Chapter 692

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

St. Mary’s Hospital, ward 305.

It was a single room ward, a female patient was lying on the bed, her gaze a little lax, tears sliding down the corners of her eyes.

“Knock knock ……” A knock sounded outside the ward.

“Cluck ……” the door to the room pushed open from outside and Luke and Jackson walked into the ward.

The woman’s body shivered and she looked at the door with some trepidation, “Who are you people?”

Jackson flashed his badge, “Ms. Rebecca Mozelle, you don’t have to be nervous.

I am Detective Jackson Beech of the Robbery-Murder Division, and this is our Captain Lee. It is now up to us to investigate your case.”

Rebecca Mozelle slowly relaxed and asked in an expectant voice, “Have you identified the suspect?”

Luke shook his head, “We just took over the case and we need to figure out the case before we can find the suspect.”

Rebecca Mozelle wiped the tears on her face, “Why did this happen, I obviously installed an anti-theft system, that person ran into my home …… and they actually didn’t react. I’m going to sue their company, they’re all crooks.”

Luke didn’t explain how the suspect was able to bypass the burglar system and break into her home, it wasn’t his responsibility and it might also make Rebecca Mozell think that Luke and the burglar alarm company were in cahoots and lower her trust in Luke.

“Ms. Mozelle, when did the suspect break into your home?”

Rebecca Mozelle thought for a moment and replied, “I’m not sure of the exact time, I was already in bed, it would have been early this morning.”

“What time did the suspect leave?”

“I’m not sure, I feel like it was a long, long, long time …… the longest time I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

“How many suspects were there?”


“Male or female?”


“Can you describe his M.O.?”

Rebecca Mozelle shook her head and choked, “I don’t want to remember, I really don’t ……”

Jackson advised, “Ms. Mozelle, I can understand how you feel, but you are the one who experienced the case, and your description is important to the detection of the case.

Only if you provide enough clues about the suspect, we can catch the suspect as soon as possible.”

Rebecca Mozelle was silent for a long time and slowly closed her eyes, “I was sleeping in my bed when I vaguely heard a noise outside the window, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a man standing beside my bed.

I was terrified, and before I could make a sound, the man pounced on me, blocking my mouth with one hand and holding a gun to my head with the other. He threatened me not to make a sound or he would shoot me.”

Rebecca Mozelle said with a sobbing voice, “I was just waking up, and when this suddenly happened, my whole body was stunned.”

I didn’t dare to resist, so I could only do as he asked.

He bound my hands and feet and also …… violated me ……”

“Did he use a condom? “”

Rebecca Mozelle looked pained and her voice trembled, “I don’t feel like it.”

“What else did he do after that?”

“He forced me to give the combination to the safe and grabbed the contents.”

“What was all the valuable stuff in your safe?”

“Tens of thousands of dollars in cash, a handgun, and some jewelry.”

“Can you describe the suspect?”

“He was wearing a hood and I couldn’t see what he looked like, but he was supposed to be a black man …… He also whispered in my ear, ‘Ma’am, don’t blame me, I was paid to get back at you.

Blame it on the person you offended.'”

Luke pressed, “What did he mean by that?”

“I have no idea.”

“Have you offended anyone lately?”

“No, I’m not one to cause trouble.”

“Look, if it’s true that someone is trying to get back at you, then it’s likely that this person is someone you’re familiar with or have crossed paths with, and I need you to think very carefully about whether or not anyone has threatened you or made you feel uneasy.”

Rebecca Mozell covered her cheeks with her hands and after a long moment of silence said, “I remember.”

I have a crazy fan who has been writing me letters since about six months ago, at first it was relatively normal, but as it went on the letters became more and more explicit.”

Luke asked, “Like what?”

“He said in the letters that he thought of me every night, wanted to embrace me and fall asleep together, felt my body heat, stroked every inch of my skin ……” Rebecca Mozelle was a bit unable to continue, helplessly said, “I think He’s just a pervert, and it makes me feel a little scared.”

“What’s his name?”

“He calls himself Brett.”

Luke made a note in his book and asked, “Have you seen him?”


“How does he get his mail to you?”

“Sometimes he puts the envelopes in the inbox at the front of the yard, sometimes he throws the letters into the yard, I’ve lost track of how many letters he’s written, he’s crazy and scares me a little.”

“Have you ever called the police?”

“No, I’ve never seen him before, and it hasn’t caused me any immediate harm, a lot of Hollywood stars have had similar things happen to them, so I haven’t put too much stock in it.”

“When was the last time he wrote to you?”

Rebecca Mozelle thought for a moment and shook her head, “I don’t know.”

Whenever I get a letter from him, I just have the babysitter get rid of it. You guys can ask her if you want to know.”

Luke changed the subject, “I heard you had a party at your house two days ago?”

“Yes, I got a new TV role and I wanted to invite my friends over to celebrate.”

“Can you give me the guest list for the party?”

Rebecca Mozelle frowned slightly, “Do you suspect …… that the people attending the party are trying to get back at me?”

“Your house is installed with a security system, if you want to avoid the security system, it must be someone who is familiar with the condition of your house. So, I suspect that the suspect and the suspect’s accomplices might have been to your house.”

“Oh my God, that’s horrible. I invited them to be my guests and they actually ……”

“Did any of the guests you invited have a conflict or conflict of interest with you?”

Rebecca Mozelle held her head, thought for a moment, and replied, “Yes, there was such a person.”

“What was his name?”

“She’s also an actress, Kaia Ehti.”

“What’s the beef between you two?”

“Technically, it has to do with this new role I’ve been offered.”

There’s a new show called California Girls in the works these days, and I’m competing for the same role as Kaia Ehti.

Kaia Ehti’s image wasn’t a good match for that role, and, the director wasn’t very happy with her acting.

So, in the end, I got the role.

I invited her to a party with the intention of easing the relationship between us, but she was black-faced the entire time and left before the party was over. There was some bad blood.”

“You think she’s going to get back at you?”

“I don’t know, but I can’t think of anyone I have a problem with besides her.”

“Do you have her contact information and address?”


Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One office.

Luke returned to his office and called a meeting.

Luke began with an introduction, “We went to the hospital to see Rebecca Mozelle, the coroner examined her, she showed lacerations on her lower body, she did suffer a violation, and the coroner extracted the suspect’s DNA from her body.”

Jenny spread her hands, “I can understand the suspect assaulting a female celebrity, but why didn’t he use a condom and leave such important evidence behind.”

The lieutenant said, “It’s like a dog that likes to pee everywhere, it’s a damn possessive thing and with the use of a condom there’s no way to satisfy their sick mind.”

Blacky agreed, “Lieutenant has a point, if you just need a woman, you can go to a bar and pick up a girl or find a streetwalker, the fact that the suspect assaulted the victim would have indicated some kind of perverted mind.”

Luke asked, “Lieutenant, anything new on Rebecca Mozelle’s house?”

The Vice Squad said, “We have accessed the surveillance of Rebecca Mozelle’s house and the neighborhood, and we are lining up suspect vehicles and people.

In addition, based on the clues you provided, we interviewed Rebecca Mozelle’s nanny.

According to the nanny, there is indeed a fan who calls himself Brett who writes to Rebecca Mozelle on a regular basis.

Rebecca Mozelle had a bit of an aversion to this fan, so the letters were handled by her.

The good news is that she didn’t destroy the letters, but put them away.” As the lieutenant spoke, he pulled out a stack of letters from a binder, “These letters are all from the fan who calls himself Brett, there is no address to send them to or receive them from, I’m guessing that they are all from Brett himself.”

Luke asked, “Is there anything in the contents of the letters that can be surmised about the true identity of the man called Brett?”

The lieutenant said, “I’ve read the letters, and most of the content some meaty words, not much about Brett himself.

However, it’s safe to assume that he lives in Los Angeles and is most likely a construction worker.

And according to the babysitter’s description, she all found the envelopes the day after the date of the letters, so we can surmise when he came to the neighborhood based on the date of the letters, and we can line up his identity just by going through the neighborhood surveillance.”

Luke nodded, “OK, sounds like it’s going well, so let’s split up the investigation.”

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