking forward to it.” Luke finished the red wine in his glass in one gulp.

Wasn’t the point of life to experience different lives?

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